#prompt list


So this is my mermay prompt list for this year. Im only doing 10 prompts, (doing more would burn me out)

Have fun, Im gonna mix with my fav ships and fandoms for this one. Feel free to use ut if you want.



Welcome to Whumptober 2021! May the Whump be with you :)

To all of you who participated last year - we have changed a few of the rules, but overall things have stayed the same. To everyone new: WELCOME!

Please make sure to read the Event Info carefully, most of your questions will be answered there already. For everything else you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here.

This year’s AO3 Collection can be found here.

With that being said, we’re very excited to see the community come together once more and be a wild, chaotic bunch of creators and consumers of whump. We wish you all the fun!

(All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information, and FAQs are posted below the cut!)

Keep reading


writing prompts <3

compiled with the help of thestoryshack’s writing prompt generator & writingexercises.co.uk’s first line generator

  1. “I’ll take the fall.”
  2. “I can’t believe this!”
  3. “I…I don’t want to ask you for too much…”
  4. “Thanks for nothing, I guess…”
  5. “Never.”
  6. “So…Where’d you get this scar from?”
  7. “There’s no time for this!”
  8. “It was them, I know it was them!”
  9. “Hello?”
  10. “Me? A problem? I don’t have any fucking problems!”
  11. “There’s no way out of this. You have to do it.”
  12. “Alright, no problem, we can fix this…Uh—we can fix this, right?”
  13. [sighs] “It’s over…”
  14. “What happened when I hung up on you the other day? Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to answer the call.”
  15. “I’ll deal with youlater.”
  16. [gasps] “This is delicious!”
  17. “Ah, fuck—Run!”
  18. “Are you—Aren’t you afraid?”
  19. “I love you.”
  20. “Don’t leave me! You can’t…You can’t leave me, too…”
  21. “I’msosorry…”
  22. “I guess it is true that grass is greener on the other side…”
  23. “And remember: don’t trust anyone or anything.”
  24. “Alright, fuck this! Clearly we should just kiss and get it over with!”
  25. “Is this fun for you? Do you—Do you…enjoy hurting other people?”
  26. “How do you take yours?”
  27. “I swear on everyone that I have lost, I will endyou.”
  28. “Wait,no—He can change…I know he can…”
  29. “It’s all your fault.”
  30. “I’ve been in love with you for years, and funnily enough, you found out quicker than I did.”
  31. “The accident wasn’t their fault—”
  32. “I kept checking my phone to see if he’d reach out, but…”
  33. [deep exhale] “I don’t know what we’ll find behind this door, but be prepared for anything.”
  34. “Remember when we used to be free?”
  35. “We’ve been together for twenty-five years.”
  36. “I think…I think we should take some…some time apart…”
  37. “You think pulling a gun on me is gonna make me talk?”
  38. [loud crash] “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!”
  39. “Alright, you’ve had your fun. Now it’s my turn.”
  40. “Did you see that?!”
    “The window! There was something outside the window!”
    “We’re on the seventh floor, dumbass.”
  41. [deep sigh] “I—I just…don’t…know anymore…”
  42. “Oh great, I take one day off and this is what I get?”
  43. [power randomly cuts out] “What the fuck?”
  44. “Hey, are you really…you know…gay?”
    “I dunno, is your wife finally leaving you after fucking around with your neighbor for three years?”
  45. “What sick fuck would poison a dog?”
    “Dude, chill…it’s just a health and safety demonstration video.”
  46. “Oh my god!”
    “Oh please, you’ve never seen a punk get their ass beat before?”
  47. “Why are you here? And why are you covered in trash?”
    “My mom came over unannounced, so I escaped through the window and into a dumpster. Can I use your shower?”
  48. “What is happening to our world…”
  49. “How long have you been out here?”
    “Long enough for a homeless guy to offer me a safe place to stay for the night.”
    “Oh, that’s nice.”
  50. “They took my dog’s ashes?!”


A/N: While a majority of these are mine there are a few I have found online/was inspired by

Prompt List #1


  1. “I’ve learnt to love you.”
  2. “They’re good for each-other.” 
  3. “(She/he/they) don’t compare to you. No one does.”
  4. “Shut up and hold me.”
  5. “I’m not leaving. Ever.”
  6. “I promised to love you forever.”
  7. “You’ll find your way back to me, I know you will.”
  8. “I’ll take care of you.”
  9. “Can you sing that song for me again?”
  10. “I don’t know if you know this but, I love you.”
  11. “I know it’s 2 in the morning but do you want to…” 
  12. “It looks good on you.” 
  13. “You’re the reason I’m still here.”
  14. “I love you and all but…” 
  15. “You saved me.”
  16. “Would you like to stay?” 
  17. “I’ll take the couch.” 
  18. “I’m quite comfortable here.”
  19. “How did I manage to get you.” 
  20. “Maybe I’m just lucky.”
  21. “It’s us agaisnt the world.”
  22. “Are you hurt? What happened?”
  23. “You fainted, are you alright?”
  24. “What do you remember?”
  25. “I think (she/he/they/I) rubbed off on you.”
  26. “Don’t let go.”
  27. “I promise.”
  28. “Am I dreaming?”
  29. “I don’t want to wake up.”
  30. “Find me again.”
  31. “Don’t forget me.”
  32. “Well it’s a good thing I don’t plan on doing that.”
  33. “Please don’t say goodbye.”
  34. “I wish we didn’t we have to say goodbye.”
  35. “You didn’t think you’d be able to get rid of me just yet did you?”
  36. “Because I fell for you, isn’t it obvious?” 
  37. “I could never get tired of you.”
  38. “Are you alright?” “I will be.”
  39. “No you don’t understand, I have to get back!”
  40. “I’m not your princess.” 
  41. “You say you hate it but your red face is telling me otherwise.” 
  42. “For (her/him/them), (I’ll do) anything.”
  43. “(She’s/he’s/they’re) worth the wait.”
  44. “I can be your reason why.” 
  45. “This is not what I meant when I told you to fall for me.” 
  46. “I don’t know if I want to yell at you or kiss you.”
  47. “Is it that hard to believe that I love you?”
  48. “Stop flirting with me, I’m not going to fall for it.”
  49. “Is somebody jealous?”
  50. “Can you quit being sappy for five seconds?”


