#mike pence

mike pence

Others include Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabbe, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, and a few others.

Joe Biden is not going to magically fix this country.

I don’t think anyone actually believes he will, but speaking only for myself, I don’t believe for a second that a Biden presidency will return us to pre-Trump, or that our pre-Trump status quo was somehow idyllic or ideal. It wasn’t. Otherwise we wouldn’t have ended up with Trump or lawmakers who support him.


I look at a Biden presidency like a choice between a sinking ship and a lifeboat.

The sinking ship is obviously a bad choice that’s only going to get worse. Stay aboard, and options start dwindling real fast.

The lifeboat isn’t what anyone would call ideal either. You’re still cold. You’re still quite possibly wet. You’re not out of the proverbial woods, and a whole lot is going to have to happen before anyone’s sleeping comfortably in their beds.

But you have OPTIONS. You have a SHOT at getting back to shore.

The sinking ship is headed for the bottom of the ocean regardless of what you have to say about it.

Electing Biden isn’t going to magically put us all back into our metaphorical warm beds and make the shipwreck a distant memory. But it is the one and only viable alternative we have to certain disaster.

I don’t agree with a lot of Biden’s policies, past or present. I’m not a fan. But the alternative is a candidate who has demonstrated he has no regard for the law, the truth, traditions, customs, foreign relations, or even basic decorum. He surrounds himself with sycophants, vilifies anyone who doesn’t toe the line, and has no compunction about contorting government departments to service his purposes or behaving as if the Attorney General is his personal attorney.

No, Biden will not restore us to the previous status quo. No, Biden will not usher in a new era of something better. We as citizens are in for a long and arduous period of marching in the streets, demonstrating tirelessly, and holding elected officials’ feet to the fire. Yes, there will be a collective sigh of relief on January 20th, and I suspect there will be a lot of people just taking that day for some long overdue self-care, but then on January 21st, the pressure is back on.

Because the fact of the matter is we’re never going to get progress by asking nicely for it. We’ve tried, it didn’t work, and now we’re going to have to fight HARD for long overdue change (including changes that will make third party candidates viable in the future in ways they are NOT right now). And yes, it will still be an uphill battle post-Trump.

But if Trump remains in power, that battle is going to be a lot harder, because we’ll be fighting against a president who not only disregards law and custom, he has nothing to lose because he doesn’t have to worry about being reelected and Congress has demonstrated it won’t hold him accountable.

There are two choices in this election. Yes, it sucks – both that the system is currently set up to only allow for two viable candidates, and who those candidates are – but that’s going to be our reality until the electoral college and other problems are dealt with. They won’t be dealt with between now and November.

In November 2020, we have a choice between a sinking ship and a lifeboat, and as someone who has studied authoritarian regimes for years, I cannot overstate how significant the difference is between Biden and Trump:

Biden means an ongoing and exhausting fight for change.

Trump means losing the freedom to fight for anything.

Psycho reference for spooky season

Psycho reference for spooky season

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@thehippesthop​ is proud to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States.We believe that wha

@thehippesthop​ is proud to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States.

We believe that what America needs most is a compassionate and comprehensive leader who not only knows how to get the job done, but also cares to listen to those who have long felt voiceless. Joe Biden has a strong track record of keeping his word and welcoming opinions that differ from his own. He and Sen. Harris will confront systemic racism and work tirelessly to unite the American people.

We’re ridin’ with Biden because he is a leader who is not afraid to assert that BLACK AND BROWN LIVES MATTER and will work to advance the economic mobility of minority groups and close the racial wealth and income gaps that plague black and brown communities. Joe Biden’s plan to assist minority groups centers around economic and educational reform, not incarceration and division.

A Biden/Harris administration will be ready to take on COVID-19 from day one by actually listening to science, ensuring public health decisions are informed by public health professionals, and restoring trust, transparency, common purpose, and accountability in our government.

@thehippesthop​ encourages YOU to make your voice heard. Send a message to Washington that will resonate for generations. We must leave no doubts on election day. Remember, the president just confirmed the sixth conservative judge who will serve on the Supreme Court. If we leave any doubt in this election, the president will turn to his 6-3 majority conservative Supreme Court to serve as the tiebreaker. We MUST vote.

Q: But, but, won’t Joe Biden raise my taxes?

A: Do you make over $400,000 a year? If so, yes! If not, no! Don’t listen to the celebrities who are trying to protect their own coin. 

Don’t believe us? Click HERE.

Q: Hmm. But Joe Biden is a career politician who hasn’t done anything!

A: First off, Joe Biden has never been president of the United States. He has never had the supreme power that the current president flaunts on a daily basis. Joe Biden has dedicated his live to public service, an accomplishment that business man, President Trump, often ridicules. Who would you trust more to care about your well being: a cutthroat businessman whose slogan is “You’re fired,” or a small town gentleman who chose a life of public service?

