
Sympoietic sonic scope | audiovisual OpenGL sceneig: @alidasuntwitter: @alidasun

Sympoietic sonic scope | audiovisual OpenGL scene


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Hlaalu Brassguard got heavily redesigned recently. Hope this would be the last iteration of these guHlaalu Brassguard got heavily redesigned recently. Hope this would be the last iteration of these guHlaalu Brassguard got heavily redesigned recently. Hope this would be the last iteration of these gu

Hlaalu Brassguard got heavily redesigned recently. Hope this would be the last iteration of these guys. I took inspiration from traditional European armors pattern and added some Dunmeric details to it. The most western-oriented house must have most western-oriented armor. A bit of cargo-cult.

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Few updates on the House Redoran dwemerclad equipement.Few updates on the House Redoran dwemerclad equipement.Few updates on the House Redoran dwemerclad equipement.Few updates on the House Redoran dwemerclad equipement.

Few updates on the House Redoran dwemerclad equipement.

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Yay, artistic procrastination continues!Yay, artistic procrastination continues!Yay, artistic procrastination continues!

Yay, artistic procrastination continues!

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Sneak peak at another armor set from Opus Dwemer, my upcoming dwemer equipment overhaul for MorrowinSneak peak at another armor set from Opus Dwemer, my upcoming dwemer equipment overhaul for MorrowinSneak peak at another armor set from Opus Dwemer, my upcoming dwemer equipment overhaul for Morrowin

Sneak peak at another armor set from Opus Dwemer, my upcoming dwemer equipment overhaul for Morrowind.

House Redoran was the first to use dwemer alloys to their advantage. Young and ambitious Bolvyn Venim was not afraid of violating the imperial law in the field of artifact regulation. Dozens of warriors went into the depths of Dwemer facilities in search of anything usable for military puproses.

Soon afterwards, manor guards were clad in crude and heavy but durable and protective suits of dwemer armor constructed in the native Gah-Julan style and wielding chimeri sabers, forged from the remains of steam centurions.

However, House’s reaction to the appearance of the Pattern was slow and ineffective due to the poor industrial base and scarcity of resources. Less than a handful of suits were assembled, but their quality became one of the reasons for Ald'ruhn salvation during the Oblivion crisis.

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I’ve further expanded my collection of armor designs. This time one of the common iron armor variant

I’ve further expanded my collection of armor designs. This time one of the common iron armor variants. There will be more of those.

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As you can tell I’m active again. Here is the piece that will went into Skyrim: Home of the Nords ad

As you can tell I’m active again. Here is the piece that will went into Skyrim: Home of the Nords addon some noice individuals is making for Morrowind.

This time is my take on the original morrowind Nordic Iron armor. Yea, THATthing.

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Makeshift construction of weapons from the scraps of dwemeric alloys grew into a new type of artistr

Makeshift construction of weapons from the scraps of dwemeric alloys grew into a new type of artistry through the course of the centuries. Heavy brasslike shafts are replaced with glue-soaked corkbulb, handles are decorated with leather strips and pieces of polished copper depending on the taste and capabilities of the wielder and sophisticated working parts of the original items reforged into something more suitable for striking down lightly armored opponents. 

One example of this craftsmanship is the “small suite of wounds” produced by the Indoril hegemony in the dawn of the Third Era. Temple mourners were commissioned for sanctifying newly constructed weapons, but eventually their somber keening synergized with the metalwork of disappeared civilization and simple blood-thinning effect transgressed into infernal witchery that nearly boiled the blood and melt the liver of it’s victim.

This gave rise to the theory that the dwemer “enchanted” their uniquely alloyed equipment by modulating tonal energy directed at the metal. 

This potent “suite of wounds” is now banned from public use and officially cursed by the Temple, considering that agony this weapon can bring is too inhuman even to be used on daedra; Nonetheless, rumors are spreading that high-ranking Ordinators are still using these violent weapons on a paralegal basis.

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