  1. “Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?” 
  2. “It’s always a losing game with you.”
  3. “If it means anything, I love you.”
  4. “I must’ve loved (her/him/them) a lot.”
  5. “You’re in-love with somebody else.”
  6. “(She/he/they/I) lost (her/his/their/my) soulmate.”
  7. “It wasn’t supposed to end this way.” 
  8. “I’ve moved on.”
  9. “This isn’t the person I fell in-love with.”
  10. “It doesn’t matter unless I’m their last right?”
  11. “Why are you still fighting?”
  12. “You were the one who walked out, not me.”
  13. “Please don’t make me choose.”
  14. “You’re choosing (her/him/them) over me?”
  15. “You don’t get to call me that.”
  16. “You lost the right when you walked out of my life.”
  17. “What happened to forever?”
  18. “Don’t you remember me?”
  19. “Would you have said yes?”
  20. “Please don’t make me choose.”
  21. “You can’t just act like nothings wrong when it isn’t!”
  22. “You’re with me for a reason, right?”
  23. “Why would (I/she/he) fall for someone else?”
  24. “I haven’t seen you in months.”
  25. “You’ll always be a friend.”
  26. “Did you love me (me/her/him/them)?”
  27. “I’m sorry.” “For what?” “Everything.”
  28. “I’ll see you soon, I promise.”
  29. “You have to let me go.”
  30. “It’s all in my head. This isn’t actually happening, you’re not real!”
  31. “Look me in the eyes and repeat what you just said.”
  32. “Why are you letting (her/him/them/me) do this to you?” “Because I love (her/him/them/you).”
  33. “Would you do the same for me?”
  34. “What happened to all of our promises?”
  35. “This was our forever.”
  36. “Don’t tell me to calm down!”
  37. “It’s been years, can’t you just give me a chance.”
  38. “I’m not ready to get hurt again.” 
  39. “Because I know when I open my eyes this will all turn out to be a dream and I’ll lose you again.”
  40. “I’m not ready to lose you.”
  41. “No, not again. Please!”
  42. “You just had to go and ruin everything.”
  43. “Why do we have to keep hiding? I’m tired of being kept a secret.” 
  44. “You know this means nothing right?”
  45. “It’s not my fault you believe(d) everything I (say/said).”
  46. “You promised forever.”
  47. “Why is it so hard for you to believe me?”
  48. “Wake up! Please don’t do this to me.” 
  49. “Why did you have to go and fall in love with me?” 
  50. “I shouldn’t still be in love with you.” 


  1. “I still find myself falling asleep with you on my mind.”
  2. “Do you not remember me?”
  3. “I thought you said wouldn’t fall in-love.” 
  4. “(She’s/he’s/they’re) just a friend.” “We used to be friends to be ‘just friends’ too.”
  5. “I’d never fall in-love.”
  6. “I’ll wait for you.” 
  7. “Just take my hand.”
  8. “You’re weak.”
  9. “Was that part of the bet?”
  10. “At least I kept my promises.”
  11. “Take me back.”
  12. “I need (her/him/them).” 
  13. “Do you miss me?”
  14. “What happened to us?”
  15. “People say I’m heartless.”
  16. “Another nightmare?”
  17. “Are you afraid of me?”
  18. “Is that a threat?”
  19. “Hold onto me.”
  20. “I have nothing.”
  21. “It’s killing you.”
  22. “Maybe you should give up.” 
  23. “I’m tired of running.”
  24. “(She/he/they) changed (her/his/their) world.”
  25. “Just like we promised.”
  26. “I can’t leave.”
  27. “You’re a bad liar did you know?” 
  28. “I could’ve helped.”
  29. “I never wanted any of this.”
  30. “Only you.” 
  31. “Come home.”
  32. “I’ll see you when I get back.”
  33. “Just say the word.”
  34. “Well, I can scratch that off my bucket list.”
  35. “We really shouldn’t be doing this…”
  36. “Do you trust me?” “No.”
  37. “It was your idea!”
  38. “What happened to your face?”
  39. “All you had to do was ask.” 
  40. “I don’t like you.” 
  41. “I haven’t seen you in months.”
  42. “Why is it always you?”
  43. “Don’t let go.”
  44. “Who said I ever stopped?”
  45. “Get out of my head.”
  46. “You flinched.”
  47. “Is it worth it? Risking everything just for a chance.”
  48. “I did it again, didn’t I?”
  49. “I’m not going to fight you.”
  50. “Every time I think I’m close to finally figuring you out you end up surprising me.”


Prompt List:


  1. “I love you, baby”
  2. “God, you’re adorable”
  3. “Hey, cutie”
  4. “I promise to love you for the rest of my life”
  5. “You’re my world”
  6. “I don’t care if you’re sick, catching a cold from kissing you is worth it”
  7. “You are so perfect”
  8. “Marry me?”
  9. “You’re the best part of me”
  10. “Stay here with me. For the rest of our lives”
  11. “I’m speechless you’re so beautiful”
  12. “Aww! You’re adorable”
  13. “So romantic!”
  14. “I’ll love you until the end of the universe”
  15. “Do you need a hug?”
  16. “I love you, dearest”
  17. “Come here, i need to hug you”
  18. “When everything’s wrong, it’s you that makes it right”
  19. “You’re the one”
  20. “Have i ever pointed out how beautiful you are?” “Yes, all the time”
  21. “I’m boreddd!”

