#marvel x reader


A Glitch in the Programming: Human Ultron x Reader (Part 6)

Warnings: Language

The first half of the day went by delightfully fast; Your conversation with Ultron flowed naturally, and as insufferable as his ego could be at times, you could almost begin to see bits and pieces of an actual person beneath all of it. Ultron had interests. He had a personality.He wasn’t just lines of code and data milling about in that head of his.

The more you thought about it, the more you came to realize how much he toed the line between human and artificial intelligence. It was almost a frightening realization for you, who just a day earlier, had been able to separate yourself from any sort of empathy with the prisoner under the impression he was a mindless killing machine.

Killer, he was.

Mindless? Not so much.

There was a rhyme and reason to his chaos; The man had mapped out years ahead of his original scheme down to the finest details and intricacies, and you had no doubt that if the Avengers hadn’t been there to stop him the first time, he would have seen his entire plan come to fruition. 

“New topic,” Ultron drawled from behind the glass, snapping your attention back to him abruptly, “Celestial bodies. I’m rather fond of Saturn, myself. No, wait… Jupiter. Named after the Roman king of the gods, and all… fitting how it has a constant storm brewing on its surface, no? That single storm is three times bigger than our entire planet.”

“I like Pluto,” you commented, earning a glance from the dark-haired man across from you. 

He lifted a hand to his face, pressing his index finger to his cheek so he could chew the inside with his teeth thoughtfully. “Pluto, god of the underworld… Some like to say he’s the god of death, but they’re mistaken; Pluto may reside over the domain of death, but he has no say in it. That honor, I believe, is given to Morta.”

In the few hours you’d been able to speak with Ultron, you’d learned how much of a desire he had to flex his knowledge and intelligence about any given topic. You found it best to offer a new topic and let him ramble to his heart’s content until he wore himself out and was ready for another topic. 

All in all, you didn’t mind too much. He did the hard work for you; All you had to do was sip your coffee and listen to whatever interesting facts he was able to spout off at you. A few times, a guard had interrupted your day with him to ensure everything was going smoothly and you felt safe, and a few times they’d even bring you a new cup of coffee. 

If this was to be your work day from now on, you sure as hell didn’t mind.

You found it almost amusing how Ultron’s theatrics seemed to seep into every aspect of his life. Dramatic hand gestures, staring into the middle-distance to deliver some philosophical message, or some large critique of organized religion… it was always something with him. 

It felt similar to the elaborate displays of exotic birds, constantly preening themselves and showing off their impressive feathers in hopes of attracting a mate. You were fairly sure he wasn’t trying to seduce you with his boundless knowledge, but a charming smile from him now and again further solidified the idea in your mind.

As Ultron continued his rambling on about the various moons found within the solar system, the door swung open. A friendly-looking security guard gently placed a hand on your shoulder, “Miss (l/n), it’s time for your lunch break.”

By now, Ultron had stopped speaking and was glancing between you and the guard, looking a bit irritated at the interruption—he didn’t voice any of his thoughts, however. You gave a grateful nod to the guard and quietly got to your feet. 

“Excuse me, Mr. Ultron. I’ll be back shortly.”

You and the guard swapped places and you reached for the door, pushing it open and making your way out. The entire time, you swore you could feel Ultron’s gaze boring a hole into the back of your head.

As you headed to the break room, you had to admit you weren’t feeling entirely hungry–you had far too much on your mind for a full meal. Instead, you settled on a pack of crackers from the vending machine and a bottle of water. You took a seat at a nearby table, mulling over the events of the morning, but before you could get too lost in your thoughts, someone placed their lunch bag down on the table across from you. You lifted your gaze and broke into a smile–it was Lee. 

Lee was fixing you with a curious smile, and you could tell he was straining hard to not immediately burst into asking a million questions.

“Yes, Lee, go on–”

He sat immediately and folded his elbows against the table. “What the hell’s goin’ on, (y/n)? You got promoted and you didn’t even tell us? Me and Joanne thought you went missing when you didn’t show up at the desk this morning!”

“I’m sorry. Everything just happened so suddenly… Yes, I got promoted. I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to tell you just yet though, okay?”

Lee lowered his voice and leaned in a bit closer. “Are you working for Mr. Stark now…?”

“I mean… I guess?” you responded, voice equally as quiet.

“Aha! I knewit. I knew there was something shady about the way you disappeared with him during the day yesterday. You didn’t seem like yourself afterward!”

“Shh, Lee, please—like I said, I don’t know how much I’m allowed to talk about,” you said, biting into one of your crackers, “But I promise once I do know, you and Jo will be the first I tell.”

“We better be. Remember us when you’re a big shot!” he said dramatically, casting a hand over his forehead, “Little (y/n)’s all grown up!”

You rolled your eyes and crumpled up the empty cracker bag. “Big shot, my ass. The closest I’ll get to that is being Stark’s coffee runner.”

“You’re running Mr. Stark’s coffee?” Lee said, eyes wide.

“No, Lee.”

“Well if he’s looking for someone to, y’know, fill that part, please recommend me!”

You laughed and rolled your eyes. “Okay, okay, I’ll be sure to pass that along.”

Masterlist for Mobile

Note: Yeah, I know I should had created this a long ass time ago. 



Loki’s Babysitting Saga with Jesse his future Nephew




Oneshots/Others drabbles, dialogues





Imagines (Various Characters)




Peter Parker

Oneshots/Others drabbles, dialogues


Peter Parker is Peter Precious Parker series



DC Comics/EU

Bruce Wayne/Batman




Criminal Minds

Spencer Reid





Angel On Fire - Chapter 21 - Fire & Lightning

Warnings:fluff ; fighting ; mentions of death ; ETC

Pairings:Bucky Barnes X Reader ; Thorin Oakenshield X Reader ; Bucky X Reader X Thorin ; Marvel X Reader X Hobbit



Going Back a Bit

Thor and Loki follow closely behind Legolas and Tauriel as they make their way into Laketown. Thor and Loki had seen places like this before during their old warrior days. It didn’t make seeing it any easier though. People suffering always made Thor’s stomach sour. If he could help them, he would, but his priority was his sister.

“Where do we go now?” Loki asks as he pulls his cloak over his head to hide himself from the people of Laketown.

