#oc fiction

literalnobody: Wednesday Preview for this Friday’s episode of Rose Tide Rising!You can read the exisliteralnobody: Wednesday Preview for this Friday’s episode of Rose Tide Rising!You can read the exis


Wednesday Preview for this Friday’s episode of Rose Tide Rising!

You can read the existing episodes here :)

Post link


(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6)

In which Candy’s shameless flirting finds a target (or two) (or three)

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Currently have a work in progress with an original character who’s an makeup artist who falls for an ice hockey player.

Should I post it once I’m finished?


F&D - Search for Infinity ❤️‍P26❤️‍ A drink before the war

Previous Chapter Next Chapter

You showered and got changed into some comfortable clothes with the burden of knowing you had to tell everyone about everything still weighing heavy on your shoulders. You thought back to what Wanda said, what was she going on about? You tried to downplay her ramblings with the excuse that she could potentially be drunk but it was rather coincidental that she figured there was something pressing in your future. Not allowing yourself to dwell on that, you remembered her other words saying all will work out. You had to believe them.

Loki entered your room asking if he should gather everyone up but you decided you’d have a drink first, nothing like some liquid courage to tell your friends you were about to take part in some sort of ancient frost giant ritual. Managing to avoid everyone, you made your way towards the small liquor cabinet in the kitchen where you took out a bottle of bourbon and a glass. You poured some out before drinking it, grimacing at the familiar burn of it going down your throat. Finished with the first glass, you poured another before Steve entered. Smiling at him, you drank the drink, taking out another glass and pouring you both a drink.

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The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 4 ~ Careless whisper

Previous Part


You were currently giggling, hands on Bucky’s shoulders as his hands were on your waist, leading the dance. He bandaged up your hand nicely before you both took advantage of the minibar in your room. Thor and Jane really made this place wonderful. Careless Whisper was the song that serenaded your ears as you put your phone in a glass to boost the sound which was futile with you and Bucky’s singing as he twirled you around.

So I’m never gonna dance again. The way I danced with you.

“I bet he fucking dances with her.” You scoffed, thinking of Loki and Darcy.

“Forget them, you’re dancing with me.” Bucky grinned, dipping you as you both continued to sing to the music. Your sings turned to giggles hearing Buckys best singing voice.

We could have been so good together we could’ve lived this dance forever” he sang, looking into your eyes. Slowly, you leant up, closing the gap between you both before your lips lightly brushed against one another’s before you pulled back.

“Sorry, we’re drunk and you’re upset.” Bucky said, clearing his throat as he let go of you.

“Yeah.” You agreed, stepping closer to him as you placed your head against his chest “you can still hold me though.” You said quietly before he wrapped his arms around you, slowly swaying.

“Sure.” He murmured, kissing you on the head. You both stayed like that for a while longer before you made your way towards the bed that was overwhelmingly comfortable. Bucky held you close to him, stroking your hair out of your face as you closed your eyes.

“Don’t be gone when I wake up.” You mumbled half asleep.

“Course not doll.” He whispered, kissing your hairline.

Meanwhile, Loki had made his way back towards his room where Darcy was, sitting on the bed.

“Why aren’t you with y/n?” She questioned almost angrily.

“She didn’t want to speak to me.” Loki answered, kicking his shoes off.

“And you didn’t chase her?” Darcy scoffed.

“I—um.” Loki began.

“You said that if she thought we were going out, she’d be fawning over you. That’s what you said. But she isn’t Loki.” Darcy stressed.

“I know.”

“I’m not pretending again tomorrow, I can’t think of anything worse than pretending to be with you.” She sighed. “I just don’t wanna see y/n so sad anymore.” She said just above a whisper but Loki heard her. Not knowing how to answer, he put his head down. “She was really sad you know.” She spoke causing Loki to look back up at her “devastated even.”

“And for that I will be eternally sorry.” Loki answered.

“Whatever you say green meanie. Now off to the couch for you.” Darcy said, pointing to the couch.

“Don’t worry, I booked a separate room. Goodnight Darcy.” He said, gesturing to the door.

“Oh, for me?”


The following morning when you woke up, like promised, Bucky was still in your bed. You sat up, wincing when you looked at the blood soaked bandage on your hand. Now that you weren’t intoxicated, the pain flooded you. It was a nasty cut. Looking from your hand, you looked down at Bucky who was sleeping peacefully with his hair covering the pillow. You smiled to yourself at the sight before you made a move to stand, wanting to clean your hand and hopefully get a new bandage.

“Mornin.” Bucky called as you stood.

“Morning Bucky.” You answered.

“You’re really leaving me?” He chuckled, faking offence with a hand on his chest. “I don’t even get a hug or a kiss?”

“You can have a—” you began before you heard the door knock. Confused, you looked through the spy-hole to see who it was. Your jaw clenched when you saw Darcy.

“Who is it?” Bucky asked, standing out of the bed and making his way towards you.

“Shhh.” You silenced, placing a finger on your lips as you gestured for him to do the same.

The door knocked again as you pleaded for Bucky to be quiet.

“Please y/n, can we talk?.” She asked through the door.


“Tell her I’m not in.” You whispered to Bucky not wanting to speak to her.

“Um, y/n’s not in at the moment.”

“Oh hey Bucky.” She replied, a smile evident in her tone.

“Hi Darcy.” He answered.

“So, you’re in y/n’s room?” She questioned.

“Tell her to fuck off.” You whispered.

“Erm, I have to go.” He said, turning away from the door.

“Oh, okay, well I’ll see you around, we are here for three days.”

“Three days!” You exclaimed.

“Y/n?” Darcy called.

“Oh three days, oh my gosh.” Bucky answered in a high pitch voice clearly trying to mimic you.

“Yeah” Darcy nodded “well as I said, I’ll see you around.”

“That was a nightmare.” You spoke once you had checked that Darcy was gone.

“You’re telling me.” Bucky laughed “she definitely thinks we did something last night.”

“Oh really?” You questioned teasingly.

“Yeah, why else would I be in your room so early in the morning?” He answered, taking a step closer to you. You looked up at him for a few moments before you cleared your throat, looking away from him.

“Thanks for staying, you can go back to your own room if you’d like and I’ll see you at breakfast.” You excused before entering the en-suite.

