#murder mention


Person A: “So, what are youin for, pipsqueak? Shoplifting from the toy store? Saying a bad word in front of a police officer?“

Person B: “I tortured and killed my parents, then burned down the building they were in, alongside several of their unconscious lackeys.”

Person A: “….oh.”

Person A: “You killed them, didn’t you?”

Person B: “I did…. Are you not going to ask why?”

Person A: “….I’m pretty sure I already know.”

Person A: “….Well this is quite awkward.”

Person B: “You’ve tried to murder all of us at leastonce, at some point or another, what the fuck were you expecting? Flowers and a hug?”


au where nepeta goes grimdark before gamzee can suffocate equius and then she proceeds to absolutely obliterate this juggalo




a decade ago, 20 children and 6 staff members were shot and killed in the tragic sandy hook elementary school shooting. today, a decade later, 14 children and 1 teacher had their lives taken at robb elementary school in texas. it’s been a decade, and there has been nothing done to prevent this from ever happening again. may they all rest in peace.

 the south texas blood and tissue center are in critical need of blood donations following this horrific mass shooting. you can visit their website to find a donation location. 



i will be updating this post with more resources.

the total death count is now 21. 18 children and 3 adults dead.





british liberalism is worse than american liberalism actually

i could kill jamie oliver rn. we are having a cost of living crisis read the fucking room!!

They’re not lowering the price of healthy food tho are they? Nah they’re just raising the price of the cheap calories and quick energy. So now instead of being able to bulk out your meals with a chocolate bar so you can last the ray you just have to fucking starve. Fuck Jamie Oliver.

Won’t even let them eat cake.


look at this little froggy Patton, he has a speech bubble so he can say nice things

like this?

Continued from here

CW: Kidnapping, blisters, threat of murder, blood

“What is this place?” August slowed his steps, apprehensive.

“This has been my home for the last 200 years. Keep up.”

Despite knowing that he was stronger and far more experienced in his strength than Azari was, August had the nagging feeling to stop. Something told him that continuing was a bad idea.

And yet…

Azari had said no tricks yet. He had said they would go to Morgan. August didn’t expect him to give warning before a trick, but he only half expected one before they reached Morgan.

Azari opened a heavy iron door and August caught sight of Morgan, lying collapsed on the ground. There was a small pooling of blood under them.

Morgan—” Every other thought left August’s mind for a moment. One, fatal mistake.

August didn’t have time to process what was happening as he was thrown to the side and his bare arms and face hit the wall. He hadn’t really looked at the room before he had entered, but now it was painfully obvious. The walls were made of silver.

August screamed, shouting profanities as he tried to fight back. It hurt to move his arms. It hurt to move his face to scream. He was glad none of his current clothing had tears though. It was only his arms and face.

August managed to throw Azari off, but Azari was laughing now.

“You still think you’re gonna win? You think you’re gonna fight me like that?” Azari gestured to the angry red blisters spanning August’s arms and face.

“Why don’t you come here and fucking find out?” August was on guard now, ready for the attack this time. Azari was wearing long sleeves, pants, and gloves. It would be difficult to incapacitate him using the silver.

Despite expecting Azari’s attack, August was still shocked by the pain searing through his arms as Azari grabbed his wrists. Azari shoved August against the wall again, searing the other side of his arms.

While August yelled and fought to get Azari to let go, Azari bit him, making his screams even louder.

Around the time August started getting double vision, Azari dropped him. August slid down the wall, cradling his arms close to his body as he fought to overcome the pain.

“That was pathetic. You might be strong, but you’re not particularly smart.”

“Why are you doing this?” August demanded.

“Because it’s what we were meant to do.” Azari crouched in front of August. “Vampires like you out to go to the stake immediately. If you don’t have it in you to kill and turn humans, why were you even reborn??”

“Well the coven that turned me didn’t exactly ask to see my resume.” August slurred, trying to push himself off the ground, hissing in pain when his blistered palms touched the floor.

“And that’s how it should be! You shouldn’t be hesitating or asking for permission from humans! You’re their superior. I’m their superior. All vampires are superior to humans! The council has forgotten its purpose. If no one does anything, they’ll start passing laws to protect human scum.” Azari pushed August back, knocking them against the wall again. “That’s why I have to kill you. If the council finds me, they’ll have me executed. I have too many things to do still.”

“This isn’t why vampires exist!” August growled through gritted teeth.

“Oh really? And why do you think they exist?”

“We’re accidents! Freaks of nature! There is no purpose for us!”

Azari leaned in close to August. “If you really believe that, then why are you fighting so hard?”