As if to answer his question a loud scream echoes out across the night air pulling their attention. They instantly rush toward where the scream had originated and find a house being overrun with Orcs. Loki readies his daggers as Thor unsheathes his sword. Another Orc leaps to the balcony in front of the house, but suddenly, Tauriel appears and stabs it in the throat with her knife. She pulls out her other knife as well and begins killing the Orcs in the house.

Legolas jumps in through one of the holes in the roof. He too begins killing Orcs. An Orc approaches a wounded Dwarf and grabs him by the wounded leg. As the dark-haired dwarf screams in pain, Loki throws his knife, and it plunges into the Orc’s throat. Legolas and Tauriel slay Orcs left and right. Thor joins moments later his body emanating lightning as he sends Orcs flying left and right.

“Get down!” A blonde dwarf cries out as he pulls a boy out of the way of danger.

Tauriel kills the Orc, then turns to kill another one. The dark-haired dwarf from before stabs the Orc as well with the knife Tauriel had thrown earlier, and they together kill the Orc. But then, he falls over onto the floor, howling in pain, and Tauriel looks at him in worry.

An Orc, flees from the house and jumps over the balcony, landing in a boat in the water below. Thor follows him rage filling his body. The Orc yells to a bigger one and Thor knows instantly from the novel who it is. Bolg, the one who kills Kili and attempts to murder both Tauriel and Legolas.

“Ekinskeld. Obguranid!” (Oakenshield has gone!)The Orc calls out as he nears. “Tûg atal bakh maktu argu!” (But there are more outsiders.)

“Gur! Arangim!” (Fall back! Regroup at the bridge!) Bolg orders and the remaining Orcs join him.

In the house, Legolas stabs an Orc and trips it, and it falls backward over the balcony railing and lands in the boat below. The boat acts like a seesaw and sends Bolg’s lieutenant orc, who had jumped into the boat earlier, flying up into the air, where Legolas slices off its head with his knives. As the orc’s body falls into the water below, its head still looks at Legolas. Legolas releases the head, and it falls.

Legolas looks and sees the remaining Orcs running through Laketown after Bolg. Loki reaches out and stops Thor from following them making Thor turn back into the house to search for his sister. In the house, the human boy speaks to Tauriel amazedly.

“You killed them all.” The boy calls out clearly impressed.

“There are others. Tauriel, come.” Legolas calls to Tauriel as Thor looks around the room but only sees three dwarves. Legolas strides toward the door.

Tauriel, who had been looking after the dark-haired dwarf, looks up.

“She’s not here.” Loki says annoyed and Thor feels his patience start to wear thin. “(Name’s) Already gone.”

“We’re losing him!” A dwarf calls out pulling Thor and Loki’s attention.

Tauriel, looking shocked, looks at the injured dwarf, then at Legolas, who is waiting at the door.

“Tauriel.” Legolas looks at her for a moment and then walks out the door.

Tauriel remains standing. Legolas jumps over the balcony and onto a bridge, then begins running. Tauriel looks away and begins to head out the door to follow Legolas. Just as she reaches the door, the dwarf moans in pain, and Tauriel turns to look at him. Tauriel looks after Legolas, then at Kili again. Hearing a noise, Tauriel grabs her knives, then sees another dwarf running up with the Kingsfoil. Her eyes open in shock and she takes the leaves from his stunned grasp.

“Athelas.” Tauriel exclaims as she reverently examines it. “Athelas…”

“What are you doing…?” He asks and she smiles softly.

“I’m going to save him.” She replies moving over to where the injured dwarf was.

Thor and Loki glance at each other for a moment before they decide to wait to ask the dwarves questions. Thor thinks back to the novel and tries to remember the scene he was in. If it was when Tauriel was saving Kili, then that meant that at this moment his sister was at the mountain fighting the dragon. Worry courses through his veins as he glances over at Loki who was apparently thinking the same thing he was.

As much as he wanted to go after his sister; if they left, these people would suffer. (Name) would never want that to happen. Loki groans inwardly as he turns to Thor and says, “We have to help them, don’t we?”

“Yup.” Thor replies instantly a smirk on his lips. “She’d never forgive us if we left.”

“I’m starting to regret being a good guy.” Loki adds.

“When the dragon shows up, let me handle him.” Thor whispers eyeing his brother.

“You didn’t expect me to try my hand against him, did you? That’s not something I do. That’s your forte.” Loki jokes and Thor smirks.

“Excuse me, would you like something to drink?” A young girl asks pulling them from their conversation.

“No, thank you though.” Loki responds making one of the Dwarves turn to look at him.

“You’re (Name’s) brothers, aren’t you?” A blonde dwarf asks pulling their attention.

“We are. How did you know?” Loki asks and the dwarf smiles softly.

“She showed me a picture of you. I’m Fili, this is Oin and Bofur; the one being treated is my brother Kili.” Fili says as he motions to the rest of his company.

Loki and Thor return the smile as Thor says, “I’m Thor and this is my brother Loki. Thank you for taking care of our sister for us.”

“She’s someone I’m proud to call my friend.”

“She does have a habit of making friends no matter the circumstances.” Loki whispers under his breath making Thor elbow him in the stomach.

“I’m sure she would say the same about you.” Thor replies offering Fili his hand which the dwarf takes.

Then before anyone has a chance to say anything else the ground shakes and a loud roar can be heard throughout the skies. Loki and Thor share a look before turning to look at Tauriel who had moved to look outside.

“Guess that’s my queue.” Thor says as a smile covers his lips. “You help get them out?”

“And you kill the dragon, yeah I got the idea.” Loki adds as Tauriel walks back inside.

“We have no time. We must leave.” She announces as she grabs jackets and starts handing them out to the children.

“We’re not leaving. Not without our father.” Bain says as he moves to stand beside her.

“If you stay here, your sisters will die. Is that what your father would want?” Tauriel asks him and he shakes his head.

“Be safe.” Loki starts speaking only so Thor can hear. “You know he’s different from the dragons you’re used to.”

“I know.” Thor replies giving him a smirk as he rushes out the door into the night.

“Where’s he going?” Fili asks as she steadies his brother beside him.

“To kill a dragon of course.” Loki replies making everyone in the room stop and stare at him. “It’s not his first, won’t be his last. Come on let’s get you all to safety first.”