“See ya.” Bucky said, sounding slightly deflated before you heard him leave.

“Y/n what are you doing?” You questioned yourself in the mirror. Who knew that seeing Loki would stir up so many emotions in you that you thought you had gotten over and who knew that Bucky looked so damn hot in the morning? You took a deep breath, grounding yourself as you let the news that you were going to be staying for three days wash over you. You could have left, you knew that but you didn’t want to disappoint Thor and Jane and you definitely didn’t want Loki thinking he had won again. No, you’ll stay, you’ll stay and show him just how over him you were.

The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 3 ~ Carrie

Previous Part

Italics = flashback


Your grip on your glass tightened as you bit the inside of your cheek before slowly turning to face Loki as everyone fell silent. There he was, sexy as ever with a leg opener of an outfit on. Your gaze was so fixed on him that you almost didn’t see the gorgeous Darcy hanging off his arm.

“She’s not incompetent, she’s trying really hard.” Darcy scolded.

“I’ll take your word for it darling.” He replied.


Seething, you gasped as the glass in your hand shattered from your rage.

“Fuck. Sorry.” You murmured as shards of glass began burying themselves in your hand. Lokis eyes fell on you as you quickly stood up, holding your bloodied hand in the other as you made your way towards a toilet, careful to not brush against Loki as you escaped. Realising you weren’t familiar with the lay out of the place, you went towards the reception to ask where the toilets were but alas, the very competent receptionist was away from her desk. You quickly wiped your tear stained cheeks, accidentally getting blood on your face.

“Y/n.” You heard Loki before you practically sprinted away from him. Finding the toilets, you went inside of them before running your hand underneath the tap. You allowed your tears to spill freely as you wept, looking at yourself in the mirror only to be greeted by a modern day version of Carrie.

“Loki?” You sniffled, standing up from your bed and making your way through your empty flat. He didn’t leave many things at your place but whatever he had left was gone with him. You picked up your phone and called him but it was as if the number wasn’t recognised. You messaged him on all the social media platforms you had but he didn’t answer. You sat on the floor, back against the wall of your bedroom that doubled up as a bed last night as you cried. You called Thor but he hadn’t heard from Loki. You almost fell asleep on the floor from your agonising crying.

“Are you alright?” Loki asked, stepping into the toilets.

“Out!” You shouted “this is the ladies.”

“You’re bleeding.” He said, pointing to your hand “I have a bandage.”

“I don’t want your fucking bandage. Get out!” You scoffed, trying to wash the blood off of your face with a piece of tissue you had dampened with the water.

“Loki, what’s going on? Are you safe? What’s happened? Call me back as soon as you get this.” You spoke hurriedly to Lokis voicemail after not having heard from him in days. In that time, it was rare for you to not be crying into your pillow. Loki never did this, went missing with not so much as a word to you or Thor.

“Y/n stop.” Loki insisted, taking your injured hand in his before he began picking shards of glass out of it. You didn’t even register the pain, too transfixed by the sight of him. He looked the same, of course he did apart from his hair that had grown slightly longer. You watched his brows furrow in concentration as he focused on removing the shards of glass embedded into your hand. As always he was gentle.

It had been two months since you had seen or spoken to Loki. The days were fine, quiet but fine nonetheless, it was the nights that shrouded you in loneliness. You found solace in crying before bed, it was almost therapeutic, recalling the times you had both spend together in the bed before he abandoned you. The promises he made before he left without a trace. It became a routine, cry, sleep, live, die, cry, sleep. What hurt even more was the fact that Thor had told you that Loki had contacted him. At least he was safe, he just didn’t want to see you. Why?

A sob escaped you as you continued to look at Loki. His gaze snapped up to meet yours.

“It’s just a bit of glass, you’ll live.” He smiled.

“Why?” You sniffled “why did you go?”

“Y/n I—I” he began before you grabbed the bandage from his hand and pushed past him again, quickly making your way towards an elevator in the hopes that you’d have to escape him as he chased you but he didn’t. It made you even sadder.

You took the key card out of your pocket, reading the door number on it before you made your way towards your room hoping you could spend the rest of the night in there and then make your way home tomorrow once you were sober. To your surprise, Bucky was waiting outside, head on the door as he fought to stand up straight.

“I’m drunk but if you give me that bandage I will do my best to patch you up.” He offered, slightly slurring his words as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders “sorry y/n.”

“You haven’t done anything.” You assured, opening the door.

“Well I’m apologising for that dick.”

“Thanks Bucky.” You said with a small chuckle.

Thanks Bucky I guess

The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 2 ~ The Reception

Previous Part

Italics = flashback


You followed your thankful satnav that sent you on the wrong course about three times before you reached your desired destination. Stepping out of the car outside a fancy grandiose looking guiding that had a waterfall at the front, you took advantage of the valet parking, taking your bag out of the car before walking towards the entrance, wheeling it next to you. You walked through the automatic doors, taking in the decor of the place. It could only be described as beautiful. Gold accents running through everything as well as tranquil music in the background. If heaven was a place ok earth, it’d be here.

“Hello.” You greeted the lady at the reception “I’m y/n.” You continued to speak, not knowing what to say to the young looking receptionist who stared blankly back at you. You began to think you were at the wrong place until you spotted Bucky, drink in hand walking inside.

“Y/n!” He cheered, stumbling towards you before pulling you into a hug. You could feel the bit of his drink that sloshed to the side of the glass before falling down your back. “I’ve missed you girl.”

“Bucky, how longs it been? Few months?” You laughed, pulling back from the crushing hug you’d give someone you hadn’t seen in years. “I see you’ve already taken advantage of the bar.” You said, gesturing to the drink in his hand.

“You know me.” He said with a coy smile. “This is Alexa, Janes friend Darcys niece or something like that, she doesn’t really know what she’s doing.” Bucky excused the girl still looking blankly at you both “but you’re trying.” He smiled reassuringly at her before turning back to you and mouthing a quick “she has no clue.”

“Can I have your last name please.” The girl finally spoke. You gave her your full name before she handed you a set of keys. “Would you like to leave your bag here, someone will take it to your room.” She offered.