August hesitated.

“People don’t fight for things they don’t believe in! If you really thought you have no purpose, you wouldn’t care what I think my purpose is!” Azari kicked August in the head and August toppled to the ground.


Continued from here

CW: Suicidal character (brief), panic attack, murder mention, blindfold

Angel waited until they heard the door close before carefully— slowly— opening their eyes. They wouldn’t be tricked by Echo, no matter how genuine they seemed.

They were alone.

With a shaky sigh, Angel sank to their knees. They weren’t sure how long they had been with Calder, but it had been at least a couple of months.

The room they were in was too bright for their eyes, even though no lights were on. They adjusted slowly, squinting until they could look around without getting a headache.

In the room, there was a bed, a dresser with a lamp, and three doors. One door led out to the hall, but the other two were probably a closet and the bathroom.

Angel opened one of the doors.

They fell to the flor with a scream of alarm, covering their eyes quickly.

“Angel??” Echo’s voice came from outside the room. “Angel are you okay?? I’m coming in.”

Angel heard the door open and flinched as Echo placed a hand on their shoulder. “I-I saw someone— Who… Who’s in here?”

“Angel…” Echo sounded confused. “Angel, you and I are the only people in the house.”

No. No I saw someone.” Angel insisted, pointing vaguely in the direction they had seen the person.

Echo let go of their shoulder and when they spoke their voice had moved. “Angel, you opened the door to the bathroom. There’s a mirror in there. You saw yourself.”

“Oh…” Angel let out a tense breath, tears suddenly rising to their eyes. “I… I-I didn’t recognize myself…”

Echo helped Angel to stand. “It’s okay. Are you alright now?”

Angel nodded, then stopped. “E… Echo..? Can I… do you have something I can use as a blindfold..?”

“… I can look and see what I can find.”

“Thank you…”

When Echo left again, Angel went to look in the mirror. Their own face still looked unfamiliar. Angel could feel their heart reaching in their chest as they made eye contact with their reflection. Nothing happened.

So it really wasthem.

Angel’s hair was long and tangled. Their features were gaunt. They were in dire need of a shower.

They lost track of how long they stared at themself until they heard a knock.

“Come in!” Angel closed their eyes, gripping the edge of the sink.

“Angel. I found something you can use as a blindfold. It’s sleep mask if that’s okay.”

Angel nodded and Echo slid it on over Angel’s face. Angel touched the fabric before relaxing. “Thank you…” They breathed.

“Don’t worry about it. Can we talk for a minute? Come sit down.” Echo led Angel to sit on the bed and Echo knelt in front of them. “You don’t want to open your eyes because you’re afraid that Calder will kill whoever you bond to, right?”

Angel nodded.

“Well… since you told me, I’ve been thinking… What if you bonded with me..?”

“No—” Angel had to bite their tongue to keep from saying anything else. They had expected this. Echo just wanted to use them too.

“Just— Angel, just listen, okay? You can’t go on living your life with your eyes closed.”

“Iknow. That’s why I don’t want to keep living it at all!”

“Stop, please just hear me out. I know this sounds really suspicious— especially because I’m Calder’s sibling— but I’m not trying to trick you or use you or anything. I’m trying to find a solution. Calder won’t kill me. We may not have much of a relationship, but we’re still related and I think that means something to them. I’m not saying take off the blindfold right now— I’m just… I’m just asking you to think about it. Okay?”

Angel gave a tense nod. They wouldn’t.





tbh if you use “gay panic” to mean “haha omg i’m gay and panicking,” you don’t get to say shit about how ~queer is a slur~

Cuz gay panic was a legal defense homophobes used to get away with literal murder. For anyone wondering.

Is it just me or is this reaching a bit to claim homophobia.

I don’t think you’ve understood. The point is that the phrase “gay panic” used to have a very specific meaning and it was nothing to do with being adorably gay and hapless. Nor did it ever mean gay people attacking others. It meant it was OK,or at least understandable, to attack gay people. It typically referred to cases in which:

a) A straight man murders a gay man.
b) “Excuse me, you appear to have murdered this person”, says the legal system.
c) “But your honour, I couldn’t help myself”, says the murderer. “He was gayand he came on to me, and I panicked.What else would any normal man have done?”
d) “Fair enough” says the legal system, “We’ll call it second degree/manslaughter.”)

Here’s a shockingly recent example from 2015.
This researcher claims“Based on my early analysis, defense attorneys who enter gay panic defenses can reduce a defendant’s murder charges 32% of the time, even though the majority of these homicides involve incredible violence.”

