#pastel aesthetic


inktober 2018 Dㅡ17-19

《 Swollen 》

ㅡ My eyes from crying because of Inktober and Midterms

《 Bottle 》

ㅡthis close to overflowing with my tears


ㅡWatering my crops with,,, sadness?¿


Heyo! I did a similar giveaway a while back and it had good reception and a very gracious winner so I’m gonna run it again!

– I plan on holding contests and giveaways once this blog gets a little more widespread (if that ever happens XD) and once I earn enough money to treat you guys! For now, I’m just gonna do what I can to hopefully brighten somebodies day. Just follow this blog (I’m a lonely human lacking followers sorry for the self-promo I just want more friends :c), like and reblog this post, then message me your Amazon Wish List link. For every 10 wishlist links I get I’ll pick another person to buy something for off their wishlist. The prizes will be much bigger/better in my contests once this blog gets more popular ^-^. Anywho, just reblog -so other people can send me theirs and there’s more draws to get something!-, like this and follow me then message your Amazon Wish List link! I’ll message the winner(s) on September 1st! Good luck to all :D

Hey guys! I know this is a bit off topic from my usual content but please reblog so we can all get the chance for presents! :) Also for those of you who may or may not know this blogger, she’s a former little who realized the dark side of a seemingly innocent kink once exploring the niche on tumblr and reaching out to anti-cgl blogs such as myself where I met her.. After blocking her ddlg/cgl followers she’s struggling to find a place in the aesthetic category without attracting unwanted kink attention so please if you can give her a reblog/follow/shoutout so she can find a place in a community that isn’t full of disgusting pedophiles! :) Thank you so much guys!

I remember making this for my mate and I never ended up giving her it..

I remember making this for my mate and I never ended up giving her it..

Post link