Kiss Scenarios:

  1. Forehead kisses
  2. Hand kisses
  3. “That tickles!” Kisses
  4. Kisses that make them smile
  5. Breathless kisses
  6. Cheek kisses
  7. Nose Kisses
  8. “God, i love you” Kisses
  9. Kisses that end with laughter
  10. Never wanting to pull away kisses
  11. Multiple face kisses
  12. Big, long kisses
  13. Long Awaited Kisses
  14. “Finally, you guys kissed!” Kisses
  15. Goodbye kisses
  16. Kisses accompanied by happy tears
  17. Kisses accompanied by sad tears
  18. Kisses that get interrupted
  19. Kisses to distract them from winning a game
  20. “Just woke up” Kisses
  21. Excited Kisses
  22. Long awaited kisses
  23. “I missed you, so much” kisses
  24. Sneaking up behind them and surprising them kisses
  25. Kisses to help them concentrate
  26. Kisses as a reward (passed a hard exam, won a game, etc.)


  1. “No! No! No! Wake up! Please!”
  2. “Please don’t leave”
  3. “…I love you”
  4. “You killed someone, do you really think they’ll still love you?!”
  5. “They were my world, but now they’re gone”
  6. “I miss you so much, please come back”
  7. “I know you’re gone, but i feel you here”
  8. “Tears are all i see without you”
  9. “You’re happy, with someone else. And that hurts”
  10. “Just leave!”
  11. “Promise me you’ll live a great life, without me”
  12. “I don’t need you”
  13. “The world is dull without you”
  14. “NO!”
  15. “I miss being in your arms”
  16. “Get out of my life!”
  17. “I don’t love you anymore”
  18. “Goodnight, i have always loved you”
  19. “I may be dying, but please, don’t cry over me”
  20. “Thank you, for helping me live the greatest life i could”
  21. When everything was wrong, you made it right"
  22. “These tears will never stop falling”
  23. “You were so perfect, but now you’re gone”
  24. “You were so perfect, but now you’re moved on”
  25. “That’s the wau to break my heart”
  26. “You’re happy in someone else’s arms”
  27. “Take me back to the good old days”
  28. “Billions of people in the world, and i chose you, how stupid was that”
  29. “I wish i didn’t have to loose you”
  30. “I wish you didn’t have to loose me”
  31. “I wish that could be me”

Soulmate AUs:

  1. Matching Tattoos
  2. First words your soulmate says to you are tattooed on your wrist
  3. One of your eyes is your soulmate’s eyecolour
  4. The world is black and white until you meet your soulmate
  5. You have a colourful mark where your soulmate will first touch you
  6. You only see your soulmate’s favourite colour until you meet them
  7. A timer is inbuilt into your wrist, counting down until you meet your soulmate
  8. You have a small, thin string wrapped around your pinkie finger (invisible to everyone else)that leads you to your soulmate
  9. soulmate au where soulmates share all acquired skills. (if one of them knows a language the other automatically knows it too or if one can play and instrument, the other can play it too)

Pet Names

  • Baby
  • Honey
  • Babe
  • Love
  • Lover
  • My love
  • Dear
  • Sweetie
  • Sweetheart
  • Darling
  • Pumpkin
  • Munchkin
  • Cutie
  • Beloved
  • My beloved
  • Buttercup
  • Valentine
  • Sugar

so i just made this, it may not be the best because it’s my first ever prompt list. anyone can use it whenever they want, but please give credit.

originally made: 3.04.20

update 1: 23.05.20

update 2: 1.06.20

update 3: 26.06.20(pet names added)


A/N: phew finally finished my first prompt list. a vast majority of these are my own but there are a few that I found online/was inspired by.

Prompt List #2


  1. “Is that my shirt?” “You mean ourshirt?”
  2. “It’s you, it always has been.”
  3. “You’re everything I could’ve wanted and more.”
  4. “Kiss me.”
  5. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.” 
  6. “You should probably go home.” “But I’m already home.”
  7. “You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.”
  8. “I’d do anything for you.” 
  9. “You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.”
  10. “Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
  11. “I’m so proud of you.” 
  12. “Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
  13. “I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
  14. “You are my family.”
  15. “I’m right here.”
  16. “Can you just please hold me?” 
  17. “I’m pretty sure (you’re/she’s/he’s/they’re) my soulmate”
  18. “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
  19. “You know, I think my (mother/father/parents) would be proud if I brought (you/her/him/them) home.” 
  20. “I just want to see you happy.”
  21. “I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile like that in ages.” 
  22. “You made me a better person. Thank you.” 
  23. “I’d rather live in the woods with you than in a mansion with some (girl/boy/person) I barely know.”
  24. “This reminded me of you.” 
  25. “Your hair is really soft.”
  26. “You’re really warm.”
  27. “Are you blushing?”
  28. “Can I stay here tonight?”
  29. “Because I love you.”
  30. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
  31. “I’m never going to leave you. I promise.”
  32. “Make a wish!”
  33. “I love seeing you smile.”
  34. “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
  35. “I just want to be there for you.”
  36. “I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”
  37. “You’re just a softie.”
  38. “You owe me.” “Fine, whatever you like.”
  39. “You’re safe now, I’m here.”
  40. “Why are you scared of loving?”
  41. “You are crushing me right now.”
  42. “Darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.”
  43. “I love you.”
  44. “You’re an idiot.” “But I am youridiot.”
  45. “Take my hand. Just trust me.”
  46. “You’re hurt. Please just let heal it.”
  47. “At least let me clean it.”
  48. “I told you to take care of yourself.”
  49. “You’re the only thing that matters.”
  50. “Stay.”


