#michelle jones

pellisoro: Few things to take from this: Ned gives Peter’s # to MJ. Either he is the greatest wing-mpellisoro: Few things to take from this: Ned gives Peter’s # to MJ. Either he is the greatest wing-mpellisoro: Few things to take from this: Ned gives Peter’s # to MJ. Either he is the greatest wing-mpellisoro: Few things to take from this: Ned gives Peter’s # to MJ. Either he is the greatest wing-mpellisoro: Few things to take from this: Ned gives Peter’s # to MJ. Either he is the greatest wing-mpellisoro: Few things to take from this: Ned gives Peter’s # to MJ. Either he is the greatest wing-m


Few things to take from this:

  • Ned gives Peter’s # to MJ. Either he is the greatest wing-man in the world or she asked for it for her own agenda (but most likely the latter as this takes place during Homecoming since the love line with Liz is still there)
  • MJ offers to share notes with Peter to help him
  • MJ possibly talking to Harrington to keep Peter from getting kicked out
  • Peter and MJ had a meetup with just the two of them since she doesn’t reference anyone else waiting with her
  • She’s always looking out for him like a good friend
  • Peter butt dials her “every other day” and leaves confusing voicemails even during his patrols and she’s worried 
  • Goes from “Do you need help?” to “Guess what happened in class today”
  • They eventually have a barter system: notes = 2 (fresh) churros
  • She says it’s weird to leave voicemails but she can’t stop asking him mundane things via voicemail instead of texting asdjsdf

What would I give to hear Peter’s voicemails to her

Post link


if u cant tell by now… i really love michelle jones. i really love her so much. her character is so personal to me so i’m not even gonna pretend this has the pretense of being unbiased because i’m not. i’m so so not. this is just a long ass love letter to her character

MJ was made to be this relatable figure in peter parker’s life, despite the history and importance of the character’s legacy in the comics and it just means so much to me. it really does.

first of all, i want to talk about how smart she is. i love how she’s smart but she’s not an unrealistic genius. she knows weird interesting facts about everything because she’s naturally inquisitive about things and i love that. i actually learned new and interesting things about europe that i never would have found out on my own, because of mj. i love her sm.

and i love that there’s basis for it in her character too. like she knows for a fact that she’s not like everyone else and she owns it and she knows that there’s more than meets the eye on everything and so she’s just devoted to looking deeper into things than most people and i just- i just love that sm, ok???

she doesn’t care about superficial surface level bs and cares more about what’s deep and hidden, the stuff that no one dares to look at or find out. maybe because… that’s her. she’s the one that most people don’t bother getting to know because she’s weird. so if she’s weird then it makes sense she’s interested in finding out weird things about everything else too (cough peter cough)

and so i love how it just makes so much sense why mj would like peter parker.

i don’t read the comics so i wouldn’t dare to say what i know about their relationship is right, but from what i do know, it was just a natural progression from friends to couple. they stuck by each other thru thick and thin and that’s how they got together. they spent time together and eventually, boom. it makes sense. however… peter and mj from the comics were two almost completely different people in different social circles and kinda unrealistic, i’m sorry. i get that’s the appeal, opposites attract and all.

but the inquisitive loner mj is the exactly right person to give a crap about the suspicious comings and goings of one kind dorky peter parker and i guess i just love it when movies be realistic and relatable like that

and now let’s talk about mj and her walls. it’s probably the most relatable aspect of her, for me, so far. it’s hard not getting to tell someone you care about how much you care about them. that you feel a need to bury your affection for them under layers of weird so it isn’t even obvious that you care about them.

i still love how ffh recontextualized mj’s actions in hoco because… i can literally say that’s me. not daring to make an action towards someone you care about unless it can be construed as something else?? plus she’s awkward n doesn’t know how to talk to people and tbh saammee?? sighhh mj, man.

also can i just talk about howzendayaknows that the big thing about mj and peter’s relationship is that peter like mj for who she is and that mj shouldn’t have to change things about herself. and how much everybody is responding to that exact same thing about their relationship. i just love how zendaya knows what’s important about her character and the relationships that she has. she knows what we, the fans, care about because she cares about mj same way we do.

and lastly, which is kind of a small thing but i haven’t seen anyone talk about it so i really wanna mention it cus i love it sm. mj is just so subtle. she doesn’t have this big brazen intense distinctive HEY IM WEIRD IM THE WEIRD GIRL personality, no she doesn’t. the stuff she does is just very natural to me. she’s awkward, knows weird stuff, and talks about it. and she’s still a normal girl who has crushes and walls and vulnerabilities. she’s just a very normal realistically weird flawed human character and i love her for it.


the plane scene with flash means so much to me because she doesn’t tell flash to fuck off or tell him to stop making fun of peter or stand up for peter. no, she just subtly gets rid of flash without making too big a scene. she doesn’t make a big deal that she’s standing up for peter, she gets rid of flash then subtly lets peter know she’s got his back. I.CON.IC

and then, her takedown of brad… HER TAKE DOWN OF BRAD. she lets brad say his piece and even “agrees” with him so that he wouldn’t talk back only for her to switch the lights on him. so that he’s the one under investigation now, not peter. i just- i love how mj can do so much with so little. she is so sly and smooth and suave and she knows what people pay attention to and what they don’t so she’s capable of manipulating them to achieve a goal without anyone being the wiser.

i just love mj sm, she’s realistically relatably understandably smart and weird, she’s funny in a dorky kind of way (“IF YOU SAVED US ALL, THEN WHY ARE WE ABOUT TO DIE?!?!” <- dis line was hilarious, i hate ppl for not talking more about it), and her actions are so subtle and so easy to miss that i appreciate them so much more that way.

gods, i love this girl


look at dis cutie who saw a buncha crabs by a wooden post, thought it was cool, decides to take pictures of it, and is rlly happy to be sharing this moment with the dork she likes. how can i not love this girl?


