



     Pendulums, pendulums, pendulums! They come in so many different styles, shapes, and personalities. From the simple necklace charms to the fancy gem-encrusted points, there’s a lot to be said for this casual divination tool.

     A while back, we had received a notice regarding our Infinite Threads Pendulum Board that some of you didn’t know how to use a pendulum yet- so I took it upon myself to write up this post for your knowledge and leisure!

     So, without any further ado, let’s get started!

⭐ The Tool Itself ⭐

     By definition, pendulums are “a weight suspended from a pivot so that it can swing freely.” [x] In many cases concerning the use of divination, witchcraft, and spirit work, this tool is more famously known for being comprised of a tapered crystal and/or metal pendant and chain, such as as these:


Image Description: Nine hanging crystal pendulums of varying colors and sizes, all suspended from a metal chain and tapering to a point.
Image Source:[x]

     …But the truth of the matter is that there are many varying types and styles of pendulums that can be used for communication and divination! Some can be a bit unorthodox, some can be incredibly fancy, and some can be forged from materials that you may have laying around your room. In many cases, people (such as myself) also use the charms or pendants that they wear as necklaces, as well.

     Additionally, there is also a superstition that if one ties their wedding ring to a string, they can discover the gender of the baby that they are carrying!
     I have personally tried the string-and-ring method with my own hematite band to much success, but it will also work with any kind ring that you own, regardless of material (though I find metals and minerals do work best).

     I encourage those, especially those who might have little to no budget to spare for a crystal pendulum, to experiment and find one that works for them! You may be surprised by what you find. ;>

⭐ What is it used for? ⭐

     Pendulums can be used for a variety of things, including divination and spirit communication. Here are just a few ways to use your pendulum:

  • Finding Lost Objects
  • Finding Energy Points on the Body
  • Experimenting with Energy in Your Hand(s) to Make It Move
  • Communicating with Spirits and The Unseen
  • Simple Answers to Questions

     I have even done things just for fun, such as using my pendulum to play games with my spirit fam to let them influence choices such as what Pokemon starter we play with, or dialogue choices in RPGs. There’s a lot you can do with it, so try out different things to see what is good for you!

⭐ How does it work? ⭐

     The question of how exactly pendulums work has been up for debate among those that use this tool for some time now, with postulations such as moving the arm or the flow of energy; however, through personal experience, I believe that there is a mixture of occurrences that allow a pendulum to move.

     Rather than “energy vs physical movement,” I believe that it is an amalgam of the two.

     Of course, it is very pivotal that one keeps their hand as still as possible while using the pendulum, that doesn’t change- but much like the movement of hands when using a Ouija Board or Psychic Circle, I do think that microscopic and subconscious movements play a part in how they perform. Not a huge part, but a part- especially when dealing with spirits and other entities.


Image Description:A gif of a Hypno from Pokemon swinging its trademark circular pendulum back and forth.
Image Source:[x]

     From what I have gathered from my past experiences as well as others’, this is especially applicable in the cases of any bias (conscious or subconscious) from the reader. Pendulums are one of the most easily influenced forms of divination due to this (especially when first learning to use it, or in the case of needing important information), and should be partnered with both journaling to keep track of its accuracy, and other accompanying forms of divination like tarot.

     Other than subconscious movement, I remain in the mindset that energy is what will move the pendulum the most, especially after much practice and development. Psychic energy is like a muscle- you gotta work it out to get stronger!

     Notably, Mod Tara and I agree that in a lot of cases, the pendulum has a better response rate if one holds their opposite hand under the end of the pendulum as they use it (if possible), compared to not having it there at all. In a very loose form, it can be akin to completing a circuit for energy to flow through more easily.

     Of course, there are exceptions such as differences in diviners and pendulums being used, but it will most likely work regardless.

⭐ How To Use the Pendulum ⭐

     The pendulum is a simple tool in its make and execution, but there are a few things to know before proceeding in using one.

     As mentioned above, bias can become present during pendulum readings, so one of the best ways to counteract this is to release the ego during the duration of the reading. To do this, I recommend settling in a room with little to no distractions, and doing a short meditation to center yourself, quiet down any brain weasels that happen to be chattering away up there, and inviting the forces that you may be working with to provide you with genuine and accurate information. It may take a while to learn how to do this properly, especially if you are new to meditation, but you will achieve this state in time with practice.