Q: I don’t like either candidate, so I’m not voting…

A: You have rights that allow you to make this choice on your own. However, these same rights are being put into question by the current administration. How many times has the current president pissed you off with his antics? His homophobic, misogynistic, and racist rhetoric? Remember, in regard to women, he said he likes to “grab them by the p____”? Or when he called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers? Or when he called white supremacists, “very fine people”? Or more recently, when he blatantly refused to denounce white supremacy? Can you imagine your children hearing this from the president of the United States? We must stand up to bullies and for American values.

Q: Isn’t Joe Biden a socialist?

A: Joe Biden is NOT a socialist. He is a Democrat. His platform on health care, energy and other issues aligns with moderate Democrats, not socialists. The current president is using this as a fear tactic to scare undecided voters away from voting on a Biden ticket. Do not let fear tactics prevent you from accessing the truth. Remember, this is the same guy who calls any news that he doesn’t like, “fake news.”

Have other questions or concerns? Message us and we’ll do our best to respond publicly. 

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If Mike Pence sits as Senate President, full Obamacare repeal needs just 51 votes. This is a much better idea than the Obamacare Lite bill!

Written by David Wright for CNN:

Sen. Rand Paul on Wednesday backed a controversial method for passing Obamacare repeal that could dramatically change the way the Senate operates, if successful, but which faces long odds, even among Republicans.

The proposal – which has also drawn support from Sen. Ted Cruz – purports to ease passage of a more expansive Obamacare replacement bill by foregoing traditional Senate rules and seating Vice President Mike Pence as Senate chair for the vote.

Paul argued that with Pence as chair, he would be empowered to make decisions about what can be passed through budget reconciliation, a procedural distinction that has a simple majority-vote-threshold. That would allow Republicans to bypass the larger, 60-vote requirement that would otherwise be required to repeal and replace key components of the Affordable Care Act – a major roadblock.

Paul – who opposes the current GOP health care bill moving through the House – said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that leadership “is afraid of the Senate parliamentarian. But we’ve read the rules, and it looks to us like the vice president can sit in the chair, and the vice president can decide for the Senate what is reconcilable.”

He explained, “the rules, the budget rules that everyone touts and are so arcane, they say the chair rules, and not the parliamentarian. The chair rules. The vice president has the prerogative of sitting in the chair, and if they want this done, the vice president should come to the Senate.”

Paul’s proposal comes as Republicans are under growing pressure to pass an Obamacare repeal bill – but divisions within the party, a slim Senate majority, and legislative procedure have complicated those efforts.

Read the entire article - and watch the video - here.

I am sorry for the disgusting rhetoric you have heard day in and day out for the past year. I am sorry for the disgust, outrage and plain loneliness you feel. I am sorry that you will now have a man who speaks out against you for who you are as a person running a country that once gave you so much hope for exactly those attributes. I am sorry that our sons and daughters will grow in a world where hate, sexual assault, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and just plain bigotry are presented so clearly and condoned by people in positions of power that should be role models. I am sorry for the cancer-like hate that is so boldly displayed by a man that will one day be the leader of the free world, and I am most sorry for the way that cancer like hate will and already has metastasized across this nation. I am more sorry than words can tell, but I will not sit idle. We will march with you, protest with you, organize with you. We do not come in small numbers, we will never give up. Your struggle has become our fight! On behalf of millions of activists who see today as a loss of a battle but are prepared to fight the war, we are so very sorry, but you are not alone.


One time I got stuck in traffic for almost an hour because Mike Pence’s motorcade was passing through and security blocked off the road for him.

All the limo windows were tinted but there’s still a chance he saw me flipping him off

Would’ve played gay porn on my iPad and pressed it against the window but my aunt was in the car w me :/

One time I got stuck in traffic for almost an hour because Mike Pence’s motorcade was passing through and security blocked off the road for him.

All the limo windows were tinted but there’s still a chance he saw me flipping him off

Mike Pence’s Neighbors Are Trolling Him With Rainbow FlagsResidents in Washington, D.C. neighborhood

Mike Pence’s Neighbors Are Trolling Him With Rainbow Flags

Residents in Washington, D.C. neighborhood where Pence is currently renting a $6,000-a-month home are displaying rainbow flags on their porches and lawns. Their aim, neighbors say, is to send a “respectful message” to Pence, who vehemently opposes same-sex marriage and other LGBTQ-related causes

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Vic Berger takes on CPAC 2019 and it’s brilliant and terrifying (For a related video, click here http://christiannightmares.tumblr.com/post/156498208231/american-nightmare-vic-bergers-devastating-edit)

#donald trump    #jerry falwell jr    #christian    #religion    #politics    #america    #mike pence    
rkuntilthesungoesblack:whatareyoureallyafraidof: Make America ignorant again. trump is not the onlrkuntilthesungoesblack:whatareyoureallyafraidof: Make America ignorant again. trump is not the onl



Make America ignorant again.

trump is not the only threat here


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