Loki, Tauriel, the dwarves, and Bard’s family get on a boat at the back of the house. They set off down the canal, poling the boat through the floating chunks of ice. Smaug swoops low overhead, and the townspeople scream. Smaug soars high above and away from the town, then turns and dives steeply toward the town, building up fire in his chest. As he gets over the town, he unleashes his flames, and he breathes his fire in a line all the way across the town. People scream and fall and die in the inferno.

“Anytime now brother.”

Thor jumps up onto a nearby roof and giving a smirk unsheathes his sword. Lightning emanates from his entire body as he jumps up into the air and launches himself at Smaug. A loud clap of thunder echoes across the sky as his sword strikes Smaug’s impenetrable scales. Smaug is sent soaring backwards at the force of the blow. Thor lets out a hearty laugh as he rushes off after him.

Smaug collects himself and looks around trying to find what hit him. He feels something land on his back, and he turns to see a man standing there with a bright smile on his face.

“Hello!” Thor calls as he gives him a slight wave.

“What are you?!” Smaug questions as he lands on some nearby houses.

“They call me the God of Thunder.” Thor replies jumping off his back landing on a nearby rooftop.

“Ah, I see now. You’re here for her.” Smaug calls out making Thor narrow his eyes at the dragon.

“You’re correct.” Thor replies gripping tightly to the hilt of his sword.

“She will die here.” Smaug says making Thor clench his jaw.

“I won’t let that happen.” Thor replies.

“You will be powerless to stop it.” Smaug growls making Thor’s body fill with anger. “She will die, and you will have to stand there and watch.”

He wanted to kill this dragon. He had never wanted anything more. But he couldn’t. It wasn’t his dragon to kill. It was the Bards. He couldn’t change the story. The events that happened her had to happen. Thor looks down at where Loki was glancing up at him. Loki knew what Thor wanted to do but he just shook his head.

Clenching his jaw, he looks around the floating town around him and sees someone racing toward a nearby tower with a bow in hand. That must be the Bard. Thor looks at his hand that was holding his sword and smiles.

“You aren’t clairvoyant dragon.” Thor says meeting Smaug’s eyes. “I know how this story ends.”

“Oh really?” Smaug questions and Thor chuckles.

“You know you’re pretty small for a dragon.” Thor antagonizes.

“What?” Smaug retorts in annoyance.

“Are you sure you’re a dragon? I mean I’ve fought bigger. Those dragons doubled your size. Were you the runt of your litter?” Thor continues as he watches from the corner of his eye as Bard readies his bow with his son Bain next to him.

“You and she, are more alike than you think.” Smaug growls and Thor smiles.

“Well…” He pauses lightning coursing through his body. “She is my sister.”

Thor sends a shockwave of electricity toward Smaug giving Bard the opening he needs to fire the black arrow.

It hurtles through the air and sinks all the way to the feathers, almost 6-7 feet, into Smaug’s chest through the spot without a scale. As Smaug leaps forward in pain and fear, Bard grabs Bain, just as Smaug careens into the tower. Thor zooms forward and grabs Bard and Bain before they fall with the tower into the water. Smaug rolls and slides through the town, destroying everything in the town. He struggles to fly into the sky. With massive effort, he manages to flap a few hundred feet up, screaming and wheezing in pain, then gasps for breath. His eyes lose their light, and he falls back down upon the city, dead, with the end of the arrow sticking out of his heart. He lands directly upon the Master’s boat, crushing it and presumably killing everyone on board.

“Thank you,” Bard says as he grips tightly to Thor’s hand.

“No thanks necessary.” Thor replies as he carries them over to the boat where the rest of Bard’s family, the dwarves, the elf, and Loki were waiting.

The girls rush their father and brother as Thor sets them down.

“We should help those we can.” Thor says to his brother and Loki tilts his head at him.

“How do we do that? There’s not enough room in the boat for everyone.” Tauriel points out as she motions the full boat.

“I can fly around and help those I can.” Thor replies before turning to Loki. “You can conjure a boat big enough for all.”

“I can, but why would I do that?” Loki questions making Thor furrow his brow.

“What do you mean why?” Thor inquires meeting his brother’s gaze.

“The dragon is dead, we should collect (Name) and return home before it’s too late.”

“We can’t just leave these people to suffer.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s not what (Name) would want.” Thor replies and Loki rolls his eyes.


Will Continue -

Angel On Fire - Chapter 20 - Dragons

Warnings: Heartbreaks ; angst ; fluff ; fighting ; mentions of death ; slight Smut ; mentions of sex ; ETC

Pairings: Bucky Barnes X Reader ; Thorin Oakenshield X Reader ; Bucky X Reader X Thorin ; Marvel X Reader X Hobbit

A/N sorry it’s been so long since i updated, i ended up getting really sick and am slowly getting my health back. i hope you guys like this and always please do not hesitate to let me know what you think.



Getting Smaug to follow me to the forge was simple. Insult his ego and that would do the trick. It was surprisingly easy to do. Calling to wind I use the breeze to lift myself up into the air so that I am floating high enough above the ground so that if I needed to get away quickly I could.

“Where are you little insect?” I hear Smaug call out and I smile mischievously.

“Now that’s just rude, I never called you any names.” I retort as I slink behind a column.

“Why do you help the dwarves? He will betray you; you know this.” Smaug growls his voice inching closer to me.

“He wouldn’t be the first, and I doubt he’ll be the last.” I add my mind drifting to think of Bucky. “I’m starting to think I should just switch to women permanently. They’re nicer to be around anyway, and the sex is pretty amazing.”

“You didn’t answer my question, Princess.” Smaug adds and I narrow my eyes.

“I don’t see a need too. I’m just helping them with what they need.” I reply as I watch Thorin, and the rest of the company sneak through a large hallway. Balin turns into a side tunnel, but Thorin continues forward with Bilbo at his heels.

“Don’t you wish to return home?” Smaug asks I feel my heart clench. “I know the one who can help you.”

Thorin hearing Smaug’s words is distracted from his current mission and stops in his steps. He turns towards me, and our eyes meet.

“Is it the same one who wants me for his own selfish desires? Cause if so, I hate to break it to you, but I don’t negotiate with evil dictators.”

Thorin turns and begins to go back to Bilbo and Balin but stops suddenly. They all see Smaug at the end of the hallway. He had taken the opening from our talk to sniff out the dwarves. Thorin yells at Bilbo to follow Balin. I rush forward and place myself between them. Balin pulls Bilbo into the side tunnel just as Smaug’s chest glows orange and he unleashes his fire throughout the hall.