  1. “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
  2. “You started drinking again, didn’t you?” 
  3. “You promised you’d stop drinking.” “And you promised you wouldn’t hurt me!″
  4. “But it’s my fault right?”
  5. “I don’t want to feel this. I want to be numb again.”
  6. “You’re lying to me again. Why can’t you just tell me the truth for once?” 
  7. “I love you.” “No you don’t” 
  8. “I can’t lose you.” “You already did.”
  9. “Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?”
  10. “How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?”  
  11. “I loved you.” “Then why did you let (her/him/them) get in between us?”
  12. “Maybe they were right, you never did change.” 
  13. “This is all in my head. It’s all happening in my head.”
  14. “Don’t you dare walk away from this!” 
  15. “What gives you the right to just waltz back into my life after all the pain you’ve caused.”
  16. “You’ve changed.”
  17. “You win, happy?”
  18. “Any other lies left to tell me?”
  19. “Why did you wait until I moved on?”
  20. “Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
  21. “Its (her/him/them), isn’t it?”
  22. “It’s always been (her/him/them).”
  23. “When did you stop loving me?”
  24. “Let me go.”
  25. “You’re not you.”
  26. “I miss the old you.”
  27. “What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.” 
  28. “Move out of my way before I make you.”
  29. “You deserve better.”
  30. “I risked my life for you.”
  31. “I never would’ve thought (she/he/they)’d end up with someone else.”
  32. “They were perfect for each other.”
  33. “I was happier with you.”
  34. “I would’ve done anything for you.”
  35. “I loved you. I loved you so so much but you hurt me.” 
  36. “They warned me about this.” “About what?” “You.” 
  37. “Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.” 
  38. “You broke me.”
  39. “You just threw four years of friendship out the window.”
  40. “Hasn’t this addiction done enough damage already?”
  41. “Sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
  42. “You promised.”
  43. “I don’t need help! I need an end to this pain.”
  44. “What am I in your life? Because as of lately I feel as though I’ve been nothing to you.”
  45. “Leave.”
  46. “I can’t keep playing pretend.”
  47. “You deserve so much better.”
  48. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
  49. “I wish we never met.”
  50. “I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.”


  1. “I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.” 
  2. “It’s pouring rain why are you here?”
  3. “I love you.” “You shouldn’t.”
  4. “Where are you?”
  5. “What happened?”
  6. “Have you been taking care of yourself?”
  7. “Is that blood?” “Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” “You are literally bleeding.”
  8. “Is that my book?”
  9. “Are they dead?”
  10. “You want to play pretend? Well two can play at that game.”
  11. “Did you know that you talk in your sleep?”
  12. “Come back to bed. Please.” 
  13. “You’re who they warned me about.” 
  14. “Come back.”
  15. “You should’ve listened to me.”
  16. “I haven’t seen you in days.” 
  17. “Are you jealous?”
  18. “Cheers, I’ll drink to that.” “You drink to everything.” “Cheers!”
  19. “Why is there a deer in the room?” 
  20. “Is that vodka? At 7 in the morning?”
  21. “It’s not my choice.”
  22. “Can we take this home?”
  23. “Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?” 
  24. “I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile in months.”
  25. “(She/he/they) don’t belong with (her/him/them)!” “Than who do(es) (she/he/they) belong with?” “…..with me.”
  26. “Come home.”
  27. “I hope you’re happy.”
  28. “They don’t need to know.”
  29. “I made this for you.”
  30. “Why is arson always your first answer?”
  31. “Is this really the time for jokes?” 
  32. “You always do this.” 
  33. “Wake me up when it’s over.” 
  34. “You look happy.” 
  35. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” 
  36. “Why can’t I get you out of my head?”
  37. “Do you want that?”
  38. “Don’t let go.” 
  39. “Just let me stay.”
  40. “Can I at least tell my side of the story?” 
  41. “Do you trust me?” 
  42. “Are you flirting with me?”
  43. “Is the weight of your sins too heavy?”
  44. “Just let me see (her/him/them) one last time. Please.”
  45. “Are you afraid to die?”
  46. “Are they really ‘just a friend’?”
  47. “I wasn’t lying when i told you that I loved you.”
  48. “I won’t hurt you.”
  49. “Have you been sleeping?”
  50. “I didn’t know where else to go.”


Hi, here’s a bunch of prompts, feel free to reblog and use them!! If you want to request prompts, please use the letter of each category and the number! 

FOR EXAMPLE: A23, S5, F19 with Peter Parker.



(L) love prompts:

  1. “Can I get you anything, baby?”
  2. “So what if I’m whipped? I’m happy.”
  3. “I wrote another song about you.”
  4. “I think we should get married, it’s about time.”
  5. “My mom wants to know when we’re having kids.”
  6. “You’ve got my heart, please don’t break it.”
  7. “I want you to move in with me.”
  8. “I think you’re my soulmate.”
  9. “Never thought I’d find a love like this.”
  10. “Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Keep reading


