#wholesome suggestion


*picks you a flower* pretty flower for pretty person

days don’t have to be great to be good days. good days can be calm and relatively uneventful, a small rest from seemingly longer days. those are the ones i find myself overlooking and then missing. there were days when i tasted really good fresh fruit or bought a happy little bee plant or took a nice nap or had lunch outside under the sun. those were good days i should have given more credit.


this isn’t all that there is!!! there are sunsets you haven’t seen, people you haven’t met, things you haven’t learned, food you haven’t tried, and places you haven’t visited. life is so much more than what you’re experiencing right now, and there will always be new things coming. there’s so much more out there for you!!


ways to become friends with yourself:

  • set boundaries with people. those who respect you, will respect them.
  • allow yourself to accept good things. you deserve happiness and warmth and love.
  • it’s okay to be a mess. it’s okay to not know what your next step is. it’s okay to be scared. trust that the universe has your back.
  • remember that healing is not linear. you are not weak because some days are suddenly harder than others.
  • consciously feel the world under your feet as you walk and the warmth of the sun on your cheek.
  • do things you enjoy! even if they seem silly. even if you think you have no time. make time for yourself.
  • take care of yourself. take deep breaths. take bubble baths. take too long admiring yourself in the mirror.

i hope that one day you are able to look out a window in the place where you belong and say:

“I’ve made it, and I’m happy.”

until then,

i hope you can look out every window you pass on your journey and say:

“I’m getting there, and I’m enjoying every step of the journey”

i am so incredibly proud of you for every obstacle you managed to overcome, big or small. you are doing amazing.

and here you are, in spite of all of it. in spite of every single thing that has happened to you-here you are, living.

you have made it and you will continue to make it.


i think that’s why we’re here.

i mean, i think that’s why we are on this planet after all;

why somehow, we were placed here at the perfect time with all of the painfully specific, perfect conditions for human life.

i truly think, the purpose of this life is to experience love;

in its many forms of course.

we are here to love the person you see struggling to carry 3 gallons of milk at the grocery store,

we are here to love our significant other through every storm,

we are here to love and hold that child’s hand as they walk somewhere new,

we are here to love the butterfly that landed on our backpack.

it’s such a beautiful feeling,

love, is.

and i believe we feel that feeling,

because we are fulfilling our purpose;

to love.

to be compassionate to one’s self is the biggest challenge of all.

we see our thoughts and our flaws, and we do not see ourselves through the eyes of others. we do not see the goodness that we bring to the table because we have this inside view. that is when having this inner view of ourselves becomes more of a bad thing than good. in most aspects of life, having the inner view of ourselves is amazing- all but when we need to be compassionate towards ourselves.

so, try your best to take a step outside of your mind. come out from behind your eyes and try to see what those that love you see. treat yourself as you would treat them.

the journey of life is kinda hard but u got this!! u have made it so so far and have been so so strong. i’m incredibly proud of u

i love u and i hope you are being compassionate to urself

everything you’ve ever done has led you to where you are today. you are in the right place and you can only go forward from here. you’ll always be where you are meant to be.

online school is tough, it’s a new challenge for a lot of us but it being a challenge doesn’t mean you are incapable of it. you may not do as well as you have in past semesters and that’s okay. you are going through something. we all are, collectively. you are just as smart as you have ever been, you’ve just been tossed into new waters without any paddles. you’ll make it through.

everything will work out in the end. you are so strong and you care so much, it’s bound to be alright.
