
Rapunzel Illustrated by Johnny Gruelle

Rapunzel Illustrated by Johnny Gruelle

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Rapunzel by Simon Kozhin [CC by SA 3.0]

Rapunzel by Simon Kozhin [CC by SA 3.0]

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In the kingdom of Corona, the Enchanted Lilies came and are about to be on tour “this feels like we’re back on England” Bella looked around in awe “yeah” Skyler nodded along with Bella “remember girls, let’s not get separated, because this is a big town where people can easily get lost around” Karoline Swan grabbed Bella’s wrist while Mirage grabs Skyler’s wrist too “whatever you say, ‘Mom’.” Mirage chuckled to Karoline with that remark the two snickered, Karoline’s not so pleased

at the castle, in Rapunzel’s room, the Enchanted Lilies are suddenly not so sure if Rapunzel’s operation; Make Stuff can work in an effort to make sure Uncle Montgomery will like her, by making gifts or doing favors “I’m thinking $5.00 for once a day if things didn’t end well” Mirage said to her friends with her lower voice by owing each money if Monty turns down instantly

”sure” Skyler shrugs “we’ll take that action” Bella nodded “not happening” Karoline shook her head “well, would you rather tell Monty that we’re her friends? so that way he’ll hate us along with her?” Skyler asked until Karoline changed her mind “oh, fine” the brunette sighed

Mirage, with invisibility magic, quietly followed and watch Rapunzel do good deeds yet bad failures to impress Monty. day one; the green initialed ‘M’ scarf, which is one $5.00 dollars for hating green and flashy, day two; a chocolate face sculpture of Monty, makes another $5.00 when it’s not solid chocolate, then day 3; painting the sign for his candy shoppe, the last $5.00 because he mentioned that his great-grandfather painted built the shop with his own two hands

Karoline, Skyler and Bella are now in the tent with Eugene, Cassandra and the goodwill gopher before Mirage came back in after Rapunzel said that Monty dislikes her “ok, I already collected.. $15.00 afterwards, so I’ll just give one for each of you” Mirage spoke when she’s letting go of her medallion to be visible and gives out $5.00 each to three of them “I still feel kinda bad for not helping” Skyler said “that goes double for me and Bella” Karoline raised her hand and so is Bella

Cassandra turns her head to see Rapunzel groaning on the couch pillow while she was taking care of Gregorio the Goodwill Gopher. “Okay. Come on, Raps. Give it up. Clearly, this jerk’s got serious problems.” She stated. “But if Monty could just see that I was…” Rapunzel explained, until Cassandra realized who she was talking about. “Monty is the guy who hates you?” Cassandra asked to the princess. “Let me guess. You love him.” Rapunzel scoffed as Eugene gave Cassandra hand gestures not to tell her the truth.

“No! Me? Love him? No. I hate that guy.” Cassandra chuckled and lied to Rapunzel. “Look, you’ll just have to accept that Uncle Monty… Monty doesn’t like you, and there’s nothing you can do to change it.” She said until she had to correct herself on her words. “You’re right. There is nothing… I can do.” Rapunzel said emphatically. She then came to Uncle Monty’s Sweet Shop, but she disguised herself so that he wouldn’t recognize her.

“Can I help you, young lady?” Uncle Monty asked. “Good afternoon, sir.” Rapunzel greeted until she tripped on the chocolate sculpture of Monty she made. “Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you all right?” He asked. “Oh, don’t worry about it. I’m fine.” Rapunzel said as she looked at the chocolate Monty head. “I got that thing as a gift, and I’m trying to find some use for it. Let me tell you, it’s not
even useful as a doorstop.” Monty stated from his point of view.

“Yeah, dumb and totally useless thing.” Rapunzel scoffed about the chocolate head. “I sure hope the foolish, but clearly well-intentioned person who made it regrets it, even though it probably took her… or him… who knows, hours to…  get it just right.” She stated. “Yes, right. Well, what can I get for you, Miss, uhm…” Monty was asking for the woman (Rapunzel’s) name. “Uh, Miss… Missy. Misty. Miss Misty. And I will have some jellybeans. Every kind but green, because I… I hate green.” Rapunzel asked to Uncle Monty for jelly beans, except those that are green.

then as the girls blinked when Cassandra knew Monty too, they seemed curious themselves “and in other words; you know him?” Bella quirked, but Cassandra told the Lilies the same with Rapunzel that she may have known Montgomery too and they’re not even buying it