Thorin runs the other way and leaps into the air, falling into a deep pit. He catches onto a chain with a bucket at the end of it, and it begins descending just as Smaug rushes past me and leaps into the pit as well. Smaug claws his way down the tunnel, snapping at Thorin on the chain.

I race to the pit as Dwalin runs up beside me. He yells after him into the pit and I look around for something to help get him out. Dwalin smashes his axe into the machinery holding the chain Thorin is holding on to, and the chain stops descending abruptly. Beside Dwalin, a heavy holding bucket on the other end of the same chain begins descending rapidly, causing Thorin’s chain to fly upward.

I hold my hand out and calling earth send out a fist of rock that wraps around Smaug’s mouth holding it closed as Thorin soars upward, narrowly missing Smaug’s head. Nori, at the top of the pit, hits another machine, and its gears spin rapidly, pulling Thorin on his chain rapidly upward. Smaug thrashes wildly against my stone grasp causing the earth to crumble around him. Smaug roars and blows smoke straight up the pit after Thorin. Thorin manages to reach the top and throw himself on a ledge just as the fire erupts beside him. I place myself between him and the pit letting my body absorb the fire.

“Go! Go!” I yell out as I feel my body start to become overwhelmed by the sudden overuse of my powers.

Thorin and Nori run through narrow slits between tall, stone pillars and join the other dwarves and Bilbo. They are standing in front of several massive dwarf furnaces, each at least 10 yards high.

“The plan’s not going to work. These furnaces are stone cold.” Dwalin cries out as I move over to stand near them my body burning hot.

“He’s right; there’s no fire hot enough to set them ablaze.” Balin adds and I eye the forge.

The furnaces are all dark, with no sign of fire within. Thorin turns to look at me and I know what he’s thinking.

“Isn’t there?” I ask as I move toward them. I stumble a little and he reaches out to catch me.

“You don’t have to do this, you’re exhausted.”

“You’re right I am, but I have to do this.” I wince as pull out of his grasp. “You might want to hide behind something.” I warn as my body is covered in fire.

They all rush behind pillars just as the fire exploded from within me. The fire goes past the pillars and reaches all the way to the furnaces. The dwarves and Bilbo, though not in the direct path of the fire, yell from the pain, heat, and pressure. Fire suddenly comes out of the bottoms of the furnaces, and they begin glowing and working. Smaug growls in confusion and anger as his head pops out of the pit behind them.

I fall to my knees my vision starting to get blurry as I look around for anything to hold on too. The dwarves run from the pillars as Smaug begins battering at them with his head. They are immensely strong, like a latticework of metal, but they begin to bend under Smaug’s tremendous strength.

“Bombur! Get those bellows working. Go!” Thorin calls out as he runs to my side and lifts me to my feet.

Bombur runs and leaps onto a chain next to a forge. The chain slides down with his weight, and he lands on the handle of a massive bellows. The bellows compress and blast air into the furnace, which exhumes bright blue flames. On top of the furnaces is a massive pile of unrefined gold, at least 10 yards in diameter. Thorin turns and sees the latticework continue to bend from Smaug’s bashing.

“Bilbo! Up there, on my mark, pull that lever.” Thorin calls as he points Bilbo toward a lever high up on a mound, and Bilbo runs toward it. The dwarves run toward the forges as the latticework begins to break. Thorin grabs Balin. “Balin, can you still make some flash-flame?”

“Aye. It’ll only take a jiffy.” Balin replies as he grabs some of the other dwarves to help him. “Come on!”

“We don’t have a jiffy.” Dwalin calls out as he looks at the latticework, which is bending dangerously from Smaug’s blows.

“Take her with you.” Thorin orders as he hands me over to Dwalin.

“I’m fine I just need a moment.” I retort as I take a deep breath.

Under the force of Smaug’s onslaught, the latticework finally gives way and falls to the ground. Smaug storms into the furnace room. He looks about, growling. In a storage room nearby, Balin and some other dwarves frantically mix various powders into jars to make flash-flame bombs. Bilbo clambers up some steps and reaches the lever mounted high on a tower; Smaug begins walking toward him.

Smaug raises his head to look at Bilbo, then looks to the side and sees Thorin standing there. Smaug turns and snarls at Thorin, and Thorin yells to Bilbo. “Now!”

Bilbo jumps into the air and pulls down on the lever just as Smaug lunges toward Thorin. Huge jets of water burst out of carved faces in the wall behind Bilbo and slam into Smaug, knocking him off balance and quenching the flames he was beginning to blow at Thorin. Smaug slides into the side of a furnace from the force of the water, and the glow in his chest disappears.

Roaring in rage, Smaug flaps into the air and begins thrashing about madly. The jets of water cause a watermill to begin turning some gears, which causes the various rope conveyor belts to begin operating. Some of them are full of heavy chunks of rock and ore.

Smaug begins crawling toward Thorin again. Above him, Gloin and Bifur have arrived on the bucket conveyor belt. As Bilbo begins to climb down the mound, Smaug approaches Thorin. Suddenly, there is a flash of blue light on the side of his head. Balin, Ori, and Dori are throwing flash-flame bombs at Smaug. However, Smaug is not at all fazed by them and continues toward Thorin. Above Smaug, Gloin raises his axe and cuts the rope of the conveyor belt full of heavy rocks below him, dropping tons of rocks on Smaug and making him fall to the ground, roaring.

The gold atop the furnaces is completely melted now. Thorin runs over to a furnace and pulls on a chain, opening a gate which allows the molten gold to flow out of the furnaces and through troughs built into the ground. Smaug, tangled in the ropes of the conveyor belt, thrashes about and hits the rope of the conveyor belt Gloin and Bifur are in, breaking it and knocking it to the floor.

They miraculously land on the ground unhurt. Beneath Smaug, rivers of molten gold flow through the troughs on the floor.

“Lead him to the Gallery of the Kings!” Thorin turns and begins running, shouting back at the dwarves.

As Smaug thrashes about, one of the heavy metal buckets tangled on him goes flying toward Bilbo on top of the mound. Bilbo yells and ducks, and the bucket misses him but takes large chunks out of the wall.

