#tea recipe


Hawkeye’s adaptability (Marvel inspired)


For help adapting to changes

Raspberry leaf tea

Brew the herbs together as a tea, and use the honey to draw in a symbol for adaptability.  Stir clockwise to put your intent into the tea

jennycalabro: Things have been crazy lately so I just wanted to take a moment and remind you to lovejennycalabro: Things have been crazy lately so I just wanted to take a moment and remind you to love


Things have been crazy lately so I just wanted to take a moment and remind you to love yourself because you are important!  No matter who you areorwhere you come from! Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!

I decided to make a step by step “How-to Jenny’s Witchy Brew” for Self Love ~ Rose Soy Milk Tea <3

Things you will need:

-Rose Tea: I get mine at 99 Ranch Market but it’s essentially just dried rose hips so if you have rose hips that you can dry out, that will work too! You will want to use 6-8 rose buds, the more you add the stronger the flavor!

-Organic Soy Milk: This can be regular milk or almond milk, I prefer unsweetened organic soy milk. If you decide to use soy make sure it’s organic! Brands such as ‘Silk’ isn’t good, even if they claim it’s organic, for some reason it burns and wont cook right. It’s gotta be the real deal! For this recipe you only need 1 cup.

-Honey: Any kind of organic honey will do, if you have herbal honey that’s even better for adding more florals to your tea! I usually add about 2-3 teaspoons, but feel free to add to taste!

-Cinnamon & Nutmeg: This is optional! I like to add just a pinch of both spices to add a little kick to my tea. If you don’t care for spice try ¼ teaspoon of vanilla extract instead!

-Sugar: This is also optional, I like my tea to be a little on the sweet side & since we are using organic unsweetened soy milk it helps to really sweeten it up! I only use barely a ½ teaspoon,  but just add to taste!

-Small Pot

-Mesh Strainer: For removing the flowers once it’s cooked.

-Your Favorite Mug! Mine is a black mug with my astrological sign gold leafed into it!

Before starting, take a moment to close your eyes, clear your mind, breathe deeply through your nose and slowly release through your mouth (do this a few times). Visualize letting go of any negativity or weight you may be carrying on your shoulders…now…


1- Pour soy milk into pot, turn heat on low

2- Add rose tea, gently crumble a couple of the buds

3- Add cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar

4- Add desired amount of honey; while you slowly drizzle it in feel free to draw symbols with it such as hearts or infinity symbols- whatever you feel is right for helping to instill your manifestations of self love into your tea!

5- Stir your brew clockwise! While slowly stirring visualize the self love that this tea will bring you & say some positive affirmations about yourself such as:

“I love the person I am, I am strong & caring, I am creative, I am beautiful inside and out…” say whatever best suits your needs for self love and take a moment to appreciate the wonderful person you are! <3

6- Let your tea brew for approximately 10 minutes on low stirring occasionally to prevent scorching. DON’T LET IT BOIL! You want to create an infusion of the flowers which means a longer slower heating process. Boiling will mean scorching the flowers and milk!

7- You’ll notice the rose buds will begin to loose their color, remove your brew from the heat to let it cool and allow the tea to steep for about 3 minutes.

8- Remove roses with mesh strainer and compost.

As you drink, visualize your tea as a pink white healing light of love and remember your affirmations taking deep breaths in-between each sip! <3

I hope you all enjoyed this & that your tea was delicious & full of positive energy! Feel free to try making this with other flowers which have different properties such as: lavender & chamomile for happiness and relaxation!

Much Love <3

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Self Love Tea

A sweet brew to warm your spirit when you’re not feeling your best!

  • 3 parts hibiscus
  • 2 parts rose hips
  • 2 parts orange peel
  • 2 parts lemon peel
  • 1 part dried mango
  • 1 part chamomile
  • 1 part jasmine
  • a bit of culinary lavender
  • honey or sugar to taste

this beautiful magenta colored tea is jam packed with ingredients to encourage feelings of love and positivity! i let mine steep for 5 minutes, and stir in half a teaspoon of lavender honey clockwise until it’s dissolved in. i haven’t tried it iced yet, but i bet it would taste great!

Definitely going to try this!


Healing Tea Recipes

Headache tea

-½ tablespoon of mint leaves

-½ tablespoon of lavender

-½ tablespoon of chamomile

Nausea tea (not acid reflux)

-fresh sliced ginger root or candied/minced ginger

-1 tablespoon of mint leaves

-1 tablespoon of lemon balm

-½ tablespoon of chamomile

Immune Boost tea

-1 tablespoon (or 10-20) of elder berries

-½ tablespoon of calendula

-½ tablespoon of echinacea

-a squeeze of fresh orange juice

Menstrual Relief tea

-½ tablespoon of raspberry leaf

-½ tablespoon of chamomile

-½ tablespoon of hops

-ginger slices

Acid Reflux tea

-½ tablespoon of fennel

-½ tablespoon of chamomile

-½ tablespoon of licorice or 1 stick

Anti-Anxiety/Insomnia tea

-½ tablespoon of lavender

-½ tablespoon of chamomile

-½ tablespoon of passionflower

-½ tablespoon of lemonbalm

Cold & Flu / Allergy tea

-½ tablespoon of nettle

-½ tablespoon of peppermint

-½ tablespoon cinnamon bark or lavender

-1 teaspoon of lemon juice & raw local honey

-fresh ginger slices

*these do not replace medications and aren’t meant to treat an issue alone. If you think anything’s wrong please see a doctor. Please do research on interactions before you use herbs if you’re on medication.



