#obey me lucifer

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Paws That Follow Close Behind

***As some of you may know, today marks one year since my precious kitty Oliver passed away. I’ve cried a lot over the past 24 hours, and I’ll probably cry even more as I write this, but I wanted to write a little something to say goodbye and what I would do if I could see him one last time. I promise no animals will die in this fic. So, in memory of Oliver, let’s do this.***

Summary: MC and Satan are walking around downtown when MC spots a familiar face … a small, furry face.

CW: Grief, mentions of past animal death

You giggled at Satan as he walked ahead of you shaking a bag of treats. “This is ridiculous,” you teased as softly called out to the invisible cats that he seemed to tracking.

He shot you a quick glare, that held embarrassment more than anything, “No. What’s ridiculous is that you’re not helping me. I thought you agreed to come along to help me find and check on any strays we find, not mock me.”

You smiled fondly at the demon as you began to lightly shake your own bag of treats. “My bad. I guess I’m not used to seeing you so … relaxed.”

Satan averted his eyes; you weren’t wrong of course. But he had cats and you — two of his most favourite things in the world — there wasn’t much to be stressed or defensive about with that combination.

Speaking of cats…

Satan’s head whipped around, trying to find the source of the adorablenoise. You looked alongside him, but at a notably slower speed with a nostalgic smile on your face. “Huh. That sounded just like-” Your breath hitched as your eyes landed on a small, fluffy grey lump sitting in the ally way before you — A white-tipped, tail swished nervously behind it.

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Reblog for the evening crew ❤


Paws That Follow Close Behind

***As some of you may know, today marks one year since my precious kitty Oliver passed away. I’ve cried a lot over the past 24 hours, and I’ll probably cry even more as I write this, but I wanted to write a little something to say goodbye and what I would do if I could see him one last time. I promise no animals will die in this fic. So, in memory of Oliver, let’s do this.***

Summary: MC and Satan are walking around downtown when MC spots a familiar face … a small, furry face.

CW: Grief, mentions of past animal death

You giggled at Satan as he walked ahead of you shaking a bag of treats. “This is ridiculous,” you teased as softly called out to the invisible cats that he seemed to tracking.

He shot you a quick glare, that held embarrassment more than anything, “No. What’s ridiculous is that you’re not helping me. I thought you agreed to come along to help me find and check on any strays we find, not mock me.”

You smiled fondly at the demon as you began to lightly shake your own bag of treats. “My bad. I guess I’m not used to seeing you so … relaxed.”

Satan averted his eyes; you weren’t wrong of course. But he had cats and you — two of his most favourite things in the world — there wasn’t much to be stressed or defensive about with that combination.

Speaking of cats…

Satan’s head whipped around, trying to find the source of the adorablenoise. You looked alongside him, but at a notably slower speed with a nostalgic smile on your face. “Huh. That sounded just like-” Your breath hitched as your eyes landed on a small, fluffy grey lump sitting in the ally way before you — A white-tipped, tail swished nervously behind it.

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Reblog for lunch time crew ❤


Paws That Follow Close Behind

***As some of you may know, today marks one year since my precious kitty Oliver passed away. I’ve cried a lot over the past 24 hours, and I’ll probably cry even more as I write this, but I wanted to write a little something to say goodbye and what I would do if I could see him one last time. I promise no animals will die in this fic. So, in memory of Oliver, let’s do this.***

Summary: MC and Satan are walking around downtown when MC spots a familiar face … a small, furry face.

CW: Grief, mentions of past animal death

You giggled at Satan as he walked ahead of you shaking a bag of treats. “This is ridiculous,” you teased as softly called out to the invisible cats that he seemed to tracking.

He shot you a quick glare, that held embarrassment more than anything, “No. What’s ridiculous is that you’re not helping me. I thought you agreed to come along to help me find and check on any strays we find, not mock me.”

You smiled fondly at the demon as you began to lightly shake your own bag of treats. “My bad. I guess I’m not used to seeing you so … relaxed.”