aches and pains … sentence starters

tw for chronic illness / chronic pain and body dysmorphia 

  • “Shit, it hurts!”
  • “I’m used to it hurting.”
  • “It’s nothing. It just hurts, again.”
  • “I just can’t ever get comfortable.”
  • “My whole body just feels… wrong.”
  • “No, it’s normal pain. I’m used to it.”
  • “I wish these scars would just go away…”
  • “It hurts too much to stand up, I need to sit.”
  • “I’m tired of feeling off all the time, that’s all.”
  • “I think I need a hot shower and some painkillers.”
  • “It doesn’t even feel like this body is… me, anymore.”
  • “God, I wish I could be healthy for one day. Just one.”
  • “No, it doesn’t really hurt today. It’s just uncomfortable.”
  • It’s a bad day, again. I might need some help getting up.”
  • “It just feels like there’s something in me that’s not… me.”
  • “I don’t even remember what it’s like to get a good night’s sleep.”
  • “What’s it like waking up and NOT always hurting? Must be nice.”
  • “Man, if I hurt this much already, it’s really gonna suck to get older.”
  • “I need a hand up. If I start crying, don’t stop, it’s manageable pain.”
  • “I’m only (age)! I shouldn’t have the aches of a 90 year old woman.”
  • “I feel like a burden. I wish I was healthy so no one has to look after me.”
  • “This doesn’t even feel like a body, anymore. It’s just a big ball of pain and ick.”
  • “It feels like my body’s never… right. Like there’s always something wrong with it.”
  • “I don’t want to stay in bed, ‘cause my brain’ll tell me I’m lazy. But, it hurts too much to stand up today.”
  • “I don’t want to have to ask for help. I wish I could just do these things by myself, but my body won’t let me.”



For the fluff and soft hearted, here is another list of sentence starters that has the highest potentiality to turn into a soft scenarios. Feel free to change any pronouns / sentence structure according to your muse’s preference!     

Disclaimer:this is not my compilation; sentence starters were initially made up by @belladoesrpmeme and @writerwhofears; I merely combined two parts of this meme into one for convenience.

  • “I never noticed your eyes were this [colour].”
  • “Your heartbeat’s really loud.”
  • “You asleep?”
  • “I like this, being so close to you.”
  • “Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that? Here, lemme just—”
  • “You’re so, so, so pretty.”
  • “I just — I’m breathless, okay? Whenever I’m with you, it happens.”
  • “You make my heart beat so quick.”
  • “You always know how to make me smile.”
  • “You’ll always be safe with me.”
  • [kisses the other on the cheek]
  • “Always.”
  • “I can’t imagine being anywhere but here with you.”
  • “All my choices lead me to you.”
  • “I’ll never give you up.”
  • “I sleep better if you’re around.”
  • “You snore in your sleep. But… it’s adorable, okay?”
  • “I like this. A quiet breakfast with you.”
  • “There’re billions of people on this planet, and I love you. How incredible is that?”
  • “I trust you.”
  • [holds the other’s hand when they think the other won’t notice]
  • “You keep staring at me instead of watching the film. What’s up?”
  • “Let’s push all of these stuff away. I wanna dance here right now with you.”
  • “Are we really doing this? Are we really slow-dancing?”
  • “When you laugh like that, it just — you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
  • “No, sorry, you laughed. I … I never saw it before. It’s — pretty.”
  • “You haven’t laughed in a long time, and I guess I was staring ‘cause I forgot how that looked like.”
  • [puts head on the other’s shoulder]
  • “I will never let you go.”
  • “You’re the best thing to have ever happened to me.”
  • “You wrote me a song?”
  • “You’ve got a fever. Of course I’m not going anywhere.”
  • [suddenly feels around the bed to search for the other’s hand / body when they’re sleeping]
  • [extends a hand when they see the other was searching for it while they’re sleeping]
  • “I just feel calmer. When I’m with you.”
  • “You’re not in bed. I came looking for you.”
  • “What are you doing up? Come to bed.”
  • “It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.”
  • “I don’t mind sharing the blankets with you.”
  • “You’re cold. Come here.”
  • “You always do that. You always warm me up.”
  • “Stay.”
  • “It’s getting crowded. Here, hold my hand.”
  • [hugs for a very long time]
  • [puts feet on the other’s lap]
  • “I’m so proud of you, you know that?”
  • “I love you.”
  • “If anything happened to you— I couldn’t…”
  • “Promise me. Promise me you’ll stay.”
  • “Tell me what happened.”
  • “You’re not breathing. Breathe.”
  • “I’ve got you.”
  • “You’re safe with me, now.”
  • “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
  • “No matter what, I will always come after you.”
  • “Take my hand— and stay close.”
  • “You’re shaking. Here, come closer.”
  • “Sorry, when I didn’t didn’t see you, I got worried.”
  • [hears crying]
  • “You look exhausted. Come here.”
  • “Rest now. I’ll be here when you wake.”
  • [touches forehead] “You’re burning up!”
  • “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”
  • “You always do that. Pull away when I get close. What are you afraid of?”
  • “For once, will you just look at me?”
  • “I can’t stay here with you— I just, when I’m around you, I can’t think. You make me dizzy… you make me weak.”
  • [traces fingers over scars, sitting in the firelight, watching the flames jump and bend to the music of the wind]
  • “I’ve never noticed this scar before.”
  • “When you touch me, it’s like I can’t breathe.”
  • “I just love being near you.”
  • “Wait! Please— I’m sorry, just— wait.”
  • “There’s something about you that makes me smile.”
  • “I’ve never felt like this before. It only happens when I’m with you.”
  • “Here. Sit next to me.”
  • “Where are you goin? I saved you a spot.”
  • “Are you feeling okay? Your face is looking a little red.”
  • [leaning close, knees almost touching]
  • “Hey, you’ve got something on your face. Here, hold still… ”
  • “Will you stay with me? Tonight? I just— I’d feel better knowing you’re near.”
  • “I’ve never felt weak. Until I met you.”
  • “Here, take my hand— don’t look.”
  • “I’ve got you… just breathe, okay? I know it hurts. We’re almost done.”
  • “If you go, I go too.”
  • [catching the other staring when they think they’re not looking]
  • “I’ll never get over hearing you say my name.”
  • “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”
  • [takes hand, puts it over heart] “This is what I feel when I’m with you. And I’m powerless to stop it.”
  • “Just hearing the sound of your voice is enough to make me smile.”
  • “Never will they hurt you. As long as I’m alive.”
  • “If you keep doing that, I’m going to scream— stop smiling, I mean it!”
  • “Please. Just let me hold you.”
  • “I never thought I could miss a person as much as I’ve missed you.”
  • “You make me ache in ways I never felt possible.”
  • “You don’t get it do you? How can you be so blind! Don’t you understand how much I care about you?”
  • [grabbing wrist, pulling person behind them, sensing danger]
  • [wiping tears from the others face]
  • [that one hand squeeze just before letting go]
  • “Stay still. You’ve been wounded.”
  • “Never. Never will I stop loving you.”
  • “My gut does the weirdest things around you— acrobatic things.”
  • “You look pale. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”
  • “When’s the last time you ate?”
  • “I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you this.”
  • “Why are you looking at me like that?”
  • “What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?”
  • “I can’t stand the thought of seeing you hurt.”
  • “This is nice. You and me. Against the world.”
  • “I choose you— can’t you see? I will always choose you.”
  • [pulls head on lap, running fingers through hair]
  • “Relax. I’m here now.”
  • “Till death do us part. And forever until the end of eternity.”
  • “Do you mind if I come in?”
  • “If it weren’t for you, I may have lived my whole life thinking I was happy. But now I know the truth.”
  • “Wake up. Come on, there’s something I want to show you.”
  • “Talk to me… I’m worried.”
  • “Wait, are those-? Are those bruises?
  • [pulling other person close, feeling them breathe a sigh of relief]
  • “You’ve done the unthinkable, you know. You’ve made me fall in love.”