“Um okay.” You answered, pocketing the key as Bucky grabbed your hand and pulled you to a reception room that looked even more heavenly than the place you just were. The bar was practically yelling at you to explore it.

“Wandas outside.” Bucky informed you before ordering himself another drink “and a gin and tonic.” He added to his order.

“Thanks.” You smiled, knowing it was for you.

“So is Thor, Jane, Steve and Natasha.” He continued. You breathed a sigh of relief not hearing Lokis name. Of course he wouldn’t be here. You felt silly for spritzing yourself with his favourite perfume. He always complimented it whenever you wore it saying no one could ever wear it like you did. You grabbed the gin and tonic and drank it in two quick sips before ordering another.

“Off we go doll.” Bucky said, linking his arm with yours as you both walked outside.

If Medusa decided she wanted to open a country club instead of turning wicked men to stone, it’d be this one. Bright green hedges arranged in a maze like pattern surrounded small statues. The sound of birds singing was a perfect match to the sound of waterfalls in the distance. From where you stood, you could see that the grounds were big, Thor and Jane had outdone themselves. Bucky began guiding you towards the decking where there were tables and chairs as well as all your fiends. Spotting you, Steve stood from his chair and made his way towards you.

“Y/n.” He smiled, pecking you on the cheek as he hugged you.

“Ah y/n is here!” Thor announced, putting his drink on the table as he and Jane made their ways towards you, their arms replacing Steve’s.

“Heyyy.” You replied, hugging them back before making your way to Wanda and Nat who were waiting in line to wrap their arms around you too.

“Looking hot as ever.” Nat winked.

Definitely not for Loki you thought, hugging her back before sitting down at a seat with your own drink as you all caught up. No one mentioned Loki, not even Thor, it was as he never existed. Each of them knew how upset you was when he left so perhaps they weren’t bringing him up for your benefit. After crying your heart out on a Group FaceTime call, you decided it was a ridiculous response considering that Loki and you hadn’t labelled anything. You failed to admit to them that you had admitted your feelings to him the night before he left. They all continued to talk about Thor and Janes new business venture as you thought back to that morning.

Squinting when you woke, you tried to block the sun out of your view as you reached an arm out to feel for Loki. Realising he wasn’t there, you opened your eyes fully to see where he was but he wasn’t in your room. You assumed he was in the kitchen or in the bathroom showering. You called out for him but he didn’t respond. Inside you felt a sinking feeling of dread as if your heart knew what had happened but you didn’t want to face it. You couldn’t. You sat up in the bed, holding the duvet over your naked body, feeling exposed as you called out for him again. The flat was silent, deathly silent and again, you knew something was wrong. You remained in the silence for a while longer, wiping any tears that thought they’d be able to freely fall down your cheeks. You knew that if you stood up and looked for him, he wouldn’t be there and it’d confirm your suspicions and so you didn’t. You sat in the bed, waiting for him to come back.

“So, any dates?” Nat asked, breaking you from your thoughts.

“Don’t make me laugh.” You answered, taking a sip of your drink.

“You know Steve here is just itching to take you out.” She teased causing Steve to spit out his drink as he blushed. You smiled at him before looking back at Nat.

“I don’t think he’d be able to handle it.” You smirked.

“You should go to one of those speed dating things with Darcy.” Jane suggested.

“Where is Darcy?” You questioned. You and her didn’t hang out much but whenever you did, it was hilarious. She’s definitely someone you’d want to drown your sadness away with.

“She’s—” Jane began before she was interrupted.

“Brother, this place is spectacular.”

Your heart stopped.


“Well, apart from that incompetent receptionist.” He added.


“Hey.” Darcy warned, appearing from behind him as she lightly patted his chest. “She’s my niece.”


The Country Club ✨

Loki x Female Reader

Part 1 ~ The Invitation

Contains smut

Italics = flashback


When you checked your post box this morning, the last thing you expected to see was a gold envelope sealed with wax. Excitedly you brought it back into your apartment before you cautiously opened it, not allowing your excitement to tear it open. Holding the paper, you carefully read through the words.

Dearest y/n,

Jane and I have decided to fulfil our dream of opening a country club—

“When on earth did they wanna do that?” You questioned aloud.

and we ask that as one of our closest friends, you come to our opening where you’ll be able to sample all of our facilities free of charge.

We hope to see you there for our opening and a reunion.

Kindest regards, Thor and Jane.

Instantly your heart dropped at reading the words. If you were there, you only assumed Loki would be there too, well, if he wasn’t dead. You hadn’t seen or heard from him in almost two years after that morning and you were finally over him, he was the last person you wanted to see. Flipping the invite over, you saw specific details including the date and time as well as the address of the place you had to go to. As much as you didn’t want to see Loki, you couldn’t disappoint Jane or Thor plus it would be nice to see them again as well as run into a few old faces. You just hoped that Loki stayed out of sight.

Picking up your phone, you called Wanda to see if she had gotten an invite too and if she was going. Her answer was yes for both before you added Bucky to the call who said the same. At least they’d be there you thought feeling slightly more optimistic about the whole event. You later tried to make yourself some breakfast which was more of a brunch now as your mind drifted to the thought of Loki. How he intoxicated you, shrouded you with himself before he disappeared. You spent months, more months than you’d like to admit blaming yourself, wondering what you did wrong, wondering why Loki felt the need to leave you without so much as a goodbye. You hadn’t cried for Loki in a while but the thought of seeing him again quickly had you welling up.

The week and a half leading up to you going to the country club passed impossibly quickly. The anxiety you felt about the whole situation was almost crippling but the thought of seeing everyone again, save Loki, was comforting. You had missed them. That’s the problem with becoming an adult, friends are busier, you see them less. Since receiving the invitation, you had spoken to Jane on the phone and couldn’t bring yourself to ask whether Loki would be in attendance. She spoke about how excited she was to see everyone and also told you to pack a bag for what you assumed was an overnight stay considering how vague she was being. You decided to pack a few extra things just incase.

When the day finally came for you to leave, you brushed your hair in the mirror as you remembered that night with Loki.

Unlike your usual moments of intimacy together, tonight was different, he was different. The dinner you prepared for you both was quickly pushed aside as Loki sat you on the table before falling to his knees as he opened your legs. Your hands nestled into his hair as his tongue delved between your warm folds. The room was quickly full of the noise of you mumbling praises to Loki as he ate you out.

