#bath magic



I am always stuck trying to balance my professional life and my magickal one, which seems to stress me out WAY more than it should, but I’ve recently discovered that you don’t have to do anything huge for it to be magickal. 

If you want to do something witchy but just don’t have the energy, here’s a few things you can try that either take little effort or that you probably would have been doing anyway:

  • take a bath or shower - dedicate it to washing the stress and negativity of the day away
  • eat food - ground and recharge yourself
  • if you feel like cooking - charge your ingredients before adding them to the mix 
  • light a candle, incense, or plug in your wax warmer -let the scent help keep your space cleansed and free of negative energy while you sit there and chill 
  • meditate - turn on some relaxing music and just close your eyes for a while 
  • and lastly, get some sleep! 

feel free to reblog and add your own suggestionsc:

For rejuvenating baths


Blue candles, red candles, black candles

Black tea, lavender, rosemary 


As you draw the bath, light the candles where you can see them from inside the tub

In whatever form you wish (I recommend in a sachet) add the tea, lavender, and rosemary

As you get into the bath recite this incantation:
“As I sink into the pit
May I rejuvenate where I sit
To emerge healthy, cleansed, and fit”

Repeat as needed and enjoy for as long as you feel you should

Let’s talk about: Bath spells


Bath spells are very common for witches today, and with good reason.  Who doesn’t love a nice relaxing bath, and using candles and herbs to set the mood has been done for years.  Like a lot of magic the main difference between a bath spell and a bath with candles and good smells is intent.  I’ve heard of a dozen ways to do bath spells, mostly involving putting different herbs in the bath to enhance it.  This is something you can either do loose in the bath, as a sachet, or as an incense burned nearby; I’m a fan of the sachet method for myself, just for the ease of clean up.

Adding candles and stones around the edge of the bath can also be a great way to bring magic to your soak, but of course if you’re doing anything with fire always put your safety first.  If you can’t place a candle safely on the edge of your bath, a nearby counter top with line of sight can work just as well.

Now you’re probably saying, “Hey! You promised us a masculine witch blog, baths aren’t very manly”.  To which I can only say, “So?”  While it’s true that baths don’t fall under the typical view of masculinity that doesn’t mean they should be avoided,  I like to use baths to loosen my muscles up after tough workouts, or meditate in a relaxing environment.  

That being said, here’s a few ways to make your bath spells more manly:

1. Take a shower instead of a bath, you won’t be able to enjoy it for nearly as long, but if you put your herbs in a sachet and hang it from the shower head you’ll get a similar experience.

2. Use scents that you consider more masculine, I don’t use scented candles often but when I do my favorite scent is tobacco; basically what I’m saying is you don’t have to come out of a bath smelling like flowers if you don’t want to.

3. Drink beer or whiskey while you bathe, obviously don’t do this one if you’re underage, but I find a nice rye while I’m soaking is a wonderful way to get me to relax and let the spell do its job.

4. Listen to a podcast, a lot of people recommend music to relax in a bath, but I always find I don’t like any of the usual “relaxing” music because it’s too slow; instead I’ll listen to gaming podcasts.

5. If none of those are masculine enough for you then I recommend this: Don’t bathe alone, you won’t get much magic done, but a soak with a partner never fails to relax me.

That finishes up my ramble on bath magic.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!  

oliviaodyssey:himalayan pink salt, dried grapefruit rind, dried mint. I crush it all up w good ass i


himalayan pink salt, dried grapefruit rind, dried mint. I crush it all up w good ass intent and take it to the shower with me. throw in a dollop of coconut oil and it is the ideal scrub for starting anew + it has the MOST uplifting natural scent, TRUST!! ☀️✨

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Full moon bath spell for health and protection. Infused with parsley and green tea.

Full Moon Bath Sachet


  • Coffee filter, square of cheesecloth or plain cotton cloth or small plain natural fiber bag
  • Non-toxic pants/markers/dye
  • Bath safe herbs, flowers, crystals (calendula, rosemary, citrus peels, dandelion, oatmeal, mint, lavender, rose, violet, thyme, etc.)
  • String, ribbon, yarn or twine to tie off the bag
  • A cup or bottle of water (the kind safe to drink)

I wrote this for my daughter and some other kiddos that will be celebrating the full moon tomorrow night. It is made to be friendly to younger persons but is something any age can do!

Tonight you are going to be creating a full moon bath sachet and charging moon water with your cohorts!

Set out your supplies before the moon peeks out. Take your filter/bag/cloth and decorate it. Have your cohorts use the non-toxic the markers and paints. Choose symbols and colors that are meaningful to what you need to gather to you from this moon. You might want to sketch out some simple examples on a sheet of paper to inspire the younger persons. Do you need more prosperity? More health? More love? Focus on those things as you decorate your bag. Let it dry if needed before adding the sachet fillings.

