#must protect

kaibility: just taemin feeling jongin’s chest heartbeat after hearing how nervous he is~ 191025 ✧ SBkaibility: just taemin feeling jongin’s chest heartbeat after hearing how nervous he is~ 191025 ✧ SBkaibility: just taemin feeling jongin’s chest heartbeat after hearing how nervous he is~ 191025 ✧ SBkaibility: just taemin feeling jongin’s chest heartbeat after hearing how nervous he is~ 191025 ✧ SB




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just… seonghwa’s excited “woah!!!” after he got the tongue twister right

talentlessartblog: Human Plagg and Tikki! Now someone make an AU where they are randomly adopted inttalentlessartblog: Human Plagg and Tikki! Now someone make an AU where they are randomly adopted int


Human Plagg and Tikki! Now someone make an AU where they are randomly adopted into the Dupain-Cheng and Agreste families

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fuck it!!  reblog this and say one (1) (or more if you want to) nice thing about the person you reblogged this from.  it can literally be about anything– just spread some positivity and make this hellsite just a little more bearable!

gaalee giving each other love that’s it

btw i have no ideas ✨


badboyloo ig story updates
