


Only when the picture fades

Do I realize the beauty

Its dull colors contain.

Memories I am reminded of

Of times long forgotten

And those I was once among.

Days of nonsense youth

That I so enjoyed while

searching for the truth.

But only years later

With the vivid colors gone

I have become greater.

The Wild Hearts is a network for those who have something to say to a love lost, or a love cherished. For those who are still in love with the art of a simple letter, turned into poetry or prose.

We will be offering prompts monthly for the time being, for those who are interested in submitting or simply tagging #thewildheartsnet in your pieces.

February’s prompts:

the myth of a frozen heart.

Star-crossed dreamers;
distance is like a galaxy ripping apart at the seams.

the antidote to a heart poisoned.

J U L I A N ~

Just enough strength to carry on

Under the weight that’s not been gone

Long from his back for months and years

Is all I ask; though I have fears

As to his soul, his artist’s heart

N’er to be healed, should it break apart.

Age to Age

Someday, I know, the words will fail  
   To speak things both you and I      
       can comprehend.

But until that time, when age and  
  love so blur the senses and reason    
     goes absent without leave,

I will love you with word and tongue,  
   in deed and in truth,
 Out of both a conscious choice,  
     and absolute necessity.

Every Morning in the Mirror

We remind ourselves

that courage isn’t a feeling,

that love is a choice,

and that the truth is beautiful,

And we go on our way.
