#mafuyu given


Mafuyu: *texting Uenoyama (a prank)* I want to break up

Autocorrect: Did you mean “Will you die for me?!”?

(idk what is this, it’s past midnight)

Uenoyama: *on a call with Mafuyu in a cafe*

Random girl: Excuse me, can I have your number?

Uenoyama: Sorry, don’t have a phone

Mafuyu: Mom, I’m gay

Mafuyu’s mom: Yeah, I knew from the day we went to play golf and you were just interested in the flowers

Mafuyu: Uenoyama, Can you make dinner?

Uenoyama: I can try

Mafuyu after seeing that the kitchen is on fire: don’t try again

Mafuyu: You can come out now

Uenoyama: I’m gay

Mafuyu: That’s… Not what I meant…

some screenshots of the ova, it’s only been released in Japan at the moment. but that kiss has finally been animated !!

via @tatasenkomana on twitter <3

new acrylic board designs are now available on Noitamina shop to commemorate the release of the new OVA <3

A new given single to be released “Uragawa no Existence” on the 1st of December.

Here’s the promotional art by Kizu !!

Centimillimental’s 1st album will also be released on the same day, which will include a self-cover of given songs!! A good day for given fans <3

via @kizu_ntk and @cenmilli on twitter

clown things is forgetting that the movie is coming to the theaters… not online… what now, we wait for a month or more…..?

tho the theme song sounds so good!!!


It’s incredible to see the WRITER’S process in visual form, because through Gurasi aka Sashikizu aka Sashikiz aka Kizu Natsuki doujins; you can see where they split characters into more characters. I agree, based on the Haikyu doujins; Iwaizumi and Oikawa, became Ritsuka and Mufuyu, although Iwaizumi began to look much more like Kageyama. (Or Kagami from Kuroko no Baskuke) But I’m gonna point something out; they were actually the characters that became Shizusumi and Hiiragi.

I think this is KiseIdk looks like Haruki to me

Story time: Just before traveling restrictions; my bf at the time, flies from his home in Osaka, to see me in the states for a week. Lil Sasaki to Miyano irl; we first bonded over BL. I hated it, he loved it, and was convinced he could find something I’d latch on to. So two grown men hole up in a hotel, order room service, and veg out on BL of all things. He and I didn’t officially last (thanks Covid you dick) I really liked him a lot, but the best part of our short relationship was that he introduced me to Natsuki Kizu. Because of him, I now have this blog and a whole Given fn shrine in my house. (I hate you Covid, Im supposed to be looking at houses in Hokkaido, right now, with a handsome art director.)

So there I was, reading Haikyu doujins about two characters called Iwaizumi and Oikawa. I was never into Haikyu (or Kuroko no Basuke) so I had no idea who these guys were, but the way Kizu depicted them had me INVESTED! Like I love them, so fn much, and continued to follow them even now, through Kizu’s original works. I found Given and realized it was the same mangaka. And there were my guys, but renamed and reworked. I had, in-between; started reading a little Haikyu to see where they came from, and discovered Hinata, Kageyama, and Kenma aswell. (Then the guys from Kuroko no Basuke) I do not see Hinata as Mafuyu, although a good chunk of Given fans swear he’s based off of him; eventhough their Haikyu doujins ship Iwaizumi and Oikawa. Reading Kizu’s doujins (everything I could get my hands on because they are such a damn good mangaka) I could see the developing oc characters that became Given, almost in real time.

Kuroko no Basuke’s Hayama X Miyaji/Kise became Akihiko and Haruki ->

Kagami X Kuroko became Ritsuka and Mafuyu ->

And somewhere in between writing the Kuroko no Baskuke and Haikyu doujins; Iwaizumi and Oikawa became Shizusumi and Hiiragi, not Mafuyu and Ritsuka. Interstingly; none of their fanart characters REALLY look like the characters they were based on. With Ritsuka and Mafuyu, and even Akihiko; you can further see where they were developed from all of them, between the different ships.

I’m sticking to Haikyu characters, in this article; but you can see a whole hell of a lot of Given’s characters in Kizu’s Kuroko no Baskuke doujins, aswell. Esspescially Kagami. Just refer back to the above panels.

You see, I read Given last. It seems they’ve been drawing Iwaizumi as an ORIGINAL character the longest, and as their WRITING developed, and Given began to form; their version of Iwaizumi began to split. From Shizu, to Akihiko, and even Ritsuka. You also see Akihiko in their version of Hanamaki, from Haikyu.

When their Iwaizumi character, that looks exactly like Shizu, branched off in their fan works; aspects of them first became Akihiko, then even Ritsuka later, with the introduction of Kageyama aspects, into their oc. It wasn’t until the visual introduction of some of Kageyama traits, snd essentially Kagami from Kuroko no Baskuke, that Ritsuka was really seen. Yet despite the clear inspiration from Kuroko no Baskuke; the relationship of Ritsuka and Mafuyu; started as what became and really looks like always was; drawing Shizu and writinga sweeter relationship between he and Hiiragi. Iwaizumi doesnt even look like Haikyu’s Iwaizumi, in Kizu’s works; it’s hands down Shizu, with Ritsuka’s angry panic faces and Akihiko’s manner of movements. And Kizu’s Oikawa fluctuates between what became Mafuyu yes, but also Hiiragi. I’ll give you all ones to reference. AGAIN I know there’s a lot of Kagami X Kuroko in Ritsuka and Mafuyu, but I’m sticking to the Haikyu doujins only. There are many elements of Given characters in Kizu’s other works.

“Hikari no Ko” and that whole kinda series of omegaverse looks and feels like Shizusumi and Hiiragi raising a child Mafuyu. But in this story “Oikawa” is more Hiiragi, less Mafuyu. Don’t see it? The last page of this story is exactly the same panel they JUST drew, of Hiiragi’s little heart attack in ch45, when Ritsuka says he agrees the set list is done, if Hiiragi’s okay with it.. but the original panel was Oikawa, in this doujin. Which is fn brilliant, because it’s the same sort of moment in Hikari no Ko, when Oikawa has a little heart attack, and realizes everything will be OK, with THAT story’s “Mafuyu”.

That story was very personal to them, as they felt the need to indepth explain in a letter to the readers; that they really felt they needed to write it, even if it wasn’t received well, because of the genderbending, in it. They went on about how these were their versions of characters, so in a way they WERE their characters, and they felt they had the authority to take artistic license and make it so that gender “rules” for roles, did not apply. I fn love Kizu so damn much! There are similarities in their early works, where Mafuyu-esque and Hiiragi-esque characters are drawn so similar, it’s like Hiiragi wearing a Mafuyu wig, or Mafuyu making Hiiragi’s exaggerated faces. This is where the split happened and Hiiragi was being fleshed out; making him look much more like Kenma than Oikawa.

The “father” in that story looks like Shizu, but his stance and facial expressions, are reminiscent of Akihiko. The two characters have continually paralleled in Given, and as a writer, going through these same processes in developing original characters; I can see where one was culled into two. Its also in the VISUAL development, so keenly; one is dark and plain and reserved, the other is fair and showy and boisterous. Both still have moodiness from Kizu’s version of Iwaizumi. But in this doujin; they are combined because they hadn’t been separated in to two different characters yet.

