
I told you that when my friends come over, I want you to wear a bra… But I am daddy… c

I told you that when my friends come over, I want you to wear a bra…
But I am daddy… check for yourself…

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Now I’m sure that after my punishing her yesterday for not wearing panties to class, that this

Now I’m sure that after my punishing her yesterday for not wearing panties to class, that this bad girl is doing it on purpose to be sent to my office by her teacher…

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I’ll give you a sneak peek of the video from the camera under my desk as the principal at my s

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Day 26 finally got around to watching #greaselive what a spectacular show. Casting and acting was so

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Dawn Northgard having been called to sort things out with her daughters at the principal office, jus

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Jeffrey Jones, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)

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Barbering principal(Thomas McAvoy. 1949)

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(Thomas McAvoy. 1949)

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 ✦ fun fact ✦ Tom’s original hair style also featured a hair band, when he later got a new design I

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Rockford High School has always been like every other high school. This high school however has much more rowdy students than other schools. Kids are always getting into trouble here. There are hundreds of kids in detention every week. Sometimes there would be too many and many of them would get off. The students and teachers had a ok relationship, but the students had no respect for the teachers and the teachers didn't necessarily like most of their students. Now this wasn't a horrible school, but there were always some kids that would stir up trouble influencing others to do the same. The school was centered in a pretty good community and the kids ranged from poor to rich and of all races. Unfortunately, like every school there is always students who choose to disobey rather than follow directions, well this year things were going to change........................ A couple days before the summer was over the new principle that everyone was waiting for had finally showed herself. Usually the faculty is able to meet new members in advance, but this woman had chosen not to show up until the last moment. The entire faculty was in the auditorium sitting down waiting for this woman to come on stage. Finally after a long wait they saw a Caucasian woman who looked like she was in her late 40's walk up to the mic on the stage. She was an average figured woman. She wasn't anything near thin, but a 'decent size', average height, dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes. She had bright red lipstick on and a fancy purple dress along with tanned pantyhose and black high heels. She looked like a typical principle. She wasn't considered an attractive woman at all, but she wasn't horrible looking either. She stood in front of the microphone then began to speak..... Mrs. Harrington: Hello everyone, as you have figured out I am your new principle. My name is Patricia Harrington. I will get straight to the point. I know that this school is known for having misbehaving students and I know that you are all tired of it. I just came here from Clington Middle School, while I was the principle there I took that HORRIBLE PLACE AND THOSE EVIL CHILDREN AND TURNED THEM INTO SAINTS. THAT IS WHY I AM HERE NOW! I PROMISE THAT IN THE NEXT YEAR I WILL TURN OUR KIDS INTO ELEGANT, RESPECTFUL, DISCIPLINED STUDENTS THAT THEY SHOULD BE!! THIS HIGH SCHOOL WILL HAVE THE MOST OBEDIENT STUDENTS IN THE DISTRICT!!!! Everyone stood up and began to cheer. After Mrs. Harrington pumped up her faculty she began to discuss part of her plan to all of them........ It was the first day of school and everything seemed normal.  All the kids who had returned seemed very cocky and ready for another year of fun. Unfortunately they had no idea what was in store for them. During 1st period there was a announcement saying that their would be an assembly at the beginning of 2nd period.  Once 2nd period came by all the students headed towards the auditorium. Once everyone sat down the new principal walked up on stage and began to speak........... Mrs. Harrington: Alright, I know you all think this year is going to be like every other, but you're wrong. There are some new rules that will be enforced this year along with very new punishments that you all are not use to.  Expect these punishments to be drastic and nothing that you would want to experience. Once she finished her sentence someone yelled out 'ROCK ON!!!  Everyone laughed and began to yell. Mrs. Harrington: WHO SAID THAT!? One of the teachers who was near the boy saw him and pointed him out to Mrs. Harrington. Mrs. Harrington: Come down here young man. The boy just sat there hoping she would let it go. Mrs. Harrington: I SAID COME DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW OR YOU WILL BE EXPELLED!!!!!!! The boy got up and walked up on stage looking real full of himself. Mrs. Harrington pointed her finger and told him to come stand next to her.  