#omg i love this






So, I heard you’ve been wondering what are the 3000 rules of Gusu Lan Sect?

See that wall? It’s the Lan Sect’s Wall of Discipline that appeared for 2 seconds in MDZS Episode 2. Some very diligent soul on Weibo actuallywent to read the texts carved on that Wall. Probably with a magnifying glass. No joke. Like, seriously,no joke.

Here goes all the rules that she managed to read out - translated hopefully not horrendously by Tumblr user my-otp-list. 

“Do not kill within Cloud Recesses

Do not fight without permission

Do not commit acts of promiscuity

Do not go out at night

Do not make noise

Do not walk too fast

Do not laugh for no reason

Do not sit with a disgraceful pose

Do not eat more than 3 bowls (Translator’s note: LOL)

Be a filial child

Organise work properly

Diligence is the root

Morality is the priority

Harmony is the value

Learning comes first

Do not take your own words lightly

Do not act impulsively

Do not give up on learning

Make sure to act virtuously

Do not forget the grace of the forefathers

Be careful with your words

Be respectful and humble

Be loyal and filial

Be amicable and united

Be of one mind

Train your body and your mind

Stop the bad habits

Be strict with yourself

Be easy on others

Do not hold grudges

Love and respect yourself

Maintain your own discipline

If others win over you, do not envy

If other lose to you, do not look down

Do not be wasteful

Do not create damages

Love all beings

Honour good people

Steer away from bad men

Respect the filial ones

Destroy the five poisons*

Nurture aspirations

Uphold the value of justice

Shoulder the weight of morality

Embrace the entirety of the world

Perform acts of chivalry

Have courage and knowledge

Have courtesy and integrity

Have affection and gratefulness

Have wins and losses

Be fair, and they will follow you

Be trustworthy, and they will believe you

Be mighty, and they will die for you

Take the straight path

Reject the crooked road

Earn trust

Believe sincerely

Have a strong will and anything can be achieved

Win friendships with kindness

See friends as neighbours

Be just

Be generous

Be ethical

Be grateful

Be loyal

Appreciate the good people  

Wake up at 8am

Do not be picky about food

Have a proper posture

Do not be overly happy

Do not be overly sad

Do not be over-the-top

Do not use bad words to hurt others

Do not spread empty lines

Do not break promises

Do not form cliques

Do not speak ill of others

Do not live extravagantly

Do not build wealth by using others, for this wealth won’t last

Help the underprivileged

Do not argue with your family, for it doesn’t matter who wins

Speak meagerly, for too many words only bring harm”

So, does anyone here think they qualify to be a Gusu Lan Sect disciple? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Bonus - An actual rule that was added by Lan Qiren after WWX and LWJ got together:

“Do not get near Wei Ying”

No, I’m not kidding.


All ‘squinting and staring’ credit goes to Weibo user 啧昵称什么好烦_yooooo. 


*The Five Poisons in ancient Chinese belief: Referring to the five poisonous animals that commonly appear in early summer, namely snake - scorpion - centipede - toad - spider.



Lan Qiren stares down at the open filigree box. His nephew has always been a collector—of memories, of dried flowers from a mother’s garden, of rocks, and so on and so forth. He has always been a sentimental boy when you deigned to look beyond the surface. It is no surprise that Lan Zhan wishes to preserve all that he loves but Lan Qiren wishes that his nephew had not decided to collect pictures of another boy who is regrettably all too familiar. 

Lan Qiren stares down at pictures of Cangse Sanren’s son and wants to die. He remembers when Lan Zhan used to refer to himself as Zhanzhan with his high pitched voice and his sweetly blank chubby face. Zhan’er is still a little boy in Lan Qiren’s heart and he does not enjoy the way the boy is maturing. 

Lan Zhan has begun to resemble his father overly much so. The curse of all Lans. Wei Ying and his bloodline is a menace to humanity and to Lans. He remembers Cangse Sanren’s raucous laughter and her lack of boundaries. Her son has clearly seduced his nephew. Otherwise…

Why does Lan Zhan have a collection of photos of Wei Ying? 

Upon hearing a barely audible footstep, Lan Qiren whirls around with damning evidence clutched in his hand. He stares at his youngest nephew who meets him with a blank gaze. 

“Hello, Uncle,” Lan Zhan says primly. “Please put the photos back in my box.” He walks further into his room and slides off his backpack. He approaches Lan Qiren, who looms over his desk and collection of boxed photos. 

Lan Qiren does not appreciate the utter disregard the boy treats him with. A certain heat consumes his face as his brows draw together. He opens his mouth and closes it when Lan Zhan sits down at his desk and begins to fiddle with…with framed images of Wei Ying! A shrine of photos! A shrine to some sort of demonic entity because surely that boy’s bloodline is sourced straight from the underworld. 

