

Please meet Chavo, our first Shiba Inu.

He was born in Taiwan and then he moved with us to the US. He has always respected my indoor plants, loves sleeping next to my alocasia Macrrohiza.

Plants: This is my crazy tropical corner underneath our deck. I’m loving this vibes and I’m impressed on how much they are loving this spot.

Plants and Pups

The next few posts, I’ll introduce you to my three gorgeous dogs and a plant or two.

This is Kenji, a Chihuahua- Dachshund mix. He loves being close to my plants and under the sun. He also loves to cuddle!

The plants featured:

-Elegia tectorum

-Tibouchina heteromalla (flower)

Do you love when your dogs have a good relationship with your plants?

New Office Shelves! How many plants do you see? Do you recognize the bottle used in my pothos on the top left?

We took the bookshelves out and Jared built new ones on the wall. This opened up the space a lot in this room and gave us more space for books & plants of course.

(Disclosure: Books are to my husband, what plants are to me )

Reorganizing my herbs bed

Most of my herbs are potted and buried in the soil. It makes it so much easier to control, but also easy to move around.

All of these were small when I planted them, the three rosemary bushes grew exponentially and they were keeping the sun from hitting the other herbs, so I moved them around.

I have:

  1. Rosemary in the back
  2. Sage on the right side
  3. Mint & lemon balm next to the sage
  4. Thyme in the front left side
  5. Geranium in the middle left side
  6. More lemon balm in front of the rosemary

Let’s see how they grow!