Thorin grabs a wheelbarrow and runs while pushing it, dodging Smaug’s thrashing limbs. Smaug’s tail smashes into the base of the mound, cracking it and worrying Bilbo. Thorin throws the wheelbarrow into a channel of gold and leaps into the wheelbarrow; it floats on the gold and is carried along. Seeing this, Smaug roars and whips his head around, finally getting rid of the ropes and buckets tangled around him. He stomps over to a small entrance at the base of the mound where all the troughs of liquid gold join and lead out of the room. Before he can get to Thorin, Thorin on his wheelbarrow floats through the entrance, just as the mound collapses and Bilbo falls. He manages to hit the ground rolling. Smaug sees Bilbo and snarls. Thorin turns his head back and yells for Bilbo to run.

“Bilbo!” I cry out as I push away from Dwalin and force myself to run toward the water.

Bilbo takes off running with Smaug in pursuit. I reach out and taking a deep breath call for the water to heed my bidding. It swirls around my body like a serpent until it takes the form of a giant water dragon. Smaug pauses his assault for a moment to roar angrily at it.

“I will not let you hurt anyone else.” I growl out angrily my voice echoing through the water serpents’ lips like a deadly threat. Throwing my arms forward the serpent takes on a mind of its own and coils dangerously around Smaug trying to douse his inner flame. Bilbo leaps onto a large stone slide and I move over to follow him. Smaug fights chaotically with the serpent demolishing all the stone structures nearby with his wings.

Bilbo and I, running from Smaug and the water serpents fight, run through a doorway and into a massive hall adorned with banners hundreds of feet tall. Just as he runs in, the wall above the doorway explodes as Smaug Is slammed through it by the water serpent. Bilbo runs frantically from the flying rocks but is caught beneath the cloth of a falling banner and knocked to the floor.

The serpent lets out a victorious roar as Smaug leaps to the floor and shouts angrily.

“You think you could win against me?” He yells as his eyes turn to focus on me. The serpent coiling protectively around me.

“I may not be able to hurt you, but you have come from Laketown. There is- is some sort of scheme hatched between these filthy dwarves and those miserable cup-trading Lakemen. Those sniveling cowards with their longbows and black arrows!” Smaug is talking to himself, and his voice breaks in both anger and fear when he mentions the black arrows. “Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit.”

Smaug turns to go to Laketown, and fear fills my body.

“No, you can’t!” I yell out as I rush after him, his sudden realization breaking my concentration and the water serpent dissipates from around me to nothing but a puddle by my feet. “This isn’t their fault! Wait! You cannot go to Laketown.”

Hearing this, Smaug stops for a moment, then turns toward me, who is running after him.

“You care about them, do you? Good. Then you can watch them die.” Smaug turns and strides off down the hall. Suddenly, a voice sounds from one end of the hall, where there is a massive stone structure that looks roughly like a dwarf. The voice is Thorin’s; he is standing atop the structure.

“Here, you witless worm!”

Smaug stops in his track, snarling and squinting in anger. He then turns toward Thorin.

“You.” Smaug growls his eyes narrowing at Thorin.

“I am taking back what you stole.”

“You would take nothing from me, Dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old. I instilled terror in the hearts of men. I am King under the Mountain.” His head is level with Thorin now; Bilbo and I watch from an adjoining hall.

“This is not your kingdom. These are dwarf lands, this is dwarf gold, and we will have our revenge.”

Unseen by Smaug, there are chains attached to various places on the back of the stone dwarf structure Thorin is standing on, and the ends of these chains are held by the other dwarves. As Thorin speaks, Smaug’s chest and neck glow with fire, and Thorin slowly reaches up toward a rope above him. Just as Smaug opens his mouth, Thorin yells something in Khuzdul.

Thorin yanks on the rope, and a pin behind the stone falls out, releasing heavy wooden bands and chains that had been wrapped tightly around the stone. Smaug rears his head in confusion. The other dwarves pull mightily on their chains, and more pins like the first are pulled out of the stone. The stone structure, which is now revealed to be the mold into which the liquid gold from earlier poured into, falls apart and reveals a massive statue of a dwarf king, made entirely out of solid gold. Thorin swings away on a rope to escape the falling rocks. Smaug looks at the golden statue, which is even larger than him, in awe and desire. As he approaches it, his mouth opens slightly in greed.

Suddenly, the gold around the statue’s eyes warps and then explodes into liquid; the gold in the statue had not yet fully solidified, and the entire statue collapses and explodes into burning hot liquid. Smaug roars in anger as the statue melts, and scrabbles backward to escape the gold. However, he cannot move fast enough and the tidal wave of gold hits him and knocks him over. As he roars, he is entirely smothered and drowned in the gold, which fills the entire hall in a layer several feet deep.

The gold settles, and no sign of Smaug is seen. The dwarves begin to smile in joy, but suddenly, the surface of the golden lake explodes as Smaug leaps out. He is entirely covered in gold, and he screams in anger and pain.

“Ahh! Revenge?! Revenge! I will show you REVENGE!” Smaug yells out as he runs down the hallway and takes off in flight. The mountain breaks as an enraged Smaug smashes his way out. He flaps his wing and lifts off into the sky, spinning and causing the remaining gold on him to fall off in a golden shimmer. He swoops off toward Laketown.

Watching him fly away, Bilbo despairingly pants and looks on in shock. “What have we done?”

I go to follow him when Thorin grabs my arm. I look at his hand before my eyes meet his.

“Let me go! They can’t handle a dragon. They’ll be slaughtered and it’s all our fault.”

“You can barely keep yourself standing. You’re in no condition to fight anymore.” Thorin replies and I go to pull away only to feel the world swirl around me. I had overdone it. My body was spent. I couldn’t do anything but watch as Smaug flew off to murder innocent people.

“I won’t sit here and do nothing.” I start again but this time when I went to pull away, I collapse to the ground completely exhausted.

Will Continue

Angel On Fire - Chapter 19 - The Lonely Mountain

Warnings: angst ; fighting ; death

Pairings: Bucky Barnes X Reader ; Thorin Oakenshield X Reader ; Bucky X Reader X Thorin ; Marvel X Reader X Hobbit

Angel on Fire Master-list


Climbing the foothills of the mountain seemed to go by faster than I thought it would. At one point, Thorin, recognizing the landscape, runs atop an embankment overlooking a valley. We all race after him and joining him look across the valley at the ruins of an old city.

“What is this place?” Bilbos asks voicing my curiosity.

