#cognitive functions



Perception Functions:


Extroverted Sensing / Se: The awareness and external observation of space and the environment. A person or an object can only be influenced in actual reality (an external perception of tangible surrounding). The goal of using force and willpower to affect people/objects in the surrounding space. Ideas are only useful if they will impact the external environment with force.

Introverted Sensing / Si: Maintaining a relaxed and stable inner state, through collecting and gathering sensory experience. Comparing past experience of sensation to the current moment. Physical external sensations that affect the internal state of an individual through a sense of comfort or routine.

Extroverted Intuition / Ne: Seeing the potential energy of a situation, and the potential of a person by identifying their strengths and attributes, thinking of various possibilities during discussion, juxtaposing the seemingly unrelated; the recombination of ideas and concepts, innovative ideas and techniques as an alternative solution, and seeing an opportunity.

Introverted Intuition / Ni: Where an event has come from and where it is going - cause and effect. Having an awareness of time and understanding the processes between external events. The focus of where events come from also leads to learning from mistakes through memory to apply to the present moment. Can sometimes have the ability to predict the consequences and outcome of a situation. This anticipation of events is disconnected from the present moment and results in an apparent inactivity.

Judgement Functions:


Extroverted Thinking / Te: Directly accesses people and events from a logical perspective. Aims to be productive and strives for efficiency and usefulness. Makes rational decisions. Direction of the most logical course of action, wants to achieve a logical result through action and production.

Introverted Thinking / Ti: Has an analytical state of mind. Recognizes nonsensical flaws or mistakes from a whole logical system. The analysis of logical processes and clarification rather than gaining a productive result.  

Extroverted Feeling / Fe: Gaining an sense of external emotions and the emotional atmosphere, expressing feelings and experiences outwardly and openly, using words and gestures to impact the emotional space.Feeling values are developed from the environment, can recognize shared values and may adhere to them to reach a goal.

Introverted Feeling / Fi: Can sometimes appear analytical, personal values and sentiments, the focus on feelings of the individual and this reaction to a situation, which also involves an emotional sensitivity, prefers not to express emotion outwardly and directly. how a situation adheres or conflicts with their own values, feeling values is deprived internally.


((I see a lot of these kinds of posts, so I figure I’d take a stab at it))

Fe (extroverted feeling): Dog
You’re happy? They’re happy! You’re sad? They’re sad! You’re trying to pick a fight? They’ll break it up! Am I talking about a high Fe or your dog? Either way, like your dog, high Fe users are pretty in tune to what you’re feeling and reflect it back in a way that makes you feel special and calm. Dogs are pack animals, so they tend to maintain harmony in their “pack,” even if that means breaking up a catfight [lol]. High Fe users do this as well, each in their own way. Also, have you ever compared a guilty high Fe to one of those guilty dog videos? It’s exactly the same!

Fi (introverted feeling): Cat
Cats are selfish lovers. Well, more accurately, people tend to think cats are cold and heartless all around, when cats are very loyal and affectionate in ways that most don’t understand. Their feelings are all decided within themselves, and shown in very subtle ways because cats are not very expressive (at least, not conventionally). Not to mention that every cat is drastically different from one another, and they’re not aggressive animals unless a person hurt them in the past or if someone crosses a boundary with them. Sound like a high Fi yet?

Te (extroverted thinking): Bee
I’m convinced the colloquialism “worker bee” exists exclusively because of high Te users. Give a high Te an objective, and they will accomplish it, you know, using the same method they’ve always used. Bees have their objectives, too: take care of the queen and her babies. How? Make food. How? Collect pollen. And bees have their set, tried-and-true ways of doing so. Bees and Te are all about focus, discipline, and the way things always work. Say what you want about Te and bees, but they get shit done.

Ti (introverted thinking): Octopus
Efficiency! Arruracy! Innovation! Surprising the pants off of people! High Ti users and octopi come out of left field all the time with the way they solve their problems. Octopi are often easily able to escape their enclosures, whether it’s with a simple flip of a lid, with a tight squeeze, or with the ability to unscrew a jar from the inside. They are not at all about what has always worked, they’re about deconstructing the old ways and putting them back together in a way you never expect. High Ti users can’t be boxed in, sorry.

Se (extroverted sensing: Bat
Sonar, man. High Se users are people who live in the moment with all five senses, so it makes sense that they would relate most to an animal that has some extreme senses and has to immediately process that information in order to navigate through the world. High Se users take in points of data using all five senses and can immediately work with that (with a little help from their judging function). Bats rely on similar immediate-processing a high Se has since they need it to fly around without incident. It also makes sense for them to relate to an animal that would be crippled without their sense since the way to depress a high Se would be to cut off one of their existing senses.

