#indoor growing


Trichocereus bridgesii (P*nis Cactus) and one of my Guatemalan bracelets.

He is a small grower for real though. He’s also given me two… Babies? I’m trying to grow one of them separately and we’ll see if that works or not.

He gets bright indirect light

Let him dry well between watering sessions, then give him a good soak!

Not picky with humidity.

Do you grow one of this? Share your experience.

Questions? Ask me anything!

My Philodendron Imperial Red keeps growing! These are the things that make me smile & cheer me up. Yes, I’m struggling with some of my babies and I’m focusing my energy on them, but damn… we have to appreciate and value the good things happening around us every single day!

Philodendron Care:

Medium indirect light

Let them dry well between watering sessions. Remember to follow the finger test.

Regular Humidity

I haven’t fertilizer this one in the year I’ve grown her. I’ll update my care tips when I do.

Bird of Paradise From Seed Check ✅!!! THEY ARE GROWING!

This is so exciting, but from personal experience, it is still too soon to scream victory! Seedlings are especially sensitive to anything. Too much of this, too little of that, if you miss to check on them one day, then you might lose them.

I’m manually watering them and placing them outside during the day, for them to get full sun. Then taking them back in to protect them from the cold and outsiders

If you haven’t watched them, I posted about 3 videos of the process back in November if I remember right. It took about 8 weeks for them to sprout. This is week 10.

Find a Monstera Deliciosa! (There’s 4) - Let me know in the comments!!!

Last weekend I was finally able to clean, rearrange and check the soil of all my garage plants. My mother in law also gave me that poinsettia.

BTW, did you know poinsettia are f* euphorbias?! Let me know if I was the only human being that didn’t know that!

Happy New Plant Year!

May 2022 bring you so many pups, seeds to sprout, current babies to grow, flowers and hopefully bugs to stay the f*ck away!

I also hope this is a new year of learning and experimenting, my favorite part of loving plants. If you want to become a better plant parent, learn more about plant care and more, please feel free to DM me. I’m here to help!

Plants and Pups

The next few posts, I’ll introduce you to my three gorgeous dogs and a plant or two.

This is Kenji, a Chihuahua- Dachshund mix. He loves being close to my plants and under the sun. He also loves to cuddle!

The plants featured:

-Elegia tectorum

-Tibouchina heteromalla (flower)

Do you love when your dogs have a good relationship with your plants?

Herbs Bed Progress Check ✅

I just reorganized my herbs last month and look how everything is adapting well. I did cut my rosemary all the way down, one of them was really stressed after the move, but hopefully will come back.

The highlights are my new free tomato plant, the lemon balm growth

I’m so happy to see my new anthuriums grow so fast! This is an Anthurium Hookeri, she was overwatered and getting too much direct sunlight. As soon as I changed that, she started getting back her dark green color and it is giving me so many new leaves!

This is how I shop for airplants!

Many times the flower attracts you and that’s fine. I know they are gorgeous and surreal. As long as you know that they are Monocarpic plants, and will slowly die after putting out their flower.

I prefer to look for babies! That means that after the babies grow enough, I’ll have more airplants. The mom will flower eventually, so I will still appreciate that too!

Super happy to see my Monstera Siltepecana grow. I noticed a huge improvement after I added the pole for support and humidity.

As many monsteras, let the soil dry in between watering sessions and provide medium to bright indirect light.

My begonia Sinbad is coming back!

I’ve grown this begonia since 2020. She grew so tall and bushy, I was super proud! But last year she was affected by powdery mildew, which is a horrible fungus disease that spreads really fast.

I treated her with strong neem oil and cut her down several times, but the mildew kept coming back. So after several times, I decided to cut all of the branches down, like super hardcore.

After a few months of just watering enough and being in observation in my ER room, she is coming back. Fingers crossed that the mildew won’t come back

New Office Shelves! How many plants do you see? Do you recognize the bottle used in my pothos on the top left?

We took the bookshelves out and Jared built new ones on the wall. This opened up the space a lot in this room and gave us more space for books & plants of course.

(Disclosure: Books are to my husband, what plants are to me )

Easy Grow Light Setup (Cheap Too)

Setting up grow lights doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive. A grow light setup for starting seeds and growing seedlings can be easy and cheap. Lighting options include windowsills, simple table-mounted lights, stacked lighting shelves, and hanging shop lights.

Gooseneck LED grow light: https://amzn.to/38dWgCB
2′ LED Grow…

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