“It was once the city of Dale. Now it is a ruin. The desolation of Smaug.” Balin says and my heart clenches for the lives lost here. Flashes of when Surtur destroyed Asgard flash through my mind causing my lip to tremble slightly at the memory.

“The sun will soon reach midday; let’s find the hidden door into the mountain before it sets. This way!” Thorin calls as he starts to race away.

“Wait…is this the overlook? Gandalf said to meet him here. On no account were we-” Bilbo calls out but none of the dwarves are listening.

“Do you see him? We have no time to wait upon the wizard. We’re on our own.” Thorin interrupts. “Come!”

The other dwarves follow him; but Bilbo and I look back at the city, conflicted.

“We have no choice; we must go with them.” I add turning to follow them. Bilbo waits for a moment then reluctantly follows.

Reaching the mountainside, we start to look for the secret entrance.

“Anything?” Thorin calls out.

“Nothing!” Dwalin replies.

“If the map is true, the hidden door lies directly above us.” Thorin says softly.

Bilbo, walking around, sees a massive statue of a dwarf carved into the side of the mountain. Looking closely, he notices a set of stairs built into the statue.

“Up here!” Bilbo calls out making us all look toward him.

“You have keen eyes, Master Baggins.” Thorin calls.

We painstakingly make our way up the steep and treacherous steps and find a little rock-walled clearing in the side of the mountain. Thorin runs to the clearing.

“This must be it. The hidden door.” Thorin exclaims. “Let all those who doubted us rue this day!” Thorin holds up his key, the others cheer.

“Right. We have our key, which means that somewhere, there is a keyhole.” Dwalin says as they all start to explore the walls of the clearing with their fingers, looking for a keyhole. Thorin walks to the edge of the clearing and looks out at the setting sun.

“The last light of Durin’s Day will shine upon the keyhole.” Thorin ponders.

Thorin looks at the wall and tries to figure out what the light hitting the wall means. As the sun gets lower and lower on the horizon and nothing changes on the wall, Thorin begins to get frantic. “Nori.”

Nori, who is known as a thief, runs to the wall and begins tapping it in different places with a spoon while holding his ear to a cup held against the wall. Meanwhile, Dwalin strains and pushes against the wall. The sun gets lower.

“We’re losing the light.” Thorin yells out panic in his voice.

“Come on!” Dwalin cries out as he begins kicking at the wall.

“Be quiet! I can’t hear when you’re thumping.” Nori yells at Dwalin.

“I can’t find it…it’s not here! It’s not here.” Dwalin panics.

As the sun gets closer to disappearing, Thorin frantically gestures to the other dwarves.

“Break it down!” Thorin yells out causing Dwalin, Gloin, and Bifur smash at the wall with their weapons, to no avail. “Come on!”

“It’s no good! The doors sealed. It can’t be opened by force. Powerful magic on it.” Balin says and the dwarves hitting the door drop their weapons in tiredness and in disappointment. The sun disappears behind distant mountains.

“No!” Thorin cries as he stumbles forward and re-examines the old map, reading aloud. “The last light of Durin’s Day will shine upon the keyhole. That’s what it says.” He holds his arms open is disbelief, the other dwarves mutter in disappointment and anger. “What did we miss?” Thorin walks up to Balin and repeats his question, earnestly and tearfully. “What did we miss, Balin?”

“We’ve lost the light. There’s no more to be done. We had but one chance.” Balin says and I feel tears sting my eyes at their loss. The dwarves bow their heads in despair and turn back toward the stairs. “Come away; it’s…it’s over.”

“Wait a minute!” Bilbo cries out as we watch them turn and head back down the stairs. “Where are they going? You can’t give up now!”

Bilbo looks beseechingly at Thorin, but Thorin turns away. He holds up his key and looks at it, then drops it to the ground, where it clatters.

“Thorin…you can’t give up now.” I say moving closer to him.

Thorin throws the map at Bilbo’s chest and walks past him. I give Bilbo an apologetic look as I quickly follow after Thorin.

“Thorin, I know how you must be feeling, but maybe Bilbo is right.”

“You know nothing of my pain.”

“Do I not?” I argue anger filling my voice. “You forget, I lost my home too. I will never ever be able to get it back.” Tears sting my eyes as I continue, “You have a chance, give Bilbo a chance to figure this out. please, do not give up.”

Thorin turns to face me and for a moment, and thanks to the stairs, he is taller than me. His deep blue eyes find mine and he looks broken.

“Thorin, you haven’t failed until you give up.” I close the distance taking his hands in mine. “Thorin, I care for you, and I want you to be happy. Turning around and leaving, will not make you happy.”

Thorin pulls his hands from mine and reaching up gently cups my face.

“I do not know if I can take anymore loss.” Thorin whispers and I lean into his touch.

“Thorin,” I start about to lay my secret bare. “There is something I’ve been hiding from you. Something you should know.”

“What is it?” He inquires.

Before I have a chance to tell him I hear Bilbo cry out.

“The keyhole! Come back! Come back! It’s the light of the moon, the last moon of autumn! Ha ha ha!”

Thorin’s eyes widen with newfound hope. We instantly turn and race back up the stairs. When we round the corner, Bilbo is looking frantically around on the ground in the clearing for the key, suddenly, his foot hits it and it goes flying from the clearing. Just before it falls off the side of the mountain, a boot steps on the string and stops it. It is Thorin. Bilbo sighs in relief. Thorin slowly reaches down and picks up the key, then examines it. The other dwarves step up beside him. They all smile in relief at Bilbo.

Thorin inserts the key into the keyhole and turns it; mechanisms are heard turning behind the rock. Thorin pushes the wall, and a previously unseen door opens into the mountain. The seams of the door were completely invisible earlier. The door opens into a tunnel going into the mountain. The dwarves look on it awe as Thorin stands on the threshold.

“Erebor.” Thorin breathes as he takes a step inside.

“Thorin…” Balin chokes up, and Thorin puts a hand on his shoulder.

“I know these walls…these walls, this stone. You remember it, Balin. Chambers filled with golden light.” As he says this, Thorin runs his hands over the walls, lost in memory. Balin steps into the tunnel.

“I remember.” Balin adds.

The rest of the Company slowly and reverently enters the mountain. Inside, Nori points at a carving in the wall above the door; it is of the throne of Erebor, with a bright jewel above it, sending out rays of light in all directions. Gloin reads aloud the inscription on the carving.