     The second thing that you should do before using a pendulum, preferably before every session, is to calibrate it. What this means is taking time to see how it responds to questions and taking note of the responses.
     This is also very good to do when communicating with entities, as their method of communicating might be different from your personal associations or others’.

Here are two tried-and-true methods for calibrating your pendulum:

  • Asking Yes or No Questions You Know the Answer To
    Asking simple yes or no questions to which you know the answer is a quick and easy way to learn how your pendulum will respond. For example, you can ask things such as “do I have blonde hair” or “am I wearing a red shirt”, and observe how the pendulum moves to see its manner of responding.
    Remember to ask at least one question that will be “yes”, and one that will be “no”.
  • “Show Me X”
    Otherwise, you can simply ask your pendulum (or potential spirit) “Show me yes/no/maybe/etc.” In this way, they can just provide in what ways to respond to your questions.
    With this method, I would also recommend backing these responses up by using the previously listed method, to assure accuracy- and as before, mentally log the ways the pendulum moves for certain answers!

Pendulum Movements:

     Now that you know how to calibrate your pendulum, you need to know all the different ways that a pendulum can move in order to provide an answer. There is a variety of ways that a pendulum can give different responses other than “yes” or “no”.

     Here are all the ways that pendulums can move:

  • Vertically (Up and Down)
  • Horizontally (Left and Right)
  • Diagonally
  • Rotations (Left or Right)
  • Shaking or Vibrating (Though this is more associated with needing to cleanse this tool, but it may differ for you!)

     As stated previously, you may find that what you associate with a certain answer may differ from pendulum to pendulum or session to session- so be sure to become familiar with these movements to best understand the message being communicated to you!

Steps to Using the Pendulum:

     Okay. Now that you have become familiar with  your pendulum and how it will respond to your inquiries, it’s time to get to asking some questions! For ease of understanding, I have compiled- in short- all the steps that you need to know in order to divine with this tool:

  1. Quiet your thoughts, and release the ego.
  2. Rest the arm that will hold the pendulum on a steady, preferably flat and even, surface.
  3. Hold your pendulum outward and let it settle until it is motionless.
  4. Invite any spirits or forces that you would like to aid you in your divination session.
  5. Calibrate your pendulum.
  6. Ask your question(s).
  7. Write down your responses.
  8. That’s it, you’re done.

     It seems pretty simple now, doesn’t it? To be honest, it is- you just need a little context and knowledge on how to understand it. Otherwise, pendulums are fairly easy to become accustomed to using!

     In the cases of using additional tools such as pendulum boards, there is only a slight difference in how you would proceed in the reading. It is fairly self-explanatory, but the only difference is that you would still your pendulum over the center to get the responses listed on the board itself.

     Calibration is still recommended through the “Yes or No” method to ensure that communication isn’t skewed (not all spirits can read, or read in our language, for example!), but otherwise, will have the potential to give a wider breadth of responses, and can be a great resource to take advantage of!

…And that’s it! You’re on your way to becoming a surefire pendulum expert!

     As you have learned, pendulums can be a quick (and fun) way to do divination for a myriad of reasons. It’s one of the more basic and easily accessible tools for divination, and one I’d recommend everyone to learn!


Image Description: Two girls from the anime Love Lab doing a double high-five, with a small pink heart coming from their hands when they clap together.
Image Source:[x]

    Be sure to remember to journal and log the answers that you receive to track your accuracy, and don’t forget that which you’ve learned! ♥

     Remember- you’ve got this! Have fun, and happy divining!

☀ Mod Sol ☀

About The Infinite Threads|Before You Ask|FAQ

infinitethreads:Okay, it’s done! I’ve finally sat down to make our very own Infinite Threads pendu


Okay, it’s done! I’ve finally sat down to make our very own Infinite Threads pendulum board!

For those of you with pendulums, here is one big board to hopefully suit most (if not all) of your needs!