Si (introverted sensing): Elephant
They say elephants never forget, and high Si very much do not either. Elephants can remember very large spaces and have the ability to recognize themselves and members of their family, which, yes, is nothing compared to a high Si being able to remember the exact taste of a meal, smell of flowers, arrangement of their room, etc. Similarly to how Si is executed in an individual, an elephant’s memory is abstract in the way it perceives because it can only recall spaces as it has experienced them. Elephants also communicate using various senses, including touch, visuals, sounds, and seismic vibrations.

Ne (extroverted intuition): Otter
Playful and resourceful, a high Ne and an otter have a lot in common. Both are adaptable creatures who can survive in vastly different environments. Otters are quick on their feet, both on land and in water, and learn skills quickly, most notable being the way the break open shellfish with a rock (like a high Ne can break through social shells). Otters are playful and creative, creating water slides in mud and playing with stones. Did you know otters eat 15-25% of their body weight every day? You can equate that with the way high Ne users consume new experiences!

Ni (introverted intuition): Spider
Weave a web that always connects back to the center, something both spiders and high Ni users do. A spider’s framework is sturdy and allows them to travel easily across their web, just as a high Ni can trace each point of their mental perceptions to each other and, most importantly, their center. Just like a real web, a high Ni’s inner web is complex, intricate, and extremely strong (in relation to it’s size, of course). However, most important in both webs are the connections made and their connection to the center, both in the literal and figurative. And high Ni users digesting new information in the context of their web looks a lot like the way a spider eats a fly.


Hey Ne users, I’ve had a talk with everyone in the world about you guys, and well, here’s what they had to say.

Dear Ne users,

It’s fucking six AM could you please calm the fuck down holy shit

Sincerely, the human race


“I’ll fight them for you”

“I love you bro, we should totally rob a bank together”

*winks* *unintentionally flirting*

“Hey man, you alright? Good? Good.”

*proceeds to annoy you until told to stop*

“I don’t gossip, but if you wanna complain about ______ I am ALL ears”

*is secretly adorable despite acting like an ass*


Things I´ve noticed about the two types that share the dominant function:

ESTJ & ENTJ: Have a chaos threshold

ISTP & INTP: Lowkey hate their own overconfidence when it comes to opinions

ENFP & ENTP: Ashamed of their own arbitrariness

INTJ & INFJ: A part of them remains forever insecure 

ENFJ & ESFJ: Brilliant in sales… and you thought Te was the capitalistic genius

INFP & ISFP: Once they get comfortable, all of their demons come out of hiding

ESFP & ESTP: Stretch social norms to the max

ISTJ & ISFJ: Can´t stand not being able to keep up during conversation



Fe: Please, I know what’s best for you, ALL OF YOU!

Te: Silence, peasants and do what I say!

Fi: MY FEELINGS!!! (are always right)

Ti: MY DEDUCTIONS!!! (are always right)

…and Perceivers:

Ne: All these possibilities are obvious so everyone who can’t see them is stupid.

Ni: No one can grasp my internal vision, therefore they are sheep.

Se: There is literally an elephant in the room, what are you idiots, blind?

Si: Why am I the only one with internal morals and self-control? You all suck.


Fe: What that person said is inconsiderate to others! I must correct it!

Ni: Remember that all of your actions have consequences. I will not allow you to counter unless I’m sure it won’t have repercussions.

Fe: Of course, Boss. I’ll make sure to do it in the most considerate way possible.

Ti: Wait. Your argument doesn’t make sense.

Fe: What? Why?

Ti: I don’t know. Fix it until I’m satisfied.

Fe: -_- That’s not helpful, Ti.

Ni: We have to listen to Ti. If we charge into this without making our argument 100% logical and foolproof, then someone can easily dismantle it.

Fe: … and then everyone will think I’m stupid, right? =(

Ni: Right. Fix your argument, or we’re staying quiet.

Fe: Fine. Wakey wakey, Ti. You need to find the holes in my argument

Ti: Ugh, this will take some energy but I can do it

Ni: I’ll help you out by predicting what possible counter arguments there may be.

Fe: And I’ll help by putting myself in the shoes of the people who will be reading this.

Ti: Done.

Ni: Are you sure? Check over everything 5 more times just to make sure.

Fe: Looks good! I’ve spattered some nice phrases throughout my argument so it won’t hurt anyone’s feelings. I think everyone will like this.

Ni: Well as usual I’m not 100% satisfied, but I suppose this will do.

Fe: Nice work team! Time to hit send.

Se: Woops




Se: I hit the wrong button and the argument was deleted =)


Si: these shoes cost $12, I haven’t seen a deal like that since I went to Ross’s 3 months ago.
Ni: these shoes were like, $10 or something. It was a great deal! Too bad I can’t remember where I got them…

Te: How can I do this as efficiently as possible?

Ti: How can I do this while being as lazy as possible?