25 reasons to love Michelle Jones

1.She has no filter and deadpans. If you like Tony Stark, real bold of you to have a problem with this specific trait of hers

2.She doesn’t have any friends. Hardly gets more relatable

3.She is so observant that she knows Peter is Spider-Man. While nobody has it figured out. Not even Ned had it figured out. And yet she also says nothing. A clever and caring woman

4.She loves reading so much that she does it during PE class. Aren’t you lowkey a nerd who’d rather be reading than running laps at the gym? So is she

5.She doesn’t read just any books. ‘Of Human Bondage’ is about an orphan who has to live with his aunt and uncle and also falls in love with a girl that doesn’t always reciprocate his feelings. Reminds you of someone? Then later in the bus: ‘Invitation to a beholden’, is the story of a man who gets imprisoned and is unable to blend in the society he lives in because he is gnostic. So 1. She wants to know how Peter feels 2. She doesn’t feel like she blends in the society she lives in

6. “Am I?”. Think about it. Is she?

7.Her looks say “screw your idea of what is “well dressed” and pretty”. She will look however tf she wants. No makeup at 15 yo is absolute realistic even if society stays lowering the age at which you should start looking like a doll

8.Her purple hair streak. Why purple? Is it her favorite color? Does it mean something specific to her? Was it an attempt from her to get noticed by her classmates without it being too obvious?

9.She wanted to/did some light protesting in front of one of the embassies in DC. At 15 yo. Jot it down

10.She made the acadec team win the competition. We don’t see her answer questions be it at school or during the trip but clearly she has the brains to be successful by putting little to no efforts into training

11.She made the acadec team win and yet she didn’t claim the trophy. Too shy or too humble, or both

12.She is a character needed in our time, a SJW trademark. She has a moral code and principles and is socially aware. Fanboys are triggered. Note that while everyone ended up being in danger, respecting her ancestors is what made her able to stay on the ground, safe

13.“MY FRIENDS ARE UP THERE!” I thought you didn’t have any friends? So you do have feelings. And now I am soft and want to protect you at all cost

[Deleted footage entirely: NOBODY came to pick her up after they got back from DC. Why? And who do I have to fight for being awful parents and why are they awful? What is her family like etc?]

14.She goes to detention to “sketch people in crisis”. But only when Peter is there, it seems. Could it also be because she doesn’t want to go home anyways? And if so why?

15.She can draw. Talent

16.Sketching Peter’s sad detentioned ass and showing him. I want to know where the audacity stops

17.The middle finger. Enough said

18.She was appointed new captain of the decathlon team. See point 8. She is clever as hell, it’s canon

19.The look Peter gave her. We love foreshadowing

20.“My friends call me ‘MJ’. However way you feel about this reveal, big or not, disappointing or not, it was well done

21.“I didn’t.” [Have any friends]. From "I don’t have any friends” to “I didn’t”. She has come full circle

22.Point 21 makes you realize that she had a mini arc of her own that was not centered around Peter and her evil dad. I certainly wish it had been Liz’s case

23.“What are you hiding, Peter? Just kidding, I don’t care, bye”. But the look she gave to Peter right after? We love foreshadowing

24.She is a gift to meta culture. I wrote all of this based on roughly 3 mins screen time tops with deleted scenes and non included footage

Btw see this is how you hype a character you like. Coming up with original shit and metas and fics and fanarts. Running down a character you dislike does nothing, shocker

25.She is gorgeous. Yes that is a valid reason, y'all implicitly pull it with white characters all time & it is really hilarious she was supposed to not be attractive. One of the most unrealistic thing in this movie

Bonus:It’s because it’s Zendaya

And ultimately, because she is 'MJ’. Had she been white and a red hair, big silence about how “it’s just because” since y'all would have decided that as SUCH a lore character, she’d have been deserving of support. Lots of screen time or not. Why can’t y'all do the same thing here? Is why “it’s because it’s Zendaya” is going to lowkey be a thing, indeed. Deny it all you want, we know this is a matter of race. She still is and was racially attacked the day the news of her casting dropped, while she is an amazing talent that had been looking for a movie role and did what she had to do to get cast before she even left the room. Tom Holland’s words, not mine. She auditioned for this role, you didn’t. She got it and conveyed all of the above in 2 mins and 57 seconds. Michelle is a breath of fresh air both in her characterisation and interpretation of a female character and a love interest and that is why she was so instantly loved. We love not only one but two icons. Let it be known


last updated: may 17, 2022

* = smut
** = drinking / marijuana use
*** = social media au

  1. Feelings You Can’t Deny *** (complete)
  2. Secret Confessions *** (complete)
  3. Sure, Jan *** (complete)
  4. there ya go, princess * (one shot)
  5. Mission Report: Laundry Day(drabble)
  6. That’s What I Am(one shot)
  7. i hate everybody  *** (complete)
  8. Hey, babydoll** (one shot)
  9. Here Comes Trouble * (one shot)
  10. okay, but can i get more ice cream first?(drabble)
  11. xoxo, *** (complete)
  12. Pranks for Beginners(drabble)
  13. my ex’s best friend(one shot)
  14. running in the dark ** (on hiatus
  15. A Christmas Special with Bucky Barnes(drabble)
  16. am i more than you bargained for yet? *** (complete)
  17. I Bet You Do ** (one shot)
  18. I Won’t Let This Go * / ** (one shot)
  19. tag! you’re it *** (on hiatus)
  20. shape up, boys *** (in progress)
  1. they think my lover is strange(one shot)
  2. A Prophecy Fulfilled*(one shot)
  3. Fuck up my life, please(drabble)
  4. alone on my throne(on hiatus)
  5. unpopular opinion(drabble)
  1. lazy day(drabble)
  2. what’s up danger?(complete)
  3. Here Comes Trouble * (one shot)
  4. just a lil’ steamy* (drabble)
  5. Orange you glad it’s Spring?(drabble)
  6. an after dark special with Peter Parker |where’d you go (complete)
  7. secrets don’t make friends *** (complete)
  1. The Client*** (complete)
  2. have fun.*/**(one shot)
  3. catch me if you can***(complete)
  4. If I knew then(drabble)
  5. shape up, boys *** (in progress)
  1. Sweetest Girl(on hiatus)
  2. oops, i love you(one shot)
  3. xoxo, *** (complete)
  4. wish you were here(on hiatus)
  5. pinch me, i’m dreaming(one shot)
  1. Masks and Mischief (Loki x Lilith) *** (complete)