“Lan Zhan!” Lan Qiren snaps. 

Lan Zhan lifts his head to stare at his uncle. 

“What is the meaning of this?” Lan Qiren demands as he waves the photo of a boy in swim shorts, almost identical to the central image of the Wei Ying shrine. The photo in Lan Qiren’s hand also has a cloud-embroidered ribbon painstakingly glued across the boy’s nipples. Thank the heavens that the ribbon is not one of Lan Zhan’s personal ribbons. Otherwise…No, it doesn’t bear thinking about. 

“He’s my boyfriend from Yunmeng,” Lan Zhan says. The tone is almost defiant, imperceptible enough that Lan Qiren cannot address it. 

“A boyfriend!” Lan Qiren thunders. “You’re too young for a boyfriend! Especially for this…this shameless hussy!” He waves the photo in his hand for emphasis. 

Lan Zhan opens his mouth. 

It better be repentance and a promise to break up with the demon. 

“Uncle, please be careful with the photo…and he’s not a ‘shameless hussy’.”

“You! Shameless! Half-naked photos!”

“Uncle, please. It’s three-quarters.”

“Insolent boy!”

Lan Qiren attempts to rip the photo of the three-quarters naked boy but the ribbon at Wei Ying’s nipples hinders any further progress. Inarticulate with rage, he stares down at his nephew, who has the gall to sport the slightest of injured looks with his downturned mouth. 

“You are no longer boyfriends with him! I am calling the Jiangs tonight and putting an end to this nonsense,” Lan Qiren says. He lets out a long gusty exhale at the end, reassured by his own plan. 

“He’s my boyfriend,” Lan Zhan insists. 

Clearly, Lan Qiren has been too lenient with the boy. Taking up with a shameless hussy! A shameless hussy who sends three-quarters naked photos to respectable young men. Zhan’er has been seduced!

“No boyfriends! You’re only 12!” Lan Qiren shouts. 

“Uncle,” Lan Zhan says, as if emphasizing their family relation will quiet his anger, “I’m 17.”

Lan Qiren points an accusing finger at his nephew. Wordless with rage, he backs out of the room with his eyes focused on his recalcitrant nephew. He cannot bear to see the sight of this wayward nephew now. 

Lan Qiren needs tea. 


fic: Internet Boyfriends, pt. 2

Part 1

“He’s my boyfriend from Yunmeng,” Lan Zhan says with a blank face.

Lan Huan stares down at the collection of framed photos on his younger brother’s desk. He doesn’t know if he wants to laugh or cry. A-Zhan’s first boyfriend…and it’s the kid that got kicked out of summer camp years back and had teased Lan Zhan until they ended up fighting. A-Zhan’s first boyfriend…and it’s the result of an internet chat room encounter.

“…Congratulations,” Lan Huan eventually settles upon.

“Thank you,” Lan Zhan says stoically. He returns to rearranging his collection of photos in some precise order unknown to Lan Huan.

The collection of photos faintly reminds Lan Huan of a shrine. An almost excessive amount of pristine images secured in wooden frames decorate the desk. There’s even a loose red ribbon situated just so in front of the central image. The central image, of course, is a young man clad in only swimming shorts. Helpfully and possessively, Lan Zhan had draped another red ribbon around the framed picture to censor what would undoubtedly be Wei Ying’s nipples.

“You two exchanged a lot of pictures then?” Lan Huan decides to ask. He can only hope that Lan Zhan is not being catfished but considering the variation of photos displayed, it seems like it truly is Wei Ying.

“Yes,” Lan Zhan says. Contemplatively, he shifts one of the images away from Lan Huan’s view.

Lan Huan stares helplessly at his younger brother. He thinks he should ask A-Yao for some advice, well-known for corralling his half-brothers. On that thought, he slips out of his brother’s room with only a hum of acknowledgement from his brother.

Part 3 Part 4


ficlet: wangxian, internet (boy)friends AU

“He’s my boyfriend from Gusu!” Wei Ying exclaims. He clutches the printed image of a mournful young man to his chest. 

Jiang Cheng stares at Wei Ying. “You’re being catfished. I’m pretty sure mom told you specifically about the dangers of the internet.”

Wei Ying frowns. “Wait…do you mean youdidn’t get the internet safety talk?”

“No, because I have something called self-preservation,” Jiang Cheng says. Admittedly, he had even thought the internet safety talk was excessive. Wei Ying couldn’t be that dumb and he had been privately insulted on behalf of his brother. But the truth is is that Wei Ying wants to believe in the best of people–of a just world–and acts accordingly. It isn’t naivete but more of an attempt to out-stubborn the evils of the world.