“yeah and one too much interference will be getting worse if you keep kicking things up a notch with him” Skyler nodded, then they look at Rapunzel’s ‘clever idea’ face “why do ”why do I have to get the feeling I’m gonna regret jinxing it?” Skyler facepalmed, Bella patted her on the shoulder

back at the Sweet Shoppe, without the Enchanted Lilies this time, Monty’s been organizing the store and heard a ‘customer’ walking by, save her from tripping over the chocolate sculpture and started talking about the hatred of Rapunzel “a girl after my own heart” Monty laughed, wrapping his arm around ‘Misty’ “I’ll tell you what, I’ve got a personal stash where I already picked out all the green ones, let me get them” he went off to get some green-free jellybeans

at the tent, Bella only looks at Gregorio the Goodwill Gopher with a grin on her face “two hours to the big race” Cassandra gasps, looking at her clock “chow o’clock” she got the bowl to feed Gregorio after Bella backed away “Eugene, did you eat all the Bimberries?” she turned and accused him for eating the berries “huh, I never actually seen or heard of bimberries” Skyler shrugged, and neither do the girls



In the kingdom of Corona, the Enchanted Lilies came and are about to be on tour “this feels like we’re back on England” Bella looked around in awe “yeah” Skyler nodded along with Bella “remember girls, let’s not get separated, because this is a big town where people can easily get lost around” Karoline Swan grabbed Bella’s wrist while Mirage grabs Skyler’s wrist too “whatever you say, ‘Mom’.” Mirage chuckled to Karoline with that remark the two snickered, Karoline’s not so pleased

at the castle, in Rapunzel’s room, the Enchanted Lilies are suddenly not so sure if Rapunzel’s operation; Make Stuff can work in an effort to make sure Uncle Montgomery will like her, by making gifts or doing favors “I’m thinking $5.00 for once a day if things didn’t end well” Mirage said to her friends with her lower voice by owing each money if Monty turns down instantly

”sure” Skyler shrugs “we’ll take that action” Bella nodded “not happening” Karoline shook her head “well, would you rather tell Monty that we’re her friends? so that way he’ll hate us along with her?” Skyler asked until Karoline changed her mind “oh, fine” the brunette sighed

Mirage, with invisibility magic, quietly followed and watch Rapunzel do good deeds yet bad failures to impress Monty. day one; the green initialed ‘M’ scarf, which is one $5.00 dollars for hating green and flashy, day two; a chocolate face sculpture of Monty, makes another $5.00 when it’s not solid chocolate, then day 3; painting the sign for his candy shoppe, the last $5.00 because he mentioned that his great-grandfather painted built the shop with his own two hands

Karoline, Skyler and Bella are now in the tent with Eugene, Cassandra and the goodwill gopher before Mirage came back in after Rapunzel said that Monty dislikes her “ok, I already collected.. $15.00 afterwards, so I’ll just give one for each of you” Mirage spoke when she’s letting go of her medallion to be visible and gives out $5.00 each to three of them “I still feel kinda bad for not helping” Skyler said “that goes double for me and Bella” Karoline raised her hand and so is Bella







In the kingdom of Corona, the Enchanted Lilies came and are about to be on tour “this feels like we’re back on England” Bella looked around in awe “yeah” Skyler nodded along with Bella “remember girls, let’s not get separated, because this is a big town where people can easily get lost around” Karoline Swan grabbed Bella’s wrist while Mirage grabs Skyler’s wrist too “whatever you say, ‘Mom’.” Mirage chuckled to Karoline with that remark the two snickered, Karoline’s not so pleased

while the Enchanted Lilies went to town on a little mission to find Uncle Monty’s ‘Sweat Shop’ Stan writes down for Rapunzel “any luck?” Bella asked one of her friends that they find the shop “nope!” Mirage shook her head “no luck here either!” Karoline Swan didn’t find it either, Skyler took a seat with a sigh after failing “well, that’s that“

then all except Bella, took their seats too “Bella? where do you think you’re going?” Karoline asked when they see her walking towards the Sweet Shoppe “to see if there are nutty treats with my name on them, can’t think of where to find that guy on an empty stomach“ Bella shrugged, but before she goes in “wait a sec” she said quietly, then quickly came back to them “guys, I found Monty, come on” she hurries back to them to go in, and they did with amazed looks of their faces by the sight of creatively decorative treats

at the tent, Cassandra keeps brushing Gregorio’s buck teeth to get the purple colored berry stains off “ugh! these berry stains are impossible” she complained

As Cassandra was brushing the teeth of Gregorio the Goodwill Gopher, Eugene enters the tent as Rapunzel couldn’t let this ‘boo’ problem go. “I just don’t get it, Cass. Why can’t Rapunzel let it go? Okay, so one person doesn’t like her. Who cares?” Eugene asked to the lady in waiting. “I know! I mean, only one person does like you, and you’re okay with that.” Cassandra stated as she was holding the gopher.

“Exactly…” Eugene said until he realized what she meant. “Oh, I see what you did there.” He said. “I gotta get some lotion for his paws. Can you watch him for a few minutes?” Cassandra asked giving the gopher to Eugene. “Oh, are you sure I can be trusted with this hallowed Corona institution?” Eugene asked to Cassandra. “I was talking to the gopher.” Cassandra stated as she left. Eugene then started to eat the berries in the bowl. “Mmm. Oh, yeah. I see why you like these.” Eugene said about the berries. “Wanna go halfsies?” He asked.