Hello there, my dears! This is my own personal recipe for lemon spearmint green tea imbued with luck, healing, prosperity, and protection. It’s very simple and easy to make, and it’s especially refreshing on a hot summer day.


♡ Spearmint leaves (you can use any type of mint you want, I just happen to be growing spearmint at the moment)

♡ Green tea bags (I buy the large store brand ones)

♡ Lemon juice or an actual lemon

♡ Sugar or honey

Put a pot of water on the stove to boil. I use a big pot because I like to make a gallon at a time. Wash your mint leaves and set them aside. Add your tea bags to your water (it won’t be boiling yet). The box will tell you how many to add for the amount of water you are using (or just eyeball it like I do). Before you add your mint leaves, center yourself and focus your energy. Tear each leaf in half and drop it into the water. The tearing helps to release more flavor and put your own energy into the leaves. As you drop the leaves into the water, chant the words luck, healing, prosperity, and protection however many times you feel is necessary. I tend to say each word as I drop in a leaf, imbuing that leaf with the power of that word. Let your tea come to a boil, while stirring here and there. I also tend to chant while I’m stirring. Once it has come to a boil remove the tea bags, take it off of the heat, and transfer it into whatever container you wish to use. I have a trusty plastic gallon sized pitcher than I use for my magickal teas. Add in your sugar or honey. I use anywhere between a half cup and a full cup of sugar for a gallon, but add however much you wish. Add some more spearmint leaves as well. Add in a few squirts of lemon juice for happiness. Alternatively, just squeeze a lemon into the container and/or add lemon slices. That’s it! Stick it in the refrigerator to cool off and serve over ice. 

Pro tip: If you are harvesting the mint yourself, make sure to thank the plant for allowing you to harvest it, don’t take more than you need, and don’t harvest in a way that injures the plant. (you can always google how to properly harvest certain herbs without harming the plant itself)

Happy tea making, dearies ♡♡♡

Happy New Years!  Start 2013 off right by checking out our delicious Rose Oolong Macaron recipe at oHappy New Years!  Start 2013 off right by checking out our delicious Rose Oolong Macaron recipe at oHappy New Years!  Start 2013 off right by checking out our delicious Rose Oolong Macaron recipe at oHappy New Years!  Start 2013 off right by checking out our delicious Rose Oolong Macaron recipe at o

Happy New Years!  Start 2013 off right by checking out our delicious Rose Oolong Macaron recipe at our blog (http://www.mountaintea.com/blogs/tea/7111424-tea-macaron-recipe) Bonus points if you actually make it.

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Hey guys! Recently I had tried this tea I made on my own. It worked so so well the next day to relieve my cramps. The recipe is made by me so I send lots of love and positive energies along with this recipe. I hope this relives your period


❣️Dried rose petals/buds to help relieve cramps, acne, and constipation created by the inflammation of the uterus

❣️Dried rosemary leaves to reduce inflammation of the uterus and breasts

❣️Dried mint leaves to relive nausea

❣️Cinnamon stick/powdered cinnamon to relive inflammation and increase blood flow which will increase bleeding but shorten your period 

❣️Honey to increase energy and sweeten tea

Side Note: Cinnamon will only increase bleeding and shorten your period when drank on a daily basis during your period. If it was drank only once throughout your period, only the day that it was drank will affect your bleeding.


1.)Put about 2-3 cups of water in a pot and bring it to a boil

2.) After brought to a boil, turn off the burner and place it on a non-used burner

3.) Throw in your ingredients and place a lid on the pot. If you are using powdered cinnamon, stir that in after the steeping and straining takes place. Let the ingredients steep 5-10 minutes or however long you wish

4.) Strain the tea into a cup and you’re ready to drink!

Sweater’s Pain Relief Tea Recipe

  • Tea of your choice as base
  • Peppermint
  • Lemon Balm
  • Bay Leaf
  • Thyme
  • Elderberry
  • Cinnamon
  • Honey
  • Ginger
  • Optional: Sugar to taste
  • Optional: Ice made of moon water mix of moon and regular purified water. (it was used with intention of pain relief and to cool the tea faster)


  1. Through this whole process fill your spell with intent to relieve the pain you feel. Emotional pain, mental, or physical.
  2. Gather your ingredients, know you can swap out ingredients as needed (especially if you have an allergy, or don’t have something for something used with a similar purpose)
  3. Warm your tea water slowly to the temperature for the correct brewing of your tea choice, pour into warmed cup.
  4. Put bag in to steep. Now is when you add your add-in ingredients. I measured with my heart. The measurements you put in as you feel you need them. Meaning if you think you need extra honey or cinnamon, do it.
  5. Once steeped, remove your tea bag. Now you can add your ice for cooling if you’d like. Enjoy!

It does take a little bit to kick in, but it does help! It’s been seen to work in as early as a few sips and as late as two or three cups in. This is for help in pain relief, it could remove your pain. But it’s possible it can return, or only remove some pain. I will say it depends on the person, as well as the strength of their intent.