Avengers x reader

  1. F*ck, Marry, Kill(drabble // platonic reader)


  1. shape up, boys *** (in progress)

Peter Quill 

  1. cosmic hangover(one shot)
  2. cosmic hangover pt.2(@valkyriesryde​)
Also,here’s my writing challenge masterlist

Don’t miss out on the Fortune Teller Series

i hate everybody

Bucky Barnes x reader , college au

Warnings: listed in each chapter

Summary: After spending the summer getting over your high school sweetheart, it’s time for new beginnings. What else is college for?

AN: I started working on this before Halsey dropped Manic and when I heard ‘I HATE EVERYBODY’ I was like “okay this matches the vibe of the story in a lot of ways” so lets hope I can make that obvious

Masterlist | Twitter Profiles

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [Epilogue]

another big that you to @fangirlinsweden​ for the moodboard, i love it so much


My Favorite INTPcharacters


Sherlock Holmes (Enola Holmes)

Michelle ‘MJ’ Jones (MCU)

Bruce Banner(MCU)

Ryōhei Arisu (Alice in borderland)

Nick Miller (New Girl)

Number 6/Ben Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)

Dr.Alexei (Stranger Things)

Donatello 'Donnie’ (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Emily Dickinson(Dickinson)

  • Honorable Mention(cause I can lol)

Aubrey Plaza

Ned: hey mj, are you a morning person?

Mj: ohh yeah. Totally

Peter: do you not remember what happened this morning

Mj: what happened this morning …?


Peter: *hugging mj from behind* I love you

Mj: Don’t touch me, I’ll slit your throat. Try me.

CH.7—Dealing With It

Part 7 of the ‘Stuck On You’ series

You stood in front of Peter’s dorm room, heart thumping. You were face-to-face with the blocky and rather boring exterior of his door, though aside from the minimal amount of, well, anything, you felt a tremendous amount of heaviness in your chest. Still, you couldn’t help but notice how plain his door was, just in contrast to the others in the hall. There was hardly anything on it except for a small dry erase board. On it, in slightly uneven and overly blocky letters wrote, ‘Ned & Peter’s room’. Good Lord, they could use some re-decorating.

And you were standing there for a not-so-bad reason. As far as bad reasons go.

Because for some reason, up until practically 2:00AM you could not, for the life of you, get yourself to send the text to Peter telling him to meet you. It felt near impossible after all the crap you’d put him through, first the ghosting and… Well, that was it, but it was not fun to be ghosted. You knew all the thoughts that could swarm through your mind when it happened, hell, it could be worse than awful.

So maybe trying to make this up would work. Michelle said he wasn’t likely to take it out on you. Whatever that meant, though her advice tended to be sounder than most others. That was about as far as that conversation went, even when you pressed her for more information. But she didn’t budge. Said it was better for you to find out yourself. In person.

So that’s what you were doing. Or starting to do. At 2:15AM last night.

Writing a letter to Peter about some of what had been going on: the awkward feelings, family shit you’d put away for such a long time, you never thought it’d be a problem. How it was your fault and you were sorry, but thought it’d be good to talk it out. Maybe make it up to him. You could talk to Peter, right?

Of course, this was all entirely condensed after about forty minutes of rewriting and crumbling up pieces of paper out of the back of your biology notebook. All the notes were online, anyway.

And it went something like this:

Hey Peter, I want to start out this message with an apology. I’ve been acting really weird lately, I know. It’s just some personal stuff I’ve been trying to deal with, and while it doesn’t involve you, it’s been affecting how I think about you.

If possible, I’d like to start things over again. Explain to you what’s been going on, and maybe we can talk over The Hobbit, pt. 2, even though I know you said it’s 'nothing like the Lord of the Rings’. Text me if you’d be down. Please don’t be mad. Y/n

Okay, so not too bad… Right?

You slipped the note underneath his door, hoping that this archaic version of communication was a better choice than texting. It was sort of romantic, wasn’t it? Not that it necessarily needed to be, just that it added a bit of a personal touch. Showed you actually cared about making it up to him.

Once the note was under the door, you didn’t hesitate to head back down the hall back to you room. It was already awkward enough for your to watch people read your notes, and even more so just at the thought of Peter reading your letter at all.

The door behind you couldn’t slam shut fast enough. You went straight to your desk and opened your biology textbook to the chapter reading from last class. But despite your incessant staring at the charts of taxonomic rank and skimming through the paragraphs, your mind was hardly processing the information you read.

Peter’s hand fidgeted on the edge of the study table, fitting the intensity of his burning stare into the cold tile floor. He wasn’t in his room, he was in the science building on the other side of campus. He honestly felt a bit odd coming back to his dorm room on the daily when a pretty big aspect of his reason for being social there was practically nonexistent for the time being.

He didn’t count himself as the type to avoid things, at least not on purpose. But oftentimes he knew he could get anxious when thinking about about confrontations. And right now, his anxiety was through the roof, causing his leg to continuously shake as he stood, leaned up against one of the tables in a study room.

MJ was there, too, watching calmly from her chair as her friend Peter turn into what was basically the definition of a 'nervous wreck.’ The whiteboard was scribbled all over from him and MJ’s study session—while she wasn’t studying science, general education classes were a pain in the ass for her. She had apparently decided on the exact math that she found out all too late she didn’t have the brain for. Physics. In other words, she’d slept through the first two weeks not understanding the fundamentals of the class until it was past the drop class deadline.

