#poison type


Shiny Gulpin
Hoenn Region Project!
Follow the project on my profile.
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Gulpin (013/135)
Hoenn Region Project!
Follow the project on my profile.
Likes, shares, comments and saves are highly appreciated!
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I pet Sprig. Sprig is a newly sprouted Bellsprout. A few more days of water and sunshine and she’ll be out of her pot and causing trouble.

I pet Chalupa. Chalupa is an Ekans just slithering about its daily life. Staying active and healthy is an important part of Chalupa’s day.

I pet Pudding. Pudding is a Grimer lounging around. This melted-like state is super relaxing for the Grimer and increases their surface area for pets.

Wasn’t really in the mood to make something funny, since i was kinda tired these past weeks, so here is just a doodle i made i while back, not sure if i am going to finish it tho.


Went over it with gimp too, to see if it would look better with more intense lines, so you could see every single line i made and i kinda liked it, so here you go.


(P.s. sorry for the lack of stupid shit, but i am a lazy bastard.)

My favorite Electric Type and Grass Type (plus shiny versions)My favorite Electric Type and Grass Type (plus shiny versions)

My favorite Electric Type and Grass Type (plus shiny versions)

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