“Okay, Monty can’t be as great as everyone says, Pascal. I mean, this here says
that he owns a sweat shop.” Rapunzel spoke to Pascal as she follows the map Stan drew for her, but Pascal croaks to see the sign of where he works in Corona. It a Sweet Shop, not a sweat shop as children gathered. “Oh… A Sweet shop. Yeah, okay, way to spell, Stan.” Rapunzel spoke as she was amazed to see the sweets on display from outside the shop and saw the four Lilies gathered. “Hey girls. Guess you beat me to it, huh?” She said to the four.

when the Enchanted Lilies look around the creative cadies, chocolates and baked goods, they saw Rapunzel going inside “oh, hey Raps” Skyler perked and waves to her “yeah, if it wasn’t for Bella’s sweet tooth, with nuts, we wouldn’t be able to find him” Karoline shrugged with a hint of amusement by Bella’s craving

Montgomery hands out six chocolate shaped gophers to the kids “there you go, dear, may you spread the spirit of goodwill throughout Corona” Monty smiled to the children “and you, sweetie, how can I help-?” he turns to the princess with unamusement like before “you!” which made the girls surprised that Monty really hated Rapunzel

“wow, no kidding when he hates Rapunzel, huh?” Mirage whispers to her friends “think should we tell him that we’re friends with her?” asked Skyler, whispering back “gee, let’s find out what happens” Karoline shrugged when she and her friends came to see Monty reaction about being friends with Rapunzel too “hello, we don’t wanna pry sir, but everything good here?” Karoline spoke to Uncle Monty

“Hi, uh, Monty. Can I call you Monty?” Rapunzel greeted towards the candy man who dislikes her. “Apparently.” Monty stated from his perspective, making Rapunzel laugh, awkwardly. “So, I see you’re a Gopher Grab fan.” Rapunzel stated looking at the Gopher Grab medals on the wall. “Figured that our all by yourself, huh? Well, give the girl a lolly.” Monty said out of sarcasm and gave Rapunzel a lollipop.

“Ha! That one fell on the floor.” Monty taunted as Pascal croaks at his remark. “Um, Monty, how do I put this? Um, during my speech, somebody booed me, and I was wondering…” Rapunzel was going to ask if Monty was the one who ‘booed’ her at her speech. “And what are you gonna do, huh? Huh? You gonna throw me in the dungeon cause I booed you, huh? Is that why you’re here? To oppress me?” Monty asked to the princess.

“No! No! I don’t want to oppress anyone. I just wanna know what I did.” Rapunzel spoke out of innocence.

the Enchanted Lilies are also looking at the nine blue ribbons on the wall behind the counter Monty collected and won before this year, Skyler mouthed the word ‘ew’ when Monty gave her a lollipop/sucker that’s been on the floor, they even watched how he treated unfair to her and as they’re still about to defend their friend, but they paused again still

“listen, your highness” Monty stopped her and said “I don’t need to explain myself to you” the scene made the girls’ eyes widened with disbelief when Monty’s too unreasonable to respond, then after the scene “wait, Princess” Monty told her to wait and said “that lollipop wasn’t free, you know” he mentioned to her about the floored lolly he gave her

“my apologies for the scene ladies, did you find what you’re looking for?” he asked politely to the Enchanted Lilies, especially Bella “oh yes, yes she does” Skyler smiled to Uncle Monty without mentioning about he and their royal friend about a minute ago “great, be sure to spread the good will” Monty grinned to them

“we will” Bella nodded after purchased some nuts and candies to make her trail mix, so the Enchanted Lilies apologized to Rapunzel once they exit the shop “sorry, Raps, maybe he’s never heard of four Lilies?” Karoline asked with a shrug “or perhaps he’s pretending to not know about us being friends with you?” Mirage shrugged with a question

Rapunzel and her new pokefriend Hello! I made a fan art of Rapunzel and her new friend!I chose rapid

Rapunzel and her new pokefriend

Hello! I made a fan art of Rapunzel and her new friend!I chose rapidash, because in the tangled rapunzel movie she interacts well with horses.

i hope you like a lot! Don’t forget watch me on DA and visit my tumblr page <3 https://www.deviantart.com/liloloria

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scurviesdisneyblog:Tangled concept art by Bill Perkins (x)scurviesdisneyblog:Tangled concept art by Bill Perkins (x)scurviesdisneyblog:Tangled concept art by Bill Perkins (x)scurviesdisneyblog:Tangled concept art by Bill Perkins (x)scurviesdisneyblog:Tangled concept art by Bill Perkins (x)scurviesdisneyblog:Tangled concept art by Bill Perkins (x)scurviesdisneyblog:Tangled concept art by Bill Perkins (x)scurviesdisneyblog:Tangled concept art by Bill Perkins (x)scurviesdisneyblog:Tangled concept art by Bill Perkins (x)


Tangled concept art by Bill Perkins (x)

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This made me laugh. I hope you day is full of laughs too.

Happy April Fool’s Day!