Satan averted his eyes; you weren’t wrong of course. But he had cats and you — two of his most favourite things in the world — there wasn’t much to be stressed or defensive about with that combination.

Speaking of cats…

Satan’s head whipped around, trying to find the source of the adorablenoise. You looked alongside him, but at a notably slower speed with a nostalgic smile on your face. “Huh. That sounded just like-” Your breath hitched as your eyes landed on a small, fluffy grey lump sitting in the ally way before you — A white-tipped, tail swished nervously behind it.

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Reblog for morning crew ❤❤❤

Paws That Follow Close Behind

***As some of you may know, today marks one year since my precious kitty Oliver passed away. I’ve cried a lot over the past 24 hours, and I’ll probably cry even more as I write this, but I wanted to write a little something to say goodbye and what I would do if I could see him one last time. I promise no animals will die in this fic. So, in memory of Oliver, let’s do this.***

Summary: MC and Satan are walking around downtown when MC spots a familiar face … a small, furry face.

CW: Grief, mentions of past animal death

You giggled at Satan as he walked ahead of you shaking a bag of treats. “This is ridiculous,” you teased as softly called out to the invisible cats that he seemed to tracking.

He shot you a quick glare, that held embarrassment more than anything, “No. What’s ridiculous is that you’re not helping me. I thought you agreed to come along to help me find and check on any strays we find, not mock me.”

You smiled fondly at the demon as you began to lightly shake your own bag of treats. “My bad. I guess I’m not used to seeing you so … relaxed.”

Satan averted his eyes; you weren’t wrong of course. But he had cats and you — two of his most favourite things in the world — there wasn’t much to be stressed or defensive about with that combination.

Speaking of cats…

Satan’s head whipped around, trying to find the source of the adorablenoise. You looked alongside him, but at a notably slower speed with a nostalgic smile on your face. “Huh. That sounded just like-” Your breath hitched as your eyes landed on a small, fluffy grey lump sitting in the ally way before you — A white-tipped, tail swished nervously behind it.

Satan frowned in confusion as he glanced between you and the cat. You had gone completely still. Your eyes were wide in complete disbelief as, much to Satan’s horror, tears began to line them. The cat on the other hand stared straight back at you, equally as still, only breaking eye contact to glance over at Satan with a mistrusting squint.

“O-Oliver?” You choked, and the cat’s ears perked right back up as it turned its attention back to you. As though responding to your call, he let out a soft mewl and rose onto all fours.

Satan watched in equal parts bewilderment and fascination as you ever so slowly kneeled close to the ground and stuck out your hand. “Ollie. Oliver. Hi,” you breathed. “Hi baby. Come here. What are you doing out here, huh?”

The cat meowed again, louder this time, taking a small step back as he glanced at Satan. Your breath caught as panic filled your face for a split moment as you took a step closer to the creature. “Hey, it’s alright. That’s just Satan,” you replied as though you could perfectly understand what the cat had sad. “He won’t hurt you. I promise, baby. J-Just come here. Come here, p-please.”

Satan had never heard you sound both relieved and happy and so incredibly heartbroken.

And then, with one final glare over to the blond, the cat slowly and cautiously approached you. You froze, holding your breath, until it gently nuzzled its head against your hand.

Both you and the cat seemed to melt at the contact.

Your shoulders shook with repressed sobs as you quietly ran your fingers through its long, grey and white fur with one hand and covered your mouth with the other.

Now Satan was truly and genuinely concerned.

He carefully placed a hand on your shoulder, allowing his thumb to rub small circles into your shoulder. “MC… Do you know this cat?”

You hiccupped as you nodded and began to scratch the under the cat’s chin — which the animal eagerly leaned into. “This is Oliver. H-He, oh god, He was my cat,” your lip wobbled as you looked up at Satan in pure, desperate, loss — Satan felt his heart crumble at the sight. “He died last year. I-It was really sudden and unexpected. I d-don’t understand. How is he- It shouldn’t be possible for me to pet him right now,” Oliver butted his head against your knuckles, as though reminding you of the reality of his presence — the action only moved to draw a sob from you.