This Pendulum Board features the following:
• Yes, No, Maybe, Soon, Later parallel swings
• Rephrase (Counterclockwise Rotation), No Answer (Clockwise Rotation)
• 0-9 Numbering
• Color Blocks (Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, White)

This board is especially good for (and partially tailored towards) spirit work. Those of you with companions and/or other peeps hanging around might find this baby particularly useful!

We hope that you all enjoy it. Let us know how it works out for you! ♥

☀ Mod Sol ☀

Please refrain from copying, editing, reproducing, or reuploading this work, or using it other than specified above. Thank you for your kindness.♥

About The Infinite Threads|Before You Ask|FAQ

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I just realized that a crystal I’ve had for *years* is actually a pendulum crystal made of amethyst. I cosplay and make general-purpose costumes, and I had used it for adornment in a MAGIC STAFF for a MAGE’S COSTUME based on one of my characters from one of my stories…who happens to be really good at divination.

Maybe “Someone Upstairs” has been trying to tell me something all these years?? My head’s spinning a little bit right now. I don’t even know anything about pendulum readings. Is there someone out there who can help me out?

Funny thing, too, when I first found the crystal, it was amidst a huge-ass rock collection that a friend of my dad’s had given to us, and there was a single chain attached to it. I know that because I remember taking a pair of pliers and taking that chain off. I don’t know where the chain went, but the crystal has stayed with me through…um, probably more than a dozen moves (literally), and even one across multiple states. This is kind of a little freaky…

Anyone who can help me with learning about pendulum readings would be very appreciated! Thanks, lovelies~


@bau-gremlin, I hope it’s okay that I respond like this, my thoughts are a little too long winded for a standard reply….

I do want to preface this by saying, neither tarot, nor pendulum are my preferred methods of divination, and while I have used them in the past I don’t really use them that much anymore, and I rely more heavily on other methods of communication and divination in my personal practice.

General Divination Tips:

My general advice in regards to divination is to not worry to much about “shoulds” and to focus instead on your actual experience with the tool. Don’t worry about if you should cleanse the tool, if you should go through elaborate bonding rituals, if you should store it one way or the other, none of that really matters when it comes to learning a divination tool. You’ll figure out your own ideas and practices for all of that stuff as you practice and develop your understanding of the tool. What I do think is worth focusing on when you start learn a divination method is consistency and nuance.

You will be the one interpreting all of the divination you do, so you’re free to understand any particular card, rune, or pendulum motion however you want, but you have to be consistent. If you decide that, say, The Tower tarot is less the indicator of impending disaster that it is popularly portrayed as, and more an indicator of rapid change that’s your prerogative. But if you’re wishy-washy about it and go back and forth on what you think The Tower means you’re likely to end up confusing yourself. It’s perfectly natural to have your understanding of things grow, deepen, and change, but as you develop more understanding of your preferred methods you have to be careful, in my opinion, to not fall back on old habits and understandings.

It’s also important to keep the situations and contexts that you’re divining about in mind. No divination or reading happens in a vacuum, no single card is an island, the best diviners remember that and link each aspect of the reading not just to other aspects of the reading, but to the context around them. This may be something that needs a bit of practice, or it may come naturally to you. Either way being able to approach your divination as part of a holistic solution or view into a matter will help you keep the nuance of a situation. In my experience nothing in magic or spirit work is black and white, or two dimensional, keeping that in mind will help you add depth to your readings.

Tarot Tips:

  • Don’t worry about memorizing card meanings - I’ve been using tarot for almost 20 years and I haven’t memorized anything. Instead try to become familiar with the symbolism of your deck and use the imagery for broad understandings, and the guide book for details.
  • Some decks have strong personalities - I personally ascribe this to each deck having its own spirit - I’m an animist, everything has a spirit. But that personality may also come from the different art styles and chosen symbolism, and how you as a reader react to that. Some decks may be nice and gentle with their style of communication, others may be a bit spicy.
  • Tarot doesn’t necessarily predict a garunteed future, as it is often depicted to do. When used to interpret the future it is giving suggestions of what *may* be, what *could* be, not what *will* be. No divination method has a a 100% prediction success rate, so don’t expect exactly what you read to happen. I recommend looking for similarities, themes, and symbolism that line up.

