

KLAP! Kind Love and Punish

  • Project Leader: Skye
  • Mimasaka Touma’s route has been translated and is now onto proof reading

Gakuen K

  • Project Leader: Ran
  • Suou Mikoto’s route has been translated and is now onto proof reading

Sorry for the small update this time;; If you’d like to help these and our other projects become a reality please consider joining our community.



And we also have a discord! If you’d like to get more information about projects or just want to talk to fellow otome fans please consider joining!


KLAP! Kind love and punish Prologue Demo video


KLAP English fan translation project is lead/solo by https://twitter.com/skyemakable, an individual of the Otogelib Community!

Feel free to join Skye and help them translate the game. Otherwise, please promote the project by telling your friends & family!

Currently, Skye translated 62% of the game.

Translator application here: https://forms.gle/RCmun4tHcXmX387f6

Translator: Skyemakable

Graphic editor: yuugs


Description: The protagonist, Yamashiro Koyomi, had graduated from university and undertook the teacher employment exam in order to become a high school teacher, her dream job. However, her attempts had constantly ended up in failure.

“Maybe I’m not fit to be a teacher?”

As the protagonist thought this and was about to give up, she had finally received a report indicating that she had passed. Her heart leaped at the thought of her new life as a teacher. The school that had employed her is located in the 48th prefecture of Japan known as the Aima Prefecture and is a training school designed to educate inexperienced UMA so that they can become fully-fledged UMA.

In fact, Koyomi had accidentally undertaken the “animal trainer” employment exam instead of the “teacher” exam! “This is impossible for me,” said Koyomi, as she was about to decline her offer of employment. In response to this, the school’s principal promised, “if you can work admirably for us for one year, I’ll put in a good word for you to other high schools.”

Having no experience whatsoever in the art of training, will Koyomi be able to train a UMA? Also, will she be able to assist in the growth of an inexperienced UMA into an excellent one? For the sake of being able to transfer to a different high school- though filled with her doubts- Koyomi’s year-long life as a homeroom teacher-cum-“animal trainer” will begin!

Binary Star English fan translation Prologue demo video

Here’s the demo video for Binary Star English patch done by individuals in Otogelib Community!

Our FAQs: https://otogelib.tumblr.com/post/632643187977191424/frequently-asked-questions

Otogelib is a community for hobbyists where you can translate otome games from Japanese to English using your mobile device. Improve your Japanese and help other fellow otome gamers when you’re at it!

The prologue was translated by matatabi and mukamiis. Romhacking is done by [DC]. For now Binary Star has only 1 active translator. If you love this game and want to translate it, feel free to join the community by following these links:


Otogelib community 2021 Roadmap


Just a quick update about what the translation groups in our community are planning for 2021!

1. Amnesia Later & Crowd:

- Project leader: Jenni

Amnesia Later & Crowd is 100% translated, and it’s in the proofing & beta testing stage. The group doesn’t have an estimated release date yet, though. If you want to help out proofing and beta-testing, please join our discord: https://discord.gg/8AX8VuhuHc. Any help is appreciated!

The patch will be released for Android and hacked Playstation vita.

2. Black Wolves Saga ~Weiss und schwarz~

This game contains 2 parts: Bloody nightmare and Last Hope. The first part - Bloody nightmare is fully translated by https://twitter.com/bakemeatzand@orlandoblue. We got their permission to use the translation for the patch. We thought of releasing both parts when Last hope translation is done by the community, but as of now, nobody is interested in translating Last Hope. Thus, we decided to release Bloody Nightmare patch for hacked PlayStation vita as a demo patch.

Because it’s a demo patch, it will contain lots of errors, but I don’t think that there are enough people interested in this game to work on the patch. So we decided to release the patch as-is. The estimated date should be around Fall 2021. Please join our discord if you want to help with beta testing.

The patch will be released for hacked Playstation vita.