“Herein lies the seventh kingdom of Durin’s Folk. May the heart of the mountain unite all dwarves in defense of this home.”

Bilbo looks at the carving in interest and curiosity. Balin explains it to him. “The throne of the king.”

“Oh. And what’s that above it?” Bilbo asks.

“The Arkenstone.”

“Arkenstone… And what’s that?”

“That, Master Burglar, is why you are here.” Thorin concludes and my brow furrows. All the dwarves look at Bilbo, and he looks bewildered, but resolute.

“Wait, you’re making him go in alone?” I question making them all turn toward me.

“Bilbo knows what he’s doing.” Thorin exclaims.

“It a fucking dragon Thorin.” I argue my eyes widening slightly.

“It’s okay (Name), I can do this.” Bilbo interrupts and I shake my head.

I go to argue but he cuts me off with a smile. My stomach twists and turns as a bad feeling washes over me. Bilbo quietly walks through a large doorway and disappears into the mountain. I wait for a while but then I can’t take it anymore.

“I’m going after him.” I say as I start toward the entryway.

“No, you’ll stay here.” Thorin orders as he grabs my arm holding me back.

The ground starts to shake, and panic feels my body.

“Was that an earthquake?” Dori asks.

“That, my lad…was a dragon.” Balin answers and I furrow my brow.

I feel heat coming from the doorway and I turn to see an orange glow from the mountain coming through the door.

“What about Bilbo?” Ori asks and I clench my fists.

“Give him more time.” Thorin orders and I stare daggers at him.

“Time to do what? To be killed?” I argue angrily hating every second I cannot go to help Bilbo.

“You’re afraid.” Thorin retorts and I scoff shaking my head.

Balin steps in between us causing Thorin to turn toward him.

“I fear for YOU. A sickness lies upon that treasure hoard, a sickness that drove your grandfather mad.” Balin says making Thorin’s brow furrow.

“I am not my grandfather.”

“You’re not yourself. The Thorin I know would not hesitate to go in there-”

“I will not risk this quest for the life of one burglar.”

Balin looks at Thorin disgustedly.

“Bilbo.” I start disappointment in my eyes. “His name is Bilbo.”

Thorin looks contemplatively out into the night.

“I’m going, and you cannot stop me.” I say reaching up to pull his hand from my arm. “There is only one person here who can handle that dragon.” I pause fire filling my eyes. “And it’s me.”

Thorin snaps back to look at me, but I am already racing down the halls. I hear him call after me, but I don’t turn around. I follow the heat and flicker of orange light. After a few turns I make it to the grand hall. If I hadn’t grown up in a kingdom of golden castles the mass of gold would have stunned me to silence. There was so much gold, rivers of it flowed around the old emerald stone columns.

“You have been used, thief in the shadows. You were only ever a means to an end. The coward Oakenshield has weighed the value of your life and found it worth nothing.” I hear a deep voice speak and I turn to see a massive dragon. He was nothing like the stories Thor had told of the dragons he had killed.

“No. No. No, you’re lying!” I hear Bilbo cry out and I search for him. I find him below a pillar a white gem shining a few feet away from him.

“What did he promise you? A share of the treasure? As if it was his to give. I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it.”

Bilbo, hearing that Smaug is on top of the structure, seeks the Arkenstone lying a few feet away from the structure and makes a run for it. Smaug sees him and whips his tail, sending Bilbo, the Arkenstone, and gold flying. Bilbo tumbles and lands against a pillar.

“My teeth are swords! My claws are spears! My wings are a hurricane!”

As Smaug displays his wings, Bilbo notices a scale missing on the left side of Smaug’s chest. He whispers to himself.

“So, it is true. The black arrow found its mark.” Bilbo says and I narrow my eyes to try to follow his gaze.

“What did you say??” Smaug questions.

“Uh, uh, I was just saying your reputation precedes you, oh Smaug the tyrannical. Truly, you have no equal on this earth.”

As Bilbo speaks, he slowly backs up. He is standing in a bare, open spot, and Smaug faces him. As he finishes speaking, Bilbo looks down and sees the Arkenstone lying just a few feet from him, and he gazes at it.

“I am almost tempted to let you take it, if only to see Oakenshield suffer, watch it destroy him, watch it corrupt his heart and drive him mad.”

Bilbo and Smaug face off, Bilbo pants. Then Smaug begins to rear his head.

“But I think not. I think our little game ends here. So, tell me, thief, how do you choose to die?”

Right before Smaug’s head streaks forward I yell out, “Hey!”

Smaug’s head snaps towards me as a low rumble emanates from his throat.

“You…” Smaug pauses a low rumble in his voice. “I was told you were coming.” Smaug speaks his voice reverberating off the walls.

“Well, here I am.” I reply glancing out of the corner of my eyes to see Bilbo going after the Arkenstone.

“He’s been waiting for you.” Smaug adds and I narrow my eyes at him.

“Well, he can keep waiting. I want nothing to do with him.”

“Like you have a choice.” Smaug says as he inches closer to me.

“I choose my own destiny. I’m no one’s pawn.” I cry back as my skin starts to turn orange as fire emanates from within me. “I am the goddess of Elements. Daughter of Odin. Princess of Asgard. And you… you’re pissing me off.”

Smaug lets out a loud roar, dragon fire emanating from his throat as it passes around me. I smile as I feel nothing. His fire stops and his eyes fill with surprise.

“My turn.” I say reaching forward with my hand letting the fire of my soul flow from me like a phoenix rising from the ashes.


Thorin races through the halls after (Name), he was a fool to let her follow Bilbo. He charges with his sword out through the tunnels and stops as flames light up the walls of the tunnel. He runs out onto the same overhang Bilbo had earlier reached, then stops abruptly when he sees the mountain of treasure all around him. He breathes heavily. Just then, Bilbo runs up to him.

“You’re alive!” Thorin cries out in surprise.

“Not for much longer!” Bilbo replies as he nears him.

“Where’s (Name)?!” Thorin questions making Bilbo pause.

“I don’t know, she was there one moment and then…” Bilbo looks away as he tries to find the right words to say.

They are both standing at the entrance to the tunnel, but Thorin is blocking Bilbo’s way. They pause and look at each other for several seconds, then Thorin speaks again, more quietly.

“Then what?” Thorin inquires his anger growing. “Where is she?!”

They stare at each other for several seconds, panting heavily.

