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Though a “bit” blurry, we very much like that pic. This is from our first shoot with the red heart p

Though a “bit” blurry, we very much like that pic. This is from our first shoot with the red heart plug. Stay tuned, more pics to cum ;)

More pics of us @foobar101.
Please keep caption and source.

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hay dos cosas que tengo para ti; el primero es algo puro que ha tardado en germinar pero logró crecer para convertirse en perfecto amor y lo segundo; una flor.

Ig: draw_gif

How Do I Create an Experiment? | Border Image Credit:  NASA, ESA, the Hubble SM4 ERO Team, and ST-EC

How Do I Create an Experiment? |Border Image Credit:  NASAESA, the Hubble SM4 ERO Team, and ST-ECF, Hubble

Usually when attempting an experiment, one will follow the steps of the scientific method, described below, even if some engineering is involved.

1. Make observations.

2. Propose a question.

3. Do thorough background research. 

4. State the problem. 

5. Construct a hypothesis and make predictions of the results.

6. Design and execute an experiment to test the hypothesis. During the experiment you will be basically controlling and measuring variables, which are divided into three types, explained below.

  • Controlled variable - You may have as many controlled variables as you wish. You will attempt to keep these variables constant and unchanging, so that if you have to re-do the experiment [which you most likely will because very few experiments go completely right the first time] you will be able to reproduce controlled variables exactly, or as closely as possible to how they were in the original experiment. 
  • Independent variable - In most experiments there is only a singular independent variable, which is controlled by the experimenter[s]. During the experiment[s] you will control the independent variable and change it to observe the results. 
  • Dependent variable - This variable depends on the independent variable, thus it’s title. You will focus upon this variable to see how it reacts in lieu of the change[s] of the independent variable. [This is the main variable you will focus on measuring.]

7. Collect results, analyze the data, and draw your conclusions. After collecting your results and analyzing them, do you accept or reject the hypothesis? If you choose to reject the original hypothesis because the results do not support it, go back and revise the hypothesis, and start over. If you’ve accepted your hypothesis because the results support it, feel free to draw conclusions.

There are varied steps depending on the type of experiment you are creating, and what your purpose of said experiment is. If the purpose of your experiment is to observe the way something works you will be using the scientific method, which I described above. If you are attempting to create and/or invent something through your experiment, [eg. products, experiences, environments, computer programs, etc.] then you will be using the engineering design process.

  • If you don’t know which process you should use check out this simple guide to comparing the engineering design process and the scientific method here
  • If you decided to the engineering design process is a better fit for your experiment, you can read the detailed steps and examples via NASA here.
  • A detailed list of steps and examples of the scientific method via NASA can be found here.

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There are so many showrunners who seem really goddamn desperate to produce more adult-oriented animation, but keep getting forced to pitch to kids’ networks due to how few people take animation seriously as a medium for plot-driven animation aimed at anyone but children.

Like, iirc The Owl House started out as a concept for a more adult show, and The Dragon Prince crew have said that they consider their show “all ages,” not “children’s animation.”

“Ugh, why do so many adults watch shows for kids…” Because networks are actively getting in the way of writers who want to make ones for adults!!!! Damn it! We’re in an absolute renaissance of plot-driven animation but everybody still wants to act like animation is for “kids only!” Why!!!

Anyway support the #NewDealForAnimation and the current push for unionization and reform in the industry. That’s not necessarily related to this post I just think it should be said on every post talking about animation rn.

Thank God Taravangian never found out about hemalurgy. Like, that would be ridiculously easy for him to abuse if he knew about it. And really, knowing about it is all it would take. Cause you can use it anywhere in the cosmere.

Especially since copper can steal intelligence. You just *know* he’d be out trying to recreate his Big Brain Day

Wild mistborn/cosmere rambles ahead. Long post. Big spoilers for all cosmere. Read at your own risk.

[Image transcript:

Primary question: Peter recently said something about atium in Era 1 actually being an atium-electrum alloy, which is called nalatium. Is this accurate?

Brandon Sanderson
This is accurate, yes.
You could, by the way, just continue to call it atium. That’s what they think atium is in-world. It’s very slightly tainted.