One Word Writing Prompts

Send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write either a headcanon, drabble, or starter. Send  for a random number instead.

01. — first
02. — kiss
03. — final
04. — numb
05. — broken
06. — wings
07. — melody
08. — rules
09. — chocolate
10. — nostalgia
11. — heartbeat
12. — stranger
13. — confusion
14. — bitter
15. — afterlife
16. — daybreak
17. — audience
18. — endless
19. — fireworks
20. — wishing
21. — birthday
22. — tomorrow
23. — oppression
24. — agony
25. — return
26. — protection
27. — boxes
28. —hope
29. preparation
30. beautiful
31. lies
32. — underneath
33. — hide
34. — diary
35. — unforeseen
36. — conditional
37. — gone
38. — clear
39. — heartache
40. — wired
41. — insanity
42. — foolish
43. — words
44. — study
45. — love
46. — skies
47. — stars
48. — lucky
49. — shake
50. — punctual


Something simple for a little ask game

Send me a word + a character/ship (or any platonic pair/group) and I’ll come up some headcanons!

As always, feel free to reblog & use <3


  1. Identity
  2. Confidence
  3. Fashion
  4. Education
  6. Dislikes
  7. Wants
  8. Needs
  9. Ambition
  10. Hindrance


  1. House
  2. Close
  3. Competitive
  4. Father
  5. Mother
  6. Fond
  7. Sentimental
  8. Warm
  9. Personal
  10. Nurture


  1. Affection
  2. Quality time
  3. Comfort
  4. Calm
  5. Dream
  6. Quiet
  7. Rest
  8. Friend
  9. Devotion
  10. Adoration


  1. Feelings
  2. Intimacy
  3. Desire
  4. Yearn
  5. Passion
  6. Ceremony
  7. Heartbreak
  8. Meetings
  9. Gift
  10. Appearance


  1. Games
  2. Sports
  3. Cooking
  4. Arts/Craft
  5. Write
  6. Research
  7. Distraction
  8. Relax
  9. Bond
  10. Experience


protective starters!

the protector 

  • “Get behind me.”
  • “I’ll fight them off.”
  • “I won’t let them touch you.”
  • “They hurt you, didn’t they?”
  • “Hold onto me, it’s not safe here.”
  • “Stay there, I’m coming to get you.”
  • “If you want to live, you’ll let them go.”
  • “I’ll kill them if they lay a hand on you.”
  • “Here, grab onto me, I’ll carry you out.”
  • What were you thinking, running off like that?”
  • “I get it, you’re brave. But, don’t do that, again.”
  • “If they want to hurt you, they’ll have to go through me.”
  • “What made you think you could protect yourself here?”

the protected 

  • “You… you saved me.”
  • “I didn’t need protection.”
  • “You were hurt… saving me.”
  • “They’re trying to kill me, help!”
  • “You could have been killed saving me.”
  • “I could’ve handled it myself, you know.”
  • “I don’t like it here. Can I stay behind you?”
  • “Oh my god… I didn’t think you would come.”
  • “They want to hurt me. Please, don’t let them!”
  • “Please, just leave me behind. They only want me.”
  • “You’re going to get yourself killed rushing in for me like that.”
  • “They were going to kill you! Why would you risk your life like that?”


Prompt List

I find it easier to make prompt lists so I can write with what I’m inspired by. I’ll probably add to this as I find new prompts I like.

I took these from several prompt lists that I’ve reblogged, so that’s why they may look familiar. 


  1. “I can’t do anything right.”
  2. “Please don’t cry.”
  3. “Why are you awake right now?”
  4. “Why are you lying to me?”
  5. “Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
  6. “Don’t you ever do that again!”
  7. “Do you even still love me?”
  8. “Nobody’s seen you in days.”
  9. “Why are you awake?”
  10. “I’m worried about you.”
  11. “Can you shut up for once in your life?”
  12. “Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.”
  13. “If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
  14. “Just get home as soon as possible, okay?!”
  15. “I told you not to fall in love with me.”