After you came, he barely gave you time to recover before he was carrying you to the bedroom, legs wrapped around his waist. Entering, he pushed you against the wall as his lips found yours. You could taste yourself against him as you kissed him passionately. Clothes were discarded as he helped you lift your dress. Already dripping, Loki had no problem entering you causing you both to release a breath as he delved inside. Your back began to burn from the friction of being thrusted up against the wall but any pain in this moment of pleasure was bliss. You both continued to kiss, Loki occasionally breaking the kiss to move his lips to your neck. He drove you both to the precipice before stilling, kissing you one last time before bringing you both to the bed.

Spent, you absentmindedly ran your fingers through Lokis hair and you knew. You looked at him and you knew. You hadn’t put any labels on anything yet, not officially but you knew you loved him. Always have.

“What?” He grinned suspiciously, looking up at you from where he was nuzzled into the crook of your neck.

“I love you.” You confessed with your own smile, ignoring the feeling of Loki stiffening slightly and not in the desired way.

“Goodnight my darling.” He replied after a moment, quickly kissing you on the lips before closing his eyes. You knew something was wrong, your intuition was never wrong but you ignored it, falling asleep next to Loki too only to find him gone in the morning.

Snapping out of the thought, you grabbed your small cabin sized bag before grabbing your car keys and leaving. Sighing once you were in the car, you prayed that this reunion would go quickly and hopefully Lokiless.

Loki looking at y/n knowing he was leaving in the morning this is hopefully gonna be one of them quick ones

The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 8 ~ Kidnap

Previous Part


After chastising yourself, you quickly got dressed before making your way to Bucky’a room. You wanted to apologise again and clear the air not wanting dinner with everyone to be the next time you saw him. Making your way towards his room, you hoped you didn’t bump into Loki, he was the last person you wanted to see right now especially after the whole conversation in the elevator where he spoke in riddles and practically cheated on Darcy when he kissed you. Oh my gosh, he cheated. You then wondered how you’d tell Darcy, if she even deserved your decency after being with Loki in the first place. Arriving at Bucky’s room, you knocked the door before patently waiting for him to open it.

“One second.” You heard him call from the other side of the door before he opened it. “Y/n.”

“I’m so sorry.” You apologised, walking past Bucky and into the room not wanting everyone to hear your conversation. “I—” you began before seeing the state of Bucky’s bed. “Oh.” You said awkwardly spotting the bottle of lotion on the bedside table as well as the explicit magazine on the bed. “Sorry are you busy?”

“No.” He answered quickly, stepping past you before shoving the magazine under his pillow as if that would make this situation any less awkward.

“I don’t want to interrupt—”

“It’s fine.” He assured.

“I mean I could come back if you—”

“I already finished.” He blurted.

“Okay.” You replied slowly, avoiding his gaze.

“What did you want to say?” He prompted, catching your attention again.

“I’m so sorry about earlier. I love you Bucky I do but as a friend.” You spoke.

“Yeah.” He agreed with a smile “I don’t know what we were thinking earlier. I love you like that too doll although I wouldn’t mind a repeat.” He teased jokingly.

“Oh quiet you.” You laughed before presenting your hand “forgive me?”

“Nothing to forgive.” He grinned “come let’s go get some drinks.” He suggested, grabbing your hand.

You both made your way towards the bar downstairs. “Did you speak to Darcy?” Bucky questioned after a while of you both drinking.

You took a deep breath remembering your earlier encounter with Loki. How were you going to tell her about it?

“No.” You answered “why?”

“She has a few things she needs to explain.”

“Like what?” You asked, sipping your drink.

“Her and Loki aren’t together.”

“What?” You gasped, spitting out your drink.

“They’re not together together.” He clarified uselessly.


“He’s only with her to make you je—” he began but you couldn’t hear it, you were too focused on the sight of Darcy and Loki walking in, hand in hand. Your breath hitched when he dropped her hand instead placing his hand on the small of her back as he lead them both towards a table. He whispered something into her ear that made her giggle and you saw red. How dare he do this to her after he kissed you. He wasn’t going to ruin someone else’s life. You quickly downed your drink before standing up, ignoring Bucky calling after you.

“Y/n.” Loki greeted once you reached their table.

“Don’t y/n me.” You scoffed “after everything you said earlier, you’re here doing that with her in my face.” You saw Darcy wearing a confused expression and so you looked at her “sorry to break it to you but Lokis a bastard and he kissed me earlier so he’s also a cheat as well as an absolute cunt.” You exclaimed causing Darcy to put a hand over mouth.

“Y/n hear them out.” Bucky said, arriving at the table as he put a steadying hand on your arm.

“Hear them out?” You huffed, looking between the three of them. They began to speak as you felt a deep hurt rising inside of you. It was if they were teaming up against you. Like the walls were closing in on you. You tried to keep your breathing even as their voices blended into one. You blinked, wanting to rid yourself of the double vision.

“We’re not together.” Darcy insisted.

“Darcy is telling the truth.” Bucky defended.

“Y/n, are you alright?” Loki asked, standing up.

“CAN YOU ALL JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!” You yelled causing the three of them to fall silent as Loki sat back down. “I can’t hear when you’re all speaking over each other like a group of barbarians. One by one please, you have ten seconds, Loki you have five. Bucky you’re up.” You prompted Bucky to speak.

“Darcy and Loki aernt in a relationship in fact they’re only here to make you jealous” Bucky spoke quickly.

“And you knew?” You gasped feeling betrayed.

“I just found out.” He tried to justify.

“When?” You questioned through gritted teeth.

“Before.” He clarified knowing what you were referring to when you asked.

“Before. You were still gonna even though you knew their was a chance Loki still liked me.” You said as your lip trembled. Bucky was really willing to sleep with you with that knowledge. Prick.

“Love.” Loki interrupted.

“Shush you.” You said, pointing at Loki.

“Y/n—” Bucky began.

“You’re next.” You said, ignoring Bucky as you looked at Darcy.

“Loki has a lot of explaining to do I know that but please understand that we are not together y/n. He only loves you.” Darcy rushed, speaking hurriedly before taking a deep breath.