3. Brothers Conflict:

- Project Leader: Emi

The group translating Brothers Conflict is planning to release a demo patch of the first part of the game - Passion Pink. Most of the translation was done by @passionandbrilliance.

The patch will be released for hacked Playstation vita.

4. KLAP!! Kind love and punish

- Project Leader: Skye

KLAP is 30% translated by Skye, we’re planning to release the demo video in 1 month.

That’s it for today! Remember, Otogelib is a community and you’re free to join and help out now!

Please join our discord: https://discord.gg/8AX8VuhuHc or fill out the application forms located in the sidebar if you want to help out!


Hey SSL fans – we have an updated version of the patch ready for you all to download! You might be thinking why this is so soon after we released v1.0 – and good question!

It turns out, after we played through the release patch and did some checks, we found out that the translations were more than 5 months old! That was before we did any beta testing for the translations!

If you could imagine this realization was Okita, our excitement in getting the patch out was Toudou, and you lovely folks are the heroine we’re trying to pull by the hand to the great world of SSL, this kind of represents what it felt like for us

However, we got to work as soon as we knew what was up, and now have an update with the latest and greatest translations that we all worked hard on polishing. We hope you get the update and enjoy the rest of the game in the state it should be – the one you all deserve to see it in!

Download v1.1.7 of the Hakuouki SSL patch here 


Hakuouki SSL English Patch DOWNLOAD!

Hakuouki SSL English Patch Release!

It’s finally here – on this White Day, the Hakuo Gakuen team is proud to present: an English patch of Hakuouki SSL!

We wouldn’t have thought that, over half a year ago, we would be able to bring the entirety of the game’s story into English and have it be playable on a PS Vita. But as we steadily made progress on translating the vast number of scripts in the game, eventually getting working versions of the patch on our own Vitas for testing, it became clearer and clearer to us that we were going to bring something exciting to the table for otome game fans everywhere.

There are countless many people we’re thankful for – translators, proofreaders, and beta testers alike – all without whom none of this would have been made possible. And, above all, for the fans who have always wondered what goes on in this happy-go-lucky world of Hakuouki SSL, and newcomers who are curious as to what is even going on here – this one’s for you!

GitHub page for patch

The patch, installation instructions, FAQ, and further information are all available on our GitHubpage:https://github.com/HakuoGakuen/HakuoukiSSL

The download for the mod itself can be found under “releases”!

Survey on the SSL Video Walkthrough Schedule & the Otogelib Group

For people interested in us posting video Let’s Play walkthroughs of the SSL patch, we want to start work on arranging a schedule for it. To that end, we have a survey that would really benefit from your input here:https://forms.gle/f9W3R5o5N95otkfE7

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future translation projects. please let us know in this survey as well!

For those of you who won’t be playing the SSL patch for yourselves for any reason, let us know your thoughts so we can get you the game on video ASAP!

kouyume:hakuogakuen: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! We’re happy to finally, finally announce the official re




We’re happy to finally, finally announce the official release date for the Hakuouki SSL English patch: White Day (3/14) 2021! If you have any questions about the patch, our inbox is always open. Thanks so much for your support and patience over the course of this project!

So happy and proud of y'all! I urge all otome and Hakuoki fans to check out the amazing results of this project by @hakuogakuen team and @otogelib!

If you’re interested in joining other community otome translation projects as a translator, proofreader or future beta tester, consider @otogelib! supporters welcome too uwu

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Happy Valentines day~!


From the Otogelib community, whether you’re spending it with a real or fictional lover. We want to wish you all happy Valentines day! And as our thanks for your support here’s a hint on which one of our projects to look forward to seeing soon.

Q: Is this a fan translation group?

NO. This is a COMMUNITY for hobbyists. It’s more or less a library of Japanese otome game scripts, where you can apply to get edit access to those scripts and you can learn Japanese while translating otome games! Share your passion with the other fellow otome fans!

Anyone can apply as a proofreader! As for translators, there will be a small test since there were some instances in the past where people used google translate to fill in the translation, and that’s… not good.

