#rape mention


Dear internet, please scald Dr. Luke with all the damn tea you can spill. Love, Megan.




Just in case I haven’t made my stance clear enough, I wanted to lay a few things on the table. 

Tumblr is cancer, and the entire anti movement even more so. No one on this website knows how to do research and instead prefers just to make up their own definitions, spouting them as truth. Fujoshi does not mean what you think it means. Fujoshi are not inherently bad people. They’re in their right to ship whatever they can conceive. As it has recently been brought to my attention, let me also say that lolicon does not mean what you think it means. Loli consent is literally the worst case of Western bullshit I’ve ever seen. Its shorthand for lolita complex. Which by the way, Lolita is a name. There is nothing inherently sexual about the name. Its been twisted by trigger happy morons, but the lipstick or the fashion? Absolutely nothing to do with pedophilia in any way shape or form. 

As a fandom old, I like and support “bad ships” because I have the brain capacity to wrap my head around the fact that these are fictional characters, not real people. If Inuyasha aired today, everyone would be having a fit about not only the Kagome x Inuyasha ship (15 year old human female x 50+ year old half-dog demon) but also the hugely popular Sesshomaru x Rin pairing (god only knows how old dog demon x 10~ year old human female). That being said …

My favorite Golden Kamuy pairing is Ogata x Asirpa (30+ year old man x 13 year old girl) and thats just the fucking facts. I like it. A lot. Its a good pairing. 

I have no qualms about people shipping age gaps, whether legal (Endeavor x Hawks) or with minors involved (see above).

I have no qualms with people shipping incest. I’ve read a LOVELY Endeavor x Shoto series that was very cathartic for me regarding my own trauma and I’ve read plenty of BLmatsu fics as well. And to be honest with you? Incest isn’t even bad in real life, so long as its not rape. If a 25 year old man consented to having sex with his 22 year old sister? Its a non issue. 

I harbor rape fantasies (being on the receiving end) as does a significant portion of the female populace. Stories about noncon or dubcon are not bad things. The people who read and write them are not bad. Its SUCH a prevalent fantasy that a published book written by a female author I’m currently reading wrote a staged rape scene. No trigger warnings. No notes that said “just so everyone knows, rape is not okay”. No deflecting comments to make sure that the reader knows shes not romanticizing it. The scene literally just IS. 

Multishipping is not an endorsement for cheating (something else that was recently brought to my attention, much to my disgust). If someone wants to write about a female character fucking the ENTIRE male cast behind their backs, thats their prerogative and its really not that deep. Cheating in real life is bad because real people get hurt in the process. Fictional characters cheating on fictional characters is angst fuel. Plain and simple. 

Any ship being labeled a “bad ship” is fanwank and nothing more. 

Trying to tell people how they can and cannot enjoy their fictional media is wrong, and every anti should truly be ashamed of themselves for making people feel bad over something that doesn’t even exist. 

I was raped by a father figure from the time I was 11 until I was 18 and I can assure you without a shadow of a doubt that there is absolutely nothing in shipping or fandom that even comes close to the real thing. Equating the two is honestly offensive to anyone whose actually been in that position and I honestly, truly believe that every anti who says they were abused in some fashion or another is lying. Because anyone whose really been there knows that fictional works on the internet are of so little consequence it doesn’t even ping on the radar. Its harmless. Real life though?

And no partaking in these things does not magically turn you into a rapist or a pedophile or anything of the sort. The man who took advantage of me for YEARS didn’t wake up one day and decide to fuck his 11 year old stepdaughter because he read a fucking incest fic on FF.N. He was raped when he was a child and the cycle of abuse continued. 

Media effects reality but not the way you think it does. The power of suggestion only works enough to convince you that you need the newest Iphone or you’ll literally die. It does not somehow make you believe that real rape or real pedophilia is fine and dandy. It just does not work like that and anyone who thinks contrary needs to seek professional help ASAP. No amount of rape fic or lolicon doujins is going to make me go out and rape real children. Period. 

Oh, and for the record? Theres nothing wrong with ageing up characters either. I don’t see the point (refer to this entire post) but if it makes someone else happy then so be it. They’re not pedophiles for wanting to age up a fictional character they have a crush on so THEY’RE more comfortable, especially considering that said fictional character will always be 15 in canon. Like these fucking mental gymnastics are astounding. Literally pump the brakes for five seconds and think about this. 

If I had the power to magically warp into every anti’s house, or just anyone who believed any of the above “Bad Things” were true, I’d honestly kill every single one of them. Like, no joke. You’re a waste of space. You’re a waste of oxygen. No one loves and no one is ever going to love you with that attitude. 


that’s…….i…someone please launch a police investigation into this person’s life. this is actually a very concerning post.

This person said it’s okay if a man has sex with his sister. What the fuck?!