Satan smiled sadly at the sight. “Ah, I understand. Well, MC, you know how you humans tend to call cats ‘little demons’ or 'the embodiment of Satan?’” He questioned.

You sniffled as you narrowed your eyebrows at him. “Y-You’re joking.”

The demon laughed, causing the cat to flinch back a bit. “I’m afraid not. While they aren’t remotely demonic while on earth, they do come down here to enjoy the chaos of the Devildom in their afterlife. It’s why we have so many strays.”

You squeezed your eyes shut as the hand you were petting with gently clenched around the fur on the back of his head. “S-So this … This is actually him?”

You cried when Satan nodded in response. He watched quietly, his heart both clenching at the sight of you mourning, and warming at the sound of the purrs that Oliver was releasing.

Once your eyes were red and puffy and your chest ached from sobbing, you massaged the tip of one of his ears and finallysmiled. “I can’t believe it’s really him,” Oliver lifted his white chin, seeking the comfort of your palm. You were quick to oblige him. “I never thought I’d see him again. I never thought I’d hold him. The last time I held him, h-he was so still and heavy. When … When the vet brought him out to us, he was wrapped in a blanket and they had him on his back, a-a-and I just knew that he wasn’t there anymore, even if they said he was still alive. Ollie hates being o-on his back while being held. He likes know-knowing he can get away if he wants to. I-It was my last time holding him, a-and he wasn’t even there.”

Satan squeezed your shoulder, wishing nothing more than to scoop you into his arms and comfort you. But he saw the way the cat was still eying him with caution. He didn’t want to risk spooking the poor thing.

“He’s here now,” Satan whispered instead. “I know this must hurt, but he’s not going anywhere. He appears to have made himself very comfortable in your lap,” you let out a wet giggle gently kissed the top of Ollie’s head. “If you’d like … We could take him back to the house with us.”

Your grip momentarily tightened around the cat as you looked up at the demon with watery eyes. “R-Really? B-B-But what about-”

“I’ll take care of Lucifer,” Satan reassured gently. “Don’t worry about that. Just focus on getting reunited with your cat. I have all the supplies you’ll need in my room.”

You reached up and grabbed onto Satan’s hand, gripping tightly as tears ran down your cheeks. “Yes. Yes! Th-Thank you so much. You … You have no idea how much this means to me.”

He chuckled and affectionately ruffled your hair. “I think I have an idea.”


Lucifer eyed Satan and the empty chair beside him suspiciously as his brothers began to scoop food onto their plates.

The two of you had left earlier that morning for Satan’s usual Saturday morning search for felines. He had heard the door open upon your return, but by the time he made it to the lounge, he could hear the echoing of your bedroom door slamming shut.

Now you were absent, and Satan was smiling.
None of these meant good things for him.

Lucifer cleared his throat as he began to cut into the meat on his plate. “Satan, where’s MC?”

The blond’s expression didn’t budge in the slightest as he grabbed a second plate and began to put a portion onto it. “They probably won’t be down tonight. In fact, I’ll be bringing them their meal in a minute.”

The table went quiet as they all turned to Satan — he continued to carry about his business as though nothing was wrong.

Lucifer felt his forehead pulse in annoyance. “What do you mean they won’t be down? Why?”

Satan shrugged and scooped an extra portion of fish onto the plate. “They’re spending time with Oliver.”

What quiet had remained from the last time the Avatar of Wrath opened its mouth was instantly shattered. “WHAT?!” Mammon screeched. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?! Who the hellis Oliver?”

Levi nodded frantically as he pointed at Mammon in agreement. “A-And why is he in their room?! How are you so calm about this!?”

Lucifer groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Satan,” he growled. “I swear, if I go to their room and there is a fucking cat in there I’m-”

“Going to do absolutely nothing.” Lucifer paused at the deadly cold tone lacing Satan’s tone. He looked up and found himself instantly drowning in vats of boiling acid as his younger brother scowled at him. “They have already been separated for fartoo long. That cat is everythingto them, and they just got him back. If you so much as thinkabout separating them I will rip your arms straight from your corpse and turn them into kitten chow.”