So when Peter had asked her, just out of the blue one day, if she needed help with studying for any classes, the answer was obvious—Abso-fucking-lutely.

But it was obvious he was no longer focusing on the lesson, and for all his efforts in trying to illustrate the algebraic equations on a giant board that seemed to just as equally match her sense of dread for the next quiz, it was clear he was bombing it in his personal life. And not in the good way.

“Okay, buddy. Talk.” MJ decided this was better to get it over with.

Peter let out a long breath, hands moving to clasp in his lap while his leg stayed in motion. “It’s kind of a weird, long story.”

When she gave him a look of unmistakable dry sarcasm, he sighed. “Okay, so the other day I was doing my usual business, like not business, but you know, uh, like as—” he made a web-slinging hand, “—and there were these guys that were in an alleyway and I was on the roof of Brownstone with Cindy and—”

MJ looked at him with a frown as she interjected, “Okay, whoa, slow down. First, I meant 'talk’ as in not driving yourself insane. You’re almost making me have anxiety, and second, you mean Cindy from high school?”

He nodded. “Yeah, and these guys were trailing y/n, so I was going after them, and I fought this guy with a knife—”

“That explains the bandage,” she noted with a nod towards his taped-up hand. She’d been wondering about that.

“Right, yes,” Peter acknowledged then continued, “And… Okay, so I followed her and I fought a guy with a knife, but then the guy with the knife had friends, so I got her out of there, and we were back in her apartment and she told me not to leave cause of my hand, so I didn’t, and basically I think she said she liked me, but then also kissed me, but like, not me, and I honestly just have no clue what’s going on since she hasn’t been talking to me.” He finally finished with a deep breath.

MJ took a second to process that information before she nodded nonchalantly. “Yup. Sounds about right.”

He ran both hands over his face slowly. “Michelle, I’m just not too sure—”

“Don’t call me Michelle,” she said seriously.

“Okay, uh… MJ?” That name sounded weird to say, too.

She paused before responding. That was weird for her to hear as well. “No, you’re right just say Michelle. I’m also half bullshitting you. Sorry, continue.”

Peter bit his cheek. “I’m just not too sure if I’m just crazy for still liking her, or if this just shouldn’t work out…” He looked to her for help as his voice trailed off.

She stared at him curiously. “Why do you say 'shouldn’t?” “Because…” He hesitated. “Maybe this is just… Too much to work out?” “Which part? The whole Spider-man thing, or you guys not talking?” “Both.” “Peter,” MJ started, “You’ve known her for how long?” “Uh… I don’t know. Since last fall.” “Right. And when did these issues start coming up?” She looked at him with a piercing gaze.

He fidgeted slightly under it. “A few weeks ago… I think.” “Uh huh. It’s been about a month, don’t worry, and a month is a long time to be in conflict with someone,” Michelle said sympathetically. “And aside from the fact that I’ve known her since freshman year and she’s my roommate, aside from the fact that I know she’s a good person,” she continued, “She does have some things to work through that I hate to see cause they’re difficult. But to be honest… Maybe you shouldn’t ask her out.”

That was not the advice he was expecting. At all. Peter stared at her for a moment, stunned.

“And before you say, 'Why Michelle? Can’t I just ask out a girl I like?’ my answer is, yes you can, but it’d probably benefit both of you if it happened after you’ve dealt with your respective issues,” Michelle stated as-a-matter-of-factly.

He thought about that for a minute before his expression turned to a frown. “Wait, a second… You said 'your respective issues.’”

She just shrugged, as if there was nothing wrong with that statement.

“What are my 'respective issues?’” Peter asked a little incredulously, standing up with his arms folded.

Michelle just looked at him up and down and let out a laugh. And when he didn’t respond, looking genuinely puzzled, she decided his self-awareness needed some work. “Peter, here’s a prompt: name some things good about yourself.”

He hesitated a moment before answering. “Uh… I mean, I think I’m… Not like, unfunny, I’m good at solving problems, I try to take care of myself and I care for my friends.” “Okay, good. Now name some bad things about yourself.” Silence.

“You see the problem here?” MJ asked, eyebrow raised. “Believe me, you’ve also got issues, and if I didn’t know you better, you’d probably appear almost nearly perfect.”

The moment of silence after that caused MJ’s face to turn slightly red. “But continuing with the point,” she said quickly. “And I’m going to be kind of brutally honest.”

Peter nodded. He was fine with that. “Go ahead.” “You have a tendency to drop people at the first sign of a problem,” she stated flatly.

He blinked, facial expression a mix of anticipation and confusion. “When—” “You want me to drop some examples, as awkward as it’s going to be, right now?” “I mean, yeah,” he replied, because in all his past relationships he didn’t feel like that was ever an issue.

“Prom night,” she said. “You left me at the restaurant after I said I thought Peter Jackson’s films used too much CGI.” Peter scoffed, discomfort creeping into him. “There was a robber outside.” “He stole a half a salad and breadsticks from Olive Garden,” Michelle sighed. “Those things are free, Peter.” She paused. “Or were.”

Peter rolled his eyes impatiently. “Okay, any other examples?” “Yeah. Family dinner, two years ago.” “I went to that.” Right? “No, you didn’t. You faked being sick because my grandma made fun of you,” she laughed.

He let out a breath. “Your grandmother is kind of mean, okay? And a little scary.” “'Cause she called you chicken legs?” “Yeah, that too. Like I get the whole thing about not skipping leg day, alright?”

MJ rolled her eyes. “Last example I’m going to give: my birthday. In June.” She sighed, eyes glancing to the corner of the room.

Peter looked up, his annoyance lifting from his expression. He searched her face, and realized she genuinely seemed to carry some regret. There was a hint of sadness to her stare.

Her eyes shifted back to him. “We got into a big argument the day before, and you didn’t show up.”

If he was feeling at all antagonistic or any tension towards her, it was now gone. There was a softness to her gaze, and this was the side of Michelle that Peter had, back in high school, well… Fallen in love with.

