#main hero


[On the brink of losing all their HP in a tough battle]

Teammate 1:…Did you ever think…it would end like this?…

Main hero:……The horse was a surprise.

Main Hero and a random Teammate, looking at Vampire in confusion: Uh..whatcha got there?

Vampire, holding a knocked out Teammate, looking at them in annoyance: A smoothie

Main Hero: If you were a spider, how would you wear your socks?

Cautious: All eight matching.

Cool: Opposite feet matching, but otherwise up to four distinct pairs.

Airheaded: Total sock anarchy!

Energetic: Color wheel, obviously.

Main Hero, reading the news: some idiot tried to fight a squid at the aquarium

Stubborn, covered in ink: maybe the squid was being a dick.

MH: We need to summon something

Laid-back Mage: I can summon Stubborn’s salt in a smash match

Rest of the Party: …

LBM: Also explosions and stuff, why?

Dark Lord: Well, well, well. If it isn’t Main Hero-

Airheaded Main Hero: But it is me

Dark Lord: No- its an-

Airheaded Main Hero: Your mind tricks wont work on me!

Laid-backi will kill you: basic threat; overused; lacks serious weight

Laid-back:pee your pants: up-and-coming; respectable; unexpected

Laid-back:i will pee your pants: full of the promise of grief and terror; absolutely devastating

Imp: Your pants can’t wait for my pee

Main Hero: And there we have it, the most terrifying sentence in the universe

Main Hero: She was poetry, but he couldn’t read.
Airheaded: His name was jarred hes nineteen
Great Sage: When his parents built a very strange machine
Dancing Guide: watch that scene dig in the dancing queen
Laid-back: aaaay macarena
Main Hero: Horrible job everyone

Main Hero: What’s something that vampires hate, Airhead?

Airheaded: Coffee-flavored ice cream.

Main Hero: Well, naturally. But I was hoping for something specific to vampires.
