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‘Finite’ Poem

Written by The Silicon Tribesman. All Rights Reserved, 2020.

He was a walking mystery
The analogue to every metaphor
My hands have written
And my lips have released
An effervescent aura
Surrounds him as he sauntered
Looking like a god
To my very mortal eyes
One tilt of his head and
Then his gaze found mine
Suddenly the embers within
Were blown by a gasp
The fire had been ignited
Heartbeat had skyrocketed
Time had been paused by
Intangible forces but
Then he looked elsewhere
And yet another blow
Diminished the bantam flame

It’s hard to swallow lyrics
You wrote but don’t accept
Because though you left me empty
Doesn’t mean you fully left

And people went and people stayed
But the stain was not removed
And they say it’s better letting go
But it feels like it’s too soon

So I’ll stay here in the clearing
Where I’m hoping to be found
Though outside I’m optimistic
I doubt you would come around

Somewhere out there in the forest
You are walking with the ghosts
They might prey on your attention
But it is I who craves it most

Take my hand
Squeeze it tight
And I beg you
Don’t speak
Talk is child’s play
And the words
Lovers share
Are wasted
In the air
So I beg you
If you really
Do love me
Don’t speak

And his eyes spoke to me
Telling me not to let go
But I drew back just as quick
As the flicker of passion in his eyes

I was saving myself from ruin
But by saving my drowning soul
I left him to sink in his own ocean
Gasping for air and grasping nothing


Flesh to flesh
We lay in bed

My problems drift
As our bodies sway
You eat up my heart
And clutch my brain

Skin to skin
We dive in foreign waters

My inhibitions vanish
As you caress my face
You rip a hollow piece
And tuck it away

Heart to nothing
We look pass the truth

My dream-state slips
As you stand by the door
You steal a part of me
But I will need it no more

Forever is ephemeral,  and so are my breaths, for my lungs will fail on the day of my death. But love is eternal, though not yours and mine. I hope you’d remember, our time in your mind .So ‘forever’, I reckon, is nothing but a song. Just locutions that ring, yet never everlong.

Flesh to flesh
We lay in bed

My problems drift
As our bodies sway
You eat up my heart
And clutch my brain

Skin to skin
We dive in foreign waters

My inhibitions vanish
As you caress my face
You rip a hollow piece
And tuck it away

Heart to nothing
We look pass the truth

My dream-state slips
As you stand by the door
You steal a part of me
But I will need it no more

Put up another sturdy steel wall

Let sweet apathy be the motto

Every move is casual improv

Absolve myself of all desire

Stone cold callous absolutism

Ether of posthumous heartache


If you could feel just a fraction of what I do

You could not see the world so pointless

But rather some grotesquely beautiful creature

covered with needles


My consciousness glides

too quickly back and forth in my mind

like a wayward bow on an out of tune violin

incessant tremolo

tremulous cares won’t slow

just swell and dim

an aching hymn


April is a multicolored sugar cube melting year by year in the back of my throat


Last night I was swimming in the sunset, the way it bled into the ocean was like a hug and a kiss together.


It’s like I fill myself with cement whenever I try to move towards something good.


frozen in time

I put my hands in the snow

next to my favorite reflection

smiling into the ice as a snapshot was taken

if only we could numb joy

the way we can fingers

perhaps we’d find a way to let it linger


Conflict doesn’t scare me as much as peace does

It is a glass angel waiting to fall from grace


It is more important to me that I am romanticized

than that I am romanced


“We did things only lovers do in the dark

but we did them in the bright of day

Under the warmth of the sun

With smiles and laughter”