Pendulum Tips:

  • A pendulum is great for quick divination sessions, but unless you set up some letters or a board it’s primarily a system of “yes,” “no,” and “maybe.” There is a lot less nuance I find with a pendulum than with other methods of divination, they don’t really have the capacity for “Yes, but…” or “No, because” type answers. Asking complex questions with a pendulum can take a long time, and those questions, as well as longer form communication may be better suited for a different method.
  • To build on that, it’s best, in my opinion, to establish what movements mean what answers at the beginning of every session. Start the pendulum swinging and ask it to show you a “yes,” and then pay attention to how the pendulum swings. Do the same for “no.” You can do the same for “maybe,” or I usually interpret anything that is sort of like a “yes” movement but also sort of like a “no” movement as “maybe.”
  • Be aware of the ideomotor response - this is a psychological phenomenon that causes the human body to make micro-movements unconsciously. It’s the effect that makes Ouija boards/spirit boards work, and it is in effect with pendulums too. Decide how those micro-movements of your might play into your understanding of how the pendulum works, or remove them from the equation entirely by hanging your pendulum from a stand. (It’s very easy to make a pendulum stand from a large glass or jar, a pencil/stick, and your pendulum string or chain.)

I’m going to plug @archives-discord here, as there are so many resources on divination in that server for your reading pleasure, check out the channels on general divination, tarot, and pendulum for e-books on the subject.

yoouuuuuuu willlll like and reblog this pieeeeeece~
yyooooouuuuuu wiilllll follow meeee~

yooouuuuu will send meeeee your credit card numbeeeeer, expiry date and cvv

anon suggested fly high by burnout syndromes!!


mod note: i like this one!! hope you enjoy, thanks for the request!! and thank you all for your patience, sorry about that hiatus!!!

Structure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters SR08-JP002Empress of EndymionLevel 7 LIGHT Spellcaster PenStructure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters SR08-JP002Empress of EndymionLevel 7 LIGHT Spellcaster PenStructure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters SR08-JP002Empress of EndymionLevel 7 LIGHT Spellcaster PenStructure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters SR08-JP002Empress of EndymionLevel 7 LIGHT Spellcaster PenStructure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters SR08-JP002Empress of EndymionLevel 7 LIGHT Spellcaster PenStructure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters SR08-JP002Empress of EndymionLevel 7 LIGHT Spellcaster Pen

Structure Deck: Order of the Spellcasters

Empress of Endymion
Level 7 LIGHT Spellcaster Pendulum Effect Monster
Pendulum Scale 2
Pendulum Effects:
(1) Each time a Spell Card is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card when that card resolves.
(2)You can remove 3 Spell Counters from this card; Special Summon both this card from your Pendulum Zone and 1 monster from your hand that you can place a Spell Counter on, and if you do, place 1 Spell Counter on each of those 2 monsters.
Monster Effects:
You can Special Summon “Empress of Endymion”(s) only once per turn.
(1) If this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 other card you control with a Spell Counter(s) and 1 card your opponent controls; return both those targets to the hand(s) (even if the first target no longer has any Spell Counters), then place onto this card the Spell Counters that were on the card returned from your field to the hand.
(2) When this card with a Spell Counter(s) is destroyed by battle: You can add 1 “Endymion” card from your Deck to your hand.


Magister of Endymion
Level 3 EARTH Spellcaster Pendulum Effect Monster
Pendulum Scale 8
Pendulum Effects:
(1)Each time a Spell Card is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card when that card resolves.
(2) You can remove 3 Spell Counters from this card; Special Summon both this card from your Pendulum Zone and 1 monster from your face-up Extra Deck that you can place a Spell Counter on, and if you do, place 1 Spell Counter on each of these 2 monsters.
Monster Effects:
You can Special Summon “Magister of Endymion”(s) only once per turn.
(1)When this card declares an attack: You can place 1 Spell Counter on this card.
(2) Once per opponent’s turn (Quick Effect): You can remove 3 Spell Counters from your field; Special Summon 1 monster from your Deck that you can place a Spell Counter on.
(3)If this card in a Monster Zone is destroyed: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone, then place Spell Counters on this card equal to the Spell Counters that were on it.

