#queer music


Tancred - Queen of New York

Make a joke and I’m done for


Figgy Baby - Tongue Troubles

All you had to do was speak to me

In “Tongue Troubles,” the first video from his full-length debut, Figgy Baby recounts a common occurrence of being caught between languages and feeling alienated in his experience as a mixed Chicano. “I’m trying to help this lady … I can’t say shit,” he despairs, feeling the sting of her scrutiny because his last name doesn’t match with the language he speaks. A live jazz band brings extra energy to his dynamic performance, supporting his strong lyricism and flow throughout the album.

Fig told QT, “Mixed-Race Mixtape is a coming-of-age story about brown boys finding their way in a Trump world. Growing up ambiguously brown and lacking a supportive community it was hard to know how to claim myself in the face of racist public school teachers, suspicious police and an immigrant father. This album is the culmination of all those experiences.”

Hear the full album on Bandcamp.

[link for mobile]

LAL - Dead Happiness

Vantage off the ledge

Entering their 20th year as a duo, LAL are bringing their “diasporic electronic” music to Toronto and beyond (VICE). Their new music video for “Dead Happiness” is a visual funhouse shrouding a dark theme. Wearing opalescent makeup and eye-catching costumes, vocalist Rosina Kazi and co. dance to producer Nicholas Murray’s complex soundscape. Kazi denounces the conformity and complacency that she sees around her, longing instead to express herself freely and pursue her own wants and needs. 

In their own words, LAL wants “to give rise to compassion in a world that continually sells us cruelty. We aspire to make room for new ideas and ways of being that are connected to the past, while at the same time dancing with the future.”

Follow LAL on Instagram and Twitter at @lalforest.

Tancred - Pens

It’s crazy how stable I am


Ma Rain - Prove It On Me Blues

Notable lyrics:

Went out last night a crowd of my friends,

They must’ve been women, ‘cause I don’t like no men…

They say I did it, ‘nobody caught me,

They sure got to prove it on me

It’s true I wear a collar and a tie

George Hannah - The Boy in the Boat

Notable lyrics:

When you see two men walking hand in hand.

Just look ‘em over and try to understand. 

They’ll go to these parties have their lights down low. 

Only those parties were women can go. 

You think I’m lying, just ask Tack Anne. 

Took many a broad from many a man.

Bessie Jackson/Lucille Bogan - B.D. (Bulldyke) Women’s Blues

Notable lyrics:

Comin’ a time, BD Women, they ain’t goin’ to need no men.

Oh, the way they treat us is a low down and dirty thing.

Capturing the complex attitudes regarding female homosexual relations in music is no easy task. In 1920s Harlem, Blues echoed the era’s and the sophisticated Harlemites sentiments on wlw relations.

The blues songs sought to be obvious about the lesbianism, titillate their listeners, and reach a wide audience through humour: 

I know women that don’t like men.

The way they do is a crying sin.

It’s dirty but good, oh yes, it’s just dirty but good.


 As you can see/hear, these artists were successful in their endeavours. Presenting lesbian stereotypes allowed the listeners recognize the situations and sexual daring, to either find them affirming (if wlw) or provocative and humorous. In fact, Historians describe one lesbian song “BD’s Dream” as one of the most heard songs in rent parties in the 1920s and 1930s.

Source:Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers by Lillian Faderman, and (x).

“Baiting Katie Hopkins, crawling Dalston’s clubs: teenage upstart GIRLI is Britain’s most unconventional pop star, and she wants you to express yourself ” - GIRLI’s feature in TimeOut magazine, 28.07.2016

Ney Matogrosso: No quiero política patidaria, quiero política exietncial (1985)¿Te interesa este Arc

Ney Matogrosso: No quiero política patidaria, quiero política exietncial (1985)

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