“Why do you all keep bringing up the L word, if Loki truly loved me he wouldn’t have done what he did.” You said as if Loki wasn’t in the room.

“I do love you please—” Loki spoke.

“And that’s your time up.” You interrupted before turning to leave, ignoring Loki calling after you as you fought to keep your tears hidden.

“I have been patient. Far too patient.” Loki opined, making his way towards you before standing infront of you. “You will hear me out and whatever you decide after is completely up to you, I’ll never bother you again if that’s what you want.” He insured.

“Fuck you.” You replied, pushing past him.

“Forgive me.” He sighed before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. So fucking strong for fuck sake, one of the many reasons you loved him.

“HELP! KIDNAP! HES KIDNAPPING ME!” You yelled as he carried you away.

“Shh.” He said, smile evident in his tone as he slapped the back of your thighs.





The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 7 ~ Lucky/Boki

Previous Part

Italics = Flashbacks


Bucky’s hands roamed the sides of your body as he kissed you deeply. You began undoing your robe before he stopped the kiss, pulling back from you.

“Y/n wait, I spoke to Darcy.” He began.

“I really don’t wanna hear that right now.” You stressed, lifting his top up before he lifted his arms, helping you with the action. Once he was topless, you began peppering kisses over his chest. He wanted to stop you, he needed to speak to you but in that moment he couldn’t focus on anything other than the feeling of your lips against his skin. Feeling your lips trailing lower, he stepped backwards.

“Y/n stop.”

“You don’t want me?” You spoke sadly, looking away from him mostly out of embarrassment. Bucky instantly regretted pausing your moments, in reality there was nothing he wanted more but his earlier conversation with Darcy was keeping him from claiming you. The sound of you sniffling shook him from his trance. What the hell he thought, pulling you towards him by the cord that kept your robe tied before pressing his lips to yours again. As your robe slowly unravelled, you felt Bucky’s skin against yours. You melted in his embrace, gasping into the kiss when you felt him pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, not breaking the kiss as he walked you backwards towards the bed. He practically threw you onto it before positioning himself above you. His lips travelled over your neck before he moved lower, placing soft kisses along your sternum as you closed your eyes. He cupped one of your breasts before flicking his tongue over your nipple causing you to open your eyes as you looked down, watching his actions. His other hand massaged the other one as he wrapped his lips around it, taking the erect bud into his mouth.

“Bucky.” You called out in ecstasy, hips beginning to slightly raise off of the bed.

“So pretty baby.” grinned, voice low as he looked up at you before releasing your breasts and once again travelling lower leaving open mouthed kisses down your abdomen. You didn’t even realise now naked you were until you felt Bucky opening your legs wider, exposing you to him. You felt the cold air against your core as Bucky kissed your inner thighs. There was no time to feel self conscious, Bucky’s mouth was already so close.

“Fuckk.” You moaned as he leisurely licked a stripe from your entrance before sucking on your clit. You began rocking your hips against his face as he circled your clit, eliciting small moans from you. Your hands lightly pulled at his hair causing him to groan against you sending vibrations straight to your core. Bucky wrapped his lips around your clit, continuing to suck on it as one of his fingers found your entrance. You praised him further feeling his finger entering you, curling inside as he continued to lap at your clit. You felt him humming against you in content as if he was feeling just as good as you were. “I’m soo closee, don’t stopp.” You begged, feeling yourself so close to the edge. Bucky’s tongue moved faster as his finger pumped in and out of you quicker, wanting to make you climax. Eyes tightly shut, your mind drifted to a memory you often thought back to every time you came.

“I’m so close sooo closee.” You moaned, desperately trying to buck your hips as Loki held you down, refusing to allow you to move as he ravaged you, his tongue nudging your clit as he used two fingers to enter you.

“Cum for me.” He commanded, lifting his head slightly as he continued moving his fingers in and out of you. Following his command, you let go, swimming in euphoria before Loki lowered his head again, drinking you in. He left you so pleasured, so sated. You were near unconscious from the blissful overstimulation.

Feeling the band snap, you gripped Bucky’s hair as you came, hips thrusting upwards as he continued to toy with your clit.

“Yesss Lokiii.” You moaned until you realised what you had said.

Bucky stopped his movements, eyes widening as he heard you.

“Ohmygosh.” You gasped as he sat up.

“Never gotten that one before.” He said awkwardly, running a hand through his hair.

“Ohmygosh Ohmygosh.” You continued, putting a hand over your mouth as you closed your legs, sitting up too.

“It’s fine. I know you’re not in love with me.” He chuckled.

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine, honestly.” He lied, standing up and retrieving his top before using it to wipe his face.

You quickly picked up one of the sheets on the bed, wrapping it around yourself as you stood up in front of Bucky who was avoiding your gaze.

“Bucky you are amazing and boy do you know how to use your tongue but—” you began.

“But I’m not him.” He sighed. Instead of answering, it was your turn to look down. “Thought so.” He mumbled, turning around.

“Wait!” You called after him “I’d be happy to return the favour I mean—you’re really hard.” You said, glancing down at his erection through his jeans.

Bucky cleared his throat, picking up a pillow from the bed and using it to cover his boner before he spoke.

“No, no it’s fine.” He assured, making his way to the door. “But you should hear Darcy out if you still have feelings for Loki.” He said before leaving. Hearing the door close, you let out an embarrassed shriek before collapsing into the bed. Fucking great!





The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 6 ~ Elevator

Previous Part


You spent the remainder of the spa day staying very far away from Loki. He was out of sight but unfortunately not out of mind. You decided you’d simply avoid him for the remainder of this trip and then go home and back to normal life. The fact that he didn’t approach you after getting out of the mud was evidence that he was hopefully going to leave you alone too, it was for the best. You were happy he had finally got the message or at least you thought you should have been. As you sat down, sipping on an iced tea, you saw Bucky taking to Darcy. You tried to fight the surge of jealousy and annoyance you felt but you couldn’t force Bucky to not talk to her plus they weren’t standing too close so at least that was something. Enough of watching them, you stood up, tightening your new mudless robe before making your way towards the elevator to head back to your room.