Q: Is this related to Otogetranslations in any ways?

It’s not. Otogetranslations was a personal translation group led by me (Reishiki). But after a certain event, I’ve lost my will to lead any fan translation group. I still have access to some Japanese otome game scripts, so I thought of making them available for other otome gamers, which led to the creation of Otogelib! 

Now I have the scripts up on Google Sheets and act as a helper/technical supporter for other translators/translation group leaders. Please think of me solely as a member of this community.

Q: Why do you have so many projects? Why not just focus on one game?

Because this is not a translation group and all scripts/projects are not guaranteed to have a complete translation. They’re just… scripts. So it’s not like we’re translating 203201 games at once, don’t worry! Those projects are just scripts currently available for translating.

Q: Do you guys demand proof of purchase when releasing an English patch?

It depends on the project leader/group in question. Otogelib is a community consisting of multiple fan translation groups. Each of them have different policies about how to distribute their patch. Some might decide not to release a patch at all, just simple text translation. In short, you need to ask the project leader or specific group translating a game to know about their policy.

Q: How am I supposed to get these games? It’s not on PSN on PC! It’s expensive on Ebay!

You can still buy games digitally from the PSN. To get the games from Japan, you’ll need to setup a JP account. If you want instructions on how, you can ask.

You don’t have to get the games from Ebay or similar auction sites. It may be cheaper to get the games through proxy services like Zenmarket.jp. They allow you to vote on yahoo! Auctions in Japan. You can get games used for cheaper usually, but to balance out the higher overseas shipping fees, it’s best to buy in bulk. For more details, you can ask in the otogelib discord server.

Q: Could you please upload this game’s script? / I want to translate this game, could you help?

I wanted to do this initially, but there were several cases where people would ask me for technical help, and after I helped them, they dropped the project without prior notice. The effort to hack/extract the scripts was wasted. I won’t help to extract scripts from games anymore, unless you’re a translator who is serious about translating and committed to completing the project. 

Please understand that translating these projects is demanding of time. Some scripts can have upwards of 100,000 lines of dialogue. It is expected these projects could take years to complete. This includes translating, proofreading, and beta testing. 

Q: How do I claim an orphaned project and become a project leader?

You can apply to be a translator first. In the event you’ve translated 20-40% of the game, you have the opportunity to claim the right to be that project’s leader. You can then decide whether or not a patch would be made, who could be accepted to the team, and everything else related to the project.

Q: What do project leaders do?

Translating, managing, proofreading, recruiting, etc. Pretty much anything that can help to complete the project.

Q: Will you make patches for the Nintendo Switch?

The Nintendo Switch is a very new game console. At this time, to avoid any potential legal trouble and/or C&D letters from Nintendo, we will not touch the Nintendo Switch. Some of you may be okay with that, but this group isn’t. Perhaps when the console has aged we may look into potential patches.

However, if there are any Otomate games on the Switch that you want to create a text translation for, don’t hesitate to ask me directly on our Discord server Reishiki#4876. If I have access to the game scripts, then I can provide you access but I won’t help create a patch for the Switch. Text translations are totally fine though.

Q: These games have mobile versions as well. Isn’t it better to make patches for mobile versions instead of the vita?

We will make an android version if the specific project leader/group allows and/or asks me to. It’s not that we don’t want to make mobile patches, but there are a lot of problems when it comes to hacking/technical stuff for the android. An iOS version is out of the question for now since I don’t own any iOS devices to test out the patch. T_T

Q: I have more questions!

Please don’t hesitate to ask me via Discord Reishiki#4876 or leave a comment below.

Bad Medicine ~ Infectious Teacher~Description:“He” was a rational teacher that you looke

Bad Medicine ~ Infectious Teacher~


“He” was a rational teacher that you looked up to…or at least he was. There was a dark classroom that one must never set foot into.

In there are extremely dangerous special lessons with the teachers. When you realize the true forms of the teachers…. will you be able to handle it?