Iwaizumi is absolutely early “Shizusumi”. One can’t look at that art work and NOT see Shizu. And what’s more interesting, is if you didn’t know the cover art was from an oc doujin story; you would think it’s art of Mafuyu and Shizu, dressed to a T and posed exactly how she poses Mafuyu and Ritsuka, so iconically, now. Still this is also a good example of where we see Akihiko being developed

“Higan no Kagee” is like a fanart photo album of Haikyu’s Iwaizumi and Oikawa, showing Kizu developing oc characters, beginning to break away from those they were based on, and becoming Given characters. Images to note: “New flat New family” doesn’t even try to be anything but Shizu, while “volley ball player stretching” really shows Mafuyu forming from Oikawa. The memories of the beach and the car accident, are very telling of Yuki and Mafuyu, but it’s Iwaizumi and Oikawa, yet Iwaizumi looks identical to Shizu while Oikawa fluctuates evenly between being reminiscent of both Mafuyu and Hiiragi. I remember when I first started reading these, I had a moment where I remarked; this mangaka can’t decide how they want to draw this Oikawa character, they keep going back and forth. Infact the cover art of them standing on the beach, is often mistaken by Given fans, as Shizu and Hiiragi, especially the way Oikawa’s smile is drawn; it’s that signature Hiiragi sort of coyote yawn look, with a deep separation of bottom and top jaw. Think the pink SYH cover from ch39; 2021 Cheri+ vol3. The “holiday sandlot base ball” and “first kiss drunk not dating” images are again without a doubt Hiiragi and Shizu, but before Hiiragi was fully developed away from the introspective Kenma-esque feel. This is also where you start to see a change in “Oikawa’s” hair; like Kizu knew they needed to change it, to better fit the oc they were developing. It’s easy to spot, because it seems like short hair is the one thing they struggle with drawing.

“Gunjo no Shashin” and “Ano Machi” is where you start to really see Akihiko developing and “Iwaizumi” splits into both Shizu and Akihiko. You begin to see Iwaizumi drawn with Akihiko’s signature stance, hand movements, and mannerisms; but it LOOKS like Shizusumi. You even see Akihiko’s hair, where they’re developing the differences between Akihiko’s and Shizusumi’s which is the same damn hair, but Akihiko’s is shorter. They even write it as a part of the story, where Iwaizumi cuts his hair too short in the front, and voila; it’s Akihiko’s iconic hair, but black. It’s like you get to see Kizu actually asking the reader; what if I drew Iwaizumi like this, instead. I think Kizu has a thing about hair anyways; as the panels of Iwaizumi remembering the wind blowing through Oikawa’s hair, are almost identical to Shizu reaching out to Hiiragi walking on the railing. Its Shizu and Hiiragi, before the panels in Given.

Between the last two, you begin to see Oikawa separating into Mafuyu AND Hiiragi. Then, the memories and proposal in “Gunjo no Shashin” feel almost like Akihiko and Hiiragi, but Kizu’s depictions of “Oikawa” become softer and more Mafuyu like, once again, which is where as a writer; I imagine they realized they needed to pair up their already established Shizu character, with someone else and for whatever reason, picked a Kenma-esque presentation for what became Hiiragi. It worked once they flipped that character and made them loud and obnoxious; the opposite of Kenma. Yet like Kenma; Hiiragi has moments of naive fantasy and ridiculous emotional reactions. I also think it’s cute they stuck with the gamer kid, from Kenma, for Hiiragi. At this point, they must have realized they wanted to stick with a Shizu-sequence character, and a Mafuyu-esque character; but put them in different relationships, as they were starting to develope Akihiko, through writing, not just visual art. To do this; “Mafuyu” who was Oikawa, and they’d always shipped with Iwaizumi; would need an additional character to be THEIR partner.

Enter Kageyama. Ritsuka does visually resemble Kageyama, just as the Hiiragi we have now, more resembles Kenma; dying his hair yellow and giving him gold cat eyes. Who knows why they chose those two Haikyu characters’ looks, when their oc began to branch off from Iwaizumi and Oikawa, to Shizu and Mafuyu, Shizu and Hiiragi, or Ritsuka and Mafuyu, with the addition of Akihiko. Yet even the playground scenes of Iwaizumi and Oikawa are revised with Shizu and Hiiragi, and Yuki and Mafuyu.

“Kono Machi ni Sunderu Karera no Koto” cover is current Hiiragi and Shizusumi, but Oikawa has Mafuyu’s eyes instead of Kenma’s. The sleeping naked Oikawa feels more and more like what becomes Mafuyu, yet the reuniting of Iwaizumi and Oikawa in the hospital, feels like Akihiko and Haruki. But if you go back to where they began; Iwaizumi was initially Shizusumi and continued to be drawn the same. He’s the only character that didn’t have a drastic change, visually or the way theyve always written him. Kizu even gave Shizusumi, Iwaizumi’s name. They even make reference to their own headcanon as a fanfic mangaka; to Iwaizumi meaning something like a well, and Oikawa meaning spear, but the character that is used is more like “source”. Little fact: the shrine for the okami Kaishima (ie Hiiragi) is famous for its holly, which is where the character’s name comes from….but also…a well.

So my experience of Kizu’s works began with Iwaizumi and Oikawa, and their head canons of Haikyu. Since I knew them from before I knew Given; reading Given was like oh, ok so Shizu is Iwaizumi, Mafuyu is Oikawa, and this Ritsuka character is an oc combo of Kizu’s Iwaizumi and Haikyu’s Kageyama. (Also Kagami from Kuroko no Baskuke) Akihiko is a different version of Kizu’s Iwaizumi (and Hanamaki) (and Kuroko no Baskuke’s Hayama) Hiiragi is an oc combo of Kizu’s Oikawa and Haikyu’s Kenma. But Iwaizumi and Kenma’s personalities are kinda switched? Interesting fact; before I realized Given was a Kizu work, I saw clips on YouTube of Akihiko and Haruki from the anime. My first reaction and what made me hunt it down, was that Akihiko was that same version of Iwaizumi, I’d seen in Kizu’s doujins, but fair complected.

You don’t have to read this next part, but because I study Japanese literature; it’s worth exploring if you care to.

Every single one of Kizu’s characters’ names in Given is a play one words. Not just the seasons. It’s light and sound, and kami, aswell.

Aki is sunlight, and fall, and references Amaterasu and Genji.

Uestsu is moonlight, and rain, and references ghosts or the sound of sadness.

Haruki is light itself, and spring, and Amaterasu, and references spiritual energy.

Mafuyu is winter, and the cycles of the moon.

Ritsuka is summer, and fire, referencing spiritual energy.

Kashima Hiiragi when read together is literally the kami of thunder, and their associated holly that flowers in winter, and references Amaterasu AND Ka the same kami/spiritual energy reference with Ritsuka.

Hiiragi makes Tsukuyomi references to Shizu, which ties them all to the seasons, light, sound, and the moon. In Japanese creation stories; Tsukuyomi is Amaterasu’s twin and moonlight, as Amaterasu is sunlight, and “Akihiko” is the son of sunlight. But “Shizusumi” is a made up name. Aside from the headcanon they wrote of Iwaizumi’s and Oikawa’s names being a play on source and well, Hiiragi referencing the source of a well that would be Shizu…Shizusumi is literally “quiet” with zumi on the end. Which is just another way of saying “complete” or “whole”. I always took this as a cute ref to Iwaizumi, and Kizu’s original shipping, as Iwai and Zumi both are indicative of celebrating in happiness or satisfaction. But neither characters exactly, exude happiness; so Kizu put the cherry on it; combining their names to create “quiet” “satisfaction” or “celebration” or “happiness”. When they call Shizusumi’s name it’s more like a directive; “be quiet and content”. Or just Shizu -> “Quiet”.