He broke off eye contact, a sense of guilt creeping in. “I’m really sorry about that, Michelle,” he murmured.

He remembered being angry then, and in the heat of the argument, forgotten what day it was the next day. Things were building up. She hadn’t talked to him for a long time after, so Peter had just assumed that things were over and that was that.

“It’s cool,” she responded, a sense of resignation to her tone. “Not like I haven’t had good birthdays since, so it’s fine.”

While he wasn’t looking directly at her, he thought he could see her bring her sleeve up to her eye momentarily. He also knew she wouldn’t feel great if he tried to console her. He wasn’t sure if he’d want it from himself either. How could he have been such an asshole then?

“Bottom line,” Michelle continued with a breath, and her eyes brought them back together. “I think you both have got some things to work on.” He could see that. “But if you didn’t wait, like let’s say you realize, 'Wow, I really do like her’, then… I would just say, honestly commit.”

Peter felt himself nod, and he got what she was saying to him. “Look, Michelle, if there’s something I can do, just… Let me know.” He said this earnestly.

She shrugged easily enough, a flash of her usual self showing briefly. “An apology is enough. And I think you’ve got someone else to be obsessing over now,” she smirked.

He had to smile, a weight being lifted from the room. “Ha ha, very funny.”

Outside the building, the clock on campus began to ring. Peter turned his wrist over to check the time. 6:00PM. He looked to Michelle, who was packing up her notebook into her bag. “Hey, uh. Ned and I were going to pick up some food, if you want to come.”

She glanced at him, shrugged. “Sure. What kind of food?” “We’re not sure yet. Haven’t decided.” “You want to get Five Guy’s?” An eyebrow raised suggestively.

Ah yes, the amazingly greasy king of the burger chains.

Peter smiled. “Sure.”

They left the building, passing through the crosswalk and to the bus stop where Ned waited, headphones in. Michelle pulled his headphones off and whispered in his ear, “Guess who.”

He jumped and turned around, eyes flicking between the two. He must’ve felt uneasy from the easy expressions they had on their face. He smiled in response, “Hey, MJ!” Before quickly pulling Peter aside as they started walking, whispering fiercely in his ear. “What happened between you two?!”

Peter pushed him off, straightening the straps of his backpack. “Nothing, dude. We just talked.” “'Just talked?’ Yeah, right dude, I told you she—”

Michelle suddenly came up behind them, an arm on either side. Silence ensued. “No, don’t quit talking now. Genuinely curious on how much you’ve missed me in your loser friend group.”

Ned started to jab back, and as the they chattered back and forth, Peter felt an old sense of high school come back to them. And he grinned.

Back at the dorm, you looked at your alarm clock sitting by your bed. 11:00PM.

Flopping over on your stomach, you checked your phone for text messages. Nothing from Peter. Or Michelle. You’d texted her, asking if she wanted to have a girl’s movie night. Nada. You had to wonder whether or not Peter had gotten your letter, but more than that, you had a sinking feeling debating whether or not he’d even accept it.

And after a few more minutes of lying on your bed in silence, you began to feel stupid for writing one in the first place. He usually came back early to do something with Ned. Or you. And you’d hardly heard that much noise in the hallway of passerbys.

You sighed. You were definitely overthinking it. And the thing was, who’s to say that Peter even still felt the same about you? You’d given him plenty of reasons to back off, and there’s the possibility that he maybe just finally did.

Either way, you needed your mind off of this.

Sifting through your phone apps, you go through each folder and see if there was anything that would interest you. There wasn’t really any games you felt like playing, and you had a lot of those. Then, thumb finding its way to the next page, you spotted a familiar flame-colored icon. Opening the app, you hadn’t been on there in ages, although looking at the different profiles you’d matched with on there, you couldn’t really remember why.

You went through the profiles that showed up, swiping left, left again, before seeing a profile that perked your interest. He had a neat haircut with a smooth fade. He had a somewhat similar build as Peter, though if possible, a little slimmer.

Miles Morales. 18. 20 miles away.

He had pretty sweet outfits as well. Lots of bright colors, definitely more of a streetwear look.

You started to swipe right, then decided against it. From last year’s experience, hooking up with freshman guys was a bad memory too many. You felt yourself cringe at the memories and the all-too-many bad decisions. Moving on.

As you continued to swipe, a middle-aged man showed up. You forgot you must’ve changed your settings. He had graying hair, but surprisingly it wasn’t unattractive. You tapped on his profile and looked through his photos. They were decent quality, not the old phone camera pics you’d expected. His body had a semi-muscular outline for his age, like he could have worked in construction or something similar. Something about his expression seemed warm and inviting.

Adrian. 44. 5 miles away. 'Looking for someone to connect with, share a drink. Not looking for long-term, just a fun night out.’

Sounded distracting enough. You tentatively swiped right, and it came up a match. Feeling a sense of anticipation, you were deciding on whether you should message him, when even more surprisingly, he sent you one first.

>Hey, hon. :) You look stunning

A small smile forming on your face, you replied back.

Thanks. You, too <3

He seemed to respond pretty quickly, an easy conversation going back and forth.

>You a college student?

Yeah, I am.

>How’s that going for you?

Pretty good :) Although it could be going better

>Why’s that?

You paused for a moment.

Just some boy problems

>Adrian is typing… >Any advice you might want from an old man?

No thanks. Just figured it’s pretty typical complicated bs :P

>Haha, figures. >You want to come over now?

Y/n is typing… Sure, why not?

>Great! My address is [insert number/street]. I can come pick you up

Thanks. :) I’m at [insert hall].

You got up and left your phone on the bed, a pit of anticipation in your stomach. Though, in the back of your mind, you felt some small part of you want to hold back, more of you was desperate to get out of the suffocating coffin that was your room.