Servant of Endymion
Level 3 WIND Spellcaster Pendulum Effect Monster
Pendulum Scale 2
Pendulum Effects:
(1)Each time a Spell Card is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card when that card resolves.
(2) You can remove 3 Spell Counters from this card; Special Summon both this card from your Pendulum Zone and 1 monster from your Deck with 1000 or more ATK that you can place a Spell Counter on, and if you do, place 1 Spell Counter on each of those 2 monsters.
Monster Effects:
You can Special Summon “Servant of Endymion”(s) only once per turn.
(1)This card can attack directly while it has a Spell Counter(s).
(2)Once per opponent’s turn (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card; place 1 Spell Counter on this card and all other cards you control that you can place a Spell Counter on.
(3)If this card in a Monster Zone is destroyed: You can place this card in your Pendulum Zone, then place Spell Counters on this card equal to to the Spell Counters that were on it.


Maryoku Toukatsu / Spell Power Control
Normal Spell
You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn.
(1) Add 1 “Endymion” card from your Deck to your hand, then place as many Spell Counters as possible on cards you control that you can place a Spell Counter(s) on, but not more Spell Counters than the total number of “Spell Power Grasp”(s) and “Spell Power Control”(s) on your field and in your GY.


Endymion Lab
Continuous Spell
You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn.
(1)This card’s name becomes “Magical Citadel of Endymion” while it is in the Spell & Trap Zone.
(2)Each time a Spell Card is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card when that card resolves.
(3) Once per turn, if a Spellcaster monster you control is destroyed by battle, after damage calculation: You can remove 6 Spell Counters from your field; Special Summon 1 Level 7 or higher Spellcaster monster from your hand or Deck.

Kyuuma no Shirube / Guidance of Spell Salvation
Normal Spell
You can only activate 1 card with this card’s name per turn.
(1) Target 1 Spellcaster Effect Monster in your GY; add that monster to your hand.

They will also be releasing Endymion sleeves alongside the deck.

Coming out in Structure Deck R: Lord of Magicians onMarch 9, 2019 inOCG and on April 19, 2019inTCG

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Pendulums can be made of different materials, some people using a simple necklace with a crystal or charm at the end. Be sure the bob or bobber - or weight on the end - is not too light or too heavy. It should weigh less than half an ounce. The best shape for the weight - or point - is something that comes to a point. The best length for the pendulum is six inches. You can make your pendulum or buy one.

Pendulums are a simple way to communicate with the other side. I have seen people in stores use them to select products such as: books, food, clothing, just about anything.

The most common types of pendulums are:

- a crystal tied with wire then suspended on a chain or cord
- a chain necklace with some kind of charm suspended at the bottom
- a chain with metal pointer at the bottom - these are usual store bought
- the human body

How To Use A Pendulum

Once you select your pendulum you are ready to begin.

Sit down and get comfortable. Your mind and body should feel relaxed with no stress.

You can rest your elbow on a table in front of you allow the pendulum to swing free, or you can hold your arm in a horizontal position, again allowing your pendulum to swing freely.

You do not have to be psychic to use a pendulum. It will guide itself. It is moved by either your thoughts or someone in spirit who works through you, generally your spirit guide.

The first step is to get the feel of the pendulum and how it will move for you.

Pendulums movements:

- straight line - side to side or front and back
- circles - clockwise or counterclockwise
- elliptical motion
- some pendulums bob up and down to indicate strong action, usually affirmative

Most questions asked when using a pendulum have Yes or No answers. You must determine the direction your pendulum will take for Yes and for No.

Hold the pendulum in your hand. With the other hand - touch the point/bobber to steady its motion.

Keep your eyes on the point.

Now address the pendulum and say, “Show me ‘Yes’.” It will soon swing in one direction, which could be side to side, back and forth, or circles.

Now say, “Show me No.” It should swing in the opposite direction.

Be certain the pendulum is not being guided by the movement of your hand or fingers.

Once you have determine the pattern for Yes and No - you are ready to begin.

There are times that the answer is unknown - or the spirit needs more information. At that time - the pendulum will generally swing diagonally or not at all.

The faster the movement - the stronger the energies.