Choose herbs and flowers that strike your fancy (if you are more experienced/older you can go for ones that match the attributes you need but let the young ones go based on their love of certain colors, or scents, or shapes!). When you selected the herbs and flowers to put out, it helps to remember if it’s safe to eat or season food with, it’s likely safe for a bath. You may add a water safe crystal or two if you like. I like to add a spoonful of oatmeal to soothe the skin and bind the magic. Tie your bag shut, and help your cohorts if needed with tying theirs.

Offer it to the moon to be charged with her light and power that the fullness brings. Include a cup or bottle of water to also add to the future bath. This is also a good time to have refreshment (moon cookies!) in celebration of the moon! You may leave the items to out to charge in her beams as long as you feel necessary- up to the whole night! Make sure it is safe from any critters though if it’s outside since some of the plant matter inside might be intriguing.

Soak it in a special bath, explaining to your cohorts how the full has given power and purpose to the sachet just for them. Have them pour the moon water in, perhaps encouraging them to swirl their finger or hand clockwise in the water. Ask them about any scents or color bleeding they might notice from the sachet in the water. How do they feel? How do you feel?

I would dispose of most of the sachet after the bath, but you may keep the crystals! Perhaps your cohorts might like to have them in their room? In an age appropriate spot of course (up high if they’re not ready for small delicate objects).



This is some bath magick that you can tailor to you. Make sure you have the basic materials but becauss this magick is specifically made to make you feel better, change some herbs up or you know, whatever.

Do your thing.

Rowan’s, “Bathe Me the Fuck Better” Bath Spell

You Will Need:

  • As many candles as you want(I chose six, and had red, white and blue ones. Not because I am a mad patriot but because they’re associated with health, love (of self), and cleansing.)
  • Filter paper to make a lil’ bag out of(if you don’t have this to hand, you can chuck the stuff into the bath water as long as it’s safe to do so).
  • A small elastic (rubber) band to tie the bag off with.
  • A bath full of favourably temperatured water.
  • Rose petals.
  • Lavender buds.
  • Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz(you can have some of those, all, or one).
  • Pink Himalayan Salt.

To make this easier, prep your bag before you run and intend on getting into, the bath.

  1. Open your filter paper and place the salt in the centre first - remember that you’re going to seal the bag with a rubber band, so leave room around the edges.
  2. Then add the rose petals and lavender buds into the centre of your little salt pile.
  3. Lastly, add your crystals and then seal the bag by pulling all of the edges upward towards each other, and tying the band tightly around the neck you should have.

Once your bath is run and you’re prepped, you


want to do this

optional step:

  1. To add an extra oomph, pass the baggy through the smoke of your favourite incense. Mine, in this case would be vanilla.

Final bit!

  1. Place your candles around the edge of your bathtub, and as you begin lighting them, repeat this phrase (you can do this aloud or in your head) until each candle is lit and flickering deliciously:

“By the warmth of the flame, I am cleansed. By the crackling of the fire, I thrive once more. Et sic factum est, et semper erit.”

Now place your bag into the water and climb in. Allow the troubles of the day to melt away as you soak amongst the flames.

ohhh god help me but the first thing that popped into my mind was like…. a squeamish witch tr

ohhh god help me but the first thing that popped into my mind was like…. a squeamish witch trying to use this as a substitute in a blood ritual lmaooo

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It’s important to remember that you are loved. By the most important person there is: you, of course! If you need a little help with the loving-yourself part, this bath will definitely do the trick.

  • 2 Parts Epsom Salts
  • 1 Part Himalayan Pink Salt
  • 3 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • 1 Scoop of Coconut Oil
  • Optional: A handful or lavender buds or pink rose petals

Draw your bath at the temperate you like best. Epsom salts will help relax your muscles while the coconut oil softens your skin. Let the aromatherapeutic benefits of lavender lighten you, and the pastel pink himalayan salt will hold in warmth and happiness. What can I say? You’re lovable!

soothing scrub

this little scrub is great to use in the shower after work or after dealing with any other stressful event i.e meeting up with toxic family, running errands, etc! it helps soothe that hectic feeling and provides a healing and comforting energy

what you’ll need;





rose quartz helps this process move along and charges up the spell perfectly if you have some on hand! i like to charge the scrub with it as i’m grinding everything up and/or hold it over my chest with the scrub sitting on it for a moment, but literally none of this is necessary i don’t even do it every time i just use it for a little kick when i need it

just mash everything up together neatly and methodically, meditate on the state of mind you’d like to work towards and how you’d like to feel. then take your scrub and work it clockwise over your heart and work those intentions in, after that just scrub all over and proceed how you normally would! i usually end up curling up in bed under a fluffy sheet right after this scrub, it always makes me feel so cozy and safe <3

tension soothing bath spell

- ✨

this bath potion is dual use, it can help release stress and tensions from your day, built up emotions and worry; but it also serves as a wonderful muscle relaxer~