Lucifer would’ve rolled his eyes — he always does whenever Satan gets protective over those stupid little creatures.

But Satan didn’t even blink, his voice never once raised above the icy calm it was now. Goosebumps raised on Lucifer’s arms as he realized that the blond was serious.

Asmodeus seemed to realize this too as he chuckled nervously and wrapped an arm around his brother. “He’s not going to do anything to them. Calm down, you drama queen,” he casually taunted while shooting Lucifer a look that pleaded for him to fix this.

The eldest demon sighed and stood from his chair. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to at least meet the furball first.”

Satan watched him for a moment, assessing the lack of a threat in his brother’s stance before nodding. “Fine. But no actually going in. MC said that Oliver was a rescue when they got him, and is very skittish around everyone except them. So … Just be quiet,” his mouth twitched as he peered over at Lucifer. “You’ll see why the cat gets to stay when we get there.”

As Satan and Lucifer left the room, all the rest of the brothers stood too follow.

The blond lifted a finger to his lips as they reached your door. As quietly as he could, he creaked the door open, revealing what was inside.

You sat on your bed, cheeks tear-stained but a bright smile gracing your lips, with a long-furred cat sitting in “loaf mode” on your lap while you attempted to draw. The keyword being attempted, as Oliver kept sniffing at your pencils and looking up at you and your hands in confusion.

The brothers watched as you let out the purest laugh they’d ever heard and lovingly scratched the top of his head. “Such a big sook, aren’t you baby boy?” you cooed gently as the cat let out loud purrs. Your shoulders slumped in contentment as you stared at the creature in your lap with eyes filled with nothing except pure, unyielding love. “I missed you so much, Ollie,” you whispered so quietly that the brothers could barely hear it. “I missed this. I … I miss our cuddles, even if you do drool a little,” you chuckled as you lightly wiped at his chin. Oliver used the move as an excuse to raise his head and demand more chin scratches. Fondness flooded your expression as you bent down and kissed his head. “I’m so happy your home.”

The cat mewled lightly and curled up onto your lap, causing you to positively melt. You gently wrapped yourself around him, abandoning your sketchbook and squeezed your eyes shut as, for the first time in a year, you got to properly hold your baby once more.

Lucifer pursed his lips as he watched the scene. A cat would certainly be difficult to keep around with Cerberus living just outside but …

He sighed affectionately and softly closed the door. He turned and began to walk back to his office, mentally listing the different supplies he would need to buy.

“The cat can stay.”

Anything that made you thishappy would always be welcome into his house.

***Thank you all for reading and for all your constant love and support. I love you guys. Thank you for remembering Oliver with me ❤️ ***



I’ve been working on painting practice from reference photos, but instead of painting the models in the pictures, I change them to sexy otome or anime boys

Have a Lucifer in dramatic mood lighting ;3

Young Private School AU Lucifer

Reblog are greatly appreciated ^^’

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR LUCIFERRRRR ❤️ i dont have motivation to colour it yet… I’ll do it later

^thts my MC SHHSHSHSJ^ let’s pray we need to own mc plush..


Quick doodle of my OC, Bunny and Lucifer. Be sure to tune into my fic on AO3 titled “She Who Sups With the Devil Should Have a Long Spoon”



still got obey me brain rot so,,,

pact marks with the bros <3

lucifer - his mark only comes with trust. he places it on your shoulder, right on the outside, where he usually puts his hand when you need his reassurance. he gets the appeal of more provocative or convenient placements, but the placement is a reminder of his support. he doesnt want you to forget it.

mammon - his, to some surprise, ends up right between your shoulder blades. its centered around your spine, spreading outwards towards your shoulders and lower back. to mammon, this spot can be quite tender. yes, when he’s excited or proud, it’s where he gives you a congratulatory smack on the back. but its also where he likes to leave soft, breathless kisses. he spends hours there, mapping out your back with his lips. seeing his pact mark there fills him with a smug (but appreciative) feeling.