Sometimes a pendulum will appear to bob or dance up and down. This is usually an affirmative response. the point is sometimes called a bobber.

There are generally no rituals involve with pendulum use, though some people hold their pendulum in the palm of their hand before they begin, to ‘charge’ it.

When you ask your questions you may want to record the answers.

Now you are ready to begin to ask your questions.

Start with something simple such as, “Is it sunny today?” “Is it Monday?” “Are you here to answer my questions?”

Once you get the ‘swing’ of it - you can move on to personal questions.

Remember to only ask a question ONCE. If you want more information - you might want to use a chart. At this time the pendulum should be about two inches above the chart - or as is comfortable.

If the motion of your pendulum increases - or the circles get large - the energy is increasing and you can expect change linked to the question you were asking. Pursue further questions to get additional information.

Pendulum Charts

You can create your own chart or print one from here. Charts can say anything - including the words Yes and No. They can have pictures, maps, symbols, or the alphabet, used to spell out words much like a ouija board. You can even use your pendulum over a ouija board as it has letters and often numbers on it. Always remember - no matter how you use this tool - is the information you receive becomes negative - you must STOP!

Pendulums and Chakras

Stand in front of, or directly behind, the person you are working with.

Place the pendulum directly over their crown chakra [top of head]. It will either swing back and forth or side to side - or in circles.

Next place the pendulum in front of the third eye [forehead]. If the chakra is balanced the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction of the crown chakra, or the circles will be reversed.

Continue with each chakra moving downward in order: throat, solar plexus, spleen, and root.

If a chakra is balanced the pendulum will continue to reverse polarities. If it is out of balance the pendulum will swing in the wrong direction - or not at all

You can also use the pendulum by placing it slowly a few inches away from a person’s body. The point should remain still and move when it locates a problem.


Sentiments for this current weekend. I’m going backpacking. Maybe my bag could be smaller but

Sentiments for this current weekend. I’m going backpacking. Maybe my bag could be smaller but I don’t think that’ll work in my particular case.

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I’m not being paid to promote this haha, but I have to share my adoration of Sam Guay’s Blood Moon Tarot! It consists of a full set of 78 standard-sized tarot cards, with original watercolor art on each one. The minor arcana consists of Dreams, Songs, Skins, and Honey!

You can learn more about it here:


It’s currently available to order from a few independent shops in MA!


Mesomedes of Crete’s “Hymn to the Sun”

The roman-era greek poet Mesomedes is said to be the composer of a few ancient melodies that we know of. One of them that I seldom see around here is the said Hymn to the Sun - an hymn to the Sun-God Helios, although bear in mind with me that on this particular era (around the 2nd century ACE), I believe Apollon and Helios were already very much conflated, the same goes for Artemis/Diana/Selene.

But without further ado, let’s appreciate the song a bit. Which, by the way, you can listen to here.

Hymn to the Sun


Father of the Dawn with her snow-white eyelids,
you who follow in your rose-pink chariot
the track of your flying steeds,
exulting in the gold of your hair,
twining your darting rays
across the boundless vault of sky,
whirling around the whole earth
the thread of your all-seeing beams,
while flowing rivers of your deathless fire
beget the lovely day.

For you the peaceful chorus of stars
dance their measure across Olympos their lord,
forever singing their leisured song,
rejoicing in the music of Apollo’s lyre;
and leading them the silvery-grey Moon
marshals the months and seasons,
drawn by her team of milk-white heifers.
And your benevolent mind rejoices
as it whirls around the manifold raiment of the universe.


Pai da Aurora com suas pálpebras alvas como a neve,
tu que segues em sua carruagem rósea
a pista de seus alados corcéis,
exultando com o ouro do seu cabelo,
entrelaçando seus raios dardejantes
através da abóbada sem limites do Céu
girando em torno de toda a Terra
o fio de seus raios onividentes,
enquanto fluem rios de seu fogo imortal
que geram o amável Dia.