Only 10 scripts left for this game. Bad medicine project’s leader is recruiting for proofreaders! Please apply by contacting RAN via Discord RAN#4918 or tumblr @jokertrap-ran. Or by going to Otogelib’s discord server.

Post link

New Amnesia LaterxCrowd project leader: Jenni 

106/147 scripts translated!

Here’s how to join the community and translate as a hobby :) (You can also step up to take the project leader role and lead your team to finish translating a game! As a project leader, you are free to post your translations to your blog/website or decide whether or not a patch would be made. For further information, please join our discord.)


Please remember, Otogelib is a community for hobbyists!

Projects update!1. Reine des fleurs✔ Font edited✔ Repacked test on Playstation vita✔ 2% translated✘ Projects update!1. Reine des fleurs✔ Font edited✔ Repacked test on Playstation vita✔ 2% translated✘ Projects update!1. Reine des fleurs✔ Font edited✔ Repacked test on Playstation vita✔ 2% translated✘ Projects update!1. Reine des fleurs✔ Font edited✔ Repacked test on Playstation vita✔ 2% translated✘ Projects update!1. Reine des fleurs✔ Font edited✔ Repacked test on Playstation vita✔ 2% translated✘

Projects update!

1. Reine des fleurs

✔ Font edited

✔ Repacked test on Playstation vita

✔ 2% translated

✘ Doesn’t have any active translator

2. KLAP ~ Kind Love And Punish~

✔ 15% translated by one of the Community’s member: Skye

✔ Currently has 1 active translator/project leader (Skye)

3. Hakuoki SSL

Has 3 active translator: Shizumi151, Ran and yuugs. You can read the text translation and know more about the team here: https://hakuogakuen.tumblr.com/

 Has 3 active proofreader

 This is now the most active project

 25% translated

4. Amnesia Later & Crowd

 Has 1 active translator: Jenni

 39% translated.

All other projects are either at 0% or there isn’t any active translator.

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KLAP ~Kind Love And Punish~ Ingame screenshotsHere are some in-game screenshots update :)The projectKLAP ~Kind Love And Punish~ Ingame screenshotsHere are some in-game screenshots update :)The projectKLAP ~Kind Love And Punish~ Ingame screenshotsHere are some in-game screenshots update :)The projectKLAP ~Kind Love And Punish~ Ingame screenshotsHere are some in-game screenshots update :)The project

KLAP ~Kind Love And Punish~ Ingame screenshots

Here are some in-game screenshots update :)

The project is being worked on by one of Otogelib community member: Skye! And it absolutely needs your help on translating & proofreading. Please apply if you are interested in translating otome games in your free time & learn Japanese/help other fellow otome lovers in the process :)

Request edit access:


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Description: Based on the anime and manga series Vampire Knight, you play as the not-quite-Yuuki Cro


Based on the anime and manga series Vampire Knight, you play as the not-quite-Yuuki Cross protagonist striving to keep the peace between the Day and Night Class, whilst courting any of six dateable main characters. The gameplay is split between classes, patrols and mini-games, featuring plenty of heart-throbbing and blood-pumping action, as well as a multitude of choices driving the plot direction. Get to know the Vampire Knight bishies as never before!


The original team for the project is back together! We have translated all the way up to Chapter 3 and we need some help completing the rest. We primarily need translators (very good in Japanese to fluent). Please join the Discord and speak to Dariya, who will guide you what to do.

There are the text dumps and the translations are in Google Sheets, located in the Google Drive. This allows for more organization and an easier time seeing each branch. Translators will have to take the files in the Google Sheets and translate them. In some cases they may spot mistakes and can use the text dumps to fix those mistakes. The text dumps are for reference. 

The Google Drive link is located below.

Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AvXYvM9tqfNqyziFJ0aE2Hh-j9C4uTA6?usp=sharing


If you have any questions or inquiries about the specifics, please join the community’s Discord and @Dariya. Thanks!


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