So yeah, Ritsuka and Mafuyu are Iwaizumi and Oikawa, but Kizu’s Iwaizumi started out as what became Shizusumi and pretty much still is. They are actually Shizu and Hiiragi. Which is why I think the scene in ch41felt so abruptly different from the rest of Given, outside of the context of it, alone. Kizu went back for a moment and revisited their original versions of those characters. I read those panels and saw Iwaizumi coming home from his mountain exhibition and pouncing on Oikawa.

I can only add 10 pics; so I’ll do a separate post of just that, to show you some of these images ❤

YAAASSSSS!! God I hope we get some pics!! I so miss this ray of sparkling sunshine and their sweet HELLO WORLD posts

Sunaga Futa (Haruki)

Kizu Natsuki’s Given

Live Stage 2 day event coming soon

Credit to unknown artist; I’m just so jazzed I have these Kedama mascots !!

I’ve been wanting to write about this for a long time now, but I put it off cuz it’s so personal. I mean what follows below, out of love for all identities, queer or not. Kizu Natsuki’s Given, has a pretty equal amount of [straight/gender conforming] and [not straight and or not gender conforming] fans.

⚠️ If you do not personally identify as aligned with the LGBTQIA+ assortment of gender and/or sexual identities, or if you do, but are not GBTmasc (male presenting person who also has same sex attraction) you may find this article a little uncomfortable.

If you DO want to read it; know that it is not meant to be uninclusive or antagonizing, towards anyone. It is written from a place love, and want for understanding, within AND outside of the community. There are topics that need to be addressed, for all LGBTQIA+ to be included in common knowledge of emotional and mental well being. This article is speaking to all BL readers, but pertains to GBTmasc persons; the real life subjects of BL . T for transgender; including non binary and gender fluid “masc”, which is why I will use the word “queer”. I know a lot of people have issues with this word, yet it continues to be the most inclusive and is used positively; by those of us that do not easily align with current language, terminology, or understanding of our identities. ⚠️

It took me 8hrs to type this up on my phone; I am currently without a computer, as it crashed a few weeks ago. I have recently found myself in a place of extreme financial hardship (I do not have family) as my employer’s stock just plummeted, so my savings is gone. My rent has skyrocketed above my means, in the last year, and moving is not an option in my area. If you want to contribute to my ongoing work, help me continue my classes (which I need a computer for), or just contribute to my efforts; please message me. I do not monetize my social media accounts, like Tumblr or Wattpad, because it locks non donating readers out, which is tacky. So I have never asked for donations before. That said; I still need a computer to write. Don’t even care if it’s a refurbished off brand. I’m saying this wholeheartedly; please Please don’t feel pressured or hate me for throwing this out there

That said; this blog has brought so many amazing, hilarious, loving people into my life and I am thankful everyday!! ❤ I try to stay in touch with all of you, but we have such a huge group here now, I can’t keep track!! That’s actually amazing I think we are close to 400 strong! If I haven’t talked to you in a min, or you just wanna say hi; please msg me!! Chances are; our previous msgs are just buried in the feeds

I started this blog, as a safe, and fun place to gush over anime, manga, and seiyu. I also throw in LGBTQIA+ topics from time to time, to educate and empower both LGBTQIA+ and allies. Sometimes posts will deviate from the normal simping and Given manga metas, to topics that may be uncomfortable. They are meant to empower, and enlighten; so that queer persons can eventually be accepted, as just as normal and common, as non queer persons.

This is one of those topics. Yes it is Given related.

Given has become a sort of touch board for opening conversation. No us vs them, but the simple fact of it is; we have very different perspectives of many basic life lessons. To put it plainly; (using this term as gently and inclusive as possible) the queer experience growing up, is not like growing up non queer. We’re the same, but our experiences are inherently different, and expressing that is still not up for discussion, openly. People aren’t even ready to talk about the fact that half of states in the US (its much worse in other countries) can still legally evict you, for being queer. Or that you can be removed from your partner’s entire existence LEGALLY, if something happens to them; through insurance, family wills, and even police action. Thats just in the United States. The majority of the conversations start AFTER you needed someone to talk to. About anything. But as a queer person. I’m not excluding ace/aro/demi; I’m just sticking to mainly GBTmasc persons.

Simple things like talking about relationships platonic or romantic, becoming sexually active, how you want people to take you, even health/puperty concerns; are cornerstones of becoming an adult, for EVERYONE. Your body is changing, your hormones are on wack, your emotions are high, and no matter how true it is that sexuality and gender are not the same; at this point in your life, it absolutely is in YOUR head. Add to that the stress of finding your way through school, family, everything you’re bombarded with on social media, what your ambitions are; you’re being pulled all over the place. And that’s across the board for every young person. Then you have societal “roles” of the sexes. [Females] are expected to be pretty and non invasive but strong and goal oriented while [Males] are told to be assertive and aggressive, but understand that empathy is also expected, but also makes you weak. ???? Wth?

We all say down with the system, now…but it really hasn’t changed a whole lot. We all know these ideals are ridiculous, but we all are forced into partaking in them to some degree, just by interacting with society. I wrote a piece on how in Asian counties, particularly East Asian countries like Japan; it’s much easier for gender expression non conforming [males] to get away with masking, if it’s part of their sexuality aswell. Because, as opposed to western countries; being physically “pretty” or soft in your mannerisms, is prized in males. It isn’t so much an issue if you’re feminine, it’s if you actually are gay. So many queers are able to go sort of reverse stealth, their whole lives. That’s nice…right? F no; it makes it that much more confusing, trying to determine which way you lean; are you just affectionate and effeminate in general? Or do you actually have feels for that other guy, you can’t stop being cutesy towards. In most places; you figure it out relatively quickly, even if you’re not out. It’s a little trickier in places like East Asia, where even boys are encouraged to gush over male idols, or handsome jocks.

Not even going into the human rights violations against transgender persons, but I’ve written on it, here before.

Half of the guys I’ve dated, have been Asian, either first gen AAPI or from East Asian countries. (I grew up in an East Asian community, still live in one, it’s not a fet or something. I myself am not exactly white btw) I bring this up, because (1) this story is about East Asian gay guys and (2) they are significantly unique in their experiences, compared to Westerners. My experiences as a white passing American, are inherently different. Yet, because I grew up within their homes, I had a personalized view. For one, theyre shamelessly and absurdly infantilized and emasculated, particularly by American society. Two; they are further shamelessly fetishisized, esspecially within the LGBTQIA+ community, if they ARE queer. They are very much aware of these facts, even if they aren’t queer. So aside from everyday stigmas (race and sexuality) they have culturally inherited homophobia, and their own separate set of obstacles, within the LGBTQIA+ community. I also grew up being moved from home to home; this one from China, this one from Korea, where no one would speak to me in English, so most people didn’t speak to me at all. Figuring out I was gay, was a very quiet and uneventful process. (I REALLY relate to Shizu.) The things I’ve learned have been baffling AND astonishing. The habits, ideas, perspectives of a queer man who is also Asian; are both poignant and heartbreaking. But very quiet and uneventfull. In eastern views, as well as western views, as I was uniquely exposed to both. By the time I dated a white American; it was a very strange experience, compared to what I was used to, because Asian men desidedly have them beat, in the masculinity department. Being queer is an unannounced, singular part of one’s life. The white boys had not gone through nearly as much internalized self awareness, which in turn had the Asian boys coming out stronger and more quietly self assured. The norm in most places is; you question, so you jump on social media. You find a ton of “support” and “encouragement”; affirm your suspicions and change your icon to reflect where you feel you fall on the rainbow. You have so many people to turn to, for understanding your identity, lots of troll fests to get amped up in, terminology to familiarize yourself with. An educational experience. Asian men do not really do this, the same way.

