#rough sketch


Posting some rough junk from my procreate files. Mostly fan work stuff here. They’re either works-in-progress or old junk I wasn’t quite feeling. I have lots of this stuff…. only a little bit I would consider posting.

Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth lol

Have some doodles

Have this rough sketch of Ignis I did while at an art jam that I may one day clean up and finalize (

Have this rough sketch of Ignis I did while at an art jam that I may one day clean up and finalize (〃▽〃)

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“That’s an awfully big throne for such a little gerb”

Yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the movie “labyrinth”, and I decided to draw my little goblin usurping Jareth’s throne.

I’ve loved this movie since I was young, had a huge crush on Jareth (like everyone else!), and it has influenced so many things in my life.

The speed draw for my latest sketch.

Please check out my TikTok if you love speed drawings, goblins, and extremely low quality animated videos .

This is Chielk, Tiek’s birthing parent.

I’ve been pushing my boundaries more, and finally drew an older character!

My sister, @minhurr came up with their name.

They are an older goblin of 118 (about 60 in goblin years) , who enjoys growing rare mushrooms, and has a collection of antique weapons they dug up in their youth.

One of biggest challenges for the story has been that, in this world, goblins, and a few other magical beings, are intersex.

I’ve been piecing together my goblin’s society, as well as their world as a whole.

Hopefully I can round up all my ideas and plans, and put them together in a way that makes sense.

I’ve had a bit to much fun drawing these two lately, and I’ve neglected working on some of the other characters.

Hopefully one of the elven guards will be up next.

One moment you are having hallucinations from a fever in the forest, the next you are in a warm bed at the elven palace.

Tiek’s Life has taken some odd turns recently…

Tiek and Eimhaidh getting into trouble while on their quest.

Getting trashy romance novel vibes from this!

It’s a lot less romantic for them though…

Separated from their group, without any supplies or a full set of clothes between them, completely lost, and infection has set in one one of Tiek’s wounds.

If yall have any questions about the story or characters, please ask! I’m hoping answering them will help flesh out my story .

Another character for my story, and probably the biggest, buffest OC I’ve created.

Garoth is a half orc living in the town his human father was from.

He did a bit of mercenary work when he was younger, but he’s working as a huntsman now.

Teik calls ‘em like they see 'em.

The rough that will never be finished ;_;Had the chance to participate in the Disney Travel Poster S

The rough that will never be finished ;_;
Had the chance to participate in the Disney Travel Poster Show at Nucleus but life got in the way.
I still like this rough very much and had this crazy plan to apply blacklight paint on it too but…. oh well.

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Ben: * is casually playing games*

Also Ben: *dies in video game*

Dark: *smirks* you died in that part?

Dark: that’s literally the most easiest part

Ben: Shut Up! I died because- Becaus-

Dark; Because?~


Dark; Lol you can just say your distracted by my hotness~

Ben: Kdbeijxix