  1. “Go with me?” “As long as you hold my hand.”
  2. “Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” 
  3. “Have you seen my hoodie?” “Noo.” “You’re wearing it, aren’t you?”
  4. “OH you’re jealous!”
  5. “Can we stay like this forever?”
  6. “Please just kiss me already.”
  7. “I think you might be my soulmate.”
  8. “Sleep over? Please?”
  9. “Are we on a date right now?”
  10. “I think I’m in love with you.”
  11. “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
  12. “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
  13. “I wish we could live together already.”
  14. “They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
  15. “I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re beautiful.”
  16. “You take my breath away,” “…” “y’know, like the song haha”


  1. “Quit touching me, your feet are cold!”
  2. “Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!”
  3. “Did you seriously just get your foot stuck in a toilet?” “Maybe.”
  4. “If I die, I’m haunting you first.”
  5. “But I’ve never told you that before.” 
  6. “Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
  7. “Can we please stop running? I think I’m dying.”
  8. “Can you please…? Hmmm, I don’t know. Maybe put a shirt on?!”
  9. “You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
  10. “Aren’t we supposed to be working?”
  11. “You’re insane,” “You love me,” “Not right now I don’t.”

12.    “Give me attention.”


14.       “Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming.”

15.         “I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”

16.          “You met me yesterday,” “Yes, and I would die for you. Next question,”

17.          “I’m telling you. I’m haunted.”

18.         “Well, that’s tragic.”

19.         “She’s hiding behind the sofa.”

20.         “I’d kill for a coffee…literally.”

21.         “What do you mean she’s my new partner? She tried to kill me last week!” “Sounds like a you problem.”

22.         “Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

23.         “I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.”

24.         “Did you just hiss at me?”

25.         “It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”

26.         “The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.”

27.         “No. Regrets.”

28.         “How drunk was I?”

29.         “How is my wife more badass than me?”

30.         “It’s your turn to make dinner.”

31.         “They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”

32.         “I could punch you right now.”

33.         “Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”

34.         “I’m not buying ikea furniture again.”

35.         “Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”

36.         “That was kind of hot.”



  1. “Good morning” kiss
  2. Kiss on the forehead 
  3. Kiss on the nose 
  4. Kiss on the neck
  5. Kiss on the back 
  6. Needing to kiss to hide from bad guys
  7. Exhausted parents kiss 
  8. Hiding/hoping not to be caught kiss
  9. Before Bed kiss
  10. In Secret kiss
  11. Public kiss
  12. Against a wall kiss
  13. When One Person’s Face Is Scrunched Up, And The Other One Kisses Their     Lips/Nose/Forehead 
  14. Lazy Morning Kisses Before They’ve Even Opened Their Eyes, Still Mumbling     Half-Incoherently, Not Wanting To Wake Up
  15. Routine Kisses Where The Other Person Presents Their Cheek/Forehead For The     Hello/Goodbye Kiss Without Even Looking Up From What They’re Doing
  16. Kisses Meant To Distract The Other Person From Whatever They Were Intently     Doing 
  17. Top Of Head Kisses


Friendship Bonanza Prompt List!

International Friendship Day is right around the corner, and our AO3 collection is going out to our authors any minute! That means we are excited to announce the prompt list for the friendship bonanza - which we have hidden under the “keep reading” because it’s ridiculously long. If you’d like to make a “gift” for any of the prompters, you are welcome to, and we just ask that you either post it to the AO3 collection and tag them (but please mark it as a “gift fill”) or post it on Tumblr and tag them AND us so we can share it! Happy Friending

Keep reading

We (it was Laura, we swear, blame her!) made a pretty big OOPS and forgot to include everyone’s DNWs!! We have edited the original post to make sure that the info is out there, and just wanted to let everyone know.

bad first date prompts

## for when dates go all sorts of wrong

  • A taking B out to a flower garden, only to have it rained on.
  • Imagine B’s horror when they realize they took A to the one spot their ex used to bring them all the time.
  • A’s car breaking down as they’re driving to their destination, so instead of that nice play they were going to see, they spend the night with their heads buried in the hood of the car and fixing the engine.
  • They go ice skating, A falls, and suddenly they’re in the emergency room for the rest of the night.
  • B accidentally writes the schedule the wrong day down for or their date which inevitably causes them to unintentionally stand A up.
  • A falling sick either before, during, or after the date and B having to help care for them.
  • B’s little siblings having to tag along due to poor planning/unexpected babysitting, and they absolutely rip A into pieces with both their words and behavior.
  • A doesn’t tell B that the horror movie they picked out isn’t something they’d be able to handle, so when they burst into fearful tears after a particular jumpscare, B is both concerned and worried.
  • B and A somehow separating and getting lost in a mall, so rather than spending the day together, they’re busy making frantic calls and looking for eachother.

some more domestic fluff prompts


  •  lying on the couch on top of eachother, one combing their fingers through the other’s hair as they watch a movie 
  •  waking their partner up for work when they notice their alarm didn’t go off 
  •  alternatively: allowing their partner to sleep in because they were overworked anyway and need the rest. 
  •  one waking up before the other, so they make up their side of the bed and can’t help but tuck in their sleeping lover as they do so. 
  •  giving the other a spoonful of the meal they’re cooking to test it out, holding their hand under their chin so nothing falls. 
  •  one is sick, so the other heats up a blanket in the dryer to give it to them while they rest on the couch. 
  •  listening to music together while they both take the day to clean around the house (maybe even getting a little distracted to dance instead)
  •  calmly reassuring the other it’s okay when they drop a glass, gently checking their hands for any injury. 
  •  wiping a bit of frosting (or smth else) off of their cheek while eating and taking it for themself
  •  smiling across the table when their cheeks are full of food and look quite cute. 