Para ti, o coro pacífico das Estrelas
Dançam sua medida n'Olimpo, seu senhor,
para sempre cantando sua canção de desenfado
regozijando-se com a música da lira de Apolo;
E conduzindo-as a Lua (Selene)cinza-argêntea,
comanda os meses e as estações,
desenhados por sua equipe de novilhas brancas como leite.
E sua mente benevolente se alegra
enquanto giras em torno das múltiplas vestes do universo.


Χιονοβλεφάρου πάτερ Ἀοῦς,
ῥοδόεσσαν ὃς ἄντυγα πώλων
πτανοῖς ὑπ’ ἴχνεσσι διώκεις,
χρυσέαισιν ἀγαλλόμενος κόμαις,
περὶ νῶτον ἀπείριτον οὐρανοῦ
ἀκτῖνα πολύστροφον ἀμπλέκων,
αἴγλας πολυδερκέα πάναν
περὶ γαῖαν ἅπασαν ἑλίσσων.
ποταμοὶ δὲ σέθεν πυρὸς ἀμβρότου
τίκτουσιν ἐπήρατον ἁμέραν.

σοὶ μὲν χορὸς εὔδιος ἀστέρων
κατ’ Ὄλυμπον ἄνακτα χορεύει,
ἄνετον μέλος αἰὲν ἀείδων,
Φοιβηΐδι τερπόμενος λύρᾳ.
γλαυκὰ δὲ πάροιθε Σελάνα
χρόνον ὥριον ἁγεμονεύει,
λευκῶν ὑπὸ σύρμασι μόσχων.
γάνυται δέ τέ σοι νόος εὐμενὴς
πολυείμονα κόσμον ἑλίσσων

I hope you guys appreciate it! May we always honour the Gods with their lovely hymns and art. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong on something or even expand the post.

May Eirene (Peace) be with you!


Hello lovies!! i have an updated recipe for my healing tea!!! its especially effective against soreness and tummy aches :)

in a pot simmer water with

eucalyptus leaf

nettle leaf

blessed thistle

hibiscus flower

white willow bark

red rose petals

raspberry leaf




bay leaf

ginger (i used ground but u can use the root)

a cinnamon stick

add this mixture to a cup with honey and enjoy!

i didnt but i recommend using clean moon water!

it tastes rlly good yall

⚠️ do not consume mugwort if pregnant, and plz research all herbs before consumption⚠️

here is the link to where you can get most of these ingredients!



Chiron in Aries (or 1st House):

  • Wounds: Anger management, lack of self-worth, aloofness and isolationism, cutthroat competition style—needing to be #1 or refusing to participate, comparing and despairing
  • Healing Gifts: Empowering people to embrace their individuality, channeling anger into creative expression, fearless individuality, modeling independence

Chiron in Taurus (or 2nd House):

  • Wounds: Stubborn resistance to (and fear of) change, following the flock instead of forming your own values and beliefs, addiction to comforts like eating and drinking, materialism and money struggles
  • Healing Gifts: Creating serene environments, savvy financial planning, holding down the fort during turbulent times, calm in the storm, practical magic, teaching/modeling traditional wisdom

Chiron in Gemini (or 3rd House):

  • Wounds: Fear of being alone (without a “Twin“), approval-seeking, nervous chatter or addiction to gossip, constant pivoting that makes it impossible to finish what you start (Sparklepony Syndrome), anxiety about being judged, sibling rivalry
  • Healing Gifts: Play-based learning, communication arts, cooperation and mediation, using wit and humor as a tool for connection, putting people at ease/inclusivity

Chiron in Cancer (or 4th House):♋

  • Wounds: Trouble feeling “at home” or safe—both in your body and in the world, hoarding resources and money, emotional eating, xenophobia and “stranger danger,” family dysfunction (possibly with the mother)
  • Healing Gifts: Creating a safe haven for community, empowering women, nutritional wisdom/nourishing with food, savvy financial planning

Chiron in Leo (or 5th House):

  • Wounds:Need for validation, attention and approval, presenting a false front, addiction to drama and intensity, romance/love addiction, chasing the high
  • Healing Gifts: Empowering others through authentic self-expression, playfulness and healthy hedonism, using the arts to uplift and spread a positive message

Chiron in Virgo (or 6th House):