20 Herbs to Power Memory and Boost Brain Activity Our mind is our most important asset. We use our b

20 Herbs to Power Memory and Boost Brain Activity

Our mind is our most important asset. We use our brain every day in carrying out tasks. It is thus important to keep our mind in top shape.

This is true for students who rely on a good memory and effective cognitive function. The same is true for people who mostly have to depend on their brainpower for work, e.g. writers, journalists, scientist, etc.

But keeping the brain healthy more is often needed than getting enough rest, a balanced diet, and adequate exercise.

Sometimes supplements for brain health are needed for better memory and mental focus. To learn more about the benefits of herbs to boost your memory CLICK HERE:https://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/20-herbs-to-power-memory-and-boost-brain-activity/

Post link


Dear INTP, I love how low-maintenance you are. We can converse like there wasn’t just a two month gap in our exchanges.

Our experiences are crystallized into Si-child. There’s no need to reform a connection when we understand who you are. Our understanding is our identity. You’ve become a part of us.

Engaging extraverted intuition in a healthy way

I had been looking for ways to improve my Ne and engage my Ne in a healthy manner. But I could not find ways to tackle it in the internet. Therefore I came up with some ideas of my own. Hope it helps.

Ne jumps from one idea to another, one taks to another. Ne can’t engage in one taks for a longer period and doing so will be exhausting. So why not master Ne by doing things in a way that would keep feeding Ne?

ENFP’s find it hard and exhausting to plan and stick to a plan. But in order to get things done, planning is vital.

How about a versatile plan, where you could actually pick and choose what you want to do at a particular time based on your mood?

I came up with this model of planning. Studying

Module 1 (Topic A, subtopic A)

Module 2 (Topic A)

Module 3 (Topic A)

Mandatory stuff


Cleaning the cupboard (whatever)

Stuffs to search on google

Topic A

Idea B

Topic B

Reading list

Book A (1 chapter)

Book B (1 chapter)

Article A


Title 1 - episode 1

Title 2 - episode 2


Title 1 (first half)

Title 2 (first half)

I am pretty sure most of you would have lists like this. But never never pick one task and try to engage in it for long. Jump around different task along the course of the day which will keep you more energised. Completing one task at a go, forcefully engaging in a single task for a longer period, binging books, movies, series will exhaust us and stress us.

Also allow the list open to add new tasks, which is always going to happen anyway, just like, how I am going composing this post right now, while I have 100 other stuffs to do. But having a plan like this will prevent me from lingering in Fb after posting this.

The trick is to be persistent and update the list daily.

Thus keep your Ne engaged and feeding it all the time by having 100s stuff to pick on a daily basis.

By completing small chunks of multiple tasks we will eventually complete all of them without exhausting ourselves.

Developing introverted feeling as an ENFP

Introverted feeling has always been a mystery, and difficult to understand function to me. The more I searched about it, the more confused I got. All the information sources I came across explained it as ‘moral code’ but did not give a practical solution to master it.

I will try my best to elaborate Fi based on my personal experiences. Fi is all about you understanding your own self and shaping your personality. Consciously choosing who you want to be as a person.

Developing your Fi is not as easy job. It requires lot of patience, you have to spend a lot of time alone with yourself, thinking, analysing and understanding your emotions and feelings. You have to evaluate your past decisions. You have to ask loads of questions from your own self and dig deeper into yourself until you get a satisfactory answer.

For an ENFP, it is easier to skip and avoid developing Fi, but it is vital for a satisfactory life.

Developing Fi will require you to come out of your comfort zone and embrace yourself for who you are.

I will further elaborate this with examples from my own life.

Once I got an opportunity to write to a magazine at my university and I was so hyped up about it, at the time I got to know about it. But the next day when I actually had to get into writing, I just couldn’t do it. I kept tossing around, ruminating in my mind, whether I should write or not, for hours, giving various reasons to myself. In the end, I did not write and neither accomplish anything in that time. Finally I had to confront myself. Sit with me, question myself and realized my very reason for postponing it is fear, and lack of confidence. Identifying this was a moment of “Eureka” for me.

In the above incident, it would have been easier to shove everything under the carpet and totally forget about the magazine. But I went through the pain of understanding my emotions and behaviour.

This is what developing Fi is about. With each revelation you will unearth a layer of your true self.

Alongside this, the process of recognising your morals will occur.

Morals are personal and unique to every ENFP. Recognising them and shaping yourself accordingly is another part of this process.

Picturing this process with an example; recently I discovered my greed for money. I have developed (or maybe inherently had) a desire to possess as much money as possible. But I do not want to be a person who is greedy for money and wealth. I want to be a person who acts based on passion rather than being focused on money. That is one of my moral codes. Conquering this demon of greed is a process. I am yet to achieve it.

Similarly, the journey of uncovering and conquering your demons and inner-enemies are yours alone.

A journey towards your own betterment.