What non queer persons don’t realize (not shaming; they really have nothing to base it on) all of this isn’t productively real. Outwardly; you have this family you’ve found. You have an inclusive group at school, or in your neighborhood, or gay TikTok. But. They’re all trying to figure out their own way, too. They’re just as confused about how it all works, as you are. Those basic cornerstones of coming into yourself, are extremely daunting anyways, and now you find you’re not fitting the mould. Your opportunities for NORMAL (meaning every human) growth are slim and even stunted. By stunted, I mean; how many queer people experience importer syndrome, suicidal thoughts, practice unsafe sex just to have some kind of intimacy cuz you’re fn lonely. I mean even certified resources talk about the joys of safe cruising. Why the f do we need cruising, its 2022! You go on to find more serious questions, usually about being sexually active; are given only clinical, sterilized, or even vague (yet glowy) answers. ESSPECIALLY concerning bottom experiences. Or poor guys trying to wrap their heads around all the cute aggression they’ve been having. No one wants to be the one who told you something wrong, or debatable, so no one gives you straight forward answers.

In Asian countries, or even but not so much, in Asian American communities; you don’t even have any of that. Of course you’re pretty, you dress sharp or cute, you have a hygene regimen that would put a Kardashian to shame, you’re soft spoken and gentle, you have effeminate mannerisms, a high voice and all the lovely stereotypes *gasp* you can pass as a girl if you feel like it. That’s great! You’re a well rounded young man and will make a loving husband for a lucky GIRL. No validation for queer identity. Because again, as opposed to western societal views; all of the above is kind of expected, in young men. It makes things even more confusing, if you actually DO have same sex attraction. Even MORE so if you are an ally. Because in their society; you don’t talk about sex, or intimacy, or your preferences, because you’re making yourself stand out, or making your views more important than those of who you’re talking to. Even non queer persons don’t want to burden their families or communities, with any concerns THEY personally have. It’s not that they don’t care; but the emmense sense of community above all, takes precedence over concerns of sexuality, mental health, emotional well-being, gender or sexual expression and even really important topics like consent, suicide, or gender equality.

Non queer persons globally (again: with respect and love) have everyone, and all of society, and their spiritual leaders, and councelors, and community leaders, and their aunt Joan too; to ask questions about love and life and relationships and even sexual health. Its just every day subconscious knowledge, for them.This is sooo difficult to even get allies to notice. Queers on the other hand, no matter how forward facing we perceive ourselves to be; still tediously gauge wether or not, we can even talk to our friends and family, before we say anything. Not coming out necessarily; but those normal questions about life and love. I mean, how many times do you pause before you say “my husband/boyfriend” even if you are out and know that person knows this. (I’m not getting into gender or terminology inclusion topics, which I’m very positive and passionate about btw, this is already a long post) Or you wanna talk about something bothering you in your relationship, like asking a friend if you think so and so is into you, or is this relationship issue normal.. but you stop and ask yourself first; is this person im asking, going to be uncomfortable. Eventhough its a basic everyday conversation. Just because I’m talking about another guy. Then the rabbit hole… Are they fetishisizing in their head right now. Are they trying to picture who does what.. ? And next thing you know, your in a whole other level of feeling like an exhibit on display. Not a friend asking a friend for advice. This isn’t just with non queer friends, that you’re talking to, either. The toxic ideas of roles and expression and masculinity, are just as bad within the community. But non queer people don’t have these added issues.

Again not us vs them; non queer people just don’t have to worry about any of this. Example; and this one always seems to floor people: Simply walking into a room, as a single; and knowing they can choose from half of it, as potentially romantic partners. That doesn’t even cross their minds, it’s just normal societal experiences. Queer persons on the other hand; are lucky if there’s one person, in that room. Even then, what are THEIR views. Say this queer person is trans, or are they hyper masc, or are they hyper feminine, and how does the one other person, who’s also queer in the group, perceive these things. Because there’s a lot of toxic uninclusive views, in the GBTmasc playingfield. Not to mention all the normal; are you single too, are we even attracted to eachother, do we even get along. Now what if you’re just looking for a friend, or a shoulder to cry on. Yeah, not a lot of irl opportunities.

Enter Hiiragi, from Given; why does he need to be forgiven? He actually needs to forgive himself.

What if you actually have something incredibly serious, you need help with, like idk I think my friend’s bf might be suicidal and I don’t know how to be there for either of them. Nine times out of ten, you would have to get past all the prefaced notions, before you could even start talking about the actual concern. Like yeah I said “he” twice, yes they are both guys, yes they’re gay and what the hell does it matter if their parents know, did you not hear me? I think my friend is suicidal!! *crickets* other person pauses, and then asks something like, yeah but are they out…? What the actual F ? does that really matter? You know what, nevermind. (Actual convo teen me had) And this is with non queer AND queer persons, your trying to talk to. More than one! Friend tries to kill self, survives, is put in conversion therapy. Cuz ya know, it’s cuz they’re gay. Not cuz their parents are awful sheeple, or anything.

This is why we have the joke; yes we’re all gay. Cuz we do flock together when we find eachother, and even grow up together, because we sensed that otherness in one another, even if we didn’t know what it was at the time. Or didn’t have words for it. Or ever really talked to each other about it. Or even knew how we felt about it. And this is where Mafuyu, Yuki, Hiiragi, and Shizu are at, in the majority of Given.

All we want for queer perspective, is for our voices to be heard. Our contributions seen. Our presence acknowledged. Uneventfully. What I mean by that, is a promise of a future, where our experiences don’t have to be prefaced. Where a young person is free to decide how they express themselves inside and out, without being isolated on the fringes of conversations, and fed toxic stereotypes. All while being told we’ve been unabashedly included, because companies are selling rainbow print….we’ll know things have truly changed, when we can talk about our relationships, hopes, and everyday problems; when the fact that we’re queer is as equal to saying that we’re just a regular person. And our identities are part of being regular person. Even if that particular identity is vastly unique to what maybe you have experience with. We don’t usually have someone around that we can lean over to and be like ‘Hey, see that guy over there? Cute right!? Should I talk to him? OR 'Hey I’m having this thing with my person, and I don’t know if it’s ok how I feel about it. Have you any advise? How did you deal with [fight/self essteem/potential red flags/broaching moving in/talking marriage/relationship status]’ Even queer allies suddenly clam up. Wether it’s literally that they stop talking, or something shines in their eyes like fear, as they try to push through the conversation, and be caring and helpful. They can’t help it. For as much as queer relationships are the same as straight; there are so many things a non queer person might never even realise.