[what you’ll need]

-rose quartz

love, compassion, healing, gentle energies, comfort

-clear quartz

mental clarity, cleansing, healing, invigorating, renewal

-white candle(s)

cleansing, charging energies, healing, clarity, wish granting

-a pink candle(optional)

love, compassion, gentle energies, softens self doubts, healing

- 2 cups epsom salt

muscle relaxer, soothes tension/stress/nerves, detoxes the body of negative energies

-lavender & rosemary bundle

lavender serves to soothe, comfort, and add a soft healing love to the bath, while rosemary serves to invigorate, renew and protect your spirits and mindset

**you can toss this in the bath itself or light it and let it smoke out while you bathe or you could even wave it over yourself in the tub for the effects, your call


[now what?]

light up your candle(s) and arrange your crystals around the bath accordingly, add everything into the bath water itself that you’ll be adding, and if you’re using the epsom salts make sure you use the right amount to actually get the detox benefits! i recommend letting the candle light be the only thing lighting up the bathroom but ofc that’s not necessary if you can’t/it spooks you out


really hope everyone enjoys this bath spell! i’m definitely gonna be getting lots of use out of this one, of course as always feel free to ask any questions about the spell/process!

I feel really reluctant to post/ use this page anymore. So is there anything yall want to talk about? Brujeria, Folk magic, Saints, Spirit Work, Psychic shit, Baths, Candles, Teas? 


Tbh I’ve really been feeling a post about San Martin de Porres and working with saints while not following Christianity but IDK if you’re ready for that one. Maybe it is time I’m loong overdue to be ex-communicated 

wibblywobblytime-ywimey:wickedclothes:Floral Bath Salt Bathe like the royalty that you are with wibblywobblytime-ywimey:wickedclothes:Floral Bath Salt Bathe like the royalty that you are with



Floral Bath Salt

Bathe like the royalty that you are with this floral bath salt that creates a tub full of gorgeous dried flowers. This bath salt is all natural, so expect things like Dead Sea salt and Myrtle Leaves. Sold on Etsy.


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To be well one must balance mind, body, and spirit. This trifold understanding demonstrates how each supports the other: should one collapse, they all fail. To make each strong, we must return them to a state of peace and rest. Here is a simple wellness spell that can help restore your balance.

You Will Need
1. A quartz crystal
2. Purified or bottled water
3. 1 cup sea salt
4. A green candle in a safe candle holder
5. Lavender essential oil (optional)

Begin by immersing the quartz in the purified water. Allow it to sit, infusing the water with cleansing properties, for three hours.

If it is part of your practice, cast a circle. As you sit with your ingredients before you, centre yourself. Ground yourself in the present moment by focusing on your breath, the sensations of your body, and your connection to the earth.

Run yourself a warm bath. Add to it the cup of sea salt and three drops of lavender essential oil (optional). Remove the quartz from the purified water, then pour the water into your bath. Stir it three times with your right hand. Light the candle and place it somewhere safe. Step into your bath.

Allow yourself to relax. Feel the water’s gentle motion against your skin as you settle in. Feel the warmth of the water and allow it to fill you. Take in the light aroma of the lavender and allow it to clear your mind. If you can, focus on the candle’s flame and allow your thoughts to wander. Do not fight with your thoughts; rather, allow them to come, acknowledge their presence, then let them slip past you. Feel the bath drawing out your stress, anxieties, and fears. Rest for twenty minutes.

Step out of the tub and wrap yourself in a soft towel. Pull the drain plug and as the water empties say the following with intention:

Fear and doubt and illness
All there now drain away
On mind, spirit, and body
No longer may you prey

Rinse the tub and extinguish the candle.

Sea salt: cleansing and healing
Lavender: peace, purification, and clarity of thought
Green candle: grounding, health, comfort
Quartz: healing, cleansing, purification


Vanilla is best known for bringing love, sensuality, and seduction to one’s life. However, it can also bring peace and comfort.

What you need:

  • vanilla candle
  • vanilla bubble bath or a vanilla bath bomb
  • vanilla tea
  • vanilla lotion
  • calming, instrumental music (optional)

Prepare a cup of vanilla tea to your liking and pour a nice, warm bath for yourself with the vanilla bubble bath or bath bomb. If music is desired, play it quietly. Get in the bath, light the candle, and chant:

Stress and anxiety,
Melt like this wax.
My tension and troubles,
Fade to black.

