#random thoughts


Six years ago, you told me I made you a better man. I then spent years crying over you and missing you. I’ve made a lot of progress since the last time we ran into each other. But I’m worried that if I were to see you again it would all come undone. I’m ok now, and I won’t jeopardize myself again.

I think I’ll always write about you

ikévamp with a twist:

  • What if, instead of the Louvre, MC finds a time travel corridor in the Uffizi Gallery…and as the story goes, has to spend a month in a rustic Tuscan villa owned by Comte, but instead of first bumping into him, she first meets Leonardo, who from time to time likes popping up in modern day Florence (unbeknownst to Comte lol) just for fun….
  • e with Michelangelo as Leo’s bitter rival and baddie joining hands with Vlad (thanks to @iphigeniainaulis for the idea) ^^

Random thoughts, but i like the idea that Scott has reddish toned brown hair. I don’t know why, I just like the idea of Scott having somewhat auburn hair

Like if Scott spend a decent amount of time in the Sun, his hair becomes more of an auburn colour. Basically John isn’t the only one in that family with the red hair genes.

(Scott’s are just a bit more subtle lol )

Actually, imagine as a teenager/kid Scott had lighter, more auburn hair! Like not red like John but still a lot lighter than he has as an adult.

Imagine a young teenage Scott feeling somewhat self conscious about his hair, (because school kids are brutal) and wanting his hair to darken like his dad’s.

Because Scott is always trying to be like Jeff, which is probably why he styles it the way he does

But yeah, Scott with varying degrees of reddish brown hair


Probably not an INTP thing

but who else hates it when people ask you to help them with something, but you end up doing all of it basically yourself so you wished that they just told you to do it for them in the first place?

Tomorrow is when the new batch of season 2 chapters, Hunting Zone, for MLQC drops on EN server. I’ve been wondering why Elex decided to release these chapters at this time instead of waiting until 3rd anniversary since it hasn’t exactly been 3-4 months from the last chapter update.

That’s when it finally hit me. Right after these set of chapters is THAT chapter. Those who have read my season 2 chapter translations of Kiro will know exactly which one I’m referring to.

Is Elex going to pull the same thing as CN server right before Kiro’s bday in April!?!?! Istg, if that’s what Elex is aiming for then they’re a bunch of sadistic heart stabbers It was bad enough I had to go thru that feeling once and now I have to go thru with it again?!?! Looks like it’s gonna be another year of bitterness on Kiro’s bday again

Random thought but, hear me out-

Ink is Spongebob, Error is Squidward, and Fresh is Patrick.

I have no idea, i just thought about it rn for sum reason??? Broomie is Gary the snail ig looolll

I just had a thought, if Error is “destruction” and Ink is “creation”, what if in another universe, they work together in a house flipping business?

Error’s in charge of demolition, Ink is in charge of the interior design :O
