#pretty notes

some C1 work i did a while ago!constantly wishing my notes were as beautiful as all these other stsome C1 work i did a while ago!constantly wishing my notes were as beautiful as all these other st

some C1 work i did a while ago!

constantly wishing my notes were as beautiful as all these other studyblrs

i’m a new studyblr, so please reblog this and follow - i’ll be extremely grateful!

Post link

getting into water coloring and i can’t stop painting. sometimes i wished i major in art or graphic design but my immigrant parents either wanted me to be a lawyer, doctor, or business person. chose business because you can be a bit creative in that field. specially marketing. anyways… im sorry ive been gone for awhile, currently got a job and still adjusting to the new setting and schedule. in the next few days i will be posting my march spread! can u guess my theme?

help! what quote should i write on my february cover? comment below ☁️ (preferably self-love quotes)

lately ive been feeling under the clouds. don’t feel motivated to do anything nor have the drive to move forward. however, just journaling and tearing random pages from my fav books makes me feel a bit productive. what do u think about this spread? I personally fell in love with it, especially the watercolor background.

6/100; ✨ Yesterday’s continuation of ochem lecture notes. We didn’t get to finish the chapter so I’ll post the finalized pictures on Saturday!

11/100 days of productivity

- I feel so happy to have the possibility to spend the weekend out of the city.

I’ve always thought my biggest dream in life was to build a successful career in Rome as a famous doctor but I’m wondering if it’s just the result of a system who brings us to be robotic workaholics…I enjoy the countryside so much, I don’t think I’ll ever give up on this. Also, I belong to the mountains. Hopefully I’ll find a balanced way to enjoy nature and be present for my family and also be a successful ENT doctor. Priorities, right?

10/100 days of productivity//

This weekend I’m staying at my friend’s house so it’s getting a little bit more difficult to focus, but I woke up this morning at 5:30 AM so I still have some few more hours left before they wake up.

Library Sounds | Study Ambience | 2 hours

old journal notes & river pictures as, tragically, I’m still not feeling too good :(

I absolutely adore this film, and I have recently finished the book, and I loved that too!! The aesthetics of the film are unmatched!

Currently reading: Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell

repost of old notes as I’m not feeling too good >:(

currently missing english literature a lot; I finished the course last month, and I’m really hoping that I got an A*, but we’ll have to see!

currently reading: North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

Caring for people with Psychosis and Schizophrenia - Futurelearn Course

Cannabis & Psychosis

The greatest group of cannabis consumers are described as being between 16 - 24 years of age. The people who seem to carry the greatest risk of developing psychosis are the people who use a high potency type of cannabis daily. However, it would be wrong to assume that all cannabis users develop psychosis, and there is some evidence suggesting that there are some genetic variants linked to the dopamine system that increase an individual’s susceptibility to the psychogenic effect of cannabis. The THC present in the cannabis is the ingredient that has been identified as responsible for the psychotic symptoms, both acutely and long term, but CBD is able to reduce the THC effect on psychosis.

Understanding Autism - FutureLearn Course

Spikey Profiles:

Usually we think of people having a fairly even profile of skills, however this is different for autistic people. Most people on the spectrum have something known as a spikey profile, and this means we can’t look at an autistic person’s general skill level to predict what their other skills are like.

Although, spikey profiles aren’t usually recognized by people such as support workers. For example, autistic people with verbal communication are incorrectly assumed to be capable in areas which they struggle in, and those with less verbal skills are often incorrectly assumed to be lacking in skills and potential.

In some cases, the spike can be extreme, and some may have an exceptional ability, or a ‘savant’ skill.

Hey guys! I don’t know if anybody is actually seeing my posts, which is really frustrating :/ however, if you haven’t seen, I have uploaded a new study with me, and I would really appreciate it if you could check it out!!
