#my desk

why is it both important and crucial to have a great mindset on mondays? mondays are the start of a why is it both important and crucial to have a great mindset on mondays? mondays are the start of a

why is it both important and crucial to have a great mindset on mondays?

mondays are the start of a new week, aka your chance to have a new beginning and by having a great mindset it will automatically influence how your week will go
get rid of all the negativity, start your mondays with achievable goals and listen to yourself
clean and organized everything that will kill your productivity or your will/envy to work and be happy. being in peace with yourself is one thing but being in an environment that brings peace to you is another thing
read, watch, listen, or do anything that will inspire your day, motivate you and show you that you can choose to change for the better and use that week to start the actual change
kindness is what will bring you good and good only. everybody knows karma is a b****, so do good, be good and it will come back to you one day

more study and inspiring content on my instagram account if you need daily motivation: @thomreads on ig

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8/100 Days of Productivity

Today was MySQL day! My teacher gave us an activity to perform during this weekend to present next Thursday and I almost finished it all ✌It is 80% ready! I just couldn’t finished it once my stomach wasn’t good yesterday, so I had to rest a lot.

I also started the other activity from Java school and prepared myself a little for the interview I will have tomorrow for a trainee job in the same company providing the Java course *-* OMG I am praying so hard for this work, the company seems to be great. Well, let me rest a bit now!

Have a nice Sunday folks and a great new week!

7/100 Days of Productivity

Saturday ❤ I love Fridays and Saturdays, they are my favorite days since I was little. Today I have a lot of stuff to do, as I am coming to the final days of my Java School with the MJV company and we will have to make a big final project with Java integrated with a web page.

I am liking Java more than I thought I would, and I think there is something here, as I could understand Programming Logic much better with C++ than with JavaScript. Oh my… am I a back-end programmer instead of a front-end programmer? Well, HTML, CSS and JS were my first contact with programming, I thinks that made me think that was my path, but I can be wrong, right?

All I know now is that I like Java and the market likes it too, so, if this will be my door to start for real in the tech world, so be it .

I wish you all to keep fighting for your dreams! Nice weekend everyone.

219/365 Saturday - August 7th, 2021

Winds of change in here.

I am thinking about investing my time exclusively for Front-end learning. Wish me luck!

How about you all? If vou need to make a change to pursuit your objectives and dreams, just do it! Be happy ok? Ok!❤

brown and pink //

my color palette has really changed since I started college; I enjoy a lot more neutrals and muted tones now

I procrastinated working on an essay about immigrants in Spain, so now I’m rushing to catch up haha


// listening to: “House of Memories” by P!ATD

classes and netflix //

I’ve added more to my wall since my last post haha, it’s getting a bit cluttered. my computer sound decided to stop working so I’m borrowing my mom’s iPad to attend class

I’ve also been watching a bit too much netflix so it’s hard to focus T.T

what’s your favorite show?


// listening to: “Heather” by Conan Gray

planners and reorganization //

since I have a 6 hour break between my two classes, I decided to reorganize my desk and also redo the papers on my wall now that classes have started

this planner is so cute and I’m excited to start using it (even though I’ll probably end up forgetting about it in a few weeks)


// listening to: “Maria” by Hwasa

studying and snacks //

I spilled coffee all over one of my notebooks lol, I think I should drink less

// listening to: “Daechwita” by Agust D

biomechanics and candles //

my exam didn’t go as well as I expected, but it was my last exam for the class

// listening to: “hope is a dangerous thing…” by Lana Del Rey


molecules and social distancing //

I easily become bored and I can’t study for too long, or else I’ll get distracted and easily frustrated ~ the Pomodoro method works decently well but it’s hard to keep up with it, so I just take breaks when I can’t concentrate and play video games instead

// listening to: “Sweet Night” by V

minimalism and collages //

my desk setup at home, featuring my wall collage

// listening to: “No Time To Die” by Billie Eilish

September 27, 2018My study oasis ✨ currently studying for my organic chemistry exam. Strangely eno

September 27, 2018
My study oasis ✨ currently studying for my organic chemistry exam. Strangely enough I actually feel pretty confident about it!

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Ohhh ho ho ho!! I just got the clip light and my phone clip stand to ready for recording my drawing

Ohhh ho ho ho!!
I just got the clip light and my phone clip stand to ready for recording my drawing process!
Hope it comes out clear enough!! :)

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Starting a new commission piece

Starting a new commission piece

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i am sick of the snow (among plenty of other things), so here we go: lilly’s light academia reboot.
