

You don’t have to always be strong. It’s okay to be weak sometimes.

It’s okay to not conform to what people think you, as a boy, are supposed to be.

Boys with mental illness deserve to have their voices heard

It’s okay to have moments of weakness.

Boys with lots of passion are so cute! Like, yes darling, tell me about how your writing or the robot you’re building or your dreams to be a cosmotogist! Go for it, bud!! I’m glad you’re happy and I’m glad you’re doing what you like!! I love you!!!

Jewish Boys Are Really Fantastic

Soft boys are important.



The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy

I tried to scroll past this. I really did

Sometimes you will be sensitive and people you genuinely love will not be considerate of that. They will love you back but they will cause you to feel upset so, so many times because of your sensitivity. Neither of you are to blame but sometimes you do have to stop spending time with people if the relationship genuinely brings you more pain than joy, even if both are blameless.

fat people deserve to be included when people talk about oversized clothes being cute! fat people deserve not to be made feel that they’re ugly just because a lot of people who think the “baggy clothes aesthetic” is pretty think so because it accentuates skinny people’s small size! fat people deserve for us all to consicously be fighting against our current internalized fatphobia! fat people deserve acknowledgement of the systemic and social pressures and discrimination they face and tremendous respect and positivity, not just on social media, but in real life! fat people deserve for people to be actively anti-fatphobic, for nonfat people to call out their friends on their fatphobia, to treat fatphobia as absolutely unacceptable! fat people deserve to not have to memorize stats and sources on how people’s ideas about being fat are wrong just to get people to respect them! 

suggestion: place your hand along the underside of your jaw, the fingers towards your neck, and stroke your thumb over your cheek.

suggestion: kiss your own shoulder in the shower

you deserve to become acquainted with yourself the way you would acquaint yourself with a romantic partner or close friend. you deserve to learn the peculiarities of yourself and find them endearing. you deserve to come home from a long day and pile up blankets on your bed and eat your favourite ramen flavour while watching netflix. you deserve to love yourself in the “take yourself on a date!” way but also the “i just had a panic attack” way! you deserve to comfort yourself. you deserve to know your favourite chapstick flavour and if you don’t keep trying until you find it. you deserve to try making coffee every way until you find your favourite. you deserve to know your favourite type of apple, your favourite fashion style, whether you are an early bird or night owl. you deserve to take photos until you find your favourite angle. you deserve to take uquiz after uquiz after uquiz. you deserve to tuck yourself into bed after a long day, forgive yourself for mistakes, dance alone in the kitchen to jazz music while making hot chocolate. you deserve self-knowledge and self-love in every sense of the word.

lesbians deserve love and happiness! lesbians deserve for their love to be seen as loveand as sacred love. there is nothing dirty or predatory about being a lesbian and lesbians deserve to be able to learn that! lesbians deserve to feel comfortable in their sexuality, and they deserve not to be fetishized. lesbians deserve to express/perform gender however they like and to find pride and joy in their sexuality, because it is a beautiful one!

asexual and aromantic people deserve to be treated kindly and with respect and dignity! regardless of what you think of their inclusion in the LGBTQ community, they deserve to be comfortable with their sexuality and they deserve to not be made feel that they are “cringey” or “invalid.” they deserve not to be harassed, they deserve understanding, respect and support on all sides! 

fat people deserve to feel comfortable and confident, whether or not they choose to perform their gender or dress nice! fat people deserve to feel free to wear whatever they like, including casual clothes, including clothing that isn’t designed to make them look attractive! fat people dserve love and worth that is not contingent on their looks! fat people deserve to be seen as the beautiful people they are, but also to be treated as peoplewhether or not they conform to beauty standards!

gay people deserve to find love and live long, happy lives!

It snowed again today; big, fluffy snowflakes. They fell for hours and are still falling now. But earlier, when the grass was still peeking through the white blanket accumulating on the ground, my mom and I went for a walk to get some fresh air.

As we were walking, we began chatting pleasantly about how easy it is to take each season for granted. Personally, I used to be very uneasy and displeased whenever summer approached, and for my mother that season was always winter. And honestly? I this past year has made me realize just how much I missed in life while thinking like that.

Because of the way I was thinking and the mindset I had chosen for myself, I was only seeing things how I wanted them to be and instead of for what they were. And when you look at anything through a lens of, “I wish things were this way,” you get stuck in an infinite loop of disappointment because obviously said thing isn’t going to fit in the perfect little box you’ve created in your mind.

This realization was why I’ve spent the last year being patient and observing things for what they are instead of what I want them to be. And what I found is that I became a lot more positive in response.

I wasn’t disappointed because I held no expectations to begin with. I wasn’t shocked and in distress when things suddenly changed because I wasn’t expecting anything to go as plan in the first place. I found myself more open, loving, and flexible than ever, and the only thing I actually changed about my life was that I changed one tiny aspect of my mindset.

It was a really cool experience to go through and was super beneficial in helping with a lot of the anxiety, depression, and other mental issues I’ve been dealing with for years.

If anyone would like me to make another post on exactly what steps I used to go about changing my mindset (because it’s not usually an easy-to-figure-out or immediate process), let me know!

For now, I love you all and wish you the best in each of your individual journeys and want to remind you that it is possible to heal from any wound. It just takes time, patience, and a little understanding. So be kind to yourselves, okay?

Blessed be, everyone!


we so often talk about childhood friends breakups but i think we need to talk about childhood friends that stay friends growing up. we were seven and we shared an orange and now it’s been years but we’re still peeling oranges for each other. and maybe i’m wiping your smudged makeup off for different reasons and maybe i’m not taller than you anymore but you’re my safe space and no matter how long we go without talking i will always have your back, okay? it’s you and me against the world, pressed together from shoulder to hip, laughing until we cry and picking each other up. healing each other while we heal ourselves. you taught me that home can be a person, a place, and a feeling, all at once. you. always, always you


don’t be embarrassed that little joys take up a lot of space in your heart. sometimes they’re the most important things there are in your life, and deserve your attention
