#president elect joe biden

Rachel Levine (she/her), Pennsylvania’s secretary of health, is nominated by President-Elect Joe Bid

Rachel Levine (she/her), Pennsylvania’s secretary of health, is nominated by President-Elect Joe Biden (he/him) to be the assistant secretary of health. This will make Levine the “first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.”
In 2020, Levine has been handling the coronavirus in her home state of Pennsylvania. Although she has experienced transphobia in previous years, this last year has seen an increase in transphobia as her enforcement of masks and lockdowns angered individuals.


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President-Elect Joe Biden (he/him) has chosen Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg (he/him) to be his Secretary of Transportation. With this decision, history has been made as Buttigieg will become the first openly gay/queer person to be in the presidential cabinet. 