  •  “can you turn the heat on? i’m getting cold…” 
  •  “you were talking about that table there being a little…bare, so i got you some flowers to put in it’s space.” 
  •  “stop singing into the broom and hurry so we can watch this movie!” 
  •  “you always fall asleep halfway into the episode.” 
  •  “move your blanket, i wanna lay down on your lap.” 
  •  “sweetheart, you look cute, but i’m gonna need the sweater.” 
  •  “i know we had it for dinner last night, but…” *sighs* “the things i do for you.” 
  •  “did you just put my hoodie in the wash?!” “yeah.” “love, my phone was in there!” 
  •  “come here, hold my hand.” “you’re washing the dishes.” “..i can do both…” 
  •  “i hope you don’t mind that i took that painting down, but i thought that picture of us looked a little better…” 

secret relationship prompts


  • A and B are known for being bitter rivals, so infamous that when they start dating, it’s best that they keep it a secret. However, their facade may have gone too far when B realizes that their friends are joining in on tormenting A with intentions to help. They have to hide their rage and will to jump in and defend their partner when A is hit with insult after insult.
  • All of A’s concerns of hiding instantly go away when B gets hurt.
  • Their secret plan backfiring when everyone around A notices the loving stares they now give B and assumes they have a crush on them…which to be fair isn’t wrong.
  • Pretending to be absolutely shocked/angry when their friends set them up on a surprise date, but the moment they leave, they enjoy their free food/activity. (bonus if they don’t realize that their friends are still around to see how it goes and catch them)
  • B slipping up and calling A “babe” or another loving nickname, and A covering their laughter as they fumble around to fix their mistake.

# dialogue

  • “You’re totally into them.” “I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about.”
  • “I know we’re supposed to hate eachother but that last comment you made earlier felt a little personal.”
  • “I think they noticed…”
  • “Hey, look at me, it’ll be alright. Okay? We can find a way to cover that up, no worries.”
  • “Just say it was an accident!” “Youkissedme!”



Prompt list

You can find all the prompts for the entire month here. Each day has a different prompt. The notes in italics are merely suggestions and it’s therefore not mandatory to feature all (or any) in your work. The prompts are set in tables and you can save them to your device!

For the rules click here!

For a textpost version of the prompts click here!


The prompt list divided by each week and with details are under the Read More.

Keep reading

Hiiii! It’s nearly October which means that over on my Instagram, I’m gearing up for my annual Drawlloween challenge where I watch a different spooky/sci fi movie each day for the month of October and do a wee drawing about it! Here’s my movie list if you want to follow along ~

[Image description: An orange calendar labeled @ amma.nartin’s 2021 Drawlloween Movie List. Each day has a different movie listed on it. They are 1 Creepshow 1982, 2 The Fog 1980, 3 Cat People 1943, 4 The Ghoul 1933, 5 Ringu 1998, 6 Evil Dead 2 1987, 7 Dead Silence 2007, 8 Ginger Snaps 2000, 9 The Howling 1981, 10 Mysteries of the Wax Museum 1933, 11 Theatre of Blood 1980, 12 Battle Royale 2000, 13 The Purge 2013, 14 Black Christmas 1974, 15 Manhunter 1986, 16 Ravenous 1999, 17 Dead Ringers 1988, 18 One Hour Photo 2002, 19 Possession 1981, 20 Kill List 2011, 21 The Wailing 2016, 22 Happy Death Day 2017, 23 Eyes Without a Face 1960, 24 Total Recall 1990, 25 Scanners 1981, 26 Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1978, 27 The Fly 1986, 28 Predator 1982, 29 Blade 1998, 30 Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1992, 31 The Horror of Dracula 1958. End image description].

Whump Prompts #48: Self-Sacrifice

CW:kidnapping, illness, curses, magic whump, self-harm, torture, experimentation, inhuman whumpees


Whumper is draining whumpee A of blood for an experiment; whumpee B steps in so whumper can take their blood instead

Whumper has been experimenting heavily on whumpee A; whumpee B sees that A is declining quickly and offers themself for whumper’s experiment

Heroes and villains:

Villain has kidnapped sidekick and is torturing him; hero takes sidekick’s place, knowing that sidekick can succeed him as hero

Sidekick saves hero from villain’s attack and gets gravely injured; hero snaps but has to decide between attacking villain and taking care of sidekick

Villain kidnaps civilian and threatens hero with civilian’s death; hero rescues civilian knowing that it’s all a trap and villain just wants hero dead

Supervillain orders villain to kill hero; villain makes the fatal choice to save hero instead


Whumpee becomes a royal bodyguard; when whumper kidnaps the royal to execute them, whumpee volunteers instead, but neither the royal nor whumper know that he’s immortal

Whumper threatens whumpee’s team; immortal whumpee makes a deal: whumper will kill him once for every team member that was saved; only whumpee knows that he can only come back to life a certain number of times


Inhuman whumpee has their scales/feathers/blood etc. harvested for a spell to find others like them; whumpee decides to kill themself so the magic won’t work

Whumpee has been cursed and is very sick; caretaker can’t bear to see whumpee suffer and manages to shift the curse so they’re the one dying instead

Team whump:

Whumpee is on the run with a team and for whatever reason their affiliation with the group puts everyone in extreme danger; whumpee gives themself up to whumper to protect everyone

Whumper gives whumpee an enchanted dagger, telling him that his soul is the only thing that will save his team; whumpee stabs himself to save everyone
