

Draw over + Morbius Facebook Old Man PFPs

So sorry guys, I like Morbius (the character) for real now

Dracula Daily and morbius2022.gif exist at opposite ends of the Vampire Storytelling Density spectrum

Wishing you all a happy Memorbius Day



i think what morbius needs is a third cinematic release. that will make it successful

can you imagine being the one staffer at Sony who spends enough time on tumblr to know it was all a con job, and then they had to decide whether or not to try to convince executives getting excited about viral sleeper hit metrics that it was all fake bc “this kind of internet sarcasm is different from these other more sincere forms of internet sarcasm”





So apparently Morbius is returning to like 1000 theatres today in a blatant attempt to cash in on the memes we’ve all been making.

Listen to me. Look me in the eye while I am saying this to you. Listen.

It is of the utmost importance that absolutely no one goes to see this movie now. That is the best and indeed the only way we can end this horrible, brilliant joke. We’re so close, you guys. SO close.

it’s going to bomb twice and that is so beautiful

It is your moral and spiritual duty to ensure that morbius bombs again.

We did it!



We are in the best timeline

Wasn’t there a fucking post going around of them distribuiting it to about 1000 cinemas? They made 85$ per cinema on average?




This is like christmas for morbheads

He’s not named Morbius in game but Morbius almost certainly IS in spider man ps4

Its a case if, okay, it MIGHT not be him, but it would be weird for a completely unrelated character with his canon job and name be going aroubd, especially when Morbius is generally introduced through spider man to begin with


accidentally fell into the greatest wikipedia rabbit hole earlier

I officially want a wikipedia summary of every past and future meme, complete with this many examples and citations

listen guys i watched morbius but thats not the important part, the important part is the post credit, where he meets up with the spider-man villain vulture (mcu) indicating its part of the no way home multiversal rift that has caused them to meet.
its very possible that they could appear in the mcu and THAT means that they could have an actual reference to “its morbin time” later


I love memes as much as the next guy, but we have to realize that sometimes they can result in serious real world harm. For example, because of the memes, some people actually saw Morbius.

stealthrockdamage: posting this here too i need you guys to band together with me on this. if we all


posting this here too i need you guys to band together with me on this. if we all work together we can make morbius fail twice

Post link


I want all the folks posting about Morbius to know that Matt Smith’s character is named Milo Morbius

Morbius influencer where every video is a reaction video to Morbius and they open “what’s up morbtubers” and also starts toxic rivalries with other Morbfluencers and keeps insisting they “keep the conversation going on the Discoursibus”

This isn’t really a joke sometimes I just like to imagine weird things