  • Wounds: Debilitating perfectionism, people-pleasing, distorted self-image (body image), anxiety about people’s judgments, being excessively critical of others, hypochondria
  • Healing Gifts: Creating structures to help people improve their lives (from home organization to wellness), being a storehouse of practical wisdom, creating empowering media

Chiron in Libra (or 7th House):

  • Wounds: Inability to commit to relationships, paralyzing indecision, romanticizing, trying to force peace at any price, trouble ending relationships
  • Healing Gifts: Fostering peaceful communication and harmonious compromises, diplomacy, creating beauty and heart-opening experiences, being a messenger for Cupid

Chiron in Scorpio (or 8th House):

  • Wounds: Nihilism, sexual addiction (possibly springing from childhood sexual abuse), power struggles, jealousy and obsession, trouble leaving bad relationships
  • Healing Gifts: Soul-deep sexual healing, alchemy (turning “trash” into treasure), helping people through extreme life passages such as births, deaths and other transitions

Chiron in Sagittarius (or 9th House):

  • Wounds:Fanatical or zealous beliefs, disruptive nomadic tendencies, aggressive or tactless communication style, chasing the “high” of the next big thing
  • Healing Gifts: Revealing higher truths with compassion, fostering diversity and inclusivity, creating conscious media, laughter as medicine

Chiron in Capricorn (or 10th House):

  • Wounds:Obsessive ambition, using career as an escape, fixation on gaining status and approval, family dysfunction (possibly showing up as daddy issues)
  • Healing Gifts: Levelheaded leadership, environmental consciousness, utilizing resources to provide for everyone

Chiron in Aquarius (or 11th House):

  • Wounds:Destructive rebellion, scientific detachment from emotions, trying to “fit in”
  • Healing Gifts: Social justice/activism, fostering utopian communities and a sharing economy both online and IRL, uplifting idealism

Chiron in Pisces (or 12th House):

  • Wounds: Fear of asserting boundaries, escapism, addiction, denial/not living in reality, having a parent with an addiction or who was mentally ill
  • Healing Gifts: Helping people let go of limiting beliefs, spiritual and esoteric leadership, psychic/metaphysical/shamanic powers, helping people live out their fantasies


Moon in Fire signs
People with their Moon in Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) feel things strongly, dramatically and aggressively. They are quick to react and usually hold nothing back. You’ll know what they’re feeling because they make it obvious that somethings up. More so than any other element, the Fire Moon signs feel things passionately. They are quick to anger and can ruffle up a few feathers in the process. But more than anything the Fire Moon signs are trail-blazers and highly energetic. They make the best out of any situation because of their optimism and enthusiasm.  

Moon in Earth signs
People with their Moon in Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) feel things in an impacting way, they just don’t show it. The Earth Moon signs usually aim for being responsible and having things under control. More than anything, they crave security and stability in their lives. It is important for the Earth sign Moon to have a set routine because through this they can be highly productive and get things done fast. They don’t do well in chaotic situations because of how things spiral out of control, but somehow they still manage to remain calm and grounded.  

Moon in Air signs
People with their Moon in Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) feel things in a deep manner, but they don’t show this side of them; they detach. Air Moon signs would much rather process their emotions completely before they react. They want to have a reason as to why they’re feeling that way. The Air Moon signs love engaging in conversations and have a thirst for knowledge. Socializing is something that they enjoy doing and are exceptionally good at it. Everyone seems to love the enthusiasm, laid back nature of the Air sign Moon!

Moon in Water signs
People with their Moon in Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) feel things for what they are but with a lasting impact. Of all the Moon signs, it’s none other than the Water Moon signs that feel things deeply, in an almost all-consuming way. They are passionate and sentimental, highly sensitive to their surroundings and the feelings of others. The Water Moon signs are blessed with intuition and more than anyone; they are usually empaths. However, since they feel things so strongly, they should be careful of becoming too overwhelmed and lost in their own feelings.


Rain is such a holy experience, it’s so primal and reverent, there’s just something about the idea of lakes and oceans and rivers taking up residence in the sky, something about that smell about petricore that grips your lungs. There’s something about it’s forgiveness, about it soaking you through to the skin. About the pitter-patter of the roofs that brings an effervescent calm. Something about it that feels ardent, having known the earth for so long