He did as she said and waited there a little embarrassed but did not want to show it in front of his peers. After a few seconds he began to shrink where he stood.  A few seconds later he was a little less than 4 inches tall. Everyone's jaw dropped as they all sat there motionless.  Mrs. Harrington then took off her left high heel with her right foot. Mrs. Harrington: Alright young man, get into the shoe. The boy just stood there completely freaked out. All of a sudden he started cussing at her. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME BITCH!? YOU BETTER CHANGE ME BACK OR I'LL HAVE YOU ARRESTED!! Mrs. Harrington: LISTEN YOUNG MAN!!!!  I practically own this city, do you understand?  And either way I have the right to do this to you, it is a new law that the state has passed and The district has approved certain procedures that I ran by them so there is nothing you can do about it. Unless you want to drop out of high school of course. So either get in my shoe or I will expel you. The boy did not believe a word the woman said, but nobody around was trying to help him and she was a giant compared to him. He figured he might as well do as she says until he has the chance to fight back. He climbed into her high heel and grabbed on the edge of the heel so he wouldn't fall all the way inside. There was extreme heat coming from the toe section along with a slight odor. He did not want to let go or he would slide down there. As he held on he saw the woman's nylon covered toes fly across his view knocking his arms away from the edge causing him to slide to the toe section of the shoe. He hit the end of the toe section and immediately tried to get up but his principal's foot had already entered the shoe taking away all the light that was coming from the lights on the ceiling along with multiplying the heat and odor. She fitted her foot completely into the shoe and wiggled her toes around and maneveured his body until he was exactly where she wanted him. His he! ad was under her toes and his chest under her sole. His body ended before the arch of her foot began. She was a master at using her feet, she's had more people under her feet than shoes. She was now standing her full wait on him , this was the worst experience he had ever felt. The pressure, heat, and smell was driving him crazy.  Plus he was just humiliated in front of all his peers. Mrs. Harrington: This is one of the most common things that will happen to you if you misbehave.  You will be shrunk and forced to live under my feet or a faculty member's of my choosing. There is no way around it. The worse your misbehaving is, the longer and worse the punishment. Many students began to mumble to themselves.  Some did not believe what they just saw, some argued that this was against the law, and some were purely scared. Many kids were to afraid to even speak. The students sat there for another 15 minutes while Mrs. Harrington talked about 'school stuff' and once she was finished she dismissed them and told them she was looking forward to a great school year. She walked pack to her office and shut the door. She went to her desk and sat down in her big black leather chair.  She bent down towards her feet and took off her left shoe. She reached inside it and grabbed the little boy and pulled him out by the back off his shirt. She hung him in front of her face while observing his little body. How was the trip young man? LET ME GO!! Mrs. Harrington: DO NOT YELL AT ME UNLESS YOU WANT TO GO BACK INSIDE, IN FACT, IF YOU EVEN SPEAK WITHOUT PERMISSION I WILL WEAR YOU IN MY NYLONS. AND I WILL NOT TAKE YOU OUT UNTIL I HEAR THE BELL TO END SCHOOL.  DO YOU UNDERSTAND? ..............yes. YES MAM! ............yes mam Mrs. Harrington: Now I am going to let you go, but if I see you in here again, you will meet my bare feet and you will stay with me for much longer.  DO YOU UNDERSTAND SIR? .........yes mam. Mrs. Harrington: Good. She then placed him on the ground and he immediately grew back to his normal size. Mrs. Harrington: Now leave my office and remember what I told you. The boy left and when school ended he went and complained to everyone he could, but no one could help him. Not even his parents could do anything to help. In fact his mother encouraged the procedure. This was something new that many people liked and many were fighting against, but at the moment it was there and 100% legal..................... The next day everyone came to school worried. They all were scared that they might do something wrong and end up being 'punished'. Once the bell rang to begin the first class of the day almost everyone was on time and in their seats. In Spanish class every guy was staring at the new teacher. She was gorgeous; a light skinned Hispanic woman with long black hair and a thin body. She was wearing a tight red shirt and a tight black dress along with black stockings and black high heels. Once she got to the front of the class everyone stopped talking.  All the guys were impressed and wanted to hear their new goddess speak........................ Miss. Perez: Welcome to Spanish class boys and girls, I hope you all will make this year as nice as possible for everyone.  Now the Principal has given me this school letter with a few things on it that she wants me to read to all of you, so listen up. First of all I want to greet every single one of you and hope to meet you all. Unfortunately, most of you who end up meeting me will hate me afterwards, because most likely if you are in my office then you are about to be punished.  