Media makes everything seem idk straight relationship parallel, when it’s not. Like just watching most people’s reactions to Stranger By The Shore..you know what im talking about, if you’re GBTmasc. If not let me explain; Shun is much older and larger than Mio, but the first time they sleep together, Mio tops. To GBTmascs watching the anime; it was a moment of quiet reflection and validation. Its not as happy a scene as it should be, for them. Since we’re talking acurrate depictions of gay boys in BL; there’s good reason as to why they have the dynamic they do, in that story. But we can’t explain the dynamics in our stories, when sex itself is always the draw. We understand the appeal of tropes and roles in BL, we understand how that works for non queer persons, who BL is marketed to. It isn’t real. (But I mean look who you’re talking to; I like to read about gay guys too) On top of that; non queer persons have been conditioned to equate queer identity as sexual identity, only. They say and believe they don’t, but it’s so ingrained in the straight normative perception of queer identity. Example: You’ve been conditioned to see a queer relationship conversation, as an inherently sexual conversation, eventhough you probably don’t consiously notice; instead of for what it is. Just a conversation about life milestones and LOVE. Same as anyone else’s.

But at the same time, I mean our sex lives IS what separates us, right? Riiiiight? That little detail, is infact what would be queer about us, right? Food for thought: Sexality is fluid. Gender is a social construct, designed to label the human experience for reproduction and status purposes only. Aren’t we capable of greater things? More meaning and purpose? I am being 100% serious when I say that, if it comes down to our sex lives; we are all (every single one of us) born just a little queer. Straight, cis, heteronormative is the uncommon state of being, in the context of nature. And it is taught to you in most cases, through societal nurture.

With anything in life that seems to marginalize, or claim to have authority over right and wrong…follow the money. No seriously. Who benefits from you being in line and arguing us vs them, or even how inclusive can you make terminology? I know I don’t fit. I’m small, often mistaken for a woman, don’t mind that I’m mistaken for a woman, but I’m not a queen. I am male. I like feminine looking/masculinely aggressive males, I like being the one pursued, but I’m usually the dominant person in the rest of the dynamic. Hi Aries, Scorpio, and Leo I’m waving at you ;) I like being spoilt. My hair grows insanely fast, so I wear my hair long (like down my back) sometimes. I own make up, no I don’t do drag. Im not the [girl] and neither is he but I am the romantic, nurturing partner, my love language is acts of service. I confuse the stereotype.

Actually I’m coming to terms lately with the fact that I may be a queen…queen is not the same as “Drag” queen. Hiiragi is a queen, Ugetsu is queen status. I’m what we call “baby”. No it’s not an age thing; it’s like soft or “comfy boy”. Mafuyu would be baby, Haruki is kinda baby, but he’s more neutral. (There is also “baby” in regards to coming into gay male sexuality ie Ritsuka is baby gay, Hiiragi is baby queen.) I think Hiiragi rubs fans the wrong way, regardless of the story, because they just aren’t used to seeing a queen portrayed accurately and not as a stereotype, so they don’t know what to make of him. Same with why some readers portray Haruki as a pushover. These kinds of guys don’t fit neatly into a caricature, and Kizu is actually writing them realisticlly.

I also think women should be in charge of everything. Women are way more inclusive, thoughtful, and attentive than we are. They’re also stronger in all aspects of life. No other gay men are really more belittled by other men than queens, or fem nb and fem trans men are. Esspecially whenever they do exert their masculinity; I’m sure you can imagine why. It’s like the internal misandry and loathing insecure men have of their own perceived weaknesses or femininity, are transferred in the same way misogyny is towards women. The way Akihiko treated Haruki, is pretty common irl, unfortunately.

One easily overlooked point in Given, I’ve found through the eyes of non queer readers, that shows the difference in our experiences; is that none of the characters, except Ritsuka, are closeted.

I adore the fact that Kizu put such subtle crafting, into showing us these characters, after they already know they’re not straight. Only Ritsuka, who is the main focus of the synopsis; is questioning, when we meet him. Even Haruki is out, and their moments are more about crushing, and coming to terms with their LEVEL of queerness. Hiiragi, if you noticed; never told the audience he was coming to grips with his sexuality; but with the fact that he realized his attraction was to his best friend. This has always been a topic Kizu has worked with, and is a big part of Given. It’s not that they’re falling in love with other guys; it’s that those guys happen to be their closest friends, and how does that change their dynamic. What boundaries are placed, which are broken, how does behavior change, or perceived notions of one another.

Shizu wasn’t quiet about his reciprocal feelings because of out status; it was about not wanting to uproot the already strong bond and opportunities they had with Hiiragi’s career goals. That’s what he means by not “suffering” when he’s talking to Ritsuka. Neither Hiiragi, nor Shizu appreciate Ritsuka’s gay panics, and a queer person picks up on this, while a non queer person may only see the comedy of his melt downs. But it’s actually really disrespectful to Mafuyu, who they’re very protective of. Shizu is not understanding or empathetic, to Ristuka’s closeted behaviors OR trying to decide which is more important to prioritize; bands or relationships. He explains to him the feelings Ristuka is experiencing, are alien to him. Being gay was never a concern to him, ie no “suffering” there. He fully owns his sexuality and doesn’t skip a beat, as Ristuka is having a heart attack in the middle of the crosswalk, hearing him just openly state [why yes I’m gay and yes I love Hiiragi] Not distracting his best friend from his dreams was the real obstacle, if they were going to open up to one another romantically; so he continues to try to express to Ritsuka, that Mafuyu is concerned he distracts him. Leading to him feeling like its better if he’s left behind.. Which is a problem he and Hiiragi don’t have, not because they’re a stronger couple, but because their dynamic is different. Ristuka doesnt get it. Eventhough this is a relationship issue, not a queer identity issue; most of the non queer readers as well, dont really seem to see what he was getting at. (Ive asked across multiple platforms) which says a lot about how we experience things differently. This is what he’s trying to say to both Mafuyu and Ritsuka, when he tells Mafuyu to just stop, if Given is too much for him emotionally. He knows, and Mafuyu knows; he is both encouraging and distracting Ristuka from his passions. Thus was the tension with him and Yuki. Thus was the tension with Akihiko and Ugetsu. The synopsis tells us the story is about Ritsuka’s passion for music; not Mafuyu’s. Then Shizu tries to broach the same concern for Mafuyu’s wellbeing to Ritsuka, but stops when he begins to get irritated with Ritsuka’s gay panicking. He is concerned for both of them; Mafuyu being emotionally supported, and Ristuka’s goals with music.

Music for Mafuyu, was about grieving, and his healing process. He may not want, or need to revist processing his emotions this way. This is unfortunately, something that was done so beautifully; readers don’t want to not go back to it. Ritsuka on the other hand, lives and breathes music; he can’t keep from internalizing his feelings, and making everything about music. Mafuyu is more mature, and has more life experience; he sees that they need to have a some kind of relationship outside of music. Being one of the best depictions of a Pisces; he shuts down when he tries to express this. It’s too important to him, to just blurt it out, and it be taken the wrong way. As Hiiragi and Shizu both tried to explain to Ritsuka in ch32; pg10:

Ristuka asks Hiiragi and Shizu their opinion on Mafuyu being emo; not hanging out, not answering about a Given debut, thoughts on SYH (specifically Given debut, this is right after Mafuyu was ignoring him.)

Hiiragi: He’s always been the type to take a long time to think.

Shizu: He won’t give in once he’s made up his mind. Make no mistake, he’ll stay silent until he’s decided on a reply.

Shizu’s remark about 'won’t give in’ is to not answer at all.

