#moon water



Moon water


Moon water is used in spells, potions, cleansing, charging sigils… pretty much any witchcraft practise where you use water or need the power and protection of the moon.

How to make it

Take a container, such as a jar or a bottle, what you will use to store moon water (preferably clear, so the moon light can go through). Keep it in moon light as long as it needs until it feels charged. Keep it atleast an hour or two, but you can keep it in moon light over night if you feel like it. Before the sun comes out, close the container and store it in a shadowy place.

Moon phases

Moon water doesn’t have to be charged during a full moon. If it’s charged in a different phase, it’s effects change.

Full mooncharging, healing, banishing, cleansing, love magic

Waning gibbouscleansing, undoing curses and binds, relinquishing

Last quaterrelinquishing, banishing, breaking curses and bad habits

Waning crescent attaining wisdom, balance, success, attonement, illness

Dark moonbanishing, soul searching, divination, curses, deconstructive magic

Waxing crescentluck, wealth, constructive magic, attraction, success, friendship

First quaterdivination, motivation, calming, growing, strength

Waxing gibbousmotivation, good health, attraction, success

New moonnew beginnings and relationships, cleansing, prospect

Upcycled an empty smoothie glass bottle for honeycoyote ‘s Summers Abundence Full Moon Water!Upcycled an empty smoothie glass bottle for honeycoyote ‘s Summers Abundence Full Moon Water!Upcycled an empty smoothie glass bottle for honeycoyote ‘s Summers Abundence Full Moon Water!Upcycled an empty smoothie glass bottle for honeycoyote ‘s Summers Abundence Full Moon Water!

Upcycled an empty smoothie glass bottle for honeycoyote‘sSummers Abundence Full Moon Water!

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A simple little spin on your average moon water, meant to work with the energies of this months  June’s moon is known as Mead Moon, Honey Moon, Strawberry Moon and Flower Moon. This is the moon of summer, and we can start looking forward to the warm nights and rich harvest of delicious crops to come, especially Strawberries. 

Materials Needed:

  • A Jar for storage preferably glass
  • clean water. (bottled water works fine)  
  • Honey
  • Some Sea Salt
  • some small pieces of Clear Quartz



Here’s what i’ve done to use the first full harvest moon on friday 13th in 19years to my advantage

  • Placing all my crystals in a bag and hanging them out of my window to charge (my usual method)
  • leaving an offering to artemis
  • making super charged moon water
  • making a money/prosperity spell jar

Also, there wont be another full moon that takes place on Friday the 13th until August 13th, 2049, so take advantage of the healing, cleansing, psychic and powerful powers from tonight.


Low-effort witchy things to do

-bless your morning tea/coffee every day. Set an intention like, “I am confident and happy, and I love myself” whilst stirring it, then tap the spoon on the mug 3 times to seal it.

-look at your crystals and pick one that matches your needs. Tell the crystal what you’d like to attain from it. Carry it around!

-bless your water before you drink it. Just say “blessed be” and imagine a purifying light shining through it.

-when my friends are sad, I like to send a blessing in my head towards them. “may X have protection and feel loved today”. Obviously you should also try and talk to them if you can, but this is a nice option too.

-make crystal elixirs by sticking a crystal into a jar of water overnight (or for a couple of hours). You can intensify your intention by putting a sigil onto the jar as well. Remember to research the crystals to make sure they’re safe in water first!

-do you spend a lot of time on your phone? Try to put it down for 5 minutes before bed time and just BE. It’s technically meditating but call it whatever you want! Put some selenite in your hand to help purify your energy even more.

-speaking of meditating, when you’re travelling somewhere, try to look around you and find bits of natural life to look at. Quiet your mind and try to focus on those things.

-when you shower, visualise the water washing off all of the bad energies, and sending them down the drain!

-drink herbal tea that corresponds to your intentions.

-open your window at least once a day to cleanse the room and make it feel lighter!

-practise self-care in any form if you are able. Self care truly is witchcraft.

Remember, nobody except you can define your craft. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re doing it wrong!