These are the punishments as follows: I do not have enough time to write out every punishment for every offense but I will say this, the worse you break the rules the harder and longer the punishment will be.  For example, if you cut class, you will be sent to my office and then you will be shrunk and placed in my shoes. I will then wear that shoe on my foot with you beneath it and you will stay in there, under my foot for one whole day with only one break. However if you are on your second str! ike then the time will double. Every time you commit a serious offense your time under my foot will be twice as long as the last punishment.  Also, I am only one person, so if am already punishing more students than I can handle then you will be passed on to a teacher to do the punishing.  Many of your parents do not want any of the males punishing you for different reasons and I strongly agree so only certain female faculty members have been chosen to do the punishing.  I realize that many of you are worried because you might end up being punished. Don't worry; as long as you follow the rules then you will be ok.  Now let's make this the best year ever!!!!! Thank you, Principal Harrington. Miss. Perez: Alright, well that was interesting, oh by the way; I have been one of the lucky ladies chosen to punish whoever steps out of line and Trust me; you don't want to ever be under my stinky feet. "Followed by giggling." Some of the boys in the class were already thinking about getting in trouble just so they can experience the whole thing with Miss Perez, but then they remembered that they could easily end up under Mrs. Harrington's feet or some other teacher. Later In the Day・・・・・・ Mrs. Harrington was in her office doing paper work and thought she should go roam the halls and look for some kids that she could punish. She got out of her chair and walked out her office and began roaming the halls. After only five minutes of walking she spotted a boy and girl making out by the lockers. She immediately power walked towards them, the students heard the loud steps of Mrs. Harrington's high heels and tried to walk away but she began yelling・・・・. Mrs. Harrington: Hold it right their!! I saw what you two were doing and you know that that is not permitted. Now let me see your hall passes. The boy: We don't have a hall pass. Mrs. Harrington: You don't have a hall pass and you were kissing in my halls, well that is a shame because this is the first week of school and you two must already be punished. Now follow me to my office................RIGHT NOW GUYS!!!!! Mrs. Harrington escorted the boy and girl into her office and told them to sit down in the two chairs in front of her desk. She went and sat down in her big leather chair across from the students. Now as you know, there is a new system to the way that you students will be handled when breaking the rules. Did your first period teacher read my letter to the class? The Girl: Yes mam Mrs. Harrington: Good, that will save us some time. All I need to do is see your school Id's so that I can mark your names in my book and then we can move on. Once she got their Id's and marked their names down they immediately began shrinking, the shrinking process was finished in a matter of seconds and they were standing on the two chairs at only 5 inches tall. Both of them looked around and started panicking. Mrs. Harrington: Don't worry kids, everyone freaks out a little the first time they are shrunk, but eventually you will get use to it. But I hope that this is the last time I will have to shrink you two. Now because it is only the first week of school and I am in a good mood, I am going to punish you two for only one day. Travis you will spend time in my right high heel and Jennifer you will be in my left high heel. She took both of her shoes off and placed the right one on the chair Travis was standing on and the left one on the chair Jennifer was standing on. Mrs. Harrington: Now get in, and lye on your backs. I want your heads in the toe section and your legs coming towards the heel. Travis and Jennifer stared at each other for a moment just to make sure this was actually happening but they were interrupted by Mrs. Harrington's loud voice・・. Mrs. Harrington: Get in now and lay on your backs or I will double your time in there. Travis stepped into the red high heel and got into the toe section. He got on his back and stretched his legs towards the heel. He could feel the heat that was still in there from his principal's foot and could smell the stench. It wasn't that bad but of course he'd rather smell fresh air than this odor any day. Jennifer did the same as Travis and got into the left heel. But before she got on her knees to crawl into the toe section she turned around to say something・・・ Jennifer: Won't you crush us when you step down? Mrs. Harrington: Of course not, you will be fine. It may hurt a little at first but you will come out of their alive. Jennifer: What about oxygen, won't we suffocate in there? Mrs. Harrington: NO, YOU WILL BE FINE! THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IS THE HEAT! And maybe the smell・ Jennifer finally got on her knees and moved into the toes section, she turned on her back and stretched out her legs towards the heel, but then began to worry again and got up and stuck her head out of the toe section to ask