The death threats alone.

Hi everyone, apologies for disappearing again!

I will continue to be away for a bit as I’m starting the process of pressing charges against my rapist and trying to move out of town away from him. I’m not sure how long this is gonna be, how much more stressful, etc and I can’t keep up with my mental health and this blog simultaneously unfortunately.

With this being said, I will still try my best to set up a queue in the following days and try to check up once a month.

Thank you all

My policy on fic content:

It is considered not only morally acceptable for young children to read the Bible, but it is actively encouraged even in very puritan areas.

Therefore any topic that is in the Bible - which absolutely includes incest, rape, physical and sexual child abuse, genocide, murder, torture, and racism - is acceptable content for media that children may be able to access. Especially since all of the above is presented in a positive light within the Bible.

If a guardian doesn’t want their child accessing that sort of content, the guardian has many measures they can take to prevent it. Starting with protesting children being involved in religious rituals when they’re too young to understand any of the topics mentioned.

And yes, I’m very annoyed this has to be stated. Claiming that children reading fanfiction is causing social issues is like blaming whale farts for climate change; it’s a deliberate smokescreen meant to distract you from doing things that actually help.



If any more of you clowns are tempted to leave an essay in my notes about how I’m wrong to be unhappy about the stupid verdict in that stupid trial please just go ahead and block me instead. I don’t give a shit what you think about Amber Heard. Really. I don’t. I’m just gonna block you if you try it. Just unfollow me. I’m begging you.

Everybody wants to come out of the woodwork to be like “well actually I think thadfk fhdkd fkhdhnfnfn” SHUT. UP. Know what I’m not worried about? Who did what. Know what I amworried about? The fact that a fucking jury just ruled that describing oneself as an abuse survivor without naming one’s fucking abuser can constitute defamation.

If survivors need to meet the legal standard for proof beyond a reasonable doubt in order to be allowed to talk about their abuse and/or assaults publicly then most of us will be unable to talk about those things publicly anymore. Guess what? I couldn’t prove to a court that my rapist raped me either. That doesn’t mean he didn’t fucking do it. Get a grip lol


*sigh* I can’t believe yall are gonna make me say this depressing shit again, but the majority of rapists and child molesters already don’t go to prison. Only a small fraction of sexual assaults ever get reported, only a small fraction of those ever lead to arrest, and an even smaller factor of them ever get convicted and face prison time.

You repeatedly ask prison abolitionists “but what about the rapists?” Well I’m asking you, what about them? What does prison do to prevent sexual assault when most of our politicians and police are the ones committing the assaults? When prisoners themselves are sexually assaulted, often times by the guards?

Stop falling for the propaganda that prisons keep dangerous people away from you. They don’t. The dangerous people get to walk around every day with guns and badges.

flexico-burress: candyisland1:Not the hero we want but the hero we needNah this def the hero I w



Not the hero we want but the hero we need

Nah this def the hero I wanted

He’s actually just a murderer, sorry.

Post link

I’m not reblogging much on this URL anymore - especially regarding social issues - but I just want to get this out there in case any one of my 1k followers is wondering…

I’m pro-choice.

I believe abortion is a necessary procedure sometimes; and often that necessity isn’t just about physical health, but also mental wellbeing & financial security. 

Because of that, it’s up to the person immediately affected to be well informed of the risks (physical, mental & social) to decide if it’s the right course of action for them.

I’m not exactly pro-abortion, though. What I want is for the world to progress to a need for no abortions (just like I want it to progress to a need for no chemotherapy). But the world isn’t there yet, so we have to make do with the limited options that are available. 

First and foremost, I am PRO the LIFE of the person with the uterus (& related organs). Their needs come first.

I feel sad that anyone needs to make that decision for whatever reason. I feel sad that whatever birth control methods they or their partner were using didn’t prevent the pregnancy. 

I feel angry when that situation is forced upon them - through violence, coercion, and medical/government interference.

My faith is Christianity, but I was not brought up with the “abortion is murder” mindset (either at home or in my church). 

However, it was present at my Christian high school. There was a talk from a woman who had supposedly been an “aborted baby”. She said she had a disability because of that. She was there to tell the girls not to have an abortion should they get pregnant too young. 

I had no interest in sex so it wasn’t a factor to me & I wasn’t socially active so I couldn’t be a “rape target”… 

[Sorry, I was brought up with thismindset. I was told it wasn’t the girl’s fault if she was raped, whatever she’s wearing, but was also told not to go to certain places just in case it happened (like, it would be my fault for being there). Because there are sinful non-Christian people who do these horrible things. Also sinful Christian people, but I wasn’t to learn that for a few years.]

Anyway, point is I didn’t pay much attention to her warnings… But I did feel sick that the school thought it was important to have this woman around to talk to the girls at my school, and to basically imply that all abortions are bad. 