Side note: Leos love giving silent treatments, and Pisces loves watching them break, cuz we do it right back, if its something important to us, we need them to understand. This is typical Pisces behavior, particularly with fire signs. We do exceptionally well with Taurus and Scorpio, because they just get us, and give exactly those kinds of answers, above. Taurus nurtures Pisces and Scorpio protects them.

Our stories, queer stories; as of this time and place, are often dark, and full of confusion. If not just token and queerbaiting. Everyone has an opinion..and it’s not how media makes it out to be; queer narratives aren’t all tragic OR triumphant. Yet it’s not a rainbow sprinkle party either. We would make it that way though, if the world would let us. Who the hell knows, why we like fem things, why shouldn’t we? Who says it’s fem? Maybe it’s that we grow up having to check ourselves to make everything copacetic, that we need to heal our inner children with things that induce dopamine? Just sayin. We don’t have the privileges of recognizing ourselves in 90% of the room, like non queer people have. We get drawn into gayTok and what media wants us to believe. Who we are; categorized, labeled neatly.

Writing is my way of giving something pure and beautiful to the world; to better our love and understanding of eachother. Maybe someone might read something I wrote, intitially because they find queer stories, boys in love with boys, or boys being cute; to be endearing, but suddenly realise that our IRL community is not something mythical. We are present, and if you want our stories; we can tell you with honesty, they come with equal amounts of trauma, as they do liberation, AND normal life lessons. I think this is why so many non queer readers gravitate towards our stories. Yeah there’s the whole self insert with [female] audiences and BL, but I think it’s an internal desire to see something tangible, that helps one discover their own traumas and otherness, without being gaslit and told get over it. Ie disabilities, disadvantages, inequality in race, gender, and wealth etc.

The complacency with misrepresentation in queer depictions, is fueled by the bitter taste of hearing people complain or comment about something they don’t even understand. They don’t have a way to; they see themselves in everything, as everything is portrayed as straight normative. Even QUEER stories.. Yet they’re beginning to see that normative is pretty uninclusive to issues they DO have, like social inequalities. BUT they’re not thinking out side the stereotypes, just yet.

For young [female] readers of BL; they can relate to being head over heels with a boy in class, and being afraid everyone will find out because (self insert as another boy) feeling insecure, is a normal growing pain for most HUMANS irl. The self insert serves to help you identify your self image of what you want, how you want to be seen, and what your boundaries are. But irl girl X boy; crushing and insecurities are portrayed as you’re over dramatic, gas lit as just having teen [girl] probs, and should just get over it. Yet it IS valid. It’s a part of growing up, and finding your romance language. But you’re not given the whole story. The real story. You read BL or a fanfic about boys in love, and it’s always about them coming out, dealing with insecurities, painting the pair as tragic. Or a running joke. Or an insufferable queen, who’s trying to back stab everyone and undermine the hero’s plotline.

Never the irl isolation, never as beautifully human in their self righteous faults. Like, not speaking up for eachother. And not knowing how to be there for eachother, and NOT being tragic, but regular guys, who love other guys, and the affection and love in platonic friendships. If one did read it open heartedly, they should be uncomfortable. Because they should notice how this isn’t ever portrayed media, even though it’s realistic. To know what it’s like to look around for a guiding hand, and there never be anyone there. To love someone so asuredly, yet already have convinced yourself; they’re nothing like you. And couldn’t love you. Wether it’s that they’re not queer aswell, or they just don’t have the same views/preferences. (Im looking at cis queers who can’t see non cis queers romantically.) To choke down how thankless your love is, as a young queer male. Esspecially strong feminine males, in western society.

We have wisdom, non queers you can embrace vicariously, and it’s free. We already paid for it. Why did Hiiragi want to be forgiven? What could he have possibly done that was in need of forgiveness?

Hiiragi already knew he’s gay. Mafuyu knew he’s gay. They both know the other was gay. This doesn’t have to be spelled out; it’s pretty straightforward, in the story. He needs to be forgiven, because he never offered a hand or an ear or a shoulder. That’s it. Saying he wants to be forgiven by anyone, but that he really wants to be forgiven Mafuyu himself; should be one of the most powerful lines you read in Given. He wasn’t able to be there, for EITHER of them, and one of them died. Of course it’s not his fault. Of course Yuki didn’t necessarily commit suicide because of his queerness or even anything to do with his relationship with Mafuyu (that thought blows people’s minds) but either way, we know Hiiragi felt the need to be there for them, esspecially Mafuyu. When they both removed that possibility from him, Shizu describes Hiiragi as beside himself with regrets. He even describes how, at times Hiiragi was closer to Yuki, than even he or Mafuyu were. (Kizu has him later clear up that he meant this platonically) So Hiiragi, outside of queerness, lost a confidant and a close friend, when Yuki died. Then he lost Mafuyu, because his own need to grieve privately. But for a queer group of friends; you can’t help but feel like your queer identities had something to play in it. Because of stigma, and again; not having mentors to turn to.

Remember, Hiiragi is telling us most of everything we know, other than what Ristuka or AkiHaru tells us. And they had only just met Mafuyu; they never knew Yuki or Shiiragi. They only just really found out about Yuki, at all, halfway through the manga. It’s easy for the reader to get so into one couple or one character’s development, that we forget this. Apparently the live action stage production straight up had Hiiragi narrate a lot of the story; emphasizing this. Much of Given, is Hiiragi’s perspective, esspecially where foundation back story is concerned. Hiiragi and Shizu know all about Mafuyu, Yuki, and Mafuyu’s descent as the fallen “princess” archetype. “Her” whole world taken from “her”. They also know through Mafuyu, the whole rest of the cast of characters he now resides with. And they will see him to a new life, safe and well. Their whole purpose is to deliver the hero’s journey and Mafuyu’s rebirth, to the audience from an inside perspective.

Hiiragi was the one who would try to bring Mafuyu into the fold, and when he wouldn’t come to the door; he was the one who went and got Yuki, and brought Yuki to HIM. He did the same with Shizu. He recognized the same otherness between Mafuyu and Yuki, that he knew in himself. Irl this is not just the basic need for validation and understanding,, but the need for confidants, mentors, and companions. But readers fail him for that, because of stereotypes they’ve been lied to about, to sell rom coms and drama. He never sought after Yuki in the way so many readers think they pick up on and continue to carry like a battle flag; because of queer formulas they’ve been convinced of. Or that an evil side character is casing someone’s man ie the ridiculous idea Hiiragi is trying to steal Ritsuka from Given/Mafuyu. Cue awful stereotypes of emotionally aggressive, feminine men ie insufferable queen, who’s trying to back stab everyone and undermine the hero’s plotline. It’s not like Kizu didn’t put these panels in early on. It’s not like they weren’t trying to tell us this is a different story.

Ironically; Hiiragi’s character represents these stereotypes. Kizu breaks them through him,, and presents to the reader; the real queer narrative of youth, in that he didn’t believe he could ever express or experience love the way he felt it, because Mafuyu and Yuki made it look so easy and fearless. Like the side of Hiiragi remembering Mafuyu giving Yuki like a whole damn orange, and complaining to Shizu, that Mafuyu never loves him. Meanwhile Shizu is falling asleep and passing a whole grip of orange slices to Hiiragi. The idea is that Mafuyu had a different kind of love for Yuki, just as Shizu does for Hiiragi, and it has nothing to do with Hiiragi’s feelings towards Mafuyu or Yuki; it’s brilliantly about Shizu’s feelings for Hiiragi.

