#being productive



Today I am surprisingly productive! Studied math for a quiz tomorrow and done math homeworks that are due in two weeks. Also made notes for chemistry chapter 9. What is wrong with me?

I think I just found a hack to my productivity?

I need to find a summer job (I know I should already have one, procrastination’s a bitch) but mother’s day is coming up and I need to order my stepmom a gift. I found something I think she’d like but I’m not going to order it until I apply to some jobs. I have everything ready to go, I just have to confirm my order really but I’m going to get the most satisfying outcome out of finishing my tasks. Essentially, I’m giving something without a clear deadline (get a job) a deadline by proxy (can’t order time sensitive gift until I get a job). Kinda a dangerous game if you let things pile up but I think I’m onto something.

Turning Your Bedroom Into a Sanctuary

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, a quiet retreat for you to escape and feel safe at all times. It should be a place where you unwind after a busy day at the office; a room to be alone and focus on your thoughts.

Your bedroom should aim to be a comfortable, calming place you look forward to resting after a long day. If you want to upgrade the energy in your sleep area, check out these tips on how to turn your bedroom into a sanctuary that you’ll never want to leave.

Indulge Your Senses

Turn your bedroom into a sanctuary is by creating a sensory experience.The easiest way to do this is through your sense of smell. Grab your most delicious candle or diffuse your favourite essential oils to help set the right tone.

Fill up the room with soft, plushy materials, including rugs, pillows, and throw blankets, for some extra warmth and coziness.

Consider including a small area rug around your bed. This way, your toes have something soft and cozy to land on in the morning, just as soon as you wake up. Your feet will thank you!

Nature elements have a calming, meditative feel. perfect for your bedroom sanctuary.

Nature elements have a calming, meditative feel. perfect for your bedroom sanctuary.

And there are many creative ways these elements can be incorporated into your room to create a perfect bedroom sanctuary.

You can add potted plants or vases of fresh flowers, hang imagery of nature on the walls, or incorporate textured elements through bedding, rugs, or throw blankets.

Let the Light In!

Harsh lights can instantly kill the mood you’re trying to set. So avoid using fluorescent bulbs that wash out any semblance of serenity. Instead, opt for soft or natural light to brighten up your bedroom.

Even small actions like opening a window (even for a little bit in winter times) can dramatically change the mood in your room to something calmer and more inviting.

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My top 5 favourite Level Up Affirmations

Affirmation #1: I am uniquely created with a purpose.

You being here was not an accident. You living the life you live and coming into contact with the people you’ve met has not been an accident. Don’t go wasting it all and aimlessly moving about life. Every step you take has a purpose. You have a purpose. So live on purpose!

Affirmation #2: It is okay to say no.

It is okay to say no so that you can say yes to yourself.Yes to protect your mental space. Protect your energy. Say yes to more rest. Say yes to doing more of what you love. Spend 2022 saying yes to you more.

Affirmation #3: I am capable & I am competent.

I am challenging myself to focus less on the information or skills I may not have yet and put my energy into what I do have and can provide. Most importantly, I remember that I am capable of digesting information and developing the needed skills along the way.

How selfish is it to think that the gifts and talents you have are for you? What good is having gifts if you don’t use them and share them from time to time? You like writing and you have a story to tell but do you think you’ll just keep it all to yourself? Someone out there needs to see or hear what you have to share.

How selfish is it to think that the gifts and talents you have are for you? What good is having gifts if you don’t use them and share them from time to time? You like writing and you have a story to tell but do you think you’ll just keep it all to yourself? Someone out there needs to see or hear what you have to share.

You never know how sharing your light can significantly impact another life. God gave you these gifts and you’re going to keep them to yourself? Don’t be stingy with what the Universe/God gave you.

Affirmation #5: It may be scary, but anything is achievable.

If you are thinking about taking a leap of faith and betting on yourself, whether it’s going for that job promotion or starting that business, or moving out on your own, then go for it.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown scare you and stop you in your tracks. We spend a lot of time focusing on the fear of the “what-ifs” when we are thinking about making a change and that only leads to anxiety, procrastination, and lost time. You can never truly know what will happen until you have begun to move.

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repost of old notes as I’m not feeling too good >:(

currently missing english literature a lot; I finished the course last month, and I’m really hoping that I got an A*, but we’ll have to see!

currently reading: North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

Caring for people with Psychosis and Schizophrenia - Futurelearn Course

Cannabis & Psychosis

The greatest group of cannabis consumers are described as being between 16 - 24 years of age. The people who seem to carry the greatest risk of developing psychosis are the people who use a high potency type of cannabis daily. However, it would be wrong to assume that all cannabis users develop psychosis, and there is some evidence suggesting that there are some genetic variants linked to the dopamine system that increase an individual’s susceptibility to the psychogenic effect of cannabis. The THC present in the cannabis is the ingredient that has been identified as responsible for the psychotic symptoms, both acutely and long term, but CBD is able to reduce the THC effect on psychosis.