Secondary questions: If the above is yes, did Kelsier get malatium by separating the atium and gold from the silver in nalatium? If so, do atium and gold have similar melting points?

Brandon Sanderson
That’s more of a RAFO in that I’m not sure I want to canonize any of that right now.

Footnote:Peter’s comment did not give the alloy a name, Adam misread the sentence where the questioner provided their own name for it.
YouTube Spoiler Stream 3 (Dec. 16, 2021)

End transcript.]

And here is Peter’s comment, mentioned in the footnote.

[Image transcription: 

Brandon has said that everyone ought to be able to burn Atium, like they can all burn Lerasium, and the fact that they can’t was an oversight on his part that he would’ve done different in hindsight.
Maybe now he’s had an in-universe reason to re-write the laws of allomancy it’s back to his intended concept; Mistborn burn all 16 base metals, mistings burn one base metal, non-allomancers can only burn godmetal.

Peter Ahlstrom
My explanation for this is that Preservation somehow caused all naturally occurring atium to form as an alloy of atium and electrum. The atium Mistings were actually electrum Mistings.

It’s a very tidy solution, but it creates the maddening question of what does pure atium do?

Peter Ahlstrom
That answer has already been revealed canonically. RAFO.

Footnote:Brandon later confirmed that this is indeed the case.
General Reddit 2021 (Nov. 2, 2021)                    

End transcription]

Ramblings Begin

Fascinating new WOB. So “Atium”, as we’ve seen it, is actually an atium/electrum alloy??? I didn’t expect that honestly, which I really could have cause Atium has honestly always been a bit weird. It seemed way too weak, given that it is a god metal, and the fact that not everyone could burn it did seem rather odd, since we know anyone and everyone can burn lerasium. And the hemalurgy table does say that Atium can steal any power but that it “must be refined”, so this does all check out. This is probably still a retcon and not the original plan, but if so it’s a retcon that seems to have been in the works for a while.

(Side note: If you don’t need to be an allomancer to burn atium or lerasium, is there any reason you need to be for any other godmetal? Can anyone anywhere in the cosmere swallow some godmetal and burn it as long as they have Intent? That is how it works with Hemalurgy. Hmmm. I’d love to see someone in stormlight try this now that we’ve had Raysium introduced. Plus, there is that chunk of an honorblade sitting around uselessly in some field lol, as someone mentioned in another question in that spoilerstream.)

So that of course begs the question of what does pure Atium do? Peter says that this has been not just revealed, but canonized (ie, in one of the books) so based on that I’m guessing this is about Elend’s vision at the end of Hero of Ages. Cause that did seem like more than just a more powerful version of normal Atium.

So what about all the other Atium alloys? What do they do?? And only a person who can burn Metal A can burn a godmetal alloy of Metal A? Is that true for all godmetals? I think it’s been implied that a Lerasium/metal alloy makes you a misting of that metal so that’s… quite useless lol. Even more useless than it already was, since you had lerasium on hand and are using it to turn yourself into a misting instead of a mistborn.

And all “Atium mistborn” are actually electrum mistborn? Do people in world know this? Probably not right? Cause there’s not any atium left to test out anything on.

Okay, and what about Feruchemy? Based on what Sazed said, it seems like it was relatively common knowledge among the Keepers that Atium is rather useless for feruchemy, it just stores age, but they would have been experimenting with the Electrum!Atium presumably so we actually have no idea what its feruchemical properties are. I’d assume that if an Electrum ferring god their hands on Electrum!Atium, they could store in it but no other ferrings could, just like with allomancy. So storing age is a function of Electrum!Atium not pure atium. (And maybe that’s why preservation did this whole thing. So that the lord ruler could make himself immortal. That would make a lot of sense.) So what does pure atium do feruchemically? I have no idea!!! We don’t know that with lerasium either I don’t think. Or harmonium. God I want to know so much more about godmetals.

