#post traumatic stress






This must be Barack Obama’s way of thanking our veterans for serving.

US veterans are receiving letters from the government informing them that they are disabled and not allowed to own, purchase or possess a firearm. If the veteran does decide to purchase a firearm he will by fined, imprisoned or both.
This comes on page 2 of the VA letter.


// read more.. http://www.gsnmagazine.com/node/28608?c=border_security

This is disgusting.

Oh, for God’s sake. It’s not all veterans, or all disabled veterans. It’s veterans who have been determined to be mentally incompetent. Unless you actually WANT more incidents like the one that killed Chris Kyle, this is good policy.

I hate to say it, but there are a lot of vets who come back with a lot of severe mental issues. There is nothing stating that if they get help and eventually determined that they are mentally stable, that they can eventually get approved for firearms ownership. 

Maybe it will help curb the number of veterans who are committing suicide . There is a possibility that they are more of threat to themselves than to anyone else. I dunno, this makes a bit of sense to me having known guys who come back from deployment suffering from severe PTSD which resulted in them killing themselves or killing their spouse. If I knew that this policy would have kept one of my friends alive long enough for him to get some help, I would support it. 

Remember the argument about mental health? This is it

TV Review: Seven Swordsmen

TV Review: Seven Swordsmen

TV Review: Seven Swordsmen aka “Seven Swords Descend from Mount Heaven”

In 17th Century China, the Qing Dynasty now rules where once the Ming Dynasty did. Many Han resent their new Manchu overlords and pockets of rebellion are everywhere. To help quell the resistance, the Qing have banned the practice of martial arts by ordinary citizens. The Red Spear Society strongly objects to this…

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I was still haunted by my experiences and around this time I entered into a phase where the question

I was still haunted by my experiences and around this time I entered into a phase where the question “Why me?” played in my head over and over again. “Why me? Why did he do this to me? Why me, when all I did was love him?” There was a sense of stuckness, an inability to move forward as I struggled to make sense of why all of this had happened. I cried out years worth of tears and journalled constantly but even with all the release, the same question continued to persist: “Why me?”

And then one day something clicked. I began to consider his life and personal history and realized that he was a product of the environment in which he grew up, and that it really wasn’t about me at all. It was healing for me to see that his behaviour came from his own place of pain, and there was nothing I had done to bring it on, nothing about me that had warranted such cruel treatment. I didn’t cause it in him, nor could I have ended it. I’d gotten a sense of at least some of his pain when I was first getting to know him, and it influenced my initial decisions to not leave him; I didn’t want to abandon him during a rough phase in his life. But in an attempt to bring peace to the war within him, I had gotten caught in the crossfire.

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