Wei Ying pouts. He stares down at his printout. “But we sent pictures with our emails!”

“You’re an idiot,” Jiang Cheng says flatly. “It’s probably a pedophile collecting pictures.”

“Excuse you,” Wei Ying huffs, “he’d have to be an ephebophile. And anyways, it doesn’t explain his pictures!”

Jiang Cheng snatches the printout out of Wei Ying’s arms.

Wei Ying clutches at his chest like a scandalized maiden and opens his mouth for a scolding and a warning to take care of the picture.

“You idiot! It’s Lan Zhan!” Jiang Cheng waves the picture for emphasis. 

Wei Ying looks at Jiang Cheng, as if he is mentally deficient. 

It’s Wei Ying who’s mentally deficient. Because…

“You met him at summer camp! The one you got kicked out of! Like 5 years ago. And he hated you! Don’t you remember?!” Jiang Cheng shouts.

“Huh…I guess that’s why his name seemed familiar,” Wei Ying concedes. His mental image of summer camp Lan Zhan does not match the image of internet boyfriend Lan Zhan.

“You’re being catfished!” Jiang Cheng shouts.

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4


For the MXTX Book Club server prompt.


@librarysource event III: - pride

Never let anyone make you feel ordinary.



Modern Galadriel plays candy crush only to beat Saruman’s high score. Twin-grandsons are ready to help! Bonus angry saruman



This is a story written as a gift for @yummyinmytwistedtummy‘s birthday. When I asked them what they would like for the occasion, they said they wanted a JamilXReader story with vore as the featured kink. This is the result of that prompt. Hope you all enjoy!



Ramshackle Dorm was usually the quietest dorm at Night Raven College (aside from the occasional paranormal activity; it WAS a Haunted Mansion, after all), but today, that wasn’t going to be the case. Every half hour at least, it seemed, new guests arrived to the decorated manor house, and by now the party was in full swing. The ghosts had handled the decorating, and the whole of Heartslabyul had pitched in to help Trey prepare food for the party, which they brought with them when they stopped by.

“Rule Number 222: Birthday Celebrators Will NOT Cook Their Own Meals,” Riddle had recited with a snooty sniff, before giving you a package wrapped up in black paper with a red ribbon. Every other Heartslabyul member had offered you a gift of some sort in similar wrappings.

“Rule 223,” Trey had smiled somewhat wearily. “All Birthday Gift Wrappings Shall Be Uniformly Managed, Unless Otherwise Dictated.”

It was not long after Heartslabyul had got settled in that the denizens of Diasomnia arrived, headed by Malleus Draconia himself. You had made sure, when you knew your birthday was right around the corner, to invite Malleus to the inevitable party: not doing so would probably have led to someone being turned into dragon chow.

Actually, that fact made it harder to do so, since you suspected “someone” would mean yourself, but you managed.

Naturally, the appearance of the Dark Prince himself led to some tension - Ace and Deuce were practically frozen solid with fear, and it had taken Sebek literally giving them a shake to snap them out of it - but the tension eased as the festivities went on and more people began to arrive: Azul and the Leech Twins had been next, and your ribs still felt sore after the obligatory “birthday squeeze” Floyd had given you. While Jade and Trey began to share cooking tips with Lilia, and Cater took photos of everything in sight, practically bouncing around the room, Azul helped himself to some of the birthday cake…the guilty look on his face indicated perhaps more than he intended.

The heads of Savanaclaw were next to show up; Ruggie had begun singing (badly) the instant he entered, regaling you with the Birthday Song as he set his package among the rest. Leona - the lazy thing he was - held a simple gift card in his hand, and placed it among the other presents. (You didn’t know what else you should have expected; he’d probably bought it at the last minute.) As for Jack, he had the largest package anyone had carried yet, and judging from the way he shuffled his feet nervously, it had to have been something expensive.

“It’s not because I care about you, or anything,” he insisted with a grumble. “Just…it wouldn’t have been polite to bring nothing. Okay? N-Not that I care about what others think!”

Chernabog bless him, he made it SO hard not to pat him on the head, the poor lamb.

Keep reading

I’m always forgetting to reblog things but this was an absolutely wonderful bday gift!!! I already expressed my gratitude verbally but just in case some of y’all are unfamiliar with @twistedtummies2 I HIGHLY recommend checking them out. Love love love LOVE their work ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thx again!


my favourite genre of batman art is where everyone is detailed and then theres batman-


made another frog :) here they all are together


u know how sometimes a person will refer to their boobs as The Girls. i think samakro is one of those people but also he will occasionally switch it up with “the lads”