Entering the elevator, you were surprised to see the doors opening again before none other than Loki entered. You huffed as you pressed the button to your floor, staying at the opposite side in the hopes that he wouldn’t speak to you.

“That hurt.” He spoke, probably referring to his scrape with mud.

“Argh, you’re still alive.” You replied causing him to roll his eyes. Typical. “You could have waited for the next elevator or taken the stairs or even better, not have come.”

“And missed my brother and his wife’s opening?” He quipped, knitting is brows as he looked at you.

“Well it’s not like you’re new to being a let down that abandons people when they need you.” You scorned.

“You didn’t need me.” He answered, further pissing you off. Instead of replying, you remained silent waiting for the elevator to take you to your floor. The elevator felt as if it had stopped so you pressed the button to your floor again.

“For fuck sake, why is it taking so long.” You complained, pressing the button again.

“Well that isn’t going to solve anything.”

“Shut up Loki.” You said before the elevator made a strange noise before the lights flickered. “Oh gosh.” You gasped.

“I think we’re stuck.” Loki concluded, pressing the emergency call button whilst simultaneously shouting we’re stuck. Meanwhile, you were trying to keep your breathing even as you stood with your back firmly against the wall. Looking at you, Loki could tell that you were on the verge of a panic attack. Ending his hollering, he made his way to you. “Y/n, calm down.” He spoke softly.

“Calm down? You know I’m claustrophobic Loki.” You whined, still trying to breathe.

“Try to relax.”

“Loki get me out of here!”

With one arm still around you, Loki stretched his other arm out, continuing to press the emergency call button.

“No one’s answering.” He groaned.

“Use your phone.” You suggested, panicking even more.

“I don’t have it with me.” He answered. Of course not. You continued trying to take deep breaths knowing that a panic attack was the last thing that would better this situation.

“Why why would this have to happen?” You spoke frantically.

“Y/n, turn around and place your hands against the wall.” Loki suggested. Shaking your head, you slid down the wall, resting your head in your knees as you tried to not cry. “Okay, we’re sitting down.” He thought aloud before sitting down with you. “Breathe with me y/n.” He spoke softly, inhaling and exhaling as you looked up at him remembering the time he last comforted you during a panic attack. How he always used to comfort you. Your lip began to tremble.

“Why Loki?” You began to sob, repeating the question you asked yesterday “what did I ever do to you for you to hurt me so bad. All I ever did was love you. I love you.” By the time you finished getting your words out, you were fully crying as Loki cradled your head to his chest.

“Shh, shh.” He cooed, stroking your hair “I’m sorry.”

“Y-you could have at least called. Texted. I was worried sick. All I did was cry. I cried so much Loki.” You sniffled, looking up at him with tear stained cheeks.

“I’m sorry.” He said again, putting his hands on your cheeks, wiping the tears with his thumbs.

“I thought I had finished shedding tears for you but my heart is breaking again.” You wept.

“I just—I didn’t know what to say or do or—”

“So you left with no warning because you didn’t know how to tell me you didn’t love me?”

“No never that.” He assured, moving head head closer to yours.

“Then what?” You asked, moving closer to him too.

“I was scared.” He murmured, gaze quickly dipping to your lips.


“I loved you, I did but I knew I’d eventually ruin it.” He admitted, focusing on your lips as he spoke, moving closer almost closing the gap “I thought it would save you further heartbreak if I left.” He spoke, practically against your lips causing more tears to spill. “Don’t cry.” He soothed, kissing the tears off of your cheeks.

“That’s not fair, you don’t get to decide my life.”

“I know, I know, I’m sorry.” He apologised again before finally pecking you on the lips. You kissed him back lightly before quickly pulling away when you heard the lift moving again. You stood to your feet, wiping your face as the doors opened. Once they were open wide enough for you to leave, you quickly bolted out, not sparing a glance at Loki.

“What’s wrong doll?” Bucky asked, standing outside your room as he looked at you rushing towards him, not missing Loki in the elevator behind you. Unlocking your door, you pushed him inside before pulling him into a kiss.

“Nothing, just kiss me.” You replied before kissing him again.

Next chap sneak preview

Night in Asgardian Leather P9

Previous Chapter

A/N: Peep the title change

Thankfully Kyle wasn’t dead although he probably wished he was after the injuries he sustained and the prison he was going to be locked up into. You had a bath, drowning your emotions, finally feeling free after such a long time being tethered to such a horrible man. Loki tried his hardest to comfort you which you appreciated, you appreciated it greatly. The rest of the team kept their distance knowing that you didn’t want to talk about everything right now. You were grateful for their understanding. By the time it was bedtime, you shifted uncomfortably in your short nightdress thinking about all the events that lead you to this moment before your mind drifted into Loki.

You wondered if the real Loki had the same thoughts and emotions as the cloned version of him he had deployed to comfort you. Surely they did. Surely Loki knew what happened, Loki must have been speaking through the clone. Regardless, you had to know plus you couldn’t bare sleeping alone, not tonight. Standing from your bed, you made your way to Lokis room still in your nightdress considering that it was dark so no one would properly be able to see you anyways. Once you reached his door, you gently knocked it before hearing a “come in” from him. Seeing you, Loki sat slightly straighter, closing the book he had open in his hands. Your eyes ran over his exposed chest as he sat against the headboard, his bottom half shielded by his duvet.

“How can I help you y/n? Is there something you need?” He asked, beginning to stand from the bed.

“No.” You quickly assured “can I—can I.” You started, gesturing to his bed.

“Of course, be my guest.” He welcomed, pulling the covers back before you made your way to the bed, settling in under the warm duvet.

“Thank you.” You smiled.

“Y/n, I’m sorry.” He replied quietly “I should have—.” He continued before you put your finger to his lips.

“No.” You uttered “you’re not going to blame yourself. I won’t let Kyle make you doubt yourself Loki.”

“But—” he argued before you decided to press your lips to his, silencing him. You surprised even yourself with the action, almost gasping when Lokis hand found the back of your head as he deepened the kiss. His tongue ran over the bottom of your lip before slipping past your tongue. You began moving on top of him, Loki helping you before you were straddling him. Breaking the kiss, you caught your breath back before you realised you were sitting on top of Loki who’s hands were caressing your bare upper thighs. You looked down at the movement, seeing the tips of his fingers disappearing underneath your dress before reappearing again. Your eyes widened remembering that you didn’t in fact have any underwear on which Loki clearly noticed too. Seeing your expression change, Loki instantly stopped his movements, scolding himself for allowing you both to get this far. Clearly this was not what you wanted.

