#pop culture spell


Whitcher’s blade enchantment (Whitcher inspired)


To enchant a blade as a protective talisman

Blue candle
Red candle
Purple candle

Arrange the candles in a triangle around the knife
Light the candles
Sit in front of the knife and focus on all that you might need protection from, and put that energy into the candles
Use the knife to put out the candles so that it can know how to protect you from all your worries

Hawkeye’s adaptability (Marvel inspired)


For help adapting to changes

Raspberry leaf tea

Brew the herbs together as a tea, and use the honey to draw in a symbol for adaptability.  Stir clockwise to put your intent into the tea

Mandalore’s strength (Star Wars inspired)

For aid from your ancestors, both in blood and blade

The only thing you’ll need is something to represent the protection of your armor. If you’re not sure what to use a piece of amber can work.

Place your armor representation in front of you and recite this incantation 3 times:

“I ask for the strength
of my brothers and sisters who have fallen
The strength of the clan
until my task is at its end”

Be sure to thank those who come to help you!

Ezio’s hood glamour (Assassin’s Creed inspired)


A glamour based on a single garment

garment to use as your focus
Thyme, orange peel, dragon’s blood

Light the herbs as an incense and pass your focus through the smoke while focusing on the inner qualities you are trying to bring out, such as confidence or calmness 

For rejuvenating baths


Blue candles, red candles, black candles

Black tea, lavender, rosemary 


As you draw the bath, light the candles where you can see them from inside the tub

In whatever form you wish (I recommend in a sachet) add the tea, lavender, and rosemary

As you get into the bath recite this incantation:
“As I sink into the pit
May I rejuvenate where I sit
To emerge healthy, cleansed, and fit”

Repeat as needed and enjoy for as long as you feel you should


usagi tsukino breakfast spell

a simple and quick kitchen witch spell to kickstart a good mindset, inspired by usagi’s cute little breakfast

what you’ll need:

eggs | renewal

bacon | abundance

bread | health

salt | cleansing

rosemary | memory

thyme | positivity

black pepper | banishing negativity

butter | nurturing

tea or coffee (any type) | energy, various intent

sugar | manifesting


say a little bit of a dedication or prayer over each of your ingredients, assigning them their intent (you can do this the night before if it’s easier)

if you’re making tea, boil some water; if you’re making coffee, start your coffee maker

cook your eggs and bacon in a lightly buttered pan over the stovetop (make your eggs however you want, it doesn’t really matter)

put two slices of bread in your toaster (again, any kind of bread, however you want it)

when all the food is finished cooking, butter your toast slices and top them each with a few strips of bacon and one egg

sprinkle with salt, pepper, dried rosemary, and thyme

add sugar to your coffee/tea

eat your breakfast while you visualize restoring your energy, alertness, and positivity to start your day