Drink your tea as you soak, and allow the comforting vanilla to melt away your anxiety, just as the candle melts away.

When finished with your bath, blow out the candle, drain the bath, and generously apply the vanilla lotion to your skin in order that the calming effects of the vanilla may linger with you throughout the day and night.


A simple bath spell for when you feel at your lowest.


You will need:

  • Rose Quartz
  • Rose Petals 
  • Mint
  • Tea Lights (any candles would work though)

This spell is best performed at night, before bed.

Draw yourself a bath, and light your candles. Set them (safely!) around your bathroom and turn off any harsh lights. Sprinkle in your mint (for starting fresh) and your rose (for self love) and get into the bath. 

Take your rose quartz and hold it close. Pour your emotions into it and visualize the steam from the bath rising through the crystal and taking them away. Breathe in the scent of the mint and rose and feel yourself being filled with positive emotion. Meditate on these feelings for a moment before getting out of the bath.

Feel free to make yourself a cup of tea from the same herbs afterwards.

Witchcraft Definitions (B)

Banishment: the practice of sending away and ridding yourself or a space of an unwanted entity or energy.

Bath Spells: a ritual in which things such as crystals and herbs are placed in or around a bath in order to obtain the properties of these items.

Binding: the ritual of restricting something. This can be done to restrict an entity from doing something of binding the entity to something.

Blue Witchcraft: a practice that incorporates healing magick and spirits.



general relaxing bathtime tips:

if you can put your phone in a safe place, play some music that relaxes you

️ use a homemade scrub to exfoliate (brown sugar and coconut oil works great for me!

put your towels and clothes on a heater so they’re toasty when you get out

️ if you can do so safely, light some candles or LED lights

get a small towel or old t-shirt to cushion your neck

️ try adding teabags, sea salt/epsom salts, or bath bombs to your tub

meditation guide:

  1. lower your head into the water so your ears are submerged, but your mouth and nose are free
  2. place your hands on your stomach or chest and begin to breathe deeply - inhaling through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth
  3. bring your focus to the rise and fall of your breath, and any other sensations you feel
  4. let other thoughts come and go, bringing your focus back to your breath when you notice your mind wandering
  5. try counting your breaths up to 10 if you’re having trouble quieting your mind
  6. spend as long as you like relaxing like this - but if you notice yourself getting tired, be sure to stop the exercise, since falling asleep in the bath can be so dangerous
orzula:“I Am Majestic” Bath Ritual Lavender buds Rosemary sprigs Lush’s Rose Jam shower gel, inscrorzula:“I Am Majestic” Bath Ritual Lavender buds Rosemary sprigs Lush’s Rose Jam shower gel, inscrorzula:“I Am Majestic” Bath Ritual Lavender buds Rosemary sprigs Lush’s Rose Jam shower gel, inscrorzula:“I Am Majestic” Bath Ritual Lavender buds Rosemary sprigs Lush’s Rose Jam shower gel, inscr


“I Am Majestic” Bath Ritual

  • Lavender buds
  • Rosemary sprigs
  • Lush’s Rose Jam shower gel, inscribing @sigils-in-your-area‘s “I am majestic”sigil
  • Lush’s Brightside bubble bar - SMALL AMOUNT! A little goes a long way!
  • Handful of oats
  • 16oz of almond milk
  • Assorted flowers
  • Half dozen roses - use 3 for petals and toss 3 whole heads in
  • Medium sliced orange
  • Small sliced lemon
  • White candles

Layer ingredients as listed above, running the bath water after you have added the oats. As it fills, feel free to mix in the milk. Be sure to stir the water with your hands as the water rises, gently whispering your intent. You may also light your candles as you wait and be sure to exercise fire safety! 

This bath is one of self care and love. Speak softly and kindly phrases such as “I am powerful”and “I am knowledgeable” when stirring - we want it to be brimming with lovely positivity! Once the tub is full, shut off the water and add your flowers and fruit. 

Whilst in the tub, visualize any negative thoughts or energies being washed away. Deeply inhale the lovely fruity, floral scents around you. Think of yourself as royalty! You deserve this luxurious soak!

Remain in the tub for as little or long as you see fit. I stayed in until the water got chilly!

After your soak, be sure to drain the tub carefully - little bits like lavender buds and oats can clog your bath. 

And that’s it, loves! You took a bath worthy of the majestic creature you are!

Note: You may use as many or as little of these ingredients as you like, or substitute if need be - whatever you need to make YOU feel great!

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