Understanding Autism - FutureLearn Course

Spikey Profiles:

Usually we think of people having a fairly even profile of skills, however this is different for autistic people. Most people on the spectrum have something known as a spikey profile, and this means we can’t look at an autistic person’s general skill level to predict what their other skills are like.

Although, spikey profiles aren’t usually recognized by people such as support workers. For example, autistic people with verbal communication are incorrectly assumed to be capable in areas which they struggle in, and those with less verbal skills are often incorrectly assumed to be lacking in skills and potential.

In some cases, the spike can be extreme, and some may have an exceptional ability, or a ‘savant’ skill.

[24.04.2020 || 2/100]Today’s to-do list:watch  Fundamentals of Automation Control’s lesson 15Algorit

[24.04.2020 || 2/100]

Today’s to-do list:

  • watch  Fundamentals of Automation Control’s lesson 15
  • Algorithms and data structures’ online class
  • write Operative systems’ notes lesson 10
  • workout
Trampoline (Jaux Remix) - SHAED, Jaux
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[25.04.2020 || 3/100]Today I’ve studied a lot. I wrote Operative Systems’ notes and also watched the[25.04.2020 || 3/100]Today I’ve studied a lot. I wrote Operative Systems’ notes and also watched the

[25.04.2020 || 3/100]

Today I’ve studied a lot. I wrote Operative Systems’ notes and also watched the majority of ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ seasons 2 and 3.

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough - Marvin Gaye

Post link


…I’m finally cleaning my room…hehe

How to stay productive

▫️ Write 10 goals you want to reach this year, use Present Simple. Then choose 1 goal out of 10 that will have the most significant impact on you. Write this goal on a separate paper, set deadlines, and write a plan to reach it

▫️ Always plan your days and weeks. Write tasks by priority and then by the due date

▫️ Try the ABCDE method to understand how to prioritize tasks. Write these letters near each task, and after some months, you will unconsciously begin to understand what things are more important to you based on your goals

▫️ Follow 80-20 rule “80% of outcomes (or outputs) result from 20% of all causes (or inputs) for any given event”. So, after making a to-do list, find tasks that will help you reach 80% of your goals. Don’t spend time on unimportant tasks

▫️ Always think about results. Whether you act or not act, you need to know the consequences ⛳️

▫️ Put off things that are not of great value, consciously. Free up time for more important things ⌛️

▫️ Don’t try to do everything simultaneously, don’t try to reach your goal without a plan. Step by step

▫️ If you have free time and you are not tired, complete the tasks that you didn’t want to do or do more on the main tasks to free up time in the future

▫️ Regularly clean your study/workspace

▫️ Develop your skills, engage in self-development. Analyze your work and look for your weaknesses to make them strong

▫️ For rest time, choose activities completely different from your work or study. Changing activities has a positive effect on brain function ‍♀️

6 January 2022

Apps for productivity


Plant a seed in Forest when you need to put down your phone and stay focused to get things done. As you stay focused, this seed will gradually grow into a tree However, if you cannot resist the temptation of using your phone and leave the app, your tree will wither


Create an activity, and log sessions manually or with the automatic timer. This app helps to control how much time you spend on different activities ✍ Absolutely free app


Todoist is a productivity reminders planner. Use Todoist to capture and organize tasks the moment they pop into your head, remember deadlines with reminders and due dates


Structured is an app for people who need structure in their life or just like to know what’s up next. This app helps make that easier than ever, ensuring every task and event is in one place, ready and waiting. All that’s left to do is smash the day ahead, checking off tasks as you go


If you’re working toward any goal, like studying for final exams or learning something new, track your progress and stay motivated


OffScreen helps you track phone usage and keeps you stay focus. You can set up your screen time goal, get daily insight, see screen time activities. Also, this app has focus mode

Habit tracker

Habit is a habit tracker app that helps you to build good habits, reach your goals. It will remind you when needed, track habits with stats and notes, analyze habits with charts, therefore reach your goals at ease. It is also the first habit app that let you and your friends build habit together by remind and encourage each other ‍‍

Focus plan

Focus is a gamified focus study timer app to help people better manage their time and focus on the important things in their life ⏰


SleepTown is an incredible app that helps you attain a healthy, regular sleep schedule. Construct amazing buildings just by achieving your bedtime and wake-up goals every day. Put down your smartphone before going to bed and build your own town while you sleep

Ugh! I hate when this happen! First time trying to sleep earlier and reading an interesting book after a very long time and now this shit just let’s me think about stuff I can draw or continuing rewriting and correcting chapters my light novel!




I was talking to a girl at ComicCon, the kind of person who has a million creative projects at the same time. As many people do, she has a story she wants to write, with amazing characters she wants to share with the world, but writing is hard and a first novel can be daunting. Here’s what I told her.