one more question・・・. Jennifer: What about food? Will we be able・・・・. Before Jennifer could finish her question Mrs. Harrington quickly picked up the shoe Jennifer was in and brought it down to her left foot and placed her stocking covered foot into the shoe. Jennifer saw her principal's foot rush towards her and knock her into the toe section. Once her foot was all the way in her high heel she maneuvered her foot and got Jennifer in the position she wanted her in. This whole transaction took merely a few seconds. Travis was still lying in the right heel trying to look outside of the shoe. Finally he saw a tanned covered foot rush into the shoe and take away any light in it. Her foot came over him and then began to press down on his whole body. He had no room to move and could barely breathe. The stench had tripled once her foot landed on him. Her toes were wiggling right on top of his face and he couldn't do anything about it. All of a sudden both of the students' worlds began to move. Mrs. Harrington got up from one of the chairs that the students were on earlier and walked around her desk and sat down in her big black chair. Travis and Jennifer didn't know what hit them, those few steps made them dizzy and extremely hot. Plus the pressure of the woman's weight landing on them was bad, but not as bad as they thought it would be. Mrs. Harrington: Alright, time to get to work. Mrs. Harrington just sat their and began working on her paper work as if everything was normal. As a habit she would tap her right foot onto the ground as she sat at her desk working.  This was making Travis even more uncomfortable as he laid there enduring all the torture in this woman's smelly hot shoe. Once the Principal was finished with her paper work which was about the trouble making students that she should keep an eye on, she got up putting all her weight on the two poor students and began walking out of her office and towards one of the teacher's classrooms who was off duty during this period. The whole walk there was a completely new experience for the two students as it would be for most people. The complete darkness, the constant fast movements, the extremely loud sounds of her heels hitting the floor, the painful pressure every time she stepped down, the pretty bad smell which was obviously from her feet, which were smelling worse every minute, and worst of all the horrible heat that was becoming more intense throughout their punishment.  Once she got to her destination she knocked on the door and the teacher said "come in." Miss. Kneels: Oh hi Mrs. Harrington. How can I help you? Mrs. Harrington: Hello Trisha, Well, Im going to get straight to the point. I hear you are very nice to your students, in fact I hear you are too nice.  Well I need you to change that. Miss Kneels: Excuse me? Mrs. Harrington: I need you to be much stricter with your students. Miss. Kneels: Well I think I am pretty darn strict when I need to be. Mrs. Harrington: I have looked at your records and you have been teaching at this school for two years and have only given out 3 detentions the whole time. Now we are on much different standards this year.  I realize you are young and want the students to like you, but I need you to send the kids who get out of line to me.  No second chances, I will decide what happens to them next. Miss. Kneels: Alright, I guess I can do that. Mrs. Harrington: Good! We understand each other then; I will leave you alone now. But before I do, to make sure that you are on my schedule, I am going to have to ask you to do something. In fact I am ordering you to. Miss. Kneels: What? Mrs. Harrington: You will send at least two students to my office before the end of the day. Miss. Kneels: What?! What if nobody does anything wrong? Mrs. Harrington: Someone always does something wrong; you just have to keep your eyes open. If I do not get two of your students by the end of the day then you are FIRED!!  Good day Trisha. Miss. Kneels just stood there feeling very uncomfortable. She was not use to punishing her students, especially when she knew how awful the punishments now were. She is very young and pretty, she likes to get her students to see her as a friend, but she knew what she had to do to keep her job. Mrs. Harrington then left the room and started walking back to her office when she heard a lot of noise coming from a classroom near by. She walked to the door and peaked in to see a lot of the students talking among one another. She noticed a few kids standing next to the door waiting for the bell to ring. She was very upset and immediately opened the door and stormed in. All the students ran to their seats and sat down as fast as they could. Mrs. Harrington: What kind of classroom is this!?  There is still 10 minutes until the bell rings to end class! Why are you kids running around and making so much noise? Foolishly one of the boys in the classroom answered her question. Ben: Mr. Harris said we could get free time for the last 10 minutes or so since we'e such an awesome class!  Some of his friends laughed at his comment.・ Mrs. Harrington: Be quiet! In fact come up here right now・・・I said NOW!!! Ben walked up to the front of the class and stood next to the principal. Mrs. Harrington: You children are very lucky. Unlike the two students in my shoes right now. They have to stay beneath my feet for the next day, and if I could, I would keep every one of you under my feet for an even longer period of time. Unfortunately I only have two feet.  