So many readers want to believe his desire for forgiveness from Mafuyu specifically, must mean he deliberately wronged him in some way. Because they’re searching for a BL formula that would fit the type casts they’re familiar with. Rather than reading it for the queer irl experiences the story is literally about.. Young men arriving to the understanding that they have few mentors to lean on. Seeing the same otherness in each other, and still not respecting the understanding that they could offer the other. Hiiragi’s constantly saying how much he doesn’t want Mafuyu to hate him, how he loves him, regrets that he wasn’t there for him. But he doesn’t talk to him about Yuki’s song or Ritsuka’s involvement. He “wants to be forgiven” because he knew he COULD have been there for Mafuyu AND Yuki too, but he didn’t know how. He didn’t have the language, back then. Just like Ritsuka doesn’t, now.

Perhaps….just a thought…perhaps taking Ritsuka into his success with music, and giving him Yuki’s song….is being there for another gay boy trying to figure out how relationships work……

Hiiragi needs to forgive himself. He doesn’t know that though.

Readers don’t think about that, because that would break the formula people are comfortable with, because they’re not ready to hear how isolated we are, when we’re they’re age. Unless it’s the [pretty and gay so character must die] trope, as with Yuki. I honestly have always felt, this was tongue and cheek; why Kizu started the story off that way. Ritsuka AT THIS POINT doesn’t need guys in their twenties, who are already jaded and finding their way back, themselves; to give him advise. He needs boys his age. He needs other guys who aren’t questioning or still fighting the is it right or wrong banter. He needs guys who fully own their sexuality and have experience to pull advise from. Shizu is reserved and blunt, and clearly experinced. Hiiragi is dramatic and stubbornly sticks to his principles, and baby like Ritsuka. They’re perfect for where Ritsuka is right now, if he were real. He already sees their relationship, in his flashbacks; as something idealistic and flourishing. He looks back to Shizu adoringly taking Hiiragi’s hand, as Hiiragi is glowing like an angelic icon. Kizu even made a blurb about how they had to push to put that panel in, and purposely made it a full page. Hiiragi is portrayed as very pretty, and fashionable, and sought-after. Ritsuka reacts to Shizu, the way he reacts to Akihiko; he’s masculine and a little intimidating, and has a commanding presence that sometimes puts people on edge. So much so; Ritsuka was shocked when he realized he was gay, just like with Akihiko. Yet here is this couple breaking stereotypes, and Hiiragi is dominant and in charge of their dynamic AND finances. So people look for the formula, that isn’t there, and create a feminized villain scenario for him. Which ironically trashes the majority readers themselves.

One day; well get to where we don’t need to give Hiiragi a break, to begin with, because (1) we’ll see right off a boy who didn’t understand his own feelings and felt helpless to be there for another, because of that and (2) that sense of isolation, not understanding your feelings, because you don’t see yourself in 90% of the room; won’t even be a thing anymore. Because boys will love who ever they want without question…like the boy sitting right next to him, who loves him already, but also doesn’t have the words.

Thank you for reading 8 hrs of pouring my heart out, if you made it this far ❤


“GOLDEN” ON AO3 IS AT OVER 1700 HITS!! ✨ I can’t express my gratitude in words

For those of you who have been following me since August; you know how much that story took out of me. Like Haruki said; it was both responsible for me hitting rock bottom, and building me back up. I learned to co habitate with my own personal “Akihiko” [IE: found I did have things I wanted to say about my own experiences] and then discovered they were a lot louder and more rambunctious than I had ever imagined! And that it wasn’t so effortlessly done, but worth loving.


Why did Hiiragi want to be forgiven? What could he have possibly done that was in need of forgiveness?

I was in the middle of writing a fic on it, and a few metas for here.. My laptop finally heaved its last death moan. I have no way to replace it right now, which means I can’t continue to work on my stories for potentially several months. At least the end of first quarter. I’m praying my un-backed up work, isn’t lost. I’m so thankful I just posted the first chapters to my current fics, here or those would def be gone.

* If anyone wants to contribute to my continued work, through a laptop fund; please msg me here. *

I’ve been doing all of this on my phone for weeks!! And it’s a 3yr old Samsung!

I keep trying to save backed up work on the app, but copy and paste options are wonky at best. I can’t complete my stories without a computer, unless I write directly on the app itself, and IDK that my work is 1 protected or 2 safe from being accidentally deleted. This has happened several times on here, already.

I was in the middle of writing a piece on the above question about Hiiragi, the phenomenon of hochigo in Japan, a couple of original stories, and two Given fics.

I’m going insane!! I kid you not crying

After having written several books, that did really well, very quickly; seeing a fanfic from a niche fandom, with an arguably unpopular ship, I whole heartedly know over 1600 hits is amazing

I thank you all You are all responsible ❤

I know, I know it’s a Yuri pic on a Given related post; but that’s how SEEN I feel right now ^^^

Look at that smile! That satisfaction! That sparkling gold ring!

What I mean by that, is a promise of a future, where our experiences don’t have to be prefaced. Where a young person is free to decide how they express themselves inside and out, without being isolated on the fringes, and fed toxic stereotypes.

All we want for queer perspective, is for our voices to be heard. Our contributions seen. Our presence acknowledged. Uneventfully.

Sexality is fluid.

Gender is a social construct, designed to label the human experience for reproduction and status purposes only.

After re reading Shiiragi’s story as compiled in the special edition of Kizu Natsuki’s Given vol7; I am absolutely proud of the story I wrote. No matter how dark. Because our stories, queer stories; as of this time and place, are often dark, and full of confusion. Everyone has an opinion.. It’s not how media makes it out to be; queer narratives aren’t all tragic. And it’s not a rainbow sprinkle party either (We would make it that way though, if the world would let us) We don’t have the privileges of recognizing ourselves in 90% of the room, like non queer people have. We get drawn into gayTok and what media wants us to believe. Who we are; categorized, labeled neatly.

Aren’t we capable of greater things? More meaning and purpose.

The ship wars and misrepresentation that led me to write Golden in just a matter of weeks, was fueled by the bitter taste of hearing people complain about something they don’t even understand. I was certain, no one would read it. Or I would be trolled for not painting the pair as toxic, but as beautiful in their self righteous faults. If one did read it open heartedly; I wanted the reader to feel Shizusumi’s anger, and be uncomfortable. To know what it’s like to look around for a guiding hand, and there never be anyone there. To love someone so asuredly, yet already have convinced yourself; they’re nothing like you. To choke down how thankless your love is.

But almost 1800 people looked at it, and who knows; maybe read it all the way through.

Publishing is always my goal. Writing is my way of giving something pure and beautiful to the world; to better our love and understanding

Maybe someone might read something I wrote, intitially because they find queer stories, boys in love with boys, or boys being cute; to be endearing, but suddenly realise that our IRL community is not something mythical. We are present, and if you want our stories; we can tell you with honesty, they come with equal amounts of trauma, as they do liberation. I think this is why so many non queer readers gravitate towards our stories. Yeah there’s the whole self insert with [female] audiences, but I think it’s an internal desire to see something tangible, that helps one discover their own traumas and liberation, without being gaslit and told get over it. Being head over heels with a boy in class, and being afraid everyone will find out because maybe you feel insecure, like you’re out of his league, is a normal growing pain for most. It serves to help you identify your self image of what you want, how you want to be seen, and what your boundaries are. Yet it can be seen as over dramatic, or you can be easily gas lit as just having teen girl probs, and should just get over it. Yet it’s valid. It’s a part of growing up, and finding your place. We have wisdom, you can embrace vicariously, and it’s free. We already paid for it.

