

What are your thoughts on all of the arson that is happening in the US right now?

I don’t have a lot to say on the topic but they are pretty but sad.

I won’t post/reblog fire images involving police/police cars, rioters or flags of any country as this has always been my policy but the works of the rioters and their arson (without them in it or committing it) however are welcome. Fire is strong and fire is brave, with enough gasoline you can burn down anything. This blog isn’t political and never will be. I know a lot of people into the fire aesthetic are anarchists but I am not. 


This blog doesn’t usually get into social issues but Black Lives Do Matter and people of all colours are welcome here by the fire.


8-bit Def Leppard Video Game Menu

Def Leppard logo, album covers, band members, and instrument icons created by me on https://make8bitart.com/

Music by “8-bit Arcade - Topic” on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afkektQahzM)


Can you feel the breath ?