About half an hour later, you decided on a white tank, cuffed jeans, and a black bomber jacket that used to be your dad’s. Just a thin layer of lip balm later, and you were ready to go. As you left your room, you had your phone, dorm keys, and a small can of pepper spray disguised as pink lipstick. It was one of those impulse purchases on Amazon that actually had gotten you out of a couple of hairy situations before.

Pushing through the doors of your hall, you felt the cool early-spring air hit your face. About twenty feet away, you could see his car along the side of the road leading off campus. He got out, wearing a worn leather jacket and greeted you with a smile. You quickly got into his car and asked if you could turn the radio on. He obliged.

As he pulled out onto the road, you put the window down and breathed out, hoping that some switch of pace could change things for the better.

CH.6—A Pick-Me-Up

I probably should’ve been mentioning some TW’s before, but it completely slipped my mind (and there wasn’t really much to warn about, content was pretty vanilla).

TW for some violence/mentions of blood, this is a super long chapter and I might take a day or two break, so enjoy~

It had been almost a month since he’d talked to you.

Well, to be more exact, it was roughly about three weeks and seven days, but who’s counting, right? Definitely not him.

A warm draft lifted upwards towards the roof of the dorm building overlooking the alleyway between two halls: Brownstone and Miller. And although it was one of the lesser lit areas of campus, Peter couldn’t really justify to himself why he was there in the Spider suit when he should’ve been out in the local town area where there was more crime than on campus. Well, actually no. He had one reason.

“Haven’t seen you ‘round here in a while, Spidey.” Lithe hands wrapped themselves around his shoulders from behind, and he could feel her leaning in towards the nape of his neck, soft breaths giving him chills. Her voice was sweet and sultry, and not unfamiliar.

“Sorry, I’ve just been busy. Homework and stuff…” He kicked his feet out from over the ledge, feeling her body pressed up against his.

He was aware of it. Very aware. Cindy Moon. Someone he’d known from academic decathlon in high school. She was probably one of the smartest people he’d known from school, so it wasn’t that surprising she’d been accepted to the same great program as him for science. He had remembered something, a rumor floating around from middle school about how she had photographic memory. While he never got to find out whether it was true or not, she did have an affinity for consistently getting better grades than him even in his best subjects.

She’d changed a lot since high school. Her features had broadened out, and he guessed she’d hit a growth spurt. Her personality seemed… mellower. And now she had hips. In fact, he’d hardly recognized her.

“Right, because with the suit and all, that really must be your priority: homework.” Her hands caressed his shoulders for a minute, and Peter felt her pause. “Tense. You sure you’ve just been hunched over a desk all this time?”

Truth be told, he’d been doing more hero work ever since his window of free time had significantly opened up. No more movie marathons meant that he had more opportunities to go out and protect people. And… chat with other people.

And that’s how this happened. He should’ve looked at the map of campus at least a few times over within the course of the first semester, but he didn’t. Normal work one night brought him to (what he didn’t know then) was the roof of a dorm. If he’d looked over the map of the campus buildings better, this probably could’ve been avoided. But it was 4:00am, and he hadn’t exactly been expecting anyone to be up on the no-access roof of the Brownstone dorm hall. But somehow, she was up there. And once he recognized her, he’d hesitated for too long. She’d striked up a discussion and it went from there.

Every time he visited… Well, it wasn’t exactly a visit. Just a few conversations here and there, getting to know each other. But when he did visit, the mask always stayed on. So he had nothing to worry about. It’s not like he had any classes with her. All of the science classes were different sections from his. And she didn’t know his secret.

He slowly relaxed into her touch as she began to gently massage, working her way up his neck muscles and back down. “It’s true,” Peter responded with a wince. She’d massaged into a sore spot.

With a soft smile, she let up on that spot and started again, this time even gentler. “Sounds like you need to unwind,” she commented, hands loosing their grip until they worked back up the neck and came up to his jawline. Hands gently guided Peter to face her. His eyes followed. Slowly, but firmly, fingers slipped underneath the mask and he could feel the skin below his neck become exposed to the night air. It felt nice, the breeze wafting past his face like this…

'Wait a second, no no no nonononoo—’

Quickly, he snapped the edge of the mask back down, feeling his heart almost drop out of his chest as his balance teetered for a second. God, he’d almost slipped off. What an ending that would’ve been. “Whoa, wait a second. What are you doing?” Peter tried not to let his alarm show through. But he was leaning back. Real far out. Off the building.

Cindy froze, then laughed. “It wasn’t going to be the entire thing. Just the bottom half.”

'What on earth for?’ he thought to himself.

“I was going to kiss you.”

He could feel his face heating up underneath the mask. “Um, I—”

Thank God he didn’t have to finish that sentence. Below them in the alleyway, something clanged.

Peter finished securing the mask briefly before peering over the edge. He was surprised to see y/n, strolling past a dumpster. It looked like you’d just thrown something away in the trash. He watched for a minute. It was getting near dusk, not incredibly late, but sometimes shady characters came out to campus before campus security was out. Luckily, you weren’t one of them.

“Is everything okay?” Cindy asked.

Sitting back up, he glanced at Cindy, a sense of awkwardness rising up. “Yeah, yeah, no everything’s fine, just, you know, checking things out,” Peter replied, hands automatically turning to finger guns. Wow, he still did that…

A frown, but more questioning than anything else. “Okay, well if you need to go, then—”

“No, I can stay,” Peter piped up before something else caught his attention below.

The sound of a blade switching. A switchblade. And he didn’t remember you having one.

A peek below showed a man, not the tallest, but definitely taller than you, trailing you from the back of the alleyway. He stopped once you went back around the corner and followed you about twenty feet back. That was definitely not a college student.

“Wait, sorry Cindy, hold that thought—” And within seconds, he was gone, swinging down from between the two buildings and hit the ground running.

Cindy stared after him a moment, a familiar, but awkward feeling of some stray memory hitting her. She tried to mentally find it it, but lost it when something else came up in her mind. “Wow, he really just used finger guns.”


Down below, Peter was quickly focused in on locating the guy creeping on you.