But Here it is:

Even queer allies suddenly clam up. Wether it’s literally that they stop talking, or something shines in their eyes like fear, as they try to push through the conversation, and be caring and helpful. They can’t help it. For as much as queer relationships are the same as straight; there are so many things a straight person might never even realise. Media makes everything seem idk straight relationship parallel, when it’s not. On top of that; non queer persons (notice I veer away from specific lables) have been conditioned to equate queer identity as sexual identity, only. IE: You’ve been conditioned to see a queer relationship conversation, as an inherently sexual conversation, instead of for what it is. Just a relationship about life milestones and LOVE. Same as anyone else.

It’s not something bad. It’s not some formulaic, villainous twist. That’s a stereotype. There is no villain in Given. Hiiragi’s story is as important and meaningful as Akihiko’s or Mafuyu’s. We don’t usually have someone around that we can lean over to and be like ‘Hey see that guy over there? Cute right!? Is he cool?’ Or 'Hey I’m having this thing with my person, and I don’t know if it’s ok how I feel about it. Have you any advise? How did you deal with [fight/self essteem/potential red flags/broaching moving in/talking marriage/relationship things]“

Hiiragi knows he’s gay. Mafuyu knows he’s gay. They both know the other is gay. This doesn’t have to spelled out; it’s pretty straightforward.

He needs to be forgiven, because he never offered a hand or an ear or a shoulder. That’s it.

Saying he wants to be forgiven by anyone, but that he really wants to be forgiven Mafuyu himself; should be one of the most powerful lines you read in Given.

Remember, he’s telling us most of everything we know, other than what Ristuka or AkiHaru tell us. And they had only just met Mafuyu; they never knew Yuki or Shiiragi. They only just really found out about Yuki, at all.. It’s easy for the reader to get so into one couple or one character’s development, that we forget this.. Apparently the live action stage production straight up had Hiiragi narrate a lot of the story; emphasizing this. Much of Given, is Hiiragi’s perspective, esspecially where foundation back story is concerned.

Reading the special edition vol7 really puts this front and center. Kizu is drawing genius story telling technique, from the likes of Shakespeare and Kurosawa. The hero’s journey is told through the eyes of a SILENT jester. As loud mouthed as Hiiragi is; he doesn’t speak on the things the audience would want him to. He puts a prompt out there, and then the main characters move through that prompt. This is extremely difficult story telling. The author has to purposely make the reader suspicious of the jester, or forget that they’re the one telling you the story at all. The jester will usually have a more straightforward "fool” companion. Perfect example: R2D2 and C3PO

We’re you ever aware that the entire main storyline of Star Wars is from the perspective of R2D2 and C3P0 ? This is one of the first things you learn in any major film degree.. not kidding. You review the brilliance of Kurosawa’s Hidden Fortress and how it was the template for Star Wars, which became the template for modern saga storytelling. Mata and Tahei (Hidden Fortress version of R2D2 and C3PO) are two background characters that are first presented as characters the audience should maybe be wary of. Yet they are the ones telling the bulk of the story. You then get drawn into the hero’s journey, and completely forget that this is through the lens of the jester’s scope of knowledge. Hiiragi is R2D2 and Shizusumi; C3PO. Or rather; Mata and Tahei. They ARE privy to everything. They know all about Mafuyu, Yuki, and Mafuyu’s decent as the archetype of the fallen princess. Her whole world taken from her. They also know through Mafuyu, the whole rest of the cast of characters he now resides with. And they will see him to a new life, safe and well. Their whole purpose is to deliver the hero’s journey and Mafuyu’s rebirth, to the audience from an inside perspective.

Hiiragi was the one who would try to bring Mafuyu into the fold, and when he wouldn’t come to the door; he was the one who went and got Yuki, and brought Yuki to HIM. He did the same with Shizu. He recognized the same otherness between Mafuyu and Yuki, that he knew in himself. He never sought after Yuki in the way so many readers pick up and carry; because of queer formulas they’ve been convinced of. And ironically; Hiiragi’s character represents these stereotypes, in that he didn’t believe he could ever express or experience love the way he felt it, because Mafuyu and Yuki made it look so easy and fearless.

So many readers want to believe his desire for forgiveness from Mafuyu specifically, must mean he deliberately wronged him in some way. Because they’re searching for a BL formula that would fit the type casts they’re familiar with. Rather than reading it for the queer experience the characters living. Arriving to the understanding that they have no one to lean on. Seeing the same otherness in each other, and still not respecting the understanding they offer the other.

It’s so irritating seeing nothing but trashing Hiiragi or Shizu, on every platform as we get closer to the SYH debut. I think they have the most growth out of all the couples. I really don’t get why people don’t look at this and see a kid hurting. Hiiragi’s just as confused as Ristuka. They’re really not very different, Hiiragi just confronts life’s hard lessons with an attitude.

I always think of this panel and get sent back to when I was his age and I didn’t know how to be there for another guy, I knew was like me. How could I? I didn’t understand myself. I come across as a b**** too, to people that don’t know me well. Like me; he’s solution oriented. His take on Ritsuka is made clear in the lunch panels as [if you can’t come up with a determined next step, don’t complain to me] He’s constantly saying how much he doesn’t want Mafuyu to hate him, how he loves him, regrets that he wasn’t there for him. He “wants to be forgiven” because he knew he COULD have been there for Mafuyu AND Yuki too, but he didn’t know how. He didn’t have the language. Just like Ritsuka, right now..

Hes always drawn by Kizu in an extra panel, looking back at Mafuyu when he knows he’s hurting, or afraid. A separate identical panel of the one before it, except Hiiragi looks back at him with clear concern. Not Shizu, not Ritsuka, not even Yuki. If this isn’t an artist’s way of showing this character always wants to be there for the one they’re looking back at, Idk what is.. Being catty is just his regular speed; it doesn’t mean he’s all the things he’s been made out to be. And the same with using Yuki’s song.

One of my former band mates is reading Given, and they don’t get what the big deal is, same as me. We all had a song book we shared, with the understanding it’s community property, and you express otherwise from the beginning(before you potentially die). Unless someone expressly said [I wrote this, all by myself, no one use it] then it’s everyone’s composition to use. He was very clear that they purposely stopped playing anything Yuki wrote, when he died; during the lunch sequence. He’s ambitious, that’s a good thing for someone who said they want to save the world with music. He said that. Kizu put it right there in one of his profiles. Shizu never questions him because he believes in him. You can makes mistakes, feel regret, as long as you keep growing.

Hiiragi is the one usually telling us the story. I would be shocked if such a high level writer as Kizu didn’t show us, this whole deal is Hiiragi’s way of showing Mafuyu that he was always there, in his heart. How many times has Kizu had Hiiragi or Shizu say that he was beside himself when they lost touch with Mafuyu? That’s why he was crying in the above panel. He was also shown as the one who included Mafuyu when they were little. Yeah Yuki met him first. But it’s always drawn as Hiiragi going and getting him to play, and whenever he’s not, Hiiragi is the one that goes and gets Yuki to go to him. That’s real deep love ish, and the SYH debut will be, too.

I wrote an indepth piece on this topic, but I haven’t posted it, because I’m afraid it may sound uninclusive of non gay males in LGBTQIA+ or antagonistic towards cis/het readers. Please let me know if you you all feel up for reading it. ❤