The above case and study are American, however, no, this issue isn’t particularly America-centric. The “gay panic” defence has been used in murder cases around the world. And while it’s slowly being banned in many places, it’s still happening, albeit not at the same rate as the “trans panic” defence, i.e “She came on to me and she was transand I panickedsoobviouslyI killed her! What else was I supposed to do?”

No one’s saying you are personally being homophobicif you use the phrase “gay panic” to mean “eek can’t function too gay teehee”. Just that if someone doesuse the name of a lethally homophobic, victim-blaming strategy for literally getting away with murder in that way, but is also one of the people who argue that we can’t use a word (queer) that we’ve willingly used to identify ourselves and express solidarity between groups for decades – because shock horror ‘queer’ used to be a slur! – then it’s pretty obvious it’s not actually queer’s prior history as a homophobic term that’s the problem. It’s the solidarity part.



Ok hear me out.. can both israelis and palestinians shut up bc both sides hate is filled with propaganda and videos of extremists. Yeah yeah infographics and all.

Theres no source you give that cant be debunked by either side, extremists are the loudest on both sides and these are the ones who fall right into all tropes and fuck that. Tried being more active on israblr, back to the hole.

Hello Colonizer caught this right as you were removing it from the palestine tag.

First of all, fixed ur bio. You’re not middle eastern, you’re a colonizer calling yourself middle eastern so you can act like you have any right or authority to speak on middle eastern issues as if they are not outsiders who forced their way onto our land, stepping all over the corpses of my ancestors

“mai. (edited) Israeli colonizer. if i follow you from this account for no reason its probably for one of mt side-blogs.”

people repeatedly told you this post was disrespectful to Palestinians. That your “both sides” bullshit was actively contributing to the erasure of the Palestinian struggle against their occupiers. And your response was to be flippant and call us cranky?

#lets see we gonna tag it: #israel #is that enough? #damn deleted the p*lestine tag bc ppl be crancky

If you feel the need to call the activism of Palestinians propaganda, look within your coloniser brain and understand why you feel so uncomfortable with “israel” being called for what it is.

#im very left-winged and am super critical of israel’s government #but i would honestly fight anyone who says Israel has no right to exist

You’re not “left wing”. You’re comfortable in your bigotry enough that you don’t want to open your eyes to what the government is doing. If you’re contributing to calling Palestinians liars and trying to silence us, then you are complicit in everything the Israeli government is doing, and are an active hand of the occupation that you claim to be critical of.

Also Israel has no right to exist. its existence is built on the remains of Palestinians who were tortured and massacred by the Israeli military.

Just thinking about how antis (and by extension a lot of western culture) think SA is worse than murder and physical abuse.

Anything that traumatises is evil. But damn, you really be saying that murder, the one thing you can never heal from, is better than SA?

You’re really saying that? That you’d rather be dead than a survivor of SA? How do you think that makes survivors feel?


“So let me get this straight,” A said through clenched teeth. “You want me to give up information that you’ll use to kill thousands of people, in exchange for onelife.”

Villain smiled down at them, their knife resting against B’s throat. “But not just any life, A. Your friend’s life. Will you really just stand by and let me kill them?”

A squared their shoulders. “To protect innocent people? Yes.”

“You’re a fool then. Give me what I want and you and your friend go free. You can run away to anywhere you’d like and forget. For once in your life, be selfish.” They increased pressure on the knife, drawing a choked noise from B. “Or do nothing, and watch them die.”

“Do it then,” A replied. “Kill them, and lose the only bargaining chip you have.”

“I suppose you make a fair point there.” Villain’s fingers twisted through B’s hair, yanking their head back with a sharp motion. “But I wonder. How long will it be before the sound of their screaming breaks you?”


My favorite thing about the Cellblock Tango is that the merry murderesses’ situations range from “not guilty” through “legit self-defense” past “heat of the moment” to “straight-up premeditated murder” but no matter what they accept everyone else’s situations as Valid. The premeditated-murderesses are like “yeah that super sucks that you’re in here for something you didn’t even do” and the people with valid legal defenses are fully down with “fuck his shit up, sister”

now THAT’S the true tolerant left

*Riley confesses to the murders*

Chess, using immeasurable amounts of self restraint to stop herself from saying I told you so to the team who didn’t suspect Riley:

Farrah, in possession of no such self restraint: Shout-out to my girl Chess over there! She told you so



Cuboctahedron made of carrot

if you showed this to a caveman he would kill you and then run away from you like you had burned him with fire

#food cw    #murder mention    