“I don’t know. We have to get out. I’m sure she can take care of herself.”

Bilbo tries to enter the tunnel, but Thorin swings his sword across it, blocking the entrance. He presses the blade against Bilbo, and Bilbo stumbles back, the sword still touching him. Bilbo and Thorin face each other, with the tip of Thorin’s sword against Bilbo’s chest.

“Thorin. Thorin!” Bilbo cries out.

“I will not leave without (Name) and the Arkenstone.”

Thorin steps forward, forcing Bilbo to step back. Bilbo’s eyes are open in fear, and Thorin’s face is steel and blank of emotion. Suddenly, Bilbo looks off to the side, and Thorin hears a sound in that direction. He turns and sees Smaug approaching over the mountain of treasure. Smaug, recognizing Thorin, snarls. Suddenly, the remaining dwarves run out of the tunnel and face Smaug, their weapons out. Smaug roars and rushes at them; his chest and neck glow orange.

“You will burn!” Smaug cries out. Just as Smaug bellows fire at them, the dwarves and Bilbo turn and jump off the staircase. They tumble down the pile of treasure and land near the entrance to another tunnel, which they run into.

“Stay away from my friends!” Thorin hears (Name) shout and turns back to see her floating in the air.

He stares at her for a moment completely shocked at what he was now seeing.

“Thorin, Run!” She cries out as she puts herself between him and Smaug shielding him from the dragon fire.

Millions of thoughts started to race through his head. What was she? Why had she hidden this from him? Was she even who he thought she was? Whom he cared for? Who was she?

“Thorin, please, go!” she cries again as she turns to look at him her (E/C) eyes pleading with him to run.

“Not without you.” He replies making her brow furrow as sadness fills her eyes.

Shaking her head, she pushes him into a room right as angrily, Smaug breathes fire in all directions. Thorin, the last one in the door, is pushed in by the force of the flames. He runs into the room at the other end of the tunnel with the back of his coat on fire, and he throws himself on the ground and rolls to extinguish the flames. He jumps back up.

He glances back the way he had come confusion and panic on his face. Shaking his head, he pushes his concerns about (Name) away as he focuses on getting his kin and Bilbo to safety.

“Come on.” He calls as he starts to run forward. With Smaug roaring in the background fighting with (Name), they run.


I take a moment to hide from Smaug. My body was slowly starting to tire out. My chest heaved as my body ached from the sudden exertion of my powers. I stumble forward down a walkway as I try to find a place to take a break. Suddenly, there are footsteps. The dwarves emerge out of a tunnel and approach the stone bridge I am on. My eyes meet Thorin’s, and he instantly sneaks over to me and takes me in his arms.

“Are you alright?” He questions his hand reaching to tilt my chin up.

“I’m tired.” I answer honestly my body swaying.

“I have you.” He replies supporting me as best as he could.

“Where to now?” Bilbo whispers to Thorin.

“The western guardroom. There may be a way out.” Thorin replies escorting me forward.

“It’s too high. There’s no chance that way.” Balin counters shaking his head.

“It’s our only chance. We have to try.” Thorin concludes.

“I can distract him.” I offer making Thorin’s grip on my body tighten.

“No, you’ve done enough.”

Quietly, we tiptoe across the bridge, looking all about. Suddenly, a coin falls to the floor right in front of Bilbo and rings loudly. They all freeze and look at Bilbo, who frantically checks his jacket to see if some coin had been stuck in a fold. Hearing another coin fall, they look up and see Smaug crawling just above them, looking for them. He hasn’t seen them. The coins that fell came from his chest and arms, where several coins and gems have embedded themselves after years of him sleeping on them. Thorin motions for them to keep moving.

We stealthily make our way to the western guardroom. Stopping occasionally to hide from Smaug. Upon reaching the guardroom Thorin calls out, “Stay close.” They all stop abruptly when they see that the guardroom is full of rotted, dust- and cobweb-covered corpses. My hand shoots to my mouth as a shocked gasp escapes my lips.

“That’s it, then. There’s no way out.” Dwalin says but my eyes are focused on the mummified remains.

It seems like a landslide, or something; has blocked the exit, trapping the dwarves in the past in the room to die.

“The last of our kin. They must have come here, hoping beyond hope. We could try to reach the Mines. We might last a few days.” Balin suggests.

“No. I will not die like this. Cowering, clawing for breath. We make for the forges.” Thorin decides.

“He’ll see us, sure as death.” Dwalin adds helping me pull my eyes from the bodies to look at him.

“Not if we split up.” Thorin adds and I grimace at a sudden shot of pain in my side.

“Thorin, we’ll never make it.” Balin says hopelessness filling his face.

“Some of us might. Lead him to the forges. We kill the dragon. If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together.” Thorin announces and I see the light return to his kin’s eyes.

“I can help.” I say pushing myself to my feet.

“You’re in no shape to fight.” Thorin rebuts but I shake my head.

“I can distract him; give you guys a clear shot to the forge.”

“I cannot ask that of you.” Thorin says softly as he leans down toward my ear.

“You don’t have too. I will protect you. All of you.” I conclude causing worry to fill his eyes. “There’s something I must tell you all.” I pause for a moment unsure of how telling them my secret would go. “Where I’m from there are people with gifts, I happen to be one of those few people. You might have noticed from before, but I can control the elements. Fire, water, earth, and air. All of it bends to my will.”

“That’s why Smaug’s fire didn’t harm you.” Bilbo breathes as he looks from the ground up to me.

“Fire cannot harm me. No matter how hot it is.” I add as I nod. “I’m sorry I waited this long to tell you all this. I just have a history of people reacting badly when I’ve told them.”

“I’m sorry you felt you had to hide this from us lass.” Dwalin says and I feel my heart lift in my chest.

I glance over to Thorin whose eyes are filled with deep thought and I gulp down a breath of air, “Let me do this. I can distract him long enough for you all to get where you need to be.”

Thorin nods and I give his arm a quick squeeze before I pull away from him and turning to our companions say, “Be careful.”

“Good luck lass.” Dwalin says and I nod.

Turning I head back the way we had come only to feel someone following behind me. I turn to see that it was Thorin.


“Don’t die, promise me, you won’t die.”

I open my mouth to argue but decide against it. I lean forward and placing a kiss on his cheek say, “I’ll be fine.”

Will Continue in Chapter 20