Now, this applies to the people who REALLY want to see their story done. These are the main pillars of the cathedral that is your story. Let’s begin.

1-YOUR GOAL IS TO WRITE A COMPLETE FIRST DRAFT. It will be shit. But it will be complete. You can build on it and rewrite, but the most important thing is to WRITE TILL THE END OF THE STORY.

2-SIT DOWN AND WORK. That’s the difference between writers and the million people who say they have a story that they’ll write someday.

Alright, let’s get technical, and start by the end. 

3- Art is about causing your public to have emotions. Decide right now what emotion you want to leave your readers with when they close your book. Is it happy, sad, bittersweet, hopeful? Pick one. (This can be changed later if you rewrite and find some other ending, but we are working on the first draft.)

— Maybe you have a nice gimmick, a cool idea for a story, like idk, ‘What if you cloned yourself and that clone took over your life’. This is interesting, but it’s not a story in itself. A story needs emotions.If you don’t pick the emotions you want your reader to feel, your idea is just a gimmick. 

4-Now that you have the final emotion, decide your ending in accordance to said emotion. Are characters dying? Is the bad guy defeated? Is everyone splitting up or leaving together as a found family? 

Then we go back to the beginning.

5- You probably have a million characters you all want to write. Pick one to be your protagonist. Yes, just one. Multi-characters stories are harder to write and demand experience and time. We want this novel to exist, and not be stuck in limbo forever. Anyway, people tend to always prefer side characters. Who has heard of someone having a protagonist as a fave?? Your side characters will be loved, no worry. 

How to find your protagonist: It’s the person who makes decisions and makes the plot advance. Simple as that. Not to be mistaken for the leader of a group.  

6- Now that you have your protagonist, you decide what is normal for them. That is your beginning. 

7- And then, you break that normality in some horrible way that will prevent your protagonist to come back to it. That is your inciting incident. 

Then we write the middle

8- You google Three-Act-Structure and get one of these babies. 

(But Talhí, I hear you say, why should I follow this? It’s been overdone, and my story doesn’t follow this, and I have more to write than this… Well, that’s your choice. I’m not the boss of you. I’m just saying that this is a solid model for western storytelling and it’s been proven to work time and time again. You can create outside of this, but again, the main goal here is to get your novel on paper. This is a solid template.)

9- You probably have a general idea of events you want to happen in the story. Place these scenes where you feel they should go on the structure. Like, a confrontation with the main bad guy goes in climax of act three, and the confrontation with the main henchman goes to climax of act two, etc. Be mindful of the rising action and tension: a cute misadventure in the woods would probably go earlier in the story than a fight to the death.

10- Now, a secret: What separates bad writing from good writing? Bad writing is adding a bunch of events in the middle and have the characters go through them like a checklist of scenes. You can often see this in movies. But good writing links the events. Each and every event that happens has to be a result of your character making a decision. Then, an obstacle happens, and your character makes another decision, that leads to your next event/obstacle. 

11- Another secret: A character will gain power, money, weapons and allies through the story. In videogames, this is useful to defeat the bad guy. But storytelling is not videogames. Having a superpowerful hero at the end is boring. What we want is keeping the reader in suspense. So you’ll have to take everything from them. Leave them powerless and alone. And then, break their leg. I mean, not literally, although you can do that too, but have them super disadvantaged. And then they can use the personal growth they got in the adventure to prevail. (What is more interesting: a character fleeing from a facility but with weapons and kickass moves, or a character fleeing the same facility without weapons or shoes and with a broken arm? Who do you root for?)

Other tricks

The rest of the crew: I go with what Pixar does for characters: Main character gets three or more characteristics. That’s your Woody. Second tier character gets two characteristics. That’s your Buzz. Third tier characters get one characteristic, like Rex and Mister Potato Head. Keep control of your character tiers and never give too much time to the lower tiers ones, it doesn’t help your story.  

Herd your cats: Characters will want to wander in every direction, and you’ll want to follow them. Keep them in groups, and even though you can follow a side character for a scene or two, focus 80 to 90% of your story on your protagonist. 

DND is not a novel: I’m pretty sure your campaign is super fun, but you can’t just put it on paper and call it a novel. It needs a narrative arc and serious editing. You can use a campaign as a base, but it needs to be worked as a novel, because you’re changing mediums, and a novel has different requirements. 

That’s pretty much what I can remember for now. This should help you with the bones of your novel, and you can add the meat on that. I hope it helps. But honestly, the best advice I can give you is 


Whenever you are feeling low or just not have that happy productive vibe just think that it’s just a phase or for the timing it’s just that blah period of your life. But you must always remember that there will be your shining period arriving. That glowing time is just on the way and it’s just letting you to prepare for it. So be calm and start getting ready for that happy productive time again.✨