The truth is, all abortions are sad

And most are necessary (especially the ectopic ones, like WTF are people suggesting those can be saved?).

Some might not be necessary for any of the reasons I’ve given, but I don’t hate anyone for choosing it. I hate that their circumstance put them in that situation. 

There is not enough justice in this world. I feel like there used to be a lot more, but I also recognise that was my middle-class white Australian privilege making it seem that way. 

Not that my life was all that great, but I was definitely sheltered from most of the crap I’ve learned in the last 20 years. It’s been a learning curve to say the least, but one I’m grateful to be on. I just wish I could do more to improve society. 

Our lovely longterm former local MP, y'all.

He always seemed like a big enough piece of work in more than enough other ways, on the public political front. But yeah, looks like he is indeed likely as major a tool on a personal level.

Basically, the only redeeming feature there is that he really likes dogs, and has actually worked for some sensible animal welfare stuff. As Mr. C was just observing, that is SO FAR from enough.

(Brought to my attention by Mr. C, who wondered why Rosindell was trending when he got on Twitter earlier…and OH.)

Damn… the power of a being a man. You can get away with anything you want. Stick a fork up someone’s vagina? No problem. Rape? Who cares? Assault someone? Everyone makes mistakes. Pedophilia? So what? Men and Male-identified Women (pick mes) will still bow at your feet. You are still given a chance to change. You still have “potential”. 



it’s “kill your rapist’ when it’s a sticker you can sell on etsy but “she’s the abuser actually” when it’s real life

Actually want to do a case study on the overlap of Gen Zers who turned “Woody Allen die!!!” into a quirky mantra but the second a woman actually puts her hands on an abuser she’s #toxic and #problematic.

Just thinking about how antis (and by extension a lot of western culture) think SA is worse than murder and physical abuse.

Anything that traumatises is evil. But damn, you really be saying that murder, the one thing you can never heal from, is better than SA?

You’re really saying that? That you’d rather be dead than a survivor of SA? How do you think that makes survivors feel?

On “hypersexualising” and “romanticising” abuse in fiction, by a survivor and psych student who sought answers about what happened to me:

TW sexual assault, love bombing, abuse


Don’t sexualise trauma, don’t romanticise abuse, these are all anti talking points. Get them angry enough and they’ll say, “If you liked it so much how is it fucking trauma?”

They’re terrified of accepting the harsh truth about many abuse cases: the abuser will try to convince the victim it’s beneficial to stay, or that they secretly liked it. They’re unknowingly perpetuating the very words abusers say because they’re often dead set on believing all victims experience abuse that’s nothing but never-ending torture that they would immediately run from given a chance to escape. While this applies to some, the reality is a lot different in many abuse cases. Gaslighting and manipulation convince the victim they’re better off just powering through the pain. That’s what happened to me.

“But why are you hypersexualising it? What’s so sexual about rape?”

It is called arousal non-concordance. If you eat a sandwich, you can’t stop your body from digesting it for nutrients. If you receive sexual stimulus your body instinctively reacts by making you aroused. If you have a vagina, you will instinctually become wet, and you may have an orgasm during the assault. If you have a penis, you become hard, and may ejaculate. This creates cognitive dissonance that worsens the trauma.

Your body having a natural response to stimulation DOES NOT MEAN you wanted the assault. If you tickle someone, they laugh, doesn’t mean they think it’s all that funny.

Often this dissonance between instinctive response and conscious awareness causes hyper or hyposexuality.

Feeling your body being out of sync with your mind is very upsetting.

“Why romanticise it if you hated it so much?”

We did hate the pain. It was the rare moments of relief that kept us hoping. Hoping we’d be okay again. That’s not our fault, that’s the design.

Often abusive relationships use lovebombing, an emotional abuse technique designed to give you hope and string you along that the abuse will stop.

They abuse you, and then they act like a wonderful partner afterwards, so you think “they do clearly love me, they’re being so kind now, maybe it will stop, maybe they were just mad and regret their bad behaviour and will be loving again from now on”.

It’s not “romanticising” abuse when THE LITERAL ABUSE was USING ROMANCE as a means of control. They ARE romantic, it IS romanticised, that’s the point, that’s how they manipulate you into staying. It’s realistic to write abusers being romantic AND abusive.

To say otherwise to any of this is victim blaming and shows how little you know (or are ready to come to terms with) about trauma. Work on that.



Hey #OFMD fans? Just a little reminder of what your blorbo Stede Bonnet got up to when he wasn’t pirating. That’s right, being a FUCKING SLAVE OWNER and a militia member who hunted escaped slaves. He was likely a rapist, or encouraged the rape of barely pubescent Black girls. They would be beaten, whipped, and otherwise tortured into compliance. They would spend the rest of their lives pregnant while undergoing extreme violence EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY.