Once he was down on the ground, he glanced around to make sure the rest of the alley was clear before moving up to the corner towards the back of Brownstone Hall. Just down the street, the guy started to tighten the space between him and his target. But no switchblade. You and him disappeared into a dark parking lot behind a series of dorm buildings.

Peter was pretty sure he knew this part of campus well enough by now, and took a left and decided to cut through a different route, one that would hopefully get him in between you and the culprit without him noticing. He hopped through a couple of lecture halls, went up the quad, and circled back around to where you would’ve ended up, around the back of the hall you two shared. But you weren’t there. And neither was the guy following you.


This is definitely where you should’ve been. When he definitely didn’t see you around that parking lot, he decided to head up. He contemplated the best course of action as he surveyed from the rooftops, and after a minute or so, it seemed like a neat game of Marco-Polo wouldn’t be the worst idea. And then he heard you scream.

Oh boy.

He raced to the source of the sound and it was nowhere near where he thought you’d be.

Instead, you were behind a separate hall, a couple buildings down from where you lived. You were backed up against a wall of a a dead end, where there was a card opening to the building. You must’ve dropped your student card, because it wasn’t anywhere in sight. The creeper was coming from the open end, hand moving down to his jeans pocket. He kept on trying to quiet you down, saying something like he wasn’t planning on hurting you or anything. But you figuring out that was bullshit, continued screaming for help.

So Peter shot a web towards a street light and swung down to the ground as quietly as he could. He appeared behind the creeper, putting a finger up to his mask as he peered out from behind the figure.

You stared for a moment, the fear inside you lowering to a level in which you weren’t screaming anymore. The man must’ve thought you were finally buying into his act, because he responded with,

“There, there. See? No need to worry, I ain’t gonna do anything.” And he continued walking closer.

And for the first time, you both noticed the man was acting a little strange. He seemed high on something.

Peter figured it couldn’t hurt to play around a little bit. He was still a good distance away, about fifteen feet, and he stuck his head out from behind the guy again. He did a little twirl of his finger near the side of his head.

That made you crack a smile, and it was at that point the creeper’s attention turned to behind him. He frowned. “Who the hell are you?!”

Peter’s eyes flitted from you to the guy. “Uh, wait, you don’t know who I am?” “No, I don’t.” “Okay, I mean I'm—”

“That’s Spider-man,” your voice piped up from end of the alley.

It took a minute for this guy to decide what to do first. He was technically trapped between the two of you now. Eyes shifting from one end to the next, he decidedly turned towards Peter. And took a step forward.

Peter backed up a bit, keeping the space between them.

“What’s wrong?” the guy asked, furrowing his brow and taking another step.

“Nothing,” Peter replied with a shrug, matching his step. “Just maintaining the space.”

The man was starting to move forward quicker now. “I ain’t doing anything.” “Dude, that’s a really bad approach to jumping someone.” “Is it?” “Yeah. I’m pretty sure you have a knife.” “I don’t have a knife.” “Man, you’re totally lying.”

It was at this point, he caught your eye and he was pretty sure he saw you hide a laugh. Which made him feel pretty good. Until…

The guy’s lumbering movements and speech from before betrayed his speed. He was actually really fast, and a flash of silver sliced through the air.

Peter jumped back, attention now back to the creeper. “I KNEW IT! You had a knife—”

But the man wasted no time talking and Peter’s voice was cut off when he lunged forward with another stroke of the blade. He grabbed the guy’s arm, but the blade was longer than he’d originally thought, and with a bend of the wrist, the piece of metal cut into his forearm painfully. Immediately, he let go of the guy’s arm, but the guy kept pushing forward, making jabs and swipes with the blade. This is where not reviewing the campus map again really took its toll.

Peter dodged them easily enough, and took a step back. Then another. And as soon as the next attack came, he dodged again, only to feel a brick wall hit his back. A hand shot out and grabbed Peter by the throat. He struggled, hands trying to find some space in between the guy’s hand and his neck. But he couldn’t loosen the iron grip around it. The guy had managed, likely out of luck, to catch him on the exhale. Air was losing fast, and he was running out of ideas. All of a sudden when he looked up, the blade came down with force and this was where Peter made probably one of the worst decisions of his Spider-man career, but he was really out of ideas.

He let the blade take its run through his hand. The pain was absolutely jolting. But he knew this was his chance. Amidst the searing pain going up his forearm, he was able to surprise the guy enough to push off the wall and kick with both feet. And while Peter just about thought he was going to get his throat ripped out, the guy had loosened his grip enough to take the brunt of the kick by himself.

The man flew about ten feet and the blade clattered to the ground. As soon as he reached for it, Peter shot out two baby webs to secure the guy’s hands to the ground, and a thinner web to pick it up and brought it back. Too late he realized the web was coming back to his left hand. The hand he blocked the blade with. That went through that hand.

It flung back with a sharp snap and he caught it and saw nothing wrong with it. Until he did.

As much as it would be appropriate to go into depth about adrenaline and pain tolerance/or lack of it, let’s just say, he spent a good minute spitting out curses while grabbing as close as he could to his hand without actually grabbing it. The blade clattered to the ground again, and he was feeling just about ready to kick a brick wall in.

“Are you okay?!” The words sounded nearly muffled in his pain-induced fuckitry.

“Yeah, I’m good. I just… Need a minute,” Peter replied in a surprisingly high-pitched voice.

You looked deeply concerned as her eyes darted from you and back to the man again. He was still struggling against his binds, cursing.

But as luck would have it, he wouldn’t have a minute. Your eyes shifted to down the quad. Turns out the guy had come with accomplices. And they were heading your way. “Uh, hey, we need to go,” you said and Peter followed your gaze towards the four men, most likely with more knives.

“Hey, I agree,” Peter responded, taking another moment to breathe through the pain. The original attacker seemed to pick up on the cues and let out a yell. One of the four men turned, spotted them, and started running. “Yup, definitely time to go.”

