#pro choice is pro life





“It’s not a baby it’s a clump of cells.”

And if it were found on Mars rather than your uterus, you know what it would be classified as? Life.

A uterus is part of a person. That person has to give up a lot to be pregnant for nine months. Mars doesn’t give up anything to have life exist on it. Mars is also not a sentient being with thoughts and feelings and emotions. A pregnant person is, and they have rights. It’s not ok to take away those rights because an embryo or fetus is in their uterus. Mars doesn’t have these rights because it’s not a body, so it doesn’t have bodily autonomy.

After fertilization, there’s not a baby, there’s an embryo. Eight weeks later it becomes a fetus. When childbirth takes place, the fetus becomes an infant. Baby is an emotional term that’s fine to use in your personal life but shouldn’t be used when debating others’ rights, or it becomes emotionally manipulative.

- Emma

A person consents to the possibility of becoming pregnant whenever she chooses to have sex. It’s a consequence of an action. Bodily autonomy argument doesn’t work here. Not to mention, the life growing inside her is asked to give up a lot more by being forcibly murdered.

“Embryo” and “fetus” are nothing more than stages of development, much like “infant”, “toddler”, and “adolescent”. At no point does the subject not have its own unique *human* DNA. You’re dehumanizing what’s clearly human to justify murder. The same dehumanizing tactics were used to justify slavery in the US and the Holocaust in Europe.

Nope. Consent isn’t transitive. Arguing that it is isn’t only relevant to this debate, but is also rape apologism (“well she kissed me so obviously she wanted to have sex!” implies that consent is transitive). Bodily autonomy does work here because the pregnant person (who isn’t always “her” btw) has bodily autonomy, while the embryo or fetus does not.

Murder is a legal term and by definition, abortion is not murder. You could say killed, but if you’re going to argue that killing is inherently wrong, I hope you’ve never stepped on a bug. Or eaten fruits or vegetables or meat or wheat or…you get the point. The embryo or fetus inside the pregnant person is only able to be there with the consent of the pregnant person, because it is inside the pregnant person’s body.

That’s exactly what embryo and fetus are, I don’t see what your argument is. DNA doesn’t equal sentience or bodily autonomy. You’re dehumanizing pregnant people. It’s not even implied dehumanization, you literally compared them to Mars - a non human planet - in your op.

I don’t know if you’re black or Jewish, but if not, it’s completely unacceptable to use slavery and the holocaust as arguments. Don’t compare anything that’s not slavey to slavery, and the same goes for the holocaust.

- Emma


New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory:

*In New South Wales, a referral from a doctor is not required.

Northern Territory:

*Please note that the Northern Territory has some of the most conservative laws on abortion. Abortion is legal until 14 weeks if two doctors agree the person’s physical and/or mental health is endangered, or for serious fetal abnormality. Legal up to 23 weeks in an emergency.

  • Darwin Private Hospital, Tiwi, (Telephone: 08 8948 0144)
  • Alice Springs Hospital, Alice Springs, (Telephone: 08 8951 7777) *Must have a doctor’s referral


*Call Children by Choice on 1800 177 725 for details of available surgical abortion services in Cairns. Surgical abortion is only available to 14 weeks in Cairns.

South Australia:

*South Australian law requires that a woman be a South Australian resident for at least two months in order to access a termination in that state.


*For more information contact Hobart Women’s Health Centre  on 03 6231 3212 or Family Planning Tasmania - Hobart 03 6228 5244 (Family Planning also located in Burnie and Launceston).


Western Australia:

  • Nanyara Medical Group, Rivervale
  • Dr. Marie, Midland
  • King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaco - High risk patients only; abortions performed up to 19 weeks. (Telephone: 08 9340 2222Ext2777)

**Age 16 years and over
 Need to be advised that counseling is available should they wish to access it. Clinics require: a positive pregnancy test and client’s acknowledgement that counseling has been offered or received from a doctor.

**Age 16 years and under
One of the parents has to be given the opportunity to participate in a counseling process with the person and their doctor. However, contact Family Planning WA to ask for help to get a court order if this is too difficult, distressing or dangerous for you.

**Pregnancies 20 weeks and over
Abortions after 20 weeks can only be performed for a severe medical condition of the person or the pregnancy, which is decided on a case by case basis. Contact King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women.

Other - Counseling, Support, etc


if you’re anti choice stop pretending to give a shit about sexism.

you don’t give a fuck about sexism, you perpetrate misogyny. you aren’t angry that female fetuses are aborted for being female, you’re angry that those people are allowed to abort for any reason.


As an escort, these are things I WISH we had time to tell clients as they walk to the clinic. 

  • Protesters don’t have any concept of personal space or the word “NO”.  However, that doesn’t mean it is pointless to say it.  The protesters need to hear “GO AWAY” and “LEAVE ME ALONE, STOP FOLLOWING ME” repeatedly and LOUDLY (I’ll talk about why this is important later).  As clinic escorts, we don’t have the ability to block or run into protesters, that would be assault.  Protesters will try to make you stop walking, slow you down, get in your way.  ANYTHING to impede your progress.  My advice is to KEEP WALKING at YOUR OWN PACE. YOU set the pace.
  • Don’t hesitate to film protesters.  Film yourself saying go away, leave me alone, stop following me.  Film the protesters stepping in front of you and trying to slow you down.  If a protester touches you, film that too.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask an escort (if available) questions.  You can grab my arm or get behind me and hold onto my shoulders.  It is WHATEVER you want to do.
  • YOU DON’T HAVE TO WALK WITH A CLINIC ESCORT.  We are there ONLY IF YOU WANT US! :)  Your consent and wishes are what we want to strive for.  If an escort approaches you (typically we will have an orange or pink vest that says CLINIC ESCORT on it), we will ask “Would you like us to walk with you?“  You DO NOT have to say yes.  Unlike the protesters, if you say “No Thanks!” we will let you be ;)
  • If you feel harassed or violated once you get inside the clinic, you have EVERY RIGHT to file a non-emergency report.  I would start with your local police department.  Also call the FBI and the Department of Justice.  The fact that a report of harassment is on record is what is important.  The more reports of harassment the police have on file from clients, the more likely police will come out and watch and reprimand protesters. If you would like to report a specific protesters, just ask an escort.  We typically know their names, just as they know ours.
  • Protesters can make you feel powerless and angry.  This is a way to take your power back and report harassment.

If you have any questions, I would call your local clinic.  Also you can ask me!

“Abort the Supreme Court / God Bless Abortions”

Seen in Asheville, North Carolina

“Someone you love has had an abortion”

Seen earlier tonight in Portland, Oregon