levi - his mark finds its home on your thigh. right on the front of it, smack in the middle. he likes it there because it can be secretive and covered up, but when you wear shorts and skirts, it can be shown off. he likes it when you show off his mark; it reassures him that you are proud and happy to be associated with him. when you sit next to him, sometimes he rests his hand over it, just to feel the warmth of the mark and your body.

satan - he is very purposeful about his pact mark placement. satan spends plenty of time thinking about where he’d want it to go, where you might like it to go. he gets an idea during one of the times he reads to you. you sit on the other end of the couch, your legs in his lap, and he rests his free hand on your ankle while he reads. he decides to put your mark there, right where he drums his fingers.

asmo - despite his placement’s rather suggestive connotations, asmo’s choice comes from a place of support. he puts his mark on your hip, right where it can be covered by underwear or swimwear if you wish. he uses it as a reminder of highly he thinks of you and your body, no matter what issues or insecurities you may have. when you look at it in the mirror, asmo wants you to think of him, and to treat yourself with the love he has for you. (he also thinks its really hot lmao)

beel - his mark is set on your abdomen, between the crests of your ribcage. its easily covered up, and beel doesn’t mind much whether you want to show it off or not. but he likes holding you around your middle, kissing your stomach and chest, and gently poking you there to get your attention. no other spot would do.

belphie -at first glance, belphie doesn’t seem to care where his mark goes. he carries an indifference about it. but once it’s placed on your chest, in the space under your collarbone, you realize how much he did think about it. when he sleeps on you, he rests his head right where the pact mark is. he wanted to mark his napping spot, and it will forever make you think of sleepy mornings wrapped up in belphie.


This is so wholesomeeee. Come. Get the fluff



Secrets, Secrets are no fun

Synopsis: The eldest of the seven sins has kept a lot of secrets. Some due to duty, some to appease his brothers. But behind closed doors, they eat away at him. Especially when it has to do with the one person he lost. Thankfully, a certain human is there to listen, and to help.

T.W: Sad Luci hours, mention of drinking, angst, a lot of angst, some flashbacks, Michael being an a**hole again, my hatred for Celestial Realm and some religious trauma is shown here. It’s a bit of a long read as well, so…

AN: So apparently, my brain’s decided that the big man upstairs is a jerk in the game, and now it won’t think of literally anything else. What brought about this thought? Well, I just remembered that they don’t really specify what kind of illness Lilith’s lover had had for her to risk her life and bring him Celestial fruit to heal him. What if the origins of the disease were… Celestial?

It was a quiet night in the Devildom. Silence stretched throughout the House of Lamentation, where a sliver of moonlight entered through glass windows and danced across hallways that seemed devoid of life. Not a sound could be heard; even the wind ceased its merciless hits against the old house for one night.

Lucifer hated these kinds of nights.

Silence was almost unheard of in the House of Lamentation, home to the seven Avatars of Sin. The strongest demons in existence had equally strong personalities. There was never a dull day in the life of the seven brothers, neither before nor after the fall. And in a weird way, Lucifer was grateful for that. Being caught up in his brothers’ shenanigans meant he wouldn’t be left to his thoughts. For his thoughts, the eldest quickly found out, weren’t exactly the most pleasant place to dwell in.

How long had it been that way, he wondered, staring at the golden liquid that sloshed around in the glass that he held. The surface of the liquid reflected his flushed face, nose and cheeks tinted a shade of red only Demonus, and more recently, the human who’d managed to master him could bring out.