But we *do* know what pure atium does in hemalurgy, if my interpretation is correct. Cause as I mentioned earlier, the hemalurgy table says that Atium “requires refinement” to be able to steal any power, so I assume they’re actually working with pure atium. But *why* did the inquisitors think to refine it for hemalurgy, but not for allomancy or feruchemy? or did they, and it’s just us that don’t know what it does in those systems and they do. The question still stands though, why did they think to refine it? Did they not get any effect from Electrum!Atium? Why not? That’s really odd. Or if they did, how did they know that Atium is impure? Did the lord ruler know from when he ascended? I mean I guess that would make sense, and it also makes sense that he wouldn’t share that knowledge with the Nobles cause he did hoard all kinds of information and he benefits from keeping things the way they are. We still don’t know what Electrum!Atium does hemalurgically though, which is interesting.

And now onto the elephant in the room: Marsh. He’s still kicking around with a bag full of Electrum!Atium, and the ability to both store in it and to burn it. Do we know anything about the spikes for it? Assuming it’s actually just a spike for electrum power, the one for Allomantic!Electrum should be Cadmium and the one for Feruchemical!Electrum should be gold. They didn’t have Cadmium back then though, so probably it’s an Atium (pure atium) spike, since that can steal any power. His feruchemical one could be too. Has he done any work with pure atium? He seems to be working under Sazed’s command at this point, so probably if he *has* done anything with it it would be cause Sazed wanted him to. (And sazed probably already knows what it does)

In conclusion: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

So there are two things I want to ask brandon that I think have a chance of being answered:

  • can any (non-alloy) godmetal be burned by anyone who has Intent?
  • What does Electrum!Atium do hemalurgically, and why isn’t that on the hemalurgy table?

Feel free to add on with your own rampant speculation, I’d love to hear it!!!!

“What manner of man is this, or what manner of creature is it in the semblance of man?”

I love this sentence from when Jonathan sees Dracula crawling all over the walls because guess what? That’s also how Jesus is described in the Bible:

But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! (Matthew 8:27)

I guess lizard wall crawling is a bit like walking on water. After all, who in the world reminds me more of Jesus than my friend Dracula?

(Coincidentally - well, not exactly - this is where I took my vampire romance novel’s title from)

Do you like Dracula Daily? Do you wish it had more kissing, smut, and queer characters? Do you want a free original vampire novel sent in real time letters to your inbox?

This is What Manner of Man (working title), a queer vampire romance novel about a naive young priest sent to a remote island to exorcise the demons that are allegedly tormenting the villagers — but what happens when the priest begins to suspect his host, the mysterious, nocturnal lord of the local manor, may have invited him another reason entirely? And what happens when the supposedly celibate priest finds he cannot resist his host’s powerful charms?

I’ve been so into Dracula Daily I’ve begun work on a serial vampire novel of my own. The first chapter will go out January 2023!

Spiritually at all times I am batting off my many wives to lay sole claim to the handsome waif swooning at our feet

I’m so excited for tomorrow’s Dracula update - it might be the best scene in the book certainly it’s my favourite. Absolutely flawless, really it’s a masterpiece and I can’t wait for you all to read it.

My wonderful husband whom I do not deserve made the art for my serial vampire romance novel announcement post earlier and I really wanted to show you all the full piece because I’m so impressed by what he came up with. It’s an edit of a famous vintage cover of Dracula <3

Do you like Dracula Daily? Do you wish it had more kissing, smut, and queer characters? Do you want a free original vampire novel sent in real time letters to your inbox?

This is What Manner of Man (working title), a queer vampire romance novel about a naive young priest sent to a remote island to exorcise the demons that are allegedly tormenting the villagers — but what happens when the priest begins to suspect his host, the mysterious, nocturnal lord of the local manor, may have invited him another reason entirely? And what happens when the supposedly celibate priest finds he cannot resist his host’s powerful charms?

I’ve been so into Dracula Daily I’ve begun work on a serial vampire novel of my own. The first chapter will go out January 2023!

Has anyone else noticed he Dracula emails seem to be going out a few minutes later every morning? The first one was at 8:30 AM, then 8:38, 8:40, now we’re up to 8:48. What’s up with that?