He then started running, shooting out a web towards the top of a building and started swinging, picking you up on the way. You nearly screamed as you were lifted up higher than your comfort level into the air, gripping tightly at the suit. Below you, the four caught up to their friend and seemed to be trying to figure out how to get him free.

“Hey, how good is your aim?” Peter asked loudly as you swung to the next building.

For the first time you realized he was trying to hold on with his injured hand. So you quickly brought your arms around his neck more securely and for safe measure, decided it wouldn’t hurt to wrap your legs around him, too.

“It’s uh… Pretty good, I think,” you manage to force yourself to say.


The night came to a close with you and Spider-man, swinging from building to building, with you trying your best to hit all of the emergency blue light boxes along the way (even though you most definitely missed a few).

When he asked you where you lived, you didn’t really think twice to give him your location. He brought you to the window of your room with surprising accuracy, though opening it required a little bit of B & E to get it open (breaking and entering).

Once inside, you sighed a huge breath of relief, wanting nothing more than to curl up in your bed and forget about everything. But Spider-man was still standing in your room, so you decided to turn and remember your manners. And then you remembered his hand. “Hey. Let me take a look at that,” you said softly. You reached over and gently unfurl the hand that was held close to his chest.

It was still oozing huge amounts of blood and had already soaked a lot into the suit. Your eyes glanced up to him in apology before looking back down for further inspection. “Let me get the first-aid kit,” you murmured quickly.

“Wait, no it’s okay—really, I can take care of it,” he protested, but it didn’t seem like you noticed as you took out the Johnson & Johnson kit from behind your bathroom mirror.

You told him firmly that you wouldn’t have any of that and brought him over to the bathroom where you could see the wound better. After carefully removing the glove of his suit, running it under cold water (or as cold as the faucet would get) for what seemed like half an hour, you realized the bleeding probably wouldn’t stop on its own. After all, this wasn’t just a little paper cut.

Still, you didn’t think it was right to let him leave without bandaging it up first, and you insisted on this as the minimum. While pressing a thick sheet of gauze into what seemed to be a constant pool of blood, you looked directly into his mask curiously for the first time.

“What? Is there something on my face?” he asked, but you just laughed thinking he was joking. Of course, he wasn’t, just forgot that he still had the mask on.

Some silence passed, and you continued, taking gauze wrap and started to circle it around his palm, taking care not to wrap it too tightly, but wrapping it securely.

He broke the silence with a cough. “So, uh… Can I ask you something?”

You look up, not saying anything, then shrugged. “Go for it.”

He wracked his brain how to ask it, since he obviously couldn’t ask openly, and he knew you didn’t know. To you, he just seemed to hesitate before asking. “So, um. Are you seeing anyone right now?”

You looked up, this time with a quirk of the brow. A moment passed, and you looked back down, continuing to wrap his hand. “Yeah. Well, sort of… It’s kind of been complicated lately. Hate to use that word though,” you replied with a smile.

“What’s his name?”

You frowned, finishing the gauze wrap.

“Or… Her name?”

You let out a single, wry laugh and started putting everything back in the medical kit, though there wasn’t much left to put back. “Why do you want to know?” you asked humorously. “So you can find him and beat him up?”

“Oh, no, no, I wouldn't—” Peter started, “I mean, unless he was a jerk?”

You sighed and leaned back onto the sink in silence. “Don’t worry, he’s not. And… His name’s Peter.”

“Oh, what, really?” At that, he perked up, feeling his heart fly through his chest like a pinball machine. Then he realized that response wouldn’t make sense and tried his best to dial it down, playing it off cool. “I mean, uh… Wow, really?”

“Yeah, really,” you imitated his tone with a scoff and stared off into your room in thought. “I think the main reason it’s been so complicated is because I’ve made it that way. It’s not his fault I have tons of baggage.”

Peter paused, sympathy pooling in his chest. A thought came to mind. “Well… Maybe he can help you with that,” he suggested.

You gave him another weird look before responding. “Yeah. Maybe. So, do you?”

“Do I what?”

“Know him.” You lifted your chin with a smile, something suggesting a playful jab.

“Ye—Well, I mean, I’m not entirely sure,” he let his hand fall on the back of his neck. “What’s his last name?”


A long pause.

“Parker… Parker, no yeah I think I do know him,” he responded with a few nods. “Real nerdy guy, brown hair, science…? Major?” “And a little short,” you added.

Peter inwardly winced. “Uh, I mean… I don’t know about that.”

But you smiled. “It’s okay. I don’t mind it.”

Some relief flooded through him. Well, that’s good.

“Well… I hope you guys are good for each other,” Peter murmured. And before you could respond, “Because I mean—I get it. He seems actually kind of like a pretty cool guy, you know? Totally cooler than me… Ha. I think.”

Another finger gun.

You laughed in response, if a bit awkwardly.

God, he needed to stop that.

“Well, I think it’s time for me to go,” he said, shuffling his way past you through the bathroom door and back out into your dorm room again.

You followed him out, arms loosely hugged around yourself.

“Thank you, so much again for… This,” Spider-man said, holding up his gauzed-up hand. “And I’ll uh. See you soon?”

He began to climb up into the window frame, when you stopped him. A hand on his hand. And leaning forward, you unraveled the mask to uncover the lower half of his face. A kiss.

You pulled the mask back down again. “Well, off you go, Spider-man.”

A long look. Then, he just nodded and left, leaving your window vacant within seconds. A warm breeze let itself in, matching the flutter you felt in your chest.


About half an hour later, Michelle came back into the room with a large bag of Funyuns. She frowned, as she walked up to your bed to see you lying there with what seemed to be an unusual expression of contentedness on your face.

“What’s up with you?” she asked, opening the bag and taking a bite of a ring.

“Nothing,” you replied, turning towards her with a slight smile. “Just figured things out, I think.”

She just nodded, seeming somewhat satisfied with that answer and climbed up to the top bunk, leaving you to your happy thoughts about Peter.