Now I do not want any more "free time" given to these children Mr. Harris.  I want you all to be quiet and working until the bell rings.  Is that understood Mr. Harris? Mr. Harris: Yes Ma'am. Mrs. Harrington: I hope this does not happen again, good day. As she turned around to leave she noticed Ben walking towards his desk.............. Mrs. Harrington: Excuse me sir, where do you think you are going? You are coming with me to my office. Ben: But what did I・・・・・ Mrs. Harrington: I said you are coming to my office, now follow me!! Mrs. Harrington escorted Ben to her office and once inside she told him to stand in front of her desk. Mrs. Harrington: I do not like being talked back to, and you did exactly that. Ben: No I didn't! You asked me a question and I ans・・・. Mrs. Harrington: SHUTUP!! In fact I am not even going to explain anything to you. You will see for yourself what happens when you upset me. Ben automatically began shrinking until he was just about 5 inches. He stood on the ground looking around in shock. He heard what would happen if someone broke the rules, he had even seen that boy get shrunk and placed in the Principal's shoe during the first day of school, but he did not expect it to be like this.  He looked around until he saw the Principal come around her desk towards him. After that all he saw was her gigantic hand come towards him and then pick him up.  She held him to her big red lips and began speaking................... Mrs. Harrington: You are much luckier than the two trouble makers in my high heels. Since I don't have any room under my feet, and I do not feel like calling another teacher into my office at the moment, I am simply going to keep you in one of my really dirty socks for the rest of the day.  I have a few that I keep in the office for incidents like this. She walked towards her filing cabinet and pulled open the top drawer. As soon as she pulled it open she cranked her head back from the horrendous smell and made a face of disgust.  There were about 10 pairs of her oldest, dirtiest, nastiest socks and pantyhose in their. She grabbed a black sock and sniffed it real fast just to get an idea of how bad it smelt. Mrs. Harrington: PEEYOO!!  I guess you are not as lucky as I thought you were. As soon as she finished her sentence she dropped Ben into the sock and proceeded to tie it up. Ben's world became completely dark, extremely hot, and very smelly.  She then placed him into the drawer with the rest of her old footwear. The smell became twenty times worse for Ben as he laid there helpless. Mrs. Harrington: I will see you at the end of the day when all the students are off the school premises; That's just a couple hours from now, then I will let you out of your prison, but until then you need to lay there in my foot odor and think about what you have done and why you are being punished.  I will randomly check up on you; if you try to get out of that sock I will make your day much worse.  Good day young man. She then shut the drawer and walked to her desk and sat down. She placed her right leg over her left and removed her heel. Travis was lying on his back but immediately tried to get up to see what was happening.  Mrs. Harrington quickly placed her index finger on his stomach to keep him down. Mrs. Harrington: You stay right there until I get your little girlfriend out of my other shoe. She then placed the shoe Travis was in on her desk and switched legs so she could take off her left shoe.  She removed her shoe and instantly heard Jennifer's voice. Jennifer: Please tell me it's over. Mrs. Harrington: "In a Laughing manner" Of course it is not over; you have a whole day to go. I am just giving you guys a little break since you did not move around too much under my feet. She placed the shoe Jennifer was in next to the one Travis was lying in and told them they could both get up but that they could not get out of the shoe.  They both crawled to the heel of the shoe and began breathing real hard trying to inhale as much fresh air as they could. Travis: Can you please let us go, we promise not to ever do anything wrong again. Mrs. Harrington ignored him and kept working on the papers in front of her. Travis: Please, I swear I will not do anything bad throughout the rest of the school year. Mrs. Harrington kept writing but was beginning to look upset. Travis: If I do anything wrong you can do whatever you want to me, PLEASE! Mrs. Harrington gave him a quick angry glance then began writing again. Travis: This is TORTURE・・・・・. MRS. HARRINGTON QUICKLY GRABBED THE SHOE TRAVIS WAS IN AND BROUGHT IT TO HER RIGHT FOOT AND THEN USED HER FOOT TO SHOVE HIM INTO THE TOE SECTION, THEN SHE PLACED THE SHOE BACK ON HER FOOT AND POSITIONED TRAVIS SO THAT HE WAS RIGHT BACK IN PLACE.  SHE THEN BEGAN TO SQUEEZE HIS HEAD BETWEEN HER BIG AND SECOND TOE AS SHE STARTED WORKING ON HER PAPER WORK AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED. Mrs. Harrington: Jennifer, you have a few minutes left until your back under my foot, so if you'e thirsty you can get some water out of my cup. After Jennifer drank some water she laid back in the shoe and Mrs. Harrington placed it back on her foot and went back to her paper work.  She was still squeezing Travis's head between her toes and occasionally stomping down on him. She did not take disobedience very well.............. 