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Reblogging this because I cannot believe how little attention it has gotten

I’m quite proud of this lol

One Captain to Rule Them All

Synopsis: Beating Lucifer in a sword fight because little did he know, they’ve been privately trained in combat for years prior to being kidnapped!
A little something inspired by Rowdy’s
(@rowdysketches)Pirate au for OM! in Daikon’s server! Enjoy~

Lucifer and his brothers were skilled pirates, having spent much of their youth plundering the high seas and striking fear in the hearts of everyone who heard of them. The brothers were just as talented as eccentric they were. Mammon had an uncanny ability to find treasure, no matter how well hidden. Levi was a natural sailor, leading most of the crew to believe he carried ocean water instead of blood in his veins. Satan’s knowledge of the trade routes and the ships using them had been what made so many of their exploits fruitful. Asmo could be compared to a siren, his soothing voice and delicate physique fooling many greedy, filthy merchants into crashing their ill-earned money right into their hands. Beel was the strongest fighter they had onboard, and Belphie took care of any prisoners they had to extract directions or other information from. And Lucifer?

Lucifer was the best captain and the swordsman the Ship of Lamentation had ever had.

Which was why the metallic sound that rang across the room, courtesy of his sword which now lay on the ground, startled him and the audience. Garnet eyes looked up to meet those of the one responsible. Familiar eyes, that had for some unfathomable reason haunted him in his dreams, held what he recognized as pride. “I win,” they mumbled breathlessly, their chest heaving slightly from the fast paced fight that had ended moments ago.

Maybe they had seen his disbelief on his face, for as they sheathed their sword and lent a hand to help him up, they explained, “I was taught swordsmanship by the best swordspersons on the continent. I’m glad all of that didn’t go to waste.” They ended their sentence with a grin and a cheeky wink, making Lucifer suppress a grin. Truly, they were something else.

Lucifer watched them carefully as they suddenly seemed to realize that they had become the centre of attention, their head bowing down slightly as a hand came up to rub the back of their neck. Despite being promoted to Lucifer’s right-hand person (a role previously held by Mammon, who was surprisingly not too huffy about his demotion), it seems they still got shy every now and then. A quick glance from their captain had the crew going back to their work, and soon, they were left alone.

Lucifer let out a chuckle, making the royal look up to him. “What’s so funny?” they asked.

“What is funny is that it seems you have forgotten what you said before.”

Their cheeks darkened slightly, and Lucifer once more had to suppress the urge to reach out and pinch them, see if they would turn even darker. “T-that was just- you can forget about that!” they squeaked out. What had possessed them to challenge Lucifer to a duel for captaincy, they would never understand. Maybe it was the way he’d taken a joke too seriously? Or maybe it was the rage that threatened to burn them from the inside out when he insinuated that their hands wouldn’t possibly be able to hold, let alone swing a sword.

But now they had defeated the captain in a mock-duel. If it was a real one, it would have ended with him being killed, but thankfully the two weren’t on opposing sides. And according to the agreement, he would have to give up his position as captain to them.

“You beat me fair and square. And I’m not one to go back on my word,” saying so, Lucifer got down on a knee in front of them and held out a hand to them, a silent gesture for them to offer one of their own. Holding their hand, he pressed a gentle kiss to the back of it, smirking when he heard a tiny gasp. “I look forward to the bright future we will have under your captaincy, MC.”

General Taglist: @dicetheroll,@candymeowz,@the-wonderously-strange,@riordanversexreader,@kitty-genshin-headcanons,@menacevenice,@leviathans-watching,@highly-functioning-mitochondria,@cro0kedme,@thecraftywitchwholoved


Treasured 8

entry : here it is, the last and final chapter of my Treasured series !! It’s been 3 months since I’ve updated and I’m still very sorry it took so long :,<<

warning : VIOLENCE, implied drugging, please proceed with caution.