Me using MATH and LOGIC to figure out my mbti type seriously how did I ever call myself a feeler wha

Me using MATH and LOGIC to figure out my mbti type 

seriously how did I ever call myself a feeler what the h e c c 

Post link

jung’s crazy si description

this video is from an infj. i wanted to point that out because following comment of mine will be more clear then.

if you use your common sense though, and that would be your te polr, and there’s a chance jung also had the same problem… THEN, you will realize ALL THIS is extremely exaggerated and dramatized. both this animation AND jung’s description is extreme.

si doms live in a mythical world? locomotives looks like malevolent demons to all si doms? no. something like that would apply to only very few. maybe jung’s si dom mega ocd patients mislead him to believe such things. but i WANT to believe that jung is being poetic here instead. i WANT to believe this is a HIGHLY EXAGGERATED analogy of sorts.

will si doms interprete the sensory and associate the sensory with other stuff? then over time, will they feel too strongly about x and y and z? sure. but they are always wrong? NO! they are in fact gonna be mostly right. they will feel so strongly about certain food because that food will actually give them the best nourishment. they will feel very strongly about their own bed maybe, because they chose that bed specifically, they have their own specific pillow and sheets and you name whatever else so it’s the most comfortable to them INDEED. they are not being crazy, that bed is indeed SUPER comfortable etc.


If possible, temporarily remove yourself from any immediate sources of stress and re-engage the positive aspects of the dominant function, and activate the auxiliary function to balance the mind. (see the Type Development section & #how functions work for more detail)

inf Si grip: zoom out from your head to examine the bigger picture and think about whether your decisions big/small are producing good progress

inf Ni grip: realize that brooding or being uptight doesn’t help anything, get out of yourself with a fun/productive/social activity that will boost confidence

inf Ti grip: check if your beliefs/assumptions about people are really true and consider whether your attitude is helpful for relationship health

inf Fi grip: acknowledge your weaknesses/failures and think on how to make up for them and/or work out the steps to doing better next time

inf Se grip: pause and get in touch with your aspirations/potential and reflect on whether your thinking/actions actually serve your greater purpose

inf Ne grip: breathe, break a problem up into smaller more manageable steps and then carry out your tasks patiently and methodically

inf Te grip: acknowledge and process negative emotions with self-empathy, get in touch with your authentic self and care for your well-being

inf Fe grip: step back to clear your head, slowly think through the problem and whether you need to change your idea/approach (for next time)

“How can I be substantial if I fail to cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole; and inasmuch as I become conscious of my shadow I also remember that I am a human being like any other.”
   - Jung



Kill the stereotype that Fe users are incapable to be leaders.

I’ve never seen this stereotype but let’s kill it with fire

People are not defined by the stereotype of their MBTI. A person is not only their MBTI or Enneagram or Hogwarts house or Moral Alignment, every person is unique! The personality typing community would do good to learn this!! (And to those of you that do know this *high five*)


INFP: Sit you down and tell you why they’re worried about you. 

ENFP: Leave you behind at a public event by accident. 

ENTJ: Take over and do a job they assigned you because you weren’t doing it right. 

INTJ: Give you the Judgment Stare™. 

ISFP: Show you their art, but only if you’re really good friends. Any constructive criticism will be devastating, please avoid. 

ESFP: You will randomly see each other in a public place that you would never expect to see them. Will hang out with you there for an hour, probably. 

ISTP: Physically harass you for fun. 

ESTP: Worry you deeply. 

INTP: Give you a full length monologue about their Interesting Thing™ all at a shout because they’re so excited about it. 

ENTP: Involve you in a social experiment, probably without your knowledge or consent. 

ESTJ: Declare that they’re commandeering some situation or event while simultaneously declaring that you’re going to help them do it. 

ISTJ: Do one of your chores for you. 

ESFJ: Try to organize a party at YOUR house, probably without you knowing until the day of. 

ISFJ: Somehow get you to go hiking/backpacking with them. 

ENFJ: Tell you about their feelings in passing, but only in vague and cryptic words until you ask the right questions. 

INFJ: Tell you they’re up for social interaction or going to a party, but immediately regret it the moment you get there.


Manipulators seek to dominate and control your decision making, see Manipulative Behavior for more detail. Some common examples of manipulative tactics:

Si: throws past issues/mistakes at you
Ni: uses knowledge of you against you
Ti: gradually chips at your self-esteem
Fi: twists your sense of loyalty or morality
Se: evades, distracts, makes excuses
Ne: empty promises, tries to confuse you
Te: shuts down discussion/disagreement
Fe: exploits your emotional vulnerabilities


Ti Dominant: I have all the knowledge. Resistance is futile. Resistance against the superiority of my brain, that is.

Ti Auxiliary: And I’ll use all that knowledge to BLOW STUFF UP YOLO. :D

Ti Tertiary: Or help the human race?

