#medical studyblr


Monkeypox is very difficult to catch from someone carrying the infection and is mostly caught from infected wild animals in west of central Africa. 

The initial symptoms include a high temperature, headache, muscle aches, backache, swollen glands, shivering and exhaustion. A rash will usually appear after a few days, beginning on the face and then spreading to other parts of the body.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a disease characterized by profound fatigue, sleep abnormalities, pain, and other symptoms that are made worse by exertion.

This audiovisual describes in detail the life cycle of the Onchocerca volvulus and its role in causing blindness in Ghana. Clinical examples of persons afflicted with this disease are shown to elucidate the effects of the disease. According to the presentation, the disease is transmitted by the bite of black flies of the family Simuliidae. The method by which the flies acquire the organism is carefully outlined, as is the process by which the infective larvae enter the wound and develop into male and female worms, which mate and cause a tissue reaction in man. This reaction produces fibrous nodules which often appear externally as lumps. If ocular invasion occurs, blindness can result. Treatment of the disease by surgical removal of the nodules or by administration of the drug diethylcarbamazine is discussed. Measures to control the breeding grounds of the flies with DDT are also noted.

A revolutionary procedure could make donor organs available for more patients — regardless of their blood type. Researchers from the University Health Network in Toronto have proven that it’s possible to convert the blood type of an organ, creating a universal organ that would avoid rejection during transplants.

A new treatment has been developed that could destroy hard to reach cancer tumors that evade normal treatment. The treatment utilizes existing equipment available at hospitals, as MRI scanners are already a vital tool for diagnosing cancer.

The magnetic fields of the MRI scanner are used to steer a small magnetic seed through the body and into the tumor, where it is then remotely activated to destroy the cancer cells with heat. The 2mm seeds can be navigated accurately, and cause little damage to tissues around the cancer.

The researchers call the therapy MINIMA, which stands for minimally invasive image-guided ablation.

Taking daily vitamin D supplements — or a combination of vitamin D and omega-3 fish oil — appears to carry a lower risk of developing autoimmune disease, with a more pronounced effect after two years, finds a trial of older US adults published by The BMJ. 

The researchers say the clinical importance of these findings is high, “given that these are well-tolerated, non-toxic supplements, and that there are no other known effective therapies to reduce rates of autoimmune diseases.” 

Autoimmune disease happens when the body’s natural defense system mistakenly attacks normal cells. Common conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and thyroid diseases, which increase with age, particularly among women. 

Researchers set out to test the effects of vitamin D and omega-3 fish oil supplements on rates of autoimmune diseases in 25,871 US adults. 

Autoimmune disease was reduced by 22% in those who took the increased levels of Vitamin D with or without fish oil. And those that only took fish oil supplements saw disease decline of 15%. More research is needed to better understand the effects of dietary supplements on autoimmune disease, like lupus.

Cases of hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, in children who were otherwise healthy have recently been reported in over 25 countries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a warning to health care professionals to look for signs for this mysterious hepatitis with an unknown cause that mostly affects children under the age of 5. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control released a report the week of May 11 that stated there have been approximately 450 cases of the rare liver condition worldwide. The European health agency said of those cases, 109 were reported in the United States and five deaths in the U.S. were reportedly due to the liver condition. 

A 57-year-old man with life-threatening heart disease has received a heart from a genetically modified pig, a groundbreaking procedure that offers hope to hundreds of thousands of patients with failing organs.

It is the first successful transplant of a pig’s heart into a human being. The eight-hour operation took place in Baltimore, and the patient, David Bennett Sr. of Maryland, was doing well three days later, according to surgeons at the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Researchers say they have found a second patient whose body seemingly had rid itself of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS — supporting hope that it may be possible someday to find a way to cure more people of the virus.

This video introduces the newfound benefits and information that the ultrasound provides, particularly that ultrasounds are non-invasive for both mother and child and relatively inexpensive. Fetal growth and even potential abnormalities can be discovered as they happen in real time. All the ultrasound requires is a full bladder, to provide a water-path for the ultrasound to be viewed.

I am a medical student from a developing country in Southeast Europe, the average monthly wages here are around 420 euros. The education system incomparable to the american or  european system, the literature we use is so outdated that our diploma is not recognised outside our county. But we want to be as equally good doctors. Therefore, we try using foreign books and online resources but you know these things usually have a price and my family cannot afford to pay  for my ‘non-university-required’. /optional study materials. I am in my clinical years of med school and I have found the OnlineMedEd videos very useful but I can not afford the OME notes. May ask if anyone could be willing to share the onlinemeded notes pdf with me. I would be really grateful. Sorry for taking your time.  please if you can and want help me. Thank you in advance!
