#roam the planet

Laguna de Apoyo, Nicaragua. We drove down to the fresh water lake which sits in the crater of an ext

Laguna de Apoyo, Nicaragua. We drove down to the fresh water lake which sits in the crater of an extinct volcano. It was quiet, light rain, no one around except some locals fishing off floating logs. 

The water was completely clear and we were so content we could have stayed there for hours.

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Surround yourself with people who push you to reach your greatest potential.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.

Alone in the wild.⁣⠀


We can never truly be alone, no matter how remote we go in our van. Because if we can drive it, someone else can too.⁣⠀

But still we like to find these hidden crevices, areas of land with no purpose and no reason to visit them. We like to tuck ourselves so far out of the way we might not see another person for days, for reasons we can’t explain.⁣⠀

It’s difficult to put into words, my desire to meet people and hear their stories in every corner of the world we go, and the yearning to conceal ourselves away like some childish game of hide and seek, except no one’s going to come looking.⁣⠀

I can’t explain it, but I find solace in knowing I’m not the only one.⁣⠀

In a particular chapter of a very well-known book Jon Krakauer finds himself climbing to the top of an Alaskan mountain so remote it hasn’t seen a visitor in years, risking his life in the snow, all in the name of solitude. The lengths he would go to to escape humankind, and the loneliness that struck him once he was back amongst them- that story sticks in my mind, always.⁣⠀

Some may find unabounded silence and space unnerving, the knowledge that if something goes wrong you’re stuck out here. But we relish in it, the what if’s outweighed by the bliss of isolation. The possibility that maybe, just maybe, not one person has ever camped in this spot before and we might be the first.⁣⠀

The solitude quells our minds as much as it unnerves them, but still the excitement of adventure keeps us pushing onwards into evermore distant corners of the earth.⠀

P.S. Can anyone name the book?
