#obey me short story


Deserted Island

Mc told Divaolo about how humans live the concept of living off the grid (like come one everyone played in the woods as a kid) so he set up a week long competition!


Older bros:

- Lucifer



Younger Bros:

- Satan

- Asmo

- Beel

- Belphie



- Luke



- Diavolo


- Solomon

- Mc

The rules are simple no magic! So how does everyone do?

Older bros:

- Did well at first Bc of Lucifer

- Their first objective was building a shelter

- They built a little stick and leaves hut but it could only fit two of them

- They made Mammon sleep outside

- When they were trying to go after a wild boar Levi tripped and scared all of them away so he got to eat the left over berries they found

- By the end Lucifer was tired, Mammon got a cold, and Levi got food poisoning from those berries

Rating: 5/10

Younger Bros:

- They did great the whole time

- The first objective was food

- The had plenty the entire time but their shelter was not much of one

- It was a fire on the beach with “beds” made of leaves and twigs

- It rained

- Beel had to be watched so he wouldn’t eat the food supply so satan did that thing you do with bears and tie it up in a tree

- It went fine until Asmo found something that resembled a mud bath and decided he needed a spa day

- It was quick sand

- Satan had to pull Asmo out but in the process Asmo lost his pants and he wasn’t wearing underwear

- So for the rest of the time Asmo had to kinda streak

Rating: 8/10


- They made a shelter first

-Simeon and Luke found vines and wove them into makeshift hammocks and used twigs to keep it rain proof

- They played it pacifist route so they ate vegetarian for their time

- The adventures of Simeon and Luke were rather uninteresting until they ran into Asmo

- Simeon sat with his head in his hands for a solid hour

- Luke started collecting shells he found on the beach to take home

Rating: 10/10


- Barb did most of it and Diavolo well…

- Barb found a natural spring and decided to build a small shelter around it and then went to look for- where’s Diavolo?

- Diavolo wandered off by the time Barb found him he had a boa constrictor wrapped around his waist

-“ Look barbatos the human ecosystem is truly wonderful *tightens* even if it is slightly painful”

- Barbatos: *he made this place and put snakes on it?*

- Barbatos got the snake off Diavolo (no snakes were harmed dw) and dragged him back to the shelter

- Then in the middle of the night he heard it. The unmistakable noise of his greatest foe…..a rat

- Barbatos got up and left

- He sat in the ocean for a awhile till Diavolo came and found him

- He refused to go back so for the rest of the time they had a beach shelter

Rating: 3/10


- How do you think it went?

- Well surprisingly it was ok at first

- They climbed to the top of the island and made a shelter up there and found some local flora right for consumption

- They were mushrooms.

- Solomon and mc got a really bad trip and when they came to they were covered in blood and naked

- Not sure where their clothes went they found some leaves and made it “work”

- They we’re out looking for their clothes one day and found an abandoned camp

- Free stuff? Hell yeah!

- They stole it and brought it up to their camp out

- They had a little feast to celebrate

- Then things just went even more downhill

- They thought they were being watched ever since those mushrooms man

- Went full on Lord of the Flies

- Solomon and Mc even turned on each other

- By the time it was over Solomon and Mc were wrestling (still naked) in the mud yelling about moon soldiers

Rating: -10/10