When he left to become a pirate he made sure the plantation stayed in the hands of his wife and sons in case he wanted to go back.

The show creator knew what he was and didn’t give a shit. I hope the show gets cancelled and all digital media of it pulled from the Internet for all fucking time. I hope it gives you nightmares.

If someone could transcribe these excerpts from bell hook’s Ain’t I A Woman I’d appreciate it, I’m too tired and physically exhausted to do it myself.

Reminder that Stede Bonnet was a whole ass plantation owner with an estimated 94 slaves who participated in hunting down (and no doubt torturing or killing) escaped slaves. And that was BEFORE the piracy. The writer knew this and instead of creating a fictional character, he just ignored it and turned him into a romantic love interest.

And once again white queers are happily dismissing this fact because the show gives them “representation” as if it isn’t just a bunch of straights playing gay for fun and Profit.

















4. If the car pulls up to you run in the opposite direction.

5. Walk with your keys in your hands and keep a key between each finger

6. If they put you in the trunk kick out the headlights

7. If you get lost find a woman with a child. Never ask a man for help (this one was drilled)

That scream fire piece of advice is literally life saving

8. Watch your shadows and reflections, especially if someone is walking behind you. A split second notice is better than none and will help you.

Yes this last one really saves lives y'all I do it all the time

girls have to learn to view the world like international intelligence agents just to be safe walking down the street. smh.

guys pls pls pls reblog and girls pls pls pls be safe out there. terrifying and so sad that we have to worry about this on a daily basis

(I’m an enby, but, frankly, this is helpful for anyone.)

- always tell someone where youre at and an approx time when youll be back

Add text replacement words in your phone if possible. Something short and memorable that you can send quickly to people in moments of emergencies.


I f ing hate that we need to reblog this, people suck, but this will save lives.


Being female fucking sucks but yes this shit is important for everyone

Also, do not walk close to walls. It will be easier for someone so walk past you and push you against it or corner you.

If your gut is telling you to cross the street or change your path, do it. Don’t risk it. Your body knows.

If you can, buy a large umbrella and walk holding it. Studies say that predators are less likely to attempt an attack on someone that could fight back. Keys around your knuckles is fine but you’ll need to get very close to do damage. Umbrellas are more precise.

Avoid wearing headphones if you are alone on an empty street. Look aware.

Again: Stay. Away. From. Walls.

Entering an uber alone? Call your father (or anyone you trust) and say “hey dad! Yep, I’m almost there, I’m sending you the route.” outloud. Then proceed to send them the route so they can follow the uber drive. This will most likely intimidate the predator.

If you see someone in an uncomfortable or possibly dangerous situation, walk up to them and say “Betty, oh my god, I haven’t seen you in so long!”. If she gets slightly confused, you can whisper and let her know you’re trying to help and that she should follow along. Walk together to another station or away from where you are. The man will most likely not follow. I have done this one 2 times and can be very helpful.

If you are unsure she needs help, you can pass her a note saying something like “hey, I noticed this man beside you is making you uncomfortable. If you’d like help, fake a sneeze right now and I will come up to you and pretend we are friends.” This is a long note, but its an example. Be discrete. If she follows along, proceed with the previous tip. This is helpful when you’re in a crowded train and you notice harassment.

Help your sisters. Trust them. Trust yourself. Be safe.

If you ever feel unsafe or need help, anyone is welcome to run upto me and ask me for help! I’ll go all mama bear and keep you safe!!!


I made this google doc covering 14 different self defense tips and tricks. it was made on January 15th, 2020 so it was before I decided I’d come back to tumblr jhjshdbjfh.




People talk a lot about creepy middle-aged men looking for younger girls to date, but I’ve seen a LOT of the same creepy attitudes toward high schoolers in men in their mid-to-late-20s.

First tweet from @ kachowgirl on twitter:

40% of teen pregnancies in 15 y/o girls involve a fathering man who is 20-29. It is never lost on me that the conversations surrounding teen pregnancy are always about the promiscuity of teenage girls and not the violence of older men

Second tweet from @ kachowgirl on twitter:

For mothers in high school, the average father is over 4 years older. For mothers in junior high, the average father is over 6 years older. It is the preying of young girls that creates this issue. How often do we punish girls for their own victimization?


it’s insane to me when depp’s supporters defend him and a normal person will respond like “he said he wanted to rape her burnt corpse and a bunch of other horrible shit….” and they’ll be like “ sweetie joking or talking about something is not the same thing as actually doing it ✋ she’s the one who was physical!” and then still continue to make fancams of him and not only insist that he’s innocent but actually STAN him… even if he WASN’T an abuser (he is) you as a self-proclaimed “feminist” and/or “progressive” are still making heart-eyes at a man who joked about wanting to rape a woman’s burnt corpse?? are you fucking serious??