“I am terribly sorry.” He apologised, moving you off of him before your hands found his shoulders, steadying yourself.

“Stop.” You implored.


“I want you Loki. I’m finally admitting it. I want you.” You smiled.

As much as Loki had wanted to hear those words, he didn’t believe them, he couldn’t.

“Y/n stop.”

“Loki no listen, I—I love you.” You confessed.

“Oh y/n.” He murmured before kissing you again “I’ve always loved you.” He spoke against your lips. The kiss grew more heated as you began rolling your hips against his thighs, feeling him hardening beneath you. You had to feel him. His lips began to travel over your neck before they explored down your chest as Loki absentmindedly helped guide your movements over him. When he heard you moaning his name in his ear, he realised what was happening. Pausing your movements, he grinned at you as he reached his hand down between you both and began rubbing over your clit with his thumb causing your head to fall back as you writhed above him.

“Yesss Loki.” You moaned, so close to the edge.

“You’re so nice and wet for me.” He praised “want me to fuck you until you cum?” He cooed leaving you practically begging for him to take you. He freed himself, stroking the tip of his cock over your wet folds, lubricating himself before he plunged into you, holding you against him. You adjusted to his size quickly considering how wet you were after grinding over him. Your lips found his again before you began to move on top of him. Once again, Loki was guiding your movements as you rode him. The sound of his grunts and your panting as well as the sinful wet sounds you were both producing filled the room as well as the aroma of sex. Loki spoke against your ear telling you how much he loved you, how beautiful you were and how lucky he was to be inside of you. It was rare for his lips to not be on your body as he kissed either your lips or your neck as he took you both to utopia.

When you both finally came, you bit into Lokis shoulder trying to stifle your moan. You continued to sit on top of him with him buried into you as he kissed you softly for a while, simply appreciating you. Finally pulling out, he made his way to the bathroom to fetch something to clean you with before you stood up, making your way to the bathroom too where you suggested you shower together. Loki didn’t refuse. The night was a long one filled with passion and the declaration of love.

The end x

A/N: I COMPLETELY ABANDONED THIS WHY DID NO ONE SLAP ME thought I’d write one final bit to conclude, hope you all enjoyed!!








One Nighters

Here I’ve linked my quick mini series fics that could probably be read in one night sometimes you just want that quick fic fix - longer than a oneshot but something you can quickly binge no promises that these are actually any good Loki x reader

One of Starks Infamous Parties

Tony Stark throws a party and of course invites you, one of his dear friends. Half expecting the night to flow easily, you weren’t surprised when you spotted someone somewhere they shouldn’t be. Luckily Loki’s there to help.

Contains smut and defiantly awkward situations

Hot & Cold

Working as a SHIELD agent, you’re tasked with the chore of ‘babysitting’ Thors younger brother who is as annoying as he is handsome. Not only does he haunt you in the day, he evades your dreams too. Who knew hot and cold could mix so well together?

Contains smut

Tender is the Night

You’ve joined the Avengers to mostly mentor Loki whilst ensuring the rest of the team look good. After accusing Loki of being submissive as opposed to the dominant god he thinks he is, he vows to prove you wrong. Eventually he discovers you’re not who he thinks you are.

Contains smut


Y/n y/l/n is an upstanding citizen of todays society as well as her dad who she works alongside in their towns place of worship. All is well until an unexpected visitor pays her a visit in the hopes of contacting his father leaving y/n to either become a new friend of this visitor or perhaps the towns next victim.

Contains smut


Okay so maybe you lied about being in a relationship and so you joined a dating sight. What if your dream man was already waiting for you on it?

Mentions of smut

Friends with Benefits

Welcome to college where your roommate is Natasha and Bucky for some reason. You like to party and smoke Buckys exceptionally lovely plants as well as shacking up with none other than Thor AKA the hottest guy on campus who’s also your best friend until you finally start talking to his brother. Where was god hiding that one?

Contains smut

Post Mission

A quick quick mini fic about y/n and Loki giving each other some TLC after a mission

Contains smut

Night in Asgardian Leather

You’re a member of the most powerful team on earth - the avengers and yet you seem so inadequate in the face of your boyfriend Kyle who is far from loving unlike Loki. If only you could both see each other, really see eachother.

Contains smut and an abusive boyfriend

The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 5 ~Stuck in the mud

Previous Part

Italics = flashbacks


Making your way to breakfast after showering, doing your hair and getting changed, you tried to avoid everyone’s gaze, embarrassed about what happened last night. You didn’t know which part was more embarrassing. The fact that you smashed a glass in your hand or the fact that Loki turned up with a new girlfriend after everything as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn’t disappeared and left you with no warning. There were arrows that pointed towards the breakfast buffet hall which you followed.

Walking inside, it was if all conversations seized to exist. You looked around at the familiar faces, all of which looked back at you, each with their own reassuring smiles. Taking a deep breath, you picked up a plate before placing some pastries onto it.

“How’s the hand?” You heard from over your shoulder.

“Please Loki please, just leave me alone.” You sighed.

“Can we speak?” He asked.

Why couldn’t he get the message NO!

“Are you hard of hearing?” You huffed, turning to face him.

“You’ve always been so stubborn.” He tutted as before you zoned out, remembering something.

“You’re a stubborn little thing aren’t you?” Loki grinned devilishly, standing behind you as you bent over your sofa as he spanked you.

“Yesss.” You answered.

“I thought you used to like me stubborn.” You quipped, snapping out of your thoughts as you glared at him.

“Maybe I still do.” He smirked, leaning down closer towards you. You looked up at him, watching as his eyes fell closed as he inhaled your scent. “How naughty, you know that’s my favourite.” He teased leaving you flustered. How dare he do what he done and then leave you flustered? He was such a prick, ultimate prick.

