#melanin glowing


Hip - Hop , Photo by Me of Zion

Audio interview by Zion of Ron Johnny

It’s very hard to always be strong,

It’s unfair we have to be strong.

But fuck it, we will be strong

So our children and grandchildren don’t have to be.

“Even inside I’m too outstanding”

Absolute normalize black women in luxury.

Casual living~

I recently saw an Instagram/ Tiktok post that was titled: “5 ways that black women can level up their looks” it said things like: always have your hair done, always have your nails done, invest in designer bags and so on and so forth (as IF we even NEED to level up)

I’m just here to say be YOU! if having your hair/nails done is you and it it makes you feel happy and comfortable, all the power to you! If you feel good in luxury, I hope you live lavishly forever. But let’s not pretend like that’s the ONLY acceptable type of black woman we should all strive to be. Everyone is different and we’re all gorgeous in out own way. One person’s self care can be luxurious items and another person’s self care can be going on long hikes, or pottery or other things that aren’t so clean and polished.

These stereotypes pit women against each other and make girl either feel like they HAVE to strive to be one thing, or that they’re better for not being like that. (Aka the “I’m not like other girls mentality) we are all in it together let’s just uplift each other.

Don’t let others tell you how to live your life.
