

After my grandfather died, I’ve been thinking a lot about the afterlife.

We’ve all heard of several afterlives, I’m sure. Some say it’s a dichotomy of burning and eternal torment opposite peace and harp playing with loved ones. Some have said it’s like a giant party with fighting and singing and laughing forever. And some have said that the soul just wanders around, memory-less and unknowing of suffering or happiness.

But now, I’ve been leaning towards the notion of the lingering soul. A soul of a loved one that stays just a little with the ones they left behind.

It could be in the way my mom smells her grandfather’s cologne when she is in a troubling situation. Or how my family believes that children can sense their passed relatives as they’re closer to “the veil” than anyone else - like how my newborn niece looks like she’s having intense and loving conversations in her sleep. And in the way my grandma briefly saw her husband in the kitchen when we were all sitting around talking about him.

Call it guardian angels, purgatory, or just a gut feeling or pattern recognition. But I truly do believe we’ve got souls around us. The true Elysian for me, if being able to watch your loved ones live on, grow, and laugh.





Hey: if privilege depends on hiding……. you’re not privileged. “Straight-passing”, “cis-passing”, “male privilege for trans men who pass” - all those things go away the SECOND someone knows who you are, what you are. And that’s not privilege, buddies.

None of you fucking idiots are understanding, so lemme put a teeny tiny example:

If a cop knew that you were trans, what would they do? If you go to the doctor’s, what would they do? If laws are made against trans people, are you affected?

Where’s that passing privilege now? Oh, you mean the government’s laws and the medical staff and all the people with power over minorities still have power to hurt you? Oh??

Hm! Wonder what that privilege is called! Perhaps oppression!

There. Easier! :) Now you can actually understand what I mean :)