“Beautiful fucking prick” you whispered under your breath as you felt his hair tickling your cheek, he was so close. You quickly pushed the thought of just reaching up and kissing him away as you spun back around. How was it that he still had so much control over you even after he hurt you so bad? That must just be love, it’s easier to forgive and forget than it is to be apart. “Don’t be silly.” You murmured to yourself. Spotting Nat and Steve, you decided to sit with them.

“Hey guys.” You smiled.

“Morning y/n.” They both said in unison.

“Guys you don’t have to be awkward about the whole last night thing. Me and Loki broke up, well we weren’t really together, it’s confusing. Look can we just eat breakfast please. Stop with the questions.” You rambled.

“Y/n, no one asked any questions.” Nat clarified, placing a hand on your shoulder.

“Good, let’s eat.” You smiled before spotting Bucky walking in. You waved at him, a gesture he returned. You all ate, ensuring you didn’t talk about last night. You kept your gaze forwards, not wanting to see Loki in your peripheral vision especially if he was eating with Darcy. You knew you’d have to speak to her eventually but what would you even say? You weren’t close enough for this to be a violation of girl code but what about ethics. There must be a rule that states one shall not fuck the ex that made mutual friend cry after disappearing. Soon after, there was a bell chime noise before you heard Jane and Thor speaking.

“Morning guys, we’ve got a treat planned for you all.” Jane began “spaaa dayyy.” They said together, Thors deep voice dominating.

“Great.” You huffed.

After breakfast, you, Wanda and Bucky made your ways outside, taking in some of the sunshine whilst you tried your hardest to avoid Loki. He wasn’t worth your energy and so you wouldn’t give him any. Afterwards, Jane and Thor rounded everyone up before leading you all towards the spa retreat that they had on site. Your gaze didn’t focus on Loki but it did land on him a couple times and it was strange to see him and Darcy standing so far apart considering how close they were the night before. Maybe he left her too. He had a tendency to do that.

You and the rest of the girls opted for massages after changing into robes that were provided. Afterwards, you spotted the mud bath that was yet to be explored. Considering you were not alone, you opted for keeping the robe you wore tightly secured to you as you stepped in, almost slipping before steadying yourself, mindful of your injured hand. Closing your eyes, you sank into the mud. Pure relaxation. You let out a content hum.

“Now that’s a noise I haven’t heard in a while.”

“And suddenly I’m not feeling relaxed anymore.” You said, opening your eyes to be met by Loki who was standing at the edge of the bath.

“All I want are a few moments to explain.” He requested.

“Explain? Explain what? Why you left me? I honestly don’t want to hear it Loki.” You dismissed, willing yourself to not cry. “And thanks for embarrassing me last night. I hope you’re both really happy.” You added, regretting it when your voice broke at the end.

“That wasn’t my intention.” He assured.

“Listen Loki I’m only here to support my friends, I couldn’t care less about you okay.” You lied “bye.” You announced before trying to stand up, eyes widening when you couldn’t. There’s no way I’m fucking stuck you thought, trying to hoist yourself out again. Watching you struggle, Loki smirked, that same smirk he always had when you overcame your stubbornness and asked him for help. He was such a prick.

“Need any help?” He asked, offering his hand.

“I’d rather sink.” You scoffed.

“Stop being childish.” He chuckled making you even angrier. What the fuck was funny?

“Childish? No I’ll tell you what childish is. Childish was me knowing that regardless of how distraught I was, I would have still welcomed you back but you didn’t come back did you? You left me Loki so excuse me if I don’t allow you to just speak to me whenever you want because you don’t deserve it.” You said through gritted teeth as you welled up.

He was silent for a few moments as if letting your words drown him. He even looked slightly guilty. Good.

“At least let me help you out of the mud.” He offered his hand. Spotting Bucky coming towards you, you grabbed his hand getting his attention. Bucky helped you out of the mud as Loki watched with a clenched jaw before you pushed him in, surprising even yourself when he yelped, smacking into the mud. You regretted it when he landed weirdly, hair covered in mud. He didn’t even look at you. You didn’t mean to hurt him, not that he didn’t deserve it. Part of you wanted to hear him explain whatever stupidness he had thought of as to why he left you all alone in the hopes that it would be enough, enough for you to forgive him because that’s the problem with love. It was always easier to forgive and forget.

Sorry about that mate

Finally wrote another FFF! This one’s for my Masks: A New Generation OC Ashton Lovelock (art by Chealinks on Twitter) - all that matters is that he’s a magical prettyboy with an emotionally abusive family/legacy.


tw: implied emotional abuse, anxiety/hypervigilance

FFF: Asking For Permission

He is always so very careful in how he asks for things.

He has to be- because in this house, every word is a knife. Everything is vivisected, picked apart and analyzed and if it’s found to be improper, lacking grace, lacking respect then it’s just another reason for a talk in front of the family hearth with Great Grandmother.

(they call it a talk, but he never speaks)

So he’s careful. He sits with perfect posture, his face impartial but his heart slamming against his ribs and his muscles one twitch away from spasms, and he rehearses how he’s going to ask them. He looks at the dark, ornate walls and he thinks-

May I-


If I may-


There’s this boy-



Try again.

He takes a breath. Holds it for a ten count. Then he exhales, his eyes fluttering shut, and he tries again.

I finished my schoolwork. And I was invited to an event tomorrow evening. May I attend?

Don’t mention the schoolwork. She’ll just tell you to do next week’s work too.

Try again.

I was invited to an event tomorrow evening. May I attend?

What event? With who?

(and he knows what he wants to say, he wants to say it’s a boy, it’s a really cute boy and a really nice boy and one of the only fucking people to treat me like i’m worth something but he can’t say that so instead he thinks)

A classmate invited me. It’s a small get-together. Social.

Don’t bore her with details. Just the facts. Just the facts and just leave out that “small” means “the two of us” and that “get-together” means “date”. Because if he says that then he knows she’ll look at him with those dead eyes, flat and unfeeling and she’ll say

Ashton. You know better.

(because the family comes first, the family and the legacy and every single ounce of responsibility that comes with being a lovelock and it doesn’t matter if he’s suffocating because they’re all suffocating together)

Put it all together.

Event. Tomorrow evening. May I. Classmate. Social.

He takes a breath. Composes himself. And as he stands up, walking evenly down the winding staircase, he prays that he doesn’t have to try again.
