

Sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS, usually happens when infants die in their sleep without any particular reason. Researchers in Australia say they’ve found why infants die from SIDS.

In the latest study, researchers found that infants who died from SIDS had lower levels of an enzyme known as Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE). This enzyme is thought by scientists to help regulate pathways in the brain which drive a person’s breathing, confirming what scientists had originally hypothesized. 

This video introduces the newfound benefits and information that the ultrasound provides, particularly that ultrasounds are non-invasive for both mother and child and relatively inexpensive. Fetal growth and even potential abnormalities can be discovered as they happen in real time. All the ultrasound requires is a full bladder, to provide a water-path for the ultrasound to be viewed.


Pregnancy and COVID Vaccination

I got fully vaccinated while pregnant. There was no hesitation.
But I do know of 3 healthcare workers (a nurse, a pharmacist and a doctor) who were/are pregnant and did not get vaccinated. There was no way to convince them.

I’m fatigued now over the argument from the vaccine hesitant patients I have about how we don’t have enough data or we ‘rushed’ this vaccine and should wait. Wait for what exactly? 30 years to feel safe about a vaccine for a deadly global pandemic? Am I hearing this correctly?

We have large scale trials now in NEJM.
The latest, which is free access to all users, included 35 000 pregnant people. With no obvious safety signals. Of course, longer term data is required. But we have numerous documented cases that show that catching actual COVID while pregnant does carry high risks for complications.

Thus, it is now a strong recommendation in the guidelines of many highly respected Western country obstetric societies for pregnant patients to get fully vaccinated. These are never lightly added to guidelines. They always go by the evidence.

1/3 of the entire world is now vaccinated with few complications. We’re looking at 1 in a million severe complications, which is a common entity to all vaccines which many of the COVID vaccine hesitant have already had in childhood or for the flu each year. Versus the very high risks that catching delta strain COVID actually carries.

Again, where did everyone leave their common sense during this pandemic.

Head of obstetrics at one Australia hospital has now come out with statistics to convince everyone to get vaccinated.

Why vaccinate:

“It does not increase the risk of miscarriage, or abnormalities or pregnancy complications. It prevents severe disease, you coming to manage, you having your baby born early and you put into intensive care.

It is safe. When you look at the side-effects of women in pregnancy who have had vaccinations, they are less likely to get a fever than in the normal pregnant group. The immune protection response actually crosses the placenta to the baby. It provides protection to the baby.

For women who are breastfeeding, the vaccination response – not the vaccination – the vaccination response continues protection into the baby. These are very high risk of needing extreme premature births, due to the degree of infection.“

What if you don’t and catch COVID:

We know that in pregnancy that coronavirus infection means you’re five times more likely that you’re going to need to come to us… and when you do come to us…[it] is a one in three chance you’re going to need oxygen therapy, is a one in seven chance you’re going to be in intensive care, is a one in two chance you’re going to need emergency delivery of your baby, is a one in two chance of severe infection.

And there’s a one in four chance your baby will need to be born prematurely, twice as likely to have a stillbirth.

This is what we’re seeing from the Delta variant of the coronavirus.


Molar Pregnancy (Hydatidiform Mole)

Molar pregnancy is an abnormal form of pregnancy in which a non-viable fertilized egg implants in the uterus and will fail to come to term (will not develop into a child). Instead, the cells divide and replicate into a growing mass (mole) of non-foetal tissue.

Molar pregnancy is a gestational trophoblastic disease in which a non-viable egg grows into a mass (tumour) in the uterus that has swollen chorionic villi.

  • Can develop when a fertilized egg does not contain an original maternal nucleus.
  • Usually contains no foetal tissue.
  • Characterized by the presence of a hydatidiform mole (or hydatid mole).
  • Approximately 20% of women with a complete mole develop a trophoblastic malignancy (malignant disease // cancer)

Complete hydatidiform moles have a 2–4% risk of developing into choriocarcinoma in Western countries and 10–15% in Eastern countries, and have a 15% risk of becoming an invasive mole.

Molar pregnancies make up 1 in 1,000 pregnancies in the US and up to 1 in 100 pregnancies in parts of Asia.


  • Vaginal bleeding- molar tissue separates from the decidua, causing bleeding.
  • Uterus may become distended by large amounts of blood, and dark fluid may leak into the vagina.
  • Hyperemesis - severe nausea and vomiting due to very high levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
  • Hyperthyroidism - thyroid gland is stimulated by the high levels of circulating hCG or by a thyroid stimulating substance (ie, thyrotropin) produced by the trophoblasts.

Partial mole

Partial moles do not generate the same clinical features as a complete mole. Patients instead present with signs and symptoms consistent with an incomplete or missed abortion, including vaginal bleeding and absence of foetal heartbeat.