taglist:@obeythebutler , @moni-sama, @gallantys , @sunasbitch, @crystal-freak24,@mar-s-bar-s,@beautifulzonk,@anxious-and-confused-af,@definitely-yours,@rainbowcaterpillarlucy,@satans-favorit3,@aexlryc , @tenyaiidafan, @lynxrae726 , @flowervalerian, @venti-cult, @transparentyouthwombat, @roguesknights,@supersludgethingzine , @yunbedo, @another-one-again , @kittykitkatstrawberry, @dabiscrustyfeet,@sparkbeast20@thataroaceweeb@pen-ink-therapy@marvelous-maniac@luci-slut@xiaos-so@min-rei@kashasenpai@aver0306@welcometomypersonalhell098 @obeysgf @twisted-akako @rollingranpo@giulia2372@urmomhetero@not-a-cat-lawyer@mammonssheep@xenixs01@infiinnityverse@viemags@tanspostsblog@genodesu@luvliepluto@viemags@zephyr-sylv@maemae-112@two-gays-in-a-trenchcoat @yvona-chan @zukkun @skatingempress

hearts, reblogs and comments are still very much appreciated !!

“I agree, this unfortunately isn’t limited to this recent encounter.” Simeon agreed to him as the Avatar of Wrath finally sat down in his seat whilst everyone turned their varying gazes towards the older angel. Most of them being filled with anguish, fear and anger. He stood up slowly, his chair moving backwards with a groan of its legs. In Simeon’s black gloved hand held the rest of the small crystals, disguised as actual listening devices.

He opened his mouth and was about to play more of the audios when he was interrupted.

“Hold it.”

Keep reading

I love this. That’s all I have to say.

And I gotta tell ya, I did not see that ending coming.

Well done bud!

It’s not that much of a surprise the fact that I’m late,but at least I’ve finished these drawings before New Year’s Eve,which is good,because this was supposed to be a Christmas present of sortbased on the ask I sent some time ago,the one about Clover’s and Violet’s ideal dates,I tried to sketch some winter fluff for them and their partners,even if I’m not the best at coloring or shadingI still hope it’s good enough

Of course I added even my MC and Mammon,but that’s because they’re basically part of the squad at this pointanyway I hope you like the gift @hyper-super-cloverand@tokamiart ! Merry late Christmas❤

(P.S:the signature on the drawings is different from my tumblr account because that’s my twitter name,since I kinda wanted to post the sketches there too,hope you two don’t mind)

Beel x Clover (Clover belongs to @hyper-super-clover)

Lucifer x Violet (Violet belongs to @tokamiart)

Mammon x Camy (Camy belongs to @sketch-guardian ,aka me-)

Hope you enjoyedhave a nice day/night and stay safe everyone✨

It has been quite a while since the last time I posted something, but I swear I’m alive, it’s just that university often makes me tired and unable to post.Still,I have a Halloween idea for a sketch, which I hope to finish in time, one including MC’s Classmates wearing matching outfits with MC (and one with Clover,Violet and Camy dressed up in their spooky costumes✨so I will try to do my best @hyper-super-cloverand@tokamiart . Oh btw : Clover and Violet are in this sketch too there’s also Aria @datpeachygirl -). Here is a old drawing I almost forgot to post:

“A typical day at RAD”

RAD classmates in order:

  1. Violet ( @tokamiart MC), Lucifer, Clover ( @hyper-super-clover MC), Beel
  2. Mobim, Domnra, Azul, Demya, Odon
  3. Mammon, Camy (@sketch-guardian MC), Aria ( @datpeachygirlMC)
  4. Zuri (since the spot next to her is free,you can imagine your MC sitting there!)

Anyway I hope you enjoyed, have a nice day/night and stay safe everyone✨

I probably should have posted this sooner, but at least I will post something on time for once. Anyway-

Today is @datpeachygirl ’s birthday! ✨ So I wish my dear friend (and also waifu-) a really special and happy day because she deserves a lot of love! Also I wasn’t sure if you shared your birthday with your MC Aria @datpeachygirl ,so if I was wrong I’m sorry, but in any case I drew a quick sketch for you! About Aria being spoiled on her birthday by Camy (and dressed up nicely for a date with Lucy later). I hope it’s enough :


(Sorry but sometime MC [Camy] is like a worried mother, so she needs to have a “nice chat” with Lucifer first-)

AGAIN HAPPY BIRTHDAY @datpeachygirl!!!❤✨

We stan first draft Lucifer

We stan first draft Lucifer

Post link

An idiot and a tired senior citizen
