#pandoras jar


Books I’ve read in 2021: Pandora’s Jar’ by Natalie Haynes | Myths and Legends | 5/5

“What Pandora brings to mortals is complexity. And that is true of all the women in this book […] Their stories should be read, seen, heard in all their difficult, messy, murderous detail. They aren’t simple because nothing interesting is simple.“

I’ve come to make an announcement: Prometheus is a bitch-ass motherfucker. He stole my fucking fire. That’s right, he took his Titan-fuckin’ quilly fennel stalk out and he stuck it in my fucking fire, and he said his stalk was THIS BIG, and I said, “That’s disgusting!” So I’m putting a callout passage in Hesiod’s Theogeny: Prometheus, you’ve got a small liver. It’s the size of this pomegranate except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here’s what my gift to humanity looks like. PFBPFT! That’s right baby, all curves, no dick, no testes– look at that, she looks like two domes and a clam. He stole my fire, so guess what? Pandora’s gonna fuck the EARTH. That’s right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LASER PLAGUES!! Except we’re not just gonna plague the Earth. I’m gonna go higher; I’m feeding Prometheus’s liver TO A BIRD! How do you like that, Odysseus? I FED HIS LIVER TO A BIRD, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the liver drrrrroplllllllets hit the fucking Earth! Now get outta my fucking sight, before I plague you too!

Female Genesis: an edition made for college The concept is based on the comparison between the female characters of Eve and Pandora (and a little bit of Lilith) and how these characters are usually associated with the idea of ‘the first woman created condemned humanity’ even though Eve granted knowledge and Pandora hope.

The first mortal woman: Pandora

Created by the gods and given beauty and cunning, Pandora was gifted with a storage jar (later known as a box) as a wedding gift. She opened the jar and released the swarm of evil spirits trapped within that would forever after plague mankind. Only Hope remained behind.

(The Mortals: Pandora|Arachne|Atalanta)
