#digital notes


In my previous post, I talked about how my laptop is basically my lifesaver. The fact it comes with a stylus makes it so much better. With it, I can highlight and take notes on PDFs but I can also take handwritten notes and even draw. Which for me, is what truly makes the difference, as I feel more comfortable taking handwritten notes. 

Why digital notes? You don’t have to worry about forgetting a notebook, running out of pages or ink. You can go back and delete whatever mistake you have made without making a mess and it is very flexible. You can organize your notes whichever way you find convenient. Some apps even let you search your handwriting, which is something I didn’t know I needed. How many times have you tried looking for something in your notes and taken basically an eternity to find it? With digital notes, that is no longer a problem. Taking notes by hand helps you remember better than just typing. So taking the benefits of handwriting and the organizational benefits of going digital, you’ll have one of the most effective weapons at your disposal.

What apps do you use?

Download links:

Sometimes I want to get a brush pen and a Leuchtturm1917 and let my hand do its work. However, my values stop me from supporting the community in the way I initially wanted to, which is analogue for the most part. So I had to come up with a way to get my shit together, a la bullet journal style that was convenient, environmentally friendly and of course, work for me.

Thus my armour was born.

1. Laptop and stylus. My laptop is without a doubt the most useful tool I possess. Apart from the standard use of typing reports and using my friend Google to the max, I am able to download my college books, handouts and syllabus. But interestingly, it also doubles as an actual paper notebook because it is stylus enabled, so I can highlight and take notes on pdf’s, write and draw. I’ve got the best of both worlds. Can you hear my cry of joy in the background?!

2. Phone. Even though my laptop is basically my lifesaver, sometimes I just don’t wanna carry it around. I don’t plan on walking around with a backpack 24/7 and I don’t own a purse or a bag or whatever people use. That’s why pockets exist and I don’t carry much anyways. This is where my phone comes to play. It’s compact, fits in my pocket and above all, it syncs with all the apps I use to stay organized. All my files, available anywhere I go. Plus it also has a stylus. More cries of joy in the background!

3. Notebook and a pen. Last but definitely not least, I do own a notebook. With a refillable fountain pen. I know, I know. What was all that speech just above about not using analogue methods?! Let me explain. If you’re an artist, I think you might have the same problem as me. I owned a horrendous amount of sketchbooks and none of them was finished. So I made a little DIY Bullet Journal out of the empty pages. I only use the notebook for when I am not allowed to use my laptop, which is after 6pm, so I can give my eyes a break from the lights and prepare myself to sleep. There, I write and doodle to my heart’s content.

So my laptop, my stylus, my phone, my notebook and my fountain pen are all the tools I need to go to class and take notes. At the same time, they offer me a minimalist armour that allows me to be more productive in class and it helps me reduce the amount of trash I produce. Although both methods, analogue and digital, have their pros and cons when it comes to the environment, the tools needed for digital processes are fewer and it helps me produce less trash. At the end of the day, it all comes down if the method you’re using works for you and if you’re happy and satisfied with it.

Signs and symptoms of burnout


▫️ Feeling tired and drained most of the time

▫️ Lowered immunity, frequent illnesses

▫️ Frequent headaches or muscle pain

▫️ Change in appetite or sleep habits


▪️ Sense of failure and self-doubt

▪️ Feeling helpless, trapped, and defeated

▪️ Detachment, feeling alone in the world

▪️ Loss of motivation

▪️ Increasingly cynical and negative outlook

▪️ Decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment


Withdrawing from responsibilities

Isolating yourself from others

Procrastinating, taking longer to get things done

Using food, drugs, or alcohol to cope

Taking out your frustrations on others

Skipping work or coming in late and leaving early

‼️ Dealing with burnout requires the “Three R” approach:

Recognize - watch for the warning signs of burnout

Reverse- undo the damage by seeking support and managing stress

Resilience - build your resilience to stress by taking care of your physical and emotional health

✍ Reframe the way you look at work

Support your mood and energy levels with a healthy diet (check my guide - Nᴜᴛʀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛɪᴘs ꜰᴏʀ sᴛᴜᴅᴇɴᴛs)

Reevaluate your priorities

Talking to a mental health professional may help you discover the strategies you need to feel your best

Also, don’t be afraid to talk with your family and friends


Rainy days call for studying in bed (even though I have a perfectly good and clear desk I could work on…)


morning light and online coding class

it’s electives week right now, and i was scared to get this coding class digitally since the subject is very tricky, but there’s only 7 of us and it’s actually very chill!

stay safe everyone X


I remember drawing all the branches of the abdominal aorta until its terminal branches back when I was a first year med student. Yet, I can’t seem to master them completely!


my braindump journal is running out of space :(

does anyone have any recommendations? i don’t really want to support muji and get the same again…

it’s the taking notes when i’m already two weeks